Did man walk with dinosaurs?

Premise: what follows is a summary of what is said on the matter, and hypotheses are expressed. It should be noted that many of the fossils cited have been challenged by evolutionary scientists.

Remains of human and non-human beings from the period prior to the appearance of Homo Sapiens, and related artifacts, exist throughout the Earth and in considerable quantities, in defiance of official science for which these finds should not exist.
The thousands of finely worked stones found in the Ocucaje desert, near Ica (Peru), are proof of the existence of civilizations preceding ours. They represent drawings of men and dinosaurs, of archaic geographical maps, of surgical operations and of flying vehicles: a real archaic ideographic language engraved at the time of the dinosaurs on stones dating back to 220 million years ago.
According to scientists, they refer to a period of at least 65 million years ago; they indicate anomalous flora and fauna, optical instruments (telescopes and lenses), extinct prehistoric animals, mechanical vehicles, life cycles of dinosaurs, and surgical operations, including heart and brain transplants, all of which were successful because the patient survived to the intervention.
The stones were discovered by prof. Cabrera, who is the world's leading scholar and has collected more than 10,000 pieces. The stones "officially" date back to at least 12,000 years ago, but since they bear drawings of dinosaurs they could be over 65 million years old. The human figures represented have a large head and a small body, they would have lived with dinosaurs and possessed great scientific and technological notions.
Furthermore, these stones were considered sacred by the pre-Inca peoples, who placed them in their tombs.
Geographically speaking, the Ica stones show world maps of 85-60 million years ago:
- on one hemisphere there was North America, South America, the Continent Mu and Atlantis (Europe and North Africa).
- on the other was Southern Africa, Eastern Asia united with Australia and the continent of Lemuria (India).
Obviously with the symbolic names Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu unidentifiable lands have been indicated, and it is said that these three civilizations resided in those areas, in fact they should have come much after this humanity.
Tiahuanaco man had a voluminous head, short legs, hands with 4 fingers, and a roundish build.
Since the drawings on the stones are similar to those of Nazca, it is assumed that this civilization which lived in the age of the reptiles also made the figures of the plain of Nazca (which is close to Ica), which is none other than an ancient spaceport which, together with the stones, seems to mean that part of an ancient humanity escaped a catastrophe to go towards Orion and towards the Pleades, while the remaining people became barbarized, but kept the memory of their previous civilization on the stones of Ica.

More evidence
The fact that the drawings on the stones of Ica show man together with the flora and fauna of 85-65 million years ago is not absurd, in fact there are countless archaeological finds that testify the existence of a continuous presence of an advanced human civilization beginning at least 140 million years ago.
Here are some proofs:
- The oldest human fossil footprint was found in June 1968 by William J. Meister in Antelope Spring, Utah (USA). These are two human shoe prints dating back to around 300-600 million years old. The footprints clearly show the shape of two shoes, complete with heels. One of the two artifacts found irrefutably shows a shoe print crushing a trilobite, which were small marine invertebrate animals that populated the earth from 600 million years to 280 million years ago. The shoe that crushed the trilobite was 10.5 inches long; the heel is slightly more imprinted than the sole, as a human shoe print should be, and the trilobite is crushed by the heel of the shoe. In August 1968 Mr. Dean Bitter, discovered two more fossil shoe or sandal footprints at Antelope Spring. No trilobite was present in this print, but a small trilobite was discovered near the same rock. If you think that according to official science the first appearance of modern humanity (Homo sapiens sapiens) dates back to about 100,000 years ago, in southern Africa.....
- At Klerksdorp (South Africa), hundreds of metal spheres were found by miners with 1 or 3 parallel incisions along the equator of the spheres. The spheres are of two types: one of bluish metal with white dots, and another of hollow spheres filled in the center with an elastic material. The spheres, which have a fibrous structure inside and an outer shell, are very hard and cannot be scratched even with a steel point. The spheres were found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, dated 2.8 billion years old. The spheres are worked by man, but date back to a time when, according to the history of the Earth, there was no intelligent life form. However, the age is much less than the 2.8 billion years mentioned.
- A fossilized human finger was found by a landowner while building a gravel road excavated from the Walnut Cretaceus Formation limestoneat Commanche Peak. The soft tissue of the finger is fossilized and preserved in exceptional detail when the organism itself is rapidly buried soon after or before death. It was found in a Cretaceous rock, dated about a hundred million years ago. The finger was not found "in situ", so dating is impossible. Furthermore, its shape is only similar to that of a finger, and there are several fossil creatures that leave footprints with those shapes.
