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AIList Digest Volume 5 Issue 109
AIList Digest Monday, 4 May 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 109
Today's Topics:
Bibliography - Leff Bibliography ai.bib54AB
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1987 00:07 CST
From: Leff (Southern Methodist University)
Subject: ai.bib54AB
%A Elizabeth Corcoran
%T Strategic Computing: A Status Report
%J IEEE Spectrum
%D APR 1987
%V 24
%N 1
%P 50-54
%K AA18 AI06 ABE Teknowledge KEE AI15 AI09 H03 Mach RP3 Princeton Massive
Memory Machine AI05 AI01
%X 1987 budges for DARPA strategic computing AI related activities
Naval Battle Management $5.3 million
Pilot's Associate $5.3 million
'Smart' Weopons $5.6 million
Adries-Scorpius $5.3 million
Autonomous Land Vehicle $5.3 million
Air-land battle management $3.6 million
Vision $5.5 million
Speech Recognition $5.2 million
Knowledge Based Systems $4.5 million
Natural Language $4.2 million
Planning $1.8 million
Integrated Interfaces $1.3 million
Design and Manufacturing $900 thousand
(The article provides 1989 and 1992 projected amounts as well)
Early successes in this program include a data compression method 10,000
times more powerful than anything else.
There is also a nice matrix indicating which contractors are working
on which phases of the project.
%A Charles Babcock
%T Cullinet Plans SQL-Based Line
%J ComputerWorld
%V 21
%N 14
%D APR 6, 1987
%P 6
%X Cullinet will be offering expert system development environment for
VAXEN and software to allow people to embed expert systems in their
mainframe COBOL environments.
%A James Ledbetter
%T Technology Transfer
%J ComputerWorld
%V 21
%N 14
%D APR 6, 1987
%P 63-68
%K AT18 U. S. West
%X describes efforts at U. S. West in getting users to identify meaningful
applications for artificial intelligence in their own departments.
%A J. F. Watson
%T A Grammar Rule Notation Translator
%J SIGPLAN Notices
%V 22
%N 4
%D APR 1987
%P 16-27
%K Turbo-Prolog T02
%X This article includes the source of a Turbo-Prolog program that
will convert Grammar Rule Notation to Prolog. The Prolog it produces
should run under any standard PROLOG, not necessarily Turbo-Prolog.
%A D. Harel
%T Logic and Databases: A Critique
%J SIGPLAN Notices
%V 22
%N 3
%D MAR 1987
%P 14-20
%K AA09 AI10
%A W. Hankley
%T Feature Analysis of Turbo Prolog
%J SIGPLAN Notices
%V 22
%N 3
%D MAR 1987
%P 111-118
%K C-Prolog H01 AT17 T02
%X This paper extends Weeks review of six microcomputer Prologs to include
Turbo Prolog. Turbo Prolog misses virtual memory and a clause grammar
(represented by the "->" notation.) It does provide access to bios calls,
MS-DOS commands and code written in other languages, the capability of
compilation, a context editor and modularization. There is also a list
of built-in predicates indicating which ones C-PROLOG and TURBO-PROLOG
%A J. A. Goguen
%A J. Meseguer
%T Remarks on Many-Sorted Equational Logic
%V 22
%N 4
%D APR 1987
%P 41-48
%K AI10 AI16
%X Discusses soundness and completeness results for many-sorted
equational logic and models that permit empty carriers. Also
discussion of alleged misstatements in Loeckx, J. and Bernd Mahr, A Note
on the Equational Calculus for Many-Sorted Algebras with Possibly
Empty Carrier Sets, Technical Report A 58/01, Fachbereich Informatik,
Universitat des Saarlandes, 1985 and Ehrig and Mahr 85, Ehrig, Hartmut
and Bernd Mahr, Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 1: Equations and
Initial Semantics, Springer-Verlag, 1985.
