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The power of the Seven Wises

There were persons who survived the mythical flood and planted the seeds of the new civilizations that would later arise. Egyptian culture and its temples, for example, are proof of this. The fact that it appeared without any precedent indicates that its founders already possessed the ability, laws and knowledge capable of implementing a pre-existing project. Just as in the myth of Ail-na-Mirenn of Jerusalem (now called the Temple Mount) the omphalos of Ireland were found in places where the waters of the great flood receded first, just as in the Shiva deposit of Arunachala and in many other primordial formations of the world. The Puranas tell us how seven sages visited Arunachala after the flood, to gather and spread knowledge; North Indian tradition tells us that Manu and seven sages found refuge in the Himalayas and, after the flood, began to rebuild the area between the Indus and the Ganges and at the same time to teach the Vedas. Andean traditions describe the builders of the megalithic monuments as Huari, a race of people with fair complexions and enormous beards, the most famous of whom was a bearded, white-skinned, red-haired fellow called Viracocha, who jumped out of a boat on Lake Titicaca. Together with the "shining seven", he began to build the temple complex of Tiwanaku, which was later used as the "umbilical place" where they settled to spread knowledge throughout the Andes. Just as the Popol Vuh represents the oral history of the K'iche Maya, so the Codex Vaticanus faithfully records the ancient oral traditions of Central America. In a curious passage it is stated that "during the First Age, giants existed in that country (Mexico)." They were related to one of the seven whom they mention as having "survived the flood... and arrived at Cholula where he began to build a tower... in which, if the flood came again, he would take refuge." In fact, the Cholula Pyramid still exists, partly because there is a Spanish church on top of it, but particularly because it is the largest pyramid ever built in the world; its volume is larger than that of the Giza pyramid. In the Nahuatl (Aztec) language it is called Tlachihualtepetl, that is, "the artificial mountain". It was originally called Acholollan, which means “water falling on the site of the flight”.

The Power of Sound

Certainly, these builders were physically and intellectually gifted, as evidenced by several stories that speak of such individuals capable of achieving the almost impossible, using techniques that surpass the current laws of physics. In the temple complex of Uxmal, the Magician's Pyramid is said to have been raised in just one night by a man with magical powers who "whistled and moved heavy rocks as he carried them to the spot." The same fact appears in the Tiwanaku traditions in which it is said that: «the great stones were moved from the quarries at the sound of a trumpet… and took their place». Such skills are common attributes for the builders of Teotihuacan and Stonehenge, as well as for the original Egyptian temples that are described as “fast building” sites. All this recalls the qualities of the magical Egyptian Hekau (which is perhaps the possible origin of the often misinterpreted hex) with which magicians moved stones by "words that came out of their mouths", just like the Ethiopian magicians Hor carried large stones through the air. Identical stories of flood survivors rising out of the oceans and being able to do supernatural things also appear throughout Micronesia. On the island of Pohnpei there are 100 artificial islets, which include the pentagonal citadel of Nan Madol. Inside it is the basalt temple of Nan Dowas and its central pyramid, whose megalithic stone foundations seem to have been erected by two antediluvian Gods who arrived by boat from a submerged land in the west, and «thanks to the their magical spells, one by one, made the large stone boulders fly through the air like birds, then placing them in the appropriate places." Traditionally called Sounhleng, “sky cliff,” it is built as a reflection of its sunken counterpart, Kahnimweiso Namkhet (“Horizon City”). In fact, the submerged ruins of the two cities were discovered precisely in that area, at great depth, complete with columns erected on pedestals 7 and 30 meters high.