- In the bed of the Paluxe River (Texas) fossilized dinosaur footprints have been discovered near what look like men footprints, and all these footprints date back to 140 million years ago.
- In Acambaro, near the Mexican Sierra Madre, clay figurines have been found that depict strangely dressed men, along with prehistoric animals.
- In Uruguay in the territory of Artigas (a center located about 650 km north-east of Montevideo) there is a stone with writings dating back to 130 million years ago. The relief carvings are found in the hollow part of the stone.
- In Carson City (Kentucky) what appear to be fossilized human footprints have been found, even with footwear, dating back to 110 million years ago.
- Other footprints that look like human footprints from the time of the dinosaurs have been unearthed in Spain, Asia, Australia and Russia.
- In Quindio (Colombia) the skeleton of an iguanodon, 20 meters long, was discovered together with a prehistoric human skull, which had become lime due to the fossilization process.
- In the provinces of Boyaca and Cundinamarca (Colombia) plates have emerged that depict biological cycles of dinosaurs.
- In 1989 in Ocucaje (Peru), in the same place of the stones of Ica, Dr. F. Jimenez Del Oso found what appears to be a fossilized human spine alongside dinosaur fossils, both of which are 100 million years old.
- Soviet scientists claim that certain bones belonging to gigantic prehistoric Saurians were broken by explosive shells. In fact, the finds are characterized by fractures that do not allow for other explanations, both for the way they appear, and for the position of the skeletons and the nature of the surrounding terrain.
- A bronze coin was found in 1871 during excavation work near Chillicote, Illinois, at a depth of over 42.5 meters. It (reduced to a flat disk) was lost or left where it was found.
- In 1851, still in Illinois, in Whiteside Country, two copper rings dating back to remote ages were extracted from a depth of 36.5 meters
- In June 1851, near Dorchester (Massachussetts), an explosion freed a country-shaped vase, of an unknown metal, decorated with silver floral motifs, from a boulder formed in a very remote age.
- A doctor found in California, a piece of gold-bearing quartz which, when it accidentally broke, revealed inside a small metal contraption, in the shape of a bucket handle.
- A second bucket handle was unearthed at Kingoodie quarry in northern England. It was half enclosed in a 23 cm long block of stone, formed in the Pleistocene (8500-700 thousand years ago).
- In 1885 a very strange metal cube jumped out of an Austrian mine, currently kept in the Salisbury museum. The coal bed in which it was found dates back to the Tertiary era (70-12 million years ago). The object, analyzed, was composed of iron and carbon, with a modest amount of nickel. It was also cubic with one of the two opposite faces perfectly rounded.
- In Nevada, in a coal seam in Cow Canyon (25 miles east of Lovelock) was found the graceful imprint of a human foot stamped in clay in the middle of the Tertiary Era, when there weren't even apes.
- The skull of a prehistoric bison exhibited at the paleontology museum in Moscow, was found west of the Lena River, in the Autonomous Socialist Republic of Yakuzia, and has a circular hole on the forehead that only a bullet from a firearm could cause. It is a wound as old as the bison, since the process of recalcification going on at its edges rules out that the skull was shot in recent times, and confirms that the prehistoric bison survived the shot.
- A Neanderthal skull (unearthed near Broken Hill, Rohodesia) has the entrance and exit hole of a bullet. This is one of the proofs that suggest that the close relatives of mankind disappeared due to an ethnic cleansing carried out by our technologically advanced ancestors to the detriment of all possible "cousins", ancestors of which we are the descendants who survived a world cataclysm.
- In May 1970 a very ancient imprint of a huge foot measuring 59 cm and 18 wide was discovered in Australia, imprinted on the rock by a gigantic humanoid being, not to mention the innumerable fossilized footprints of sandals present in the Australian sedimentary layers, imprints which refer to a very distant past and to unknown individuals, given that the aborigines never used footwear.
- On 11/9/1972 in a rocky hill in the desert area east of Lake Rudolf in Kenya, a complete human skull and the leg bones of two other individuals were discovered, all 2.5 million years old.
- A complete skeleton of modern Homo Sapiens was found in Olduvai George, Tanzania, fossilized in layer 1-2 million years old. It was found by Dr. Hans Reck in 1913. The skeleton was completely cemented in part of the rock that had formed after the death of the man whose skeleton was found. Additionally, in 1978, anatomically modern human footprints were found by Mary Leakey in Laetoli, Tanzania, on fossil volcanic ash dating back to 3.7 million years ago. These are the footprints of a walk by a man and a modern woman, which took place about 3.5 million years before the appearance of modern man according to official science (which is based on Darwin's theory of evolution). These footprints are not at all compatible with the ancestors of the modern human being and have been attributed to apes by evolutionists as there could be no modern human beings at that time.