%A T. W. Jerardi
%T Puzzles, PROLOG and Logic
%V 22
%N 4
%D APR 1987
%P 63-69
%K T02 AI16 humor
%X A humorous piece about the responses of Gerhard Gentzen, John von Neumann,
Alfred Tarski and David Hilbert to a computational logic conference.
%A David M. Harland
%A Bruno Beloff
%T Objekt: A Persistent Object Store with an Integrated Object Store
With An Integrated Garbage Collector
%V 22
%N 4
%D APR 1987
%P 70-79
%A Alexander Wolfe
%T TI Puts Its Lisp Chip Into a System for Military AI
%J Electronics
%D MAR 19, 1987
%P 95-96
%K H02 AA18
%V 60
%N 6
%X The TI Lisp Process chip will become part of the Military ARIES system
a shoe box sized computer for embedded AI systems.
%T Want to Open an AI Office in Dayton, Ohio, Talk to the Air Force
%J Electronics
%D MAR 19, 1987
%P 102
%K AA18
%V 60
%N 6
%X The Wright Patterson Air Force Base is taking bids for a vendor to
provide quick response AI studies and provide training.
%A Ernest R. Tello
%T The GCLISP 286 Developer
%J Byte
%D APRIL 1987
%V 12
%N 4
%P 241-244
%K T01 H01 AT17
%X Review of GOld Hill's Common Lisp System. The interpreter needs
1.5 meg of memory and the compiler needs 3 meg of memory and 700K of
hard disk space. This system supports "stack groups", a Zeta Lisp
feature not part of the Common Lisp standard which allows multiple
environments to exist and communicate like coroutines. The system
includes comparisons of the system with VAX 750, Xerox Dandelion and
Symbolics 3600.
%T What's New
%J Byte
%D APRIL 1987
%V 12
%N 4
%P 42
%K AI05 AT02
%X Voice-Scribe 1000 recognizes 1000 words with 99.3& accuracy. It costs
%T CAN AI Vault into the Banking Industry
%J ComputerWorld
%V 21
%N 10
%D March 9, 1987
%P 72-73
%K AA06 Cogensys Syntelligence Wells Fargo First Wachovia Bank
AI01 AI02
SWIFT electronic fund transfer
%X Cognitive Systems and Citibank Information Resources are marketing
systems to assist in formatting and understanding SWIFT messages
for electronic fund transfer. Cognitive Systems developed Courtier
for Societ de Generale de Bankque in Brussells. This system is
a porfolio management system with natural language interface.
%A Alan J. Ryan
%T Hiring AI Pros Can be Tricky
%J ComputerWorld
%V 21
%N 10
%D March 9, 1987
%K personnel Robert Half
%X Robert Half sees little market for AI specialists. Some vendor
companies are laying off which lowers the demand.
%A Dwight B. Davis
%T Artificial Intelligence Goes to Work
%J High Technology
%D APR 1987
%V 7
%N 4
%P 16-24
%K American Express ART Bob Flast Laurel Miller AI01 AA06 AA05 AA04 AA26
APEX Applied Expert Systems AA18 Westinghouse electric power distribution
relay AI07 Ford Motor AA21 Linda Farrell Home Owners Warranty AI06 AA09
%X American express Corporation has an AI system to help approve
charge authorizations that are outside the typical credit patterns.
One of the original purchasers of Plan Power says that for simple
plans it provides "A-quality" plans and for "very complex" plans,
it works at a "C+-quality"
Northrop is using AI to develop plans for the manufacture of parts
in military aircraft. The system interfaces iwth PC's for the part
description data and a simulation package (SIMKIT) to verify the plans.
They are working to interface the system directly to the CAD/CAM
database. The system also discusses the CORA system to help specify
and customize relay-protection systems for utilities.
Ford Motor is developing a ROBOT diagnosis system on IBM PC's.
The system is already in use and they are making available the
system code to any interested robot supplier. They found that
20% of the necessary rules handle 60 to 80 percent of the problems.
More/2 helps direct mailers optimize their mailings. It examines
the results of previous mailings and limited test mailings.
