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Fractal scroller for the Atari STE

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Published in 
 · 10 Nov 2023

;** Fractal scroller for the STE
;** Coded by Jesper Rudberg
;** Use arrow keys to scroll.
;** Keys 1-5 change colors.
;** While the screen is blue it's
;** Calculating. 0 to 40 minutes depending
;** on the size and depth.
;** It simply lays the fractal in
;** memory and you can scroll around
;** and have a look at Mandelbrot.
;** Don't blame me if it bombs out
;** becuase it was my first one so
;** all the routs can be very inflexible
;** and bad coded.
;** Have fun with it. It's Public Domain!!!!!!
;** When you make a better version please sread
;** the sources it's more fun for everybody!!!
;** Cange left,right,top,bottom to ZOOM not the zoom variables!!!!
;** Kasper of Electra
zoom equ 4096 egentligen 2^zoom2
zoom2 equ 12 flyttals utj„mning???
left equ -25000*zoom/10000 this is the zooms
right equ 5000*zoom/10000
top equ -11500*zoom/10000
bottom equ 11500*zoom/10000

it_nr equ 24 Depth
max_x equ 320*2 X-size
max_y equ 200*2 Y-size

clr.w -(sp) super
move.w #$20,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,-(sp)

move.w #37,-(sp) wait for vbl
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
move.b #0,$ff8260 low res

move.l #scr,d5 s„tt min screen
add.l #256,d5
;move.b #0,d5
move.l d5,screen save screen address
lsr.l #8,d5
move.b d5,$ff8203 middle byte
lsr.l #8,d5
move.b d5,$ff8201 high byte

move.l screen,a0 clr screen
move.l #1280*max_y/2,d0
moveq #0,d1
cs move.b d1,(a0)+
sub.l #1,d0
bge cs

jsr drw_clc init draw
jsr mk_tt init x scroll

lea start_a0(pc),a0 ladda mainpekare
move.l #right,a4 y start
move.l #bottom,a5 x start
move.l #left,d1 y slut
move.l #top,d2 x slut
sub.l a4,d1
divs #max_x,d1 x diff
sub.l a5,d2
divs #max_y,d2 y diff
move.w d1,8(a0) spara diffs
move.w d2,10(a0)

move.w #max_y-1,d5
y_loop move.w #max_x-1,d6
x_loop jsr iter calc point
jsr draw draw point
add.w 8(a0),a4 ”ka x
dbf d6,x_loop

move.w #right,a4 x reset
add.w 10(a0),a5 ”ka y
cmp.b #$39,$fffffc02 space?
beq.s wait
dbf d5,y_loop

lea $ffff8240.w,a0 load colors
movem.l pal3,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,(a0)

wait move.b 3(a0),$ff8201 high byte
move.b 4(a0),$ff8203 middle byte
move.b 5(a0),$ff820d low byte
move.w #37,-(sp) wait for vbl
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
lea scr_dat(pc),a0
move.w (a0),$ff8264 scr pix
move.w 6(a0),$ff820e resten

lea x_sct(pc),a1
add.w 8(a0),a1 right x-scroll
move.w (a1)+,(a0) update scroll registers
move.l (a1)+,2(a0)
move.w (a1)+,6(a0)
move.l 10(a0),d0 +y-scroll
add.l d0,2(a0)

cmp.b #$4b,$fffffc02 left cursor?
bne not_h
add.w #8,8(a0) go left!
cmp.w #320*4*6,8(a0) to big?
ble not_h
sub.w #8,8(a0) go back

not_h cmp.b #$4d,$fffffc02 right cursor?
bne not_v
sub.w #8,8(a0) go right!
tst.w 8(a0) to small?
bge not_v
add.w #8,8(a0) go back

not_v cmp.b #$50,$fffffc02 cursor down?
bne not_n
add.l #160*4,10(a0) go down
cmp.l #max_y*160*4,10(a0) bottom?
ble not_n
sub.l #160*4,10(a0) go back

not_n cmp.b #$48,$fffffc02 cursor up?
bne not_u
sub.l #160*4,10(a0) go up
tst.l 10(a0) top?
bge not_u
add.l #160*4,10(a0) go back
not_u cmp.b #2,$fffffc02 1?
bne not_1
lea $ffff8240.w,a0 load pal
movem.l pal,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,(a0)
not_1 cmp.b #3,$fffffc02 2?
bne not_2
lea $ffff8240.w,a0 load pal2
movem.l pal2,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,(a0)
not_2 cmp.b #4,$fffffc02 3?
bne not_3
lea $ffff8240.w,a0 load pal3
movem.l pal3,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,(a0)
not_3 cmp.b #5,$fffffc02 4?
bne not_4
lea $ffff8240.w,a0 load pal4
movem.l pal4,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,(a0)
not_4 cmp.b #6,$fffffc02 5?
bne not_5
lea $ffff8240.w,a0 load pal5
movem.l pal5,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,(a0)

cmp.b #$39,$fffffc02 space?
bne wait
move.w #$003,$ff8240 color reset
move.w #$777,$ff8246

move.w #0,$ff820c reset scroll
move.w #0,$ff820e
move.w #0,$ff8264

clr.w -(sp)
trap #1

;* Makes x-scroll table **
mk_tt lea x_sct(pc),a0
move.l screen,d5
move.w #80-1,d4 width in words
s_2 move.l #80*3,d2 rest of screen
move.w #16-1,d0
s_1 move.w d0,d1 get counter
sub.w #16-1,d1 upside down
neg d1
move.w d1,(a0)+ save pixel
cmp.w #1,d1 1 pixel?
bne dd
sub.w #4,d2