Concrete archaeological evidence shows that even in the most skeptical hypothesis modern man existed at least 3.5 million years before his appearance according to Darwin's theory of evolution.
We can even introduce the hypothesis that Homo Sapiens is only a rebirth in the eternal game of life, in fact, various humanity would have followed one another on Earth before it, and since the last one Homo Sapiens would have tried to imitate (as possible) advanced knowledge.
Furthermore, the presence of modern man on Earth from at least 140 million years ago would appear, as well as the presence of technological artifacts and various hominid species that apparently indicate a continuous evolution of the human being. This leads us to put forward five hypotheses:
First hypothesis
Man has been made to evolve and become extinct continuously from prehistory to today.
Second hypothesis
Man was placed on the Earth in prehistoric times, he had to suffer various world catastrophes (perhaps also caused by himself), and there was the creation of hominids that apparently look like rings of human evolution.
Third hypothesis
Man has been made to evolve and become extinct continuously from prehistory to today, he has had to undergo various world catastrophes also caused by himself, and he has created or had created hominids which apparently look like rings of human evolution.
Fourth hypothesis
Humanoid space visitors established settlements on Earth in prehistoric times leaving various traces.
Fifth hypothesis
Alien beings introduced modern human beings (or with small variations compared to modern ones) to the Earth and simultaneously guided the evolution from hominids to modern man, resulting in the pre-existence of modern man with his ancestors. Subsequently, modern man may also have been purposely extinguished.
To all this we add what the ancient writings from all over the world tell us, the traditions of the Hopi Indians, the Mayas and the Sumerians, the New and Old Testaments: all of which highlight an external intervention in human history, from the creation of the man to his inevitable extinction, as if it were an infinitely repeated cycle.
In the end, however, it is good to remember that these are only hypotheses.
My personal conclusion about all this is that if these elements are really reliable, well all those listed in this article should be the traces left on Earth by aliens who operated on our planet in ancient times, as well as traces of the introduction to experimental purpose of communities of modern humans in very remote times and/or traces of the existence of humans long before their official appearance (as many scientists claim based on concrete evidence).
Humanoids and mysterious civilizations
In the Tsang region, in the Sulei basin, one can admire a crystalline pyramid of Kailash, a mountain that rises beyond the Himalayas, on the Tibetan plateau, and looks just like a perfect pyramid six thousand meters high. Northwest of here, in the Kohistan region, a celestial chart was found with the position of the stars as they were 14,925 years ago. To the north is the Tecla Macam desert, from whose sands vitrified palaces emerge. North of Bayan there are the Dunhuang caves (Mocao group, Gansu province) where 2,415 painted statues and 45,000 meters of murals were found, depicting men flying while sitting on clouds and geographical maps indicating a land extending into the Pacific.
In New Mexico, in the "Million Dollar" museum in White City, there are the mummified remains of strange humanoid beings found in the nearby mountains. They have a large head on a slender body and long arms.
A skeleton discovered in a clay pit on a plateau in Mexico turned out to be 16,000 years old. He was a 1.5 meters tall person, had Mongoloid features and long arms.
A unique hominin type has been found on the Algerian and Moroccan coasts. It has been called Muillans man, it has been found in groups of about one hundred individuals and is about 12,000 years old. Its cranial volume is over 2000 cubic cm, while that of modern man is 1400 cubic cm. The skull grew beyond the eye sockets, but the face always remained childish, with a small jaw and small teeth. In short, it was the future version of modern man, perhaps the last stage of development for which the human being is destined.
All of this is only a small part of the findings that highlight the existence of serious gaps in the official history of intelligent life on our planet.
Humanity on repeat?
Premise: the following are only suggestive speculations
According to some researchers, many archaeological finds from around the world reproduce jet and propeller planes, tanks, helicopters, cargo planes, aileron missiles, space capsules, combustion flying vehicles, satellites, and more all over the Earth, from the temple of Abydos in Egypt to the Katsuhara tomb in Matsubase (Japan). In addition, ancient historical accounts speak of lasers and nuclear weapons. Cities such as Sodom, Gomorrah and the Asian city of Mohenjo-Daro are reported by some to have been destroyed by a nuclear explosion.
Some researchers believe that all this could be interpreted as if our civilization is following a technological development plan guided by external intelligences, as happened to the humanity that preceded us; if that were true, let's just hope we don't end up like them.