Also a discussion of Home Owner's Warranties with Artificial Intelligence's
Intellect natural language database interface.
%A Alan J. Ryan
%T RCA to Spruce Voice Package
%J Computer World
%V 21
%N 12
%D MAR 23, 1987
%K AT16 Verbex RCA AI05
%X RCA will integrate VERBEX's continuous speech technology in research
and development projects.
%A Henry Firdman
%T Use English to Sell AI
%J Computer World
%V 21
%N 12
%D MAR 23, 1987
%P 19+
%K AT22
%X Argument that AI company salesman should address the customer's problems.
Also calls for a rise of companies that integrate AI tools with
custom programming to solve a customer's application. England
has two companies AI Ltd and Vanilla Flavor Co. that does this sort of work.
%T Software and Services
%J Computer World
%V 21
%N 12
%D MAR 23, 1987
%P 34
%K Waterloo Watcom Products Mystech Associates T02 T03 AT02
%X Watcom Products from Waterloo has announced a Prolog interpreter
for the IBM mainframe for $1800.00. Mystech Associates sells
expert system tools for Xerox Corp. 1100 ($3500.00), Common
Lisp under IBM PC ($1500 to $2000.00) and C under IBM PC ($2000.00 to $2500.00)
%T Hard Bits
%J Computer World
%V 21
%N 12
%D MAR 23, 1987
%P 64
%K H03 BBN Butterfly MITRE FMC NRL
%X BBN Butterfly sales include Mitre Corporation, FMC, Naval Research
Laboratories and Indiana University
%T Palantir Enhances Processing
%J Computer World
%V 21
%N 12
%D MAR 23, 1987
%P 68
%K AT02 AI06 Palantir
%X Palantir is now selling scanners which includes software to deal
with the reading of poor quality photocopies. They cost $3500.00
%T Software Helps Manage Expert-System Database Storage
%J Computer
%D MAR 1987
%P 92
%V 20
%N 3
%K AT02 AA09 AI01 Software A&E Knowledge-Based Engineering H01
%X DBA Assistant helps manage data base storage. Current versions are
for the IBM PC to work with Cullinet IDMS/R2. Later versions will
support IBM DB2 and Sperry dMS-100.
%T Golden Retrieval Uses AI to Find and Fetch Text
%J Computer
%D MAR 1987
%P 92
%V 20
%N 3
%K AT02 H01 AA14
%X a system to search files for text that can handle queries where spelling
is unclear or the order of words is unknown. S. K. Data, P. O. Box 413,
Burlington, MA 229-8909, $99.00
%T Common Lisp System Interfaces to Microsoft C
%J Computer
%D MAR 1987
%P 90
%V 20
%N 3
%K H01 AT02 T01
%X TransLisp Common Lisp runs on IBM PC and interfaces ith Microsoft C.
Solution Systems, $195.00
%T AI Tools Helps Design Application Interfaces
%J Computer
%D MAR 1987
%P 90
%V 20
%N 3
%K T01 H01 AT02
%X Expertelligence has linked their Common Lisp language to various
application tools on the Macintosh to do application interfaces.
%A James Connolly
%T Builders Will Test Engine
%J ComputerWorld
%V 21
%N 11
%D MAR 16, 1987
%P 51+
%K AT02 H03 H02 Bettex
%X Bettex will be selling an engine supporting both symbolic processing
and parallel processing. It has 1 million pixel/second graphics
and special hardware/software for desktop publishing type applications.
%A James A. Martin
%T IBM Recruits Syntelligence
%J ComputerWorld
%V 21
%N 11
%D MAR 16, 1987
%P 89+
%K AT16 AI01 AA06
%X IBM will be joint marketing Syntelligence's expert systems for insurance
underwriting and commercial lending.
%A Theodore F. Lehr
%A Robert G. Wedig
%T Toward a GaAs Realization of a Production System Machine
%J Computer
%D April 1987
%P 36-46
%V 20
%N 4
%X Describes a uniprocessor configuration for the implementation of
such languages as OPS5 and the RETE Algorithm.