dd move.l d5,(a0)+ save byte
move.w d2,(a0)+
dbf d0,s_1
add.l #8,d5 scoll 16 pix
dbf d4,s_2
iter move.l #0,d1 clr re
move.l d1,d2 clr im
move.l d1,a2 clr im
moveq #zoom2,d7
moveq #it_nr-1,d0

go_on sub.l d2,d1 a^2+(b*i)^2
asr.l d7,d1 lite mindre
add.w a4,d1 +re pos=klar re

move.w a2,d2 h„mta old re
move.w d1,a2 spara ny re

add.w d2,d2 2*a
muls d4,d2 *b
asr.l d7,d2 lite mindre
add.w a5,d2 klar im
move.w d2,d4 spara ny im

muls d1,d1 a^2
muls d2,d2 b^2
move.l d2,d3
add.l d1,d3
cmp.l #4*zoom*zoom,d3
ble.s aa

aa dbf d0,go_on
;* Draw point *
draw move.w d6,d1 x
move.w d5,d2 y
add.w #1,d0 f„rg

move.l screen,a3

lea x_preps(pc),a2 x_preps tabellen i a2
add.w d1,d1 x
add.w d1,d1 x
add.w d1,a2 x till x
move.w (a2)+,d1 get or v„rde
add.w (a2),a3 get x-byte

lea y_preps(pc),a2 y_preps tabellen i a2
add.w d2,d2 y
add.w d2,d2 y
add.w d2,a2 y till y
add.l (a2),a3

add.w d0,d0 f„rg *4=r„tt rout
add.w d0,d0
lea routs(pc),a2
add.w d0,a2
move.l (a2),a2
jmp (a2) rita!!

;* Make draw table *
;** y ***********************************
drw_clc lea y_preps(pc),a0
move.l #max_y-1,d0 200 rader
dr_cy move.l d0,d2
sub.w #max_y-1,d2
neg d2
muls #160*4,d2 160 bytes per rad
move.l d2,(a0)+ spara till y_preprtabellen
dbf d0,dr_cy
;** x ***********************************
lea x_preps(pc),a0
move.l #320*4-1,d0 320 pixels per rad
dr_cx move.l d0,d2
sub.w #320*4-1,d2
neg d2
divu #16,d2
move.l d2,d3 spara d2
lsl.w #3,d3 *8(ratt byte/word)

swap d2
move.w #15,d4
sub.w d2,d4 15-d2(ratt bit (omvant))
move.w #1,d2
lsl.w d4,d2 ratt or varde
swap d2 or vardet overst
move.w d3,d2 byte vardet underst
move.l d2,(a0)+ spara i x_prepstabellen
dbf d0,dr_cx
routs dc.l draw15,draw14,draw13,draw12,draw11
dc.l draw10,draw8,draw8,draw7,draw6,draw5
dc.l draw4,draw3,draw2,draw1,draw0,draw0
dc.l draw0,draw0,draw0,draw0,draw0,draw0
dc.l draw0,draw0,draw0,draw0,draw0,draw0
dc.l draw0,draw0,draw0,draw0,draw0,draw0
draw0 rts color 0

draw1 or.w d1,(a3) color 1
draw2 or.w d1,2(a3) color 2
draw3 or.w d1,(a3)+ color 3
or.w d1,(a3)
draw4 or.w d1,4(a3) color 4
draw5 or.w d1,(a3) color 5
or.w d1,4(a3)
draw6 or.w d1,2(a3) color 6
or.w d1,4(a3)
draw7 or.w d1,(a3)+ color 7
or.w d1,(a3)+
or.w d1,(a3)
draw8 or.w d1,6(a3) color 8
draw9 or.w d1,(a3) color 9
or.w d1,6(a3)
draw10 or.w d1,2(a3) color 10
or.w d1,6(a3)
draw11 or.w d1,(a3) color 11
or.w d1,2(a3)
or.w d1,6(a3)
draw12 or.w d1,4(a3) color 12
or.w d1,6(a3)
draw13 or.w d1,(a3) color 13
or.w d1,4(a3)
or.w d1,6(a3)
draw14 or.w d1,2(a3) color 14
or.w d1,4(a3)
or.w d1,6(a3)
draw15 or.w d1,(a3)+ color 15
or.w d1,(a3)+
or.w d1,(a3)+
or.w d1,(a3)
re dc.w 0 0(a0)
im dc.w 0 2(a0)
z_re dc.w 0 4(a0)
z_im dc.w 0 6(a0)
re_del dc.w 0 8(a0)
im_del dc.w 0 10(a0)

hscroll dc.w 0 (a0)
screen dc.l 0 2(a0)
linewid dc.w 80*3 6(a0)
x_pos dc.w 0 8(a0)
y_pos dc.l 0

pal dc.w $f00,$700,$e00,$600,$d00,$500,$c00,$400
dc.w $b00,$300,$a00,$200,$900,$100,$800,$000
pal2 dc.w $000,$800,$100,$900,$200,$a00,$300,$b00
dc.w $400,$c00,$500,$d00,$600,$e00,$700,$f00
pal3 dc.w $000,$080,$010,$090,$020,$0a0,$030,$0b0
dc.w $040,$0c0,$050,$0d0,$060,$0e0,$070,$0f0
pal4 dc.w $000,$880,$110,$990,$220,$aa0,$330,$bb0
dc.w $440,$cc0,$550,$dd0,$660,$ee0,$770,$ff0
pal5 dc.w $000,$808,$101,$909,$202,$a0a,$303,$b0b
dc.w $404,$c0c,$505,$d0d,$606,$e0e,$707,$f0f
section bss
x_sct ds.w 320*4*4
y_preps ds.w 200*10
x_preps ds.l 320*10
scr ds.b max_x*max_y/2

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