The concept of Gods or sages, who re-emerge from the sea with vessels and other means of rescue after a global catastrophe, is a recurring theme in the myths and traditions kept alive by civilizations theoretically never in contact. Yet there are connections and they are well intertwined, as in a very fine Persian carpet. Starting from the primordial terraformation of Heliopolis, groups of builder Gods, also called "Seven Wise Men", began to identify other hills in well-chosen locations which would have the role of foundations of future temples, the development of which would have given rise to the « resurrection of the ancient world of the Gods", following the destruction caused by a universal flood. These Egyptian Ahau (“Gods who rise”) were the survivors of an island overwhelmed by a catastrophe that “flooded the ancient homes of the Gods”. Furthermore, the aforementioned Ahau were described as being 4.5 meters tall. Meanwhile, in the Pacific Ocean, the first European explorer to reach the island of Te Pito o Te Henua (“Navel of the World”) was Jacob Roggeveen, on Easter Sunday 1722, hence its current and anglicized name of Easter island. He carefully recorded the experiences he had with local communities; in one of these testimonies it is stated that the population of that island was composed of two races; Short Ears and Long Ears. The Corti were typical Homo sapiens. As for the Long Ones, Roggeveen and his crew had first-hand experience with them: “Truth be told, I might say that these savages are proportionately tall and large, standing about ten feet tall. Surprising as it may seem, the tallest man we have on board could walk between the legs of these sons of Goliath without having to bend his head." Are we by any chance dealing with the same Ahau associated with ancient Egypt? Apparently, the ancestors of the Long Ears were responsible for the stone statues that dot Easter Island, namely the enigmatic Moai (“image”), whose monolithic faces stare at a distant point in the sky. These builder and magic Gods were called Ma'ori, which means "Followers", while the full name was Ma'ori-Ko-Hau-Rongorongo, "Lords of Special Knowledge". According to oral tradition, they moved these stone colossi thanks to Mana, a type of psychic energy with which matter is subjected to the purposes of a person skilled in managing subtle forces. On several occasions they were able to unite their mana by placing themselves in a circle around a series of round boulders called Ahu Te Pito Kura, "the Navel of the Light", which still exist on that island (identical round stones, of larger dimensions large, can be found near sacred sites in Central America, as well as on the South Island of New Zealand). Legends report that, through the "words that came out of their mouths", the statues were carried on command through the air. As with many other lands with their flood myths, Easter Island is said to have been part of a larger landmass before a gigantic cataclysm and subsequent rise in sea levels submerged a good portion of it. Ocean maps confirm this. The natives apparently harbored survivors of a sunken land called Hiva and then Seven Wise Men, "all enlightened men", scoured the island before making sacred terraformations and transforming them into particular locations. A stepped hill called Ahu was built in the original place where they landed and on which seven Moai were subsequently erected to commemorate these extraordinary seven builder Gods (moai are also present in Teotihuacan and the Marquesas Islands). The masonry style of the Ahu is identical to that of Andean temples such as Tiwanaku and, just like them, is built well above previous megalithic foundations. The Ahu can also be found under older marae (“sacred places”) on other Polynesian islands. Next to the first Ahu and its seven moai, the builder gods dug a large rectangular quarry to hold a vessel. Here we can see a reflection of the Egyptian ritual relating to the sanctification of the sacred hill, given that next to the Great Pyramid of Giza, also built on a primordial sacred terraformation, there is a deep fenced excavation that once housed a boat. Even linguistically, both civilizations share the same words to refer to the same procedures: the sun for the Egyptians is Ra, for the inhabitants of Easter Island it is Raa. In Egypt, Ahu is a term describing a supernatural spirit and its linguistic permutation is Akh, Akhu, Ahu meaning “Being of Light”, “Shining” or “Transfigured Spirit”. On Easter Island, a “Great Spirit” is Aku-Aku, the essence of which is embodied in the Moai, which remains eternally gazing at the stars. it is built well above previous megalithic foundations. The Ahu can also be found under older marae (“sacred places”) on other Polynesian islands. Next to the first Ahu and its seven moai, the builder gods dug a large rectangular quarry to hold a vessel. Here we can see a reflection of the Egyptian ritual relating to the sanctification of the sacred hill, given that next to the Great Pyramid of Giza, also built on a primordial sacred terraformation, there is a deep fenced excavation that once housed a boat. Even linguistically, both civilizations share the same words to refer to the same procedures: the sun for the Egyptians is Ra, for the inhabitants of Easter Island it is Raa. In Egypt, Ahu is a term describing a supernatural spirit and its linguistic permutation is Akh, Akhu, Ahu meaning “Being of Light”, “Shining” or “Transfigured Spirit”. On Easter Island, a “Great Spirit” is Aku-Aku, the essence of which is embodied in the Moai, which remains eternally gazing at the stars. it is built well above previous megalithic foundations. The Ahu can also be found under older marae (“sacred places”) on other Polynesian islands. Next to the first Ahu and its seven moai, the builder gods dug a large rectangular quarry to hold a vessel. Here we can see a reflection of the Egyptian ritual relating to the sanctification of the sacred hill, given that next to the Great Pyramid of Giza, also built on a primordial sacred terraformation, there is a deep fenced excavation that once housed a boat. Even linguistically, both civilizations share the same words to refer to the same procedures: the sun for the Egyptians is Ra, for the inhabitants of Easter Island it is Raa. In Egypt, Ahu is a term describing a supernatural spirit and its linguistic permutation is Akh, Akhu, Ahu meaning “Being of Light”, “Shining” or “Transfigured Spirit”. On Easter Island, a “Great Spirit” is Aku-Aku, the essence of which is embodied in the Moai, which remains eternally gazing at the stars.