%T Symbolics Signs Two Resellers
%J Electronic News
%V 33
%N 1648
%D MAR 30, 1987
%P 38
%K AT16 H02 Symbolics Evans and Sutherland Thinking Machines AI12
%X Symbolics has signed var agreements with the makers of the Connection
Machine and the Pixar graphics unit.
%A Charles Bermant
%T Hand Scanner Reads Data Into Programs
%J Infoworld
%V 9
%N 13
%D MAR 30, 1987
%P 1+
%K AI06 AT02 H01
%X Saba Technologies
is selling a hand-held reader for typewritten, laser-printer, line-printed
and dot-matrix printed text with an error rate of 1 in 1300 (better than
%T Expert System Designed for Apollo Workstations
%J Infoworld
%V 9
%N 13
%D MAR 30, 1987
%P 1+
%K Apollo Palladian AI01 AA06 AT02 AT16
%X Palladian's Management advisor has been ported from Lisp Machines to
the Apollo Workstation.
%A Jeff Angus
%T Avyx Develops Specialized Scheduling System for NASA
%J Infoworld
%V 9
%N 13
%D MAR 30, 1987
%P 10
%K scheduling project management AI01 AT02 H01
%X An MS-DOS AI based project scheduling system, originally developed
for NASA, is available from Avyx for $995.00
%A Edward Warner
%T Arity Uses Lotus Funding to Ready AI Applicato/n
%J Infoworld
%V 9
%N 13
%D MAR 30, 1987
%P 27
%K AI01 H01 AT16 T02
%X Arity will be introducing a business tool with financing from
Lotus and Bank of America. They also anticipate a new version of its PROLOG
with windows and built in editor. Users of Arity Prolog with percentage
of Arity Prolog sales attributable to each use.
software developer 50%
education and R&D Labs 20%
government and contractors 10%
industrial users 10%
commercial users 10%
%A Y. V. Reddy
%A Ravi S. Raman
%A Rafal T. Dziedzic
%A Alan W. Bucher
%A Narendar A. Reddy
%T A Unified Approach to AI Programming
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 1
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 587-594
%K AA03 T01 AA28
%X describes an integrated AI tool including standard expert system
stuff, knowledge-based simulation, database interface,
object based programming, alternate worlds that is written in C.
Also includes a brief discussion of AI applications to coal mining.
%A Nayel El-Shafei
%T Quantitative Discovery and Reasoning about Failure Mechanisms in
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 1
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 595-608
%K AA05 AI03
%X The application here is to deal with a field in which new theories
for pavement failure are being developed and it is desired to integrate
these with test cases to help. Th learning work is an extension on BACON
in that it uses dimensional analysis to insure that theories proposed
have physical meaning. It also uses step-wise regression.
%A Michael J. Freiling
%A Steven Rehfuss
%A James H. Alexander
%A Steven L. Messick
%A Sheryl J. Shulman
%T The Ontological Structure of a Troubleshooting System for Electronic
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 1
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 609-620
%K AI16 AI01 AA04 AA21 AI15 HIPE SPOONS oscilloscope Tektronix
entity relationship model denotational semantics
%X This is a system to allow the entry of the data needed to diagnose
faults in electronic instruments such as oscilloscopes.
This describes a formal approach for defining the physical properties
of the objects, the state space and heuristics using denotational
semantic techniques.
%A Jean Patrick Tsang
%T Genericity in Expert Process Planning Systems
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 1
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 621-637
%K machining AA05 assembly AA26 AI01
%X Describes a generic expert system for machining and assembly.
%A D. V. Zelinski
%A R. N. Cronk
%T ES/AG: An Expert System Generating Environment and Its Use in Engineering
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 1
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 639-649
%K OPS5 AA05 inductor magnetic configuration local area network T01 T03
%X Describes an expert system tool that evolved from a configuration/ordering
expert system for 5ESS telephone switches. The system has been used in
local area network expert systems nad the design of magnetic components
such as inductors. It has been benchmarked against OPS4 and performed
the same task in 1/20 of the time. It is also interfaced with the
Franz Lisp and XLISP systems.
%A R. H. Allen
%T Design Guidelines for Expert Systems
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 1
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 651-658
%K AT08 T03 AI01
%X describes a classification for expert systems and a list of types of
expert system tools.
%A John L. Wilson
%A George K. Mikroudis
%A Hsai-Yang Fang
%T GEOTOX: A Knowledge-Based System for Hazardous Site Evaluation
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 661-671
%K AA03 AA10 AA05 O04 AI01
%X This system assists an engineer in evaluating hazardous waste dumps
providing expertise in hydrology, civil engineering, geology, chemistry,
demography and climatology needed for this task.
%A Jorgen Bo Nielsen
%T A Learning System for Identification and Ranking of Severe Storms
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 673-685
%K meteorology oil drilling North Sea AI01 AI04 AA16 AA03
%X This system will look at the meteorological data and identify those
storms that are the most severe and determine the sea-states that those
storms would have caused. The system has been validated and used in
North Sea offshore oil drilling platforms.
%A Sten Lindberg
%A Jorgen Bo Nielsen
%T Modelling of Urban Storm Sewer Systems
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 687-696
%X An expert system is to be integrated in the MOUSE system for sewer
design to provide consulting expertise and to assist the user in
resolving numerical instability problems. An installation expert
system already exists.
%A Ashok Gupta
%A Arvind K. Jain
%T Application of Artificial Intelligence in Offshore Structures
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 699-706
%K AI01 AA05
%X provides a general framework for expert system for analysis and design
of offshore structures.
%A John C. Kunz
%A Thomas Bonura
%A Marilyn J. Stelzner
%A Raymond E. Levitt
%T Contingent Analysis for Project Management Using Multiple Worlds
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 707-718
%K AI13 AI16 Intellicorp AA03 offshore oil drilling AI15 AI01 AA05
%X Project plans for concrete gravity
offshore oil drilling platforms in the North Sea are treated in
a decision support environment. The Intellicorp "multiple world" feature
is used to help the user understand results of various decisions.
%A R. Pearse
%A M. Rosenbaum
%T The Evaluation of Proposed Road Corridors by the Use of an Expert System
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 699-706
%K AI01 AA05 T02 AI12 AI15
%X This proposed system considers engineering factors, social, economic and
environmental factors in choosing the path for a road.
%A Ian C. Taig
%T Expert Aids to Finite Element System Applications
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 759-770
%K PATRAN mesh generation optimization AA05 AI01 AI03 domain expert
%X This finite element analysis system aid assists in mesh generation,
helps decide how to model joints ando ther features, negotiates iteratively
the problem size, mesh size to insure that the analysis can be done in
the available computer time and space. It has no interface to the
finite element system. It is a 2000 rule expert system and was
produced by a finite element analysis expert (a compiler of the
NAFEMS Guidelines to Finite Element Practice). Other efforts to
be done include interface to PATRAN and use with shape optimization.
%A Michael A. Rosenman
%A John S. Gero
%A Rivka Oxman
%T An Expert System for Design Codes and Design Rules
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 745-758
%K O01 Build T03 T02 SUN AA05 architecture kitchen Australian Model
Uniform Building Code
%X This system assists in the design of buildings and is based
upon design codes. It includes an interface that allows a display
of the drawing of a house layout while the expert system is being
%A P. H. Milne
%T An Expert System for Road Curve Design and Setting Out
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 733-743
%K AI01 Apple II-C Basic H01 AA05 surveying theodolite
%X This system allows for the design of the curves necessary in
a road to make turns, allow banking of cars or to deal with changes
in height. It also assists with the survey task in the field in actually
building the road.
End of AIList Digest