The seven magnificent giants

The Babylonian creator god Oannes is said to have emerged from the Persian Gulf and created an advanced civilization. He is depicted as both a giant and a man with the appearance of a fish (an analogy with his maritime origins) and who gave humans the knowledge of "letters and sciences and every kind of art. He taught them to build houses, to found temples, to draw up laws and explained to them the principles of geometric knowledge... he instructed them on everything that was needed to moderate behavior and make them human. From that time, so universal were his teachings, that nothing concrete was added that could improve them." That such builder gods were described as giants could be a way of indicating their intellectual stature and perhaps their psychic abilities. This would seem to be the logical interpretation to the modern mind regarding legends that speak of strange giants performing mighty deeds. What if the Seven Sages were also giants in stature? The Old Testament also records how around the time of the flood «there were giants on the Earth... and after the sons of God came across the daughters of men and mated with them, their descendants became powerful men; the renowned heroes of antiquity." The Qumran scrolls also define these men as "mighty giants", descendants of antediluvian gods. Likewise the Koran refers to the Gibborim (“Giants”) who inhabited the Near East, and often describes them in the context of a very ancient and magical atmosphere, even placing their homes in the city of Jericho, “the City of Giants." Two hundred years of archeology help us even more. In Bolivia, after the giant Viracocha and his “Shining Ones” left Tiwanaku, they came to a place on the coast called Matarani, which was often used by them as a port in the Pacific Ocean. Traditions state that from there they disappeared, dispersing in the ocean with their "magical boat", immediately after the attack of a group of humans, apparently frightened by their features. Subsequently, the legend was confirmed when gigantic skeletal remains were unearthed in some burial hills near Matarani. Excavations in Mexico and Peru have also produced skeletons approximately 2m 80m tall buried in ancient mounds or tombs of glazed stone. Matarani is a name well present in the hidden meanings of the Egyptian language. Ma'at is the goddess of Justice-Truth, Ra the Sun. Stranger still, the name reappears in New Zealand in some reverse form, for example Marotini, the tutelary goddess of the ancient natural temple of Kura Tawhiti, erected by the mythical very high Waitaha Gods who came from the ocean. The folklore of giants is dominant especially in the British Isles, not only in the form of abstract legends, but with material evidence on the territory. Today, anyone from central London to Sligo in western Ireland can visit hundreds of giants' tombs; long mounds made of alternating layers of stone and earth, with stone paths in front and a profile forming a Pythagorean triangle. On many occasions during the Victorian era excavations were carried out in these hills with exhumations of skeletons ranging in length from 2m 70 to 3m 60m. Most of the descriptions of these excavations are accompanied by visual testimonies and stories, which speak of sudden changes in weather conditions, particularly violent thunderstorms, as workers began to dig up the bodies. It seems clear that some sacred things should be left where they are. In County Antrim, Ireland, one of these exhumed giant corpses was found fossilized to such an extent that, in a December 1885 photograph in Strand magazine, the skin was still clearly visible. Along with the remains of these bodies, rusty armor, hatchets and a bow more than two meters long were also found in another giants' cemetery near Glastonbury and excellently preserved in the peat. The latter today is located in the nearby Taunton museum. There are hundreds of similar cases documented in the British Isles alone and, whenever bones of this type are found, there is a persistent habit of sending them to places of knowledge, such as the British Museum; It's a shame that, for mere convenience, they disappear as evidence from the eyes of public opinion. there is a persistent habit of sending them to places of knowledge, such as the British Museum; It's a shame that, for mere convenience, they disappear as evidence from the eyes of public opinion. there is a persistent habit of sending them to places of knowledge, such as the British Museum; It's a shame that, for mere convenience, they disappear as evidence from the eyes of public opinion.

Cherokee legends

Native tribes in North America, particularly the Creek nation, also have similar tales of giant races. They describe meeting the survivors of these giants, who escaped from a submerged land in the Atlantic. The Cherokee go so far as to say that many of their traditions have a connection to an extinct race of giants, whom they encountered while migrating from the Allegheny Mountains to the plains. They credited those people with the construction of the many earthworks scattered throughout the Ohio valleys, including the sinuous Serpent Mound. In fact, the name Allegheny is a derivation of their name, Allegewi. The Cherokee say that at the beginning of their history, the Allegewi were already a bit brutalized, a residual shred of a much more advanced and ancient civilization. This fact is confirmed by Sioux legends, which tell of attacks on the central plains by isolated tribes of giants, who moved from the eastern mountains. It seems that these nomadic tribes were witnesses of the end of an endangered race, too few to mate with each other and physically too large to be able to mate with human women, with a consequent sense of helplessness and abandonment to a behavior that was no longer civilized. From an 1833 story, it seems certain that the last of them reached California. Some soldiers about to excavate the foundations of a gunpowder deposit in Lompock Rancho came across a stone sarcophagus containing a human skeleton approximately 10 feet tall, covered with thin blocks of porphyry; a purple mineral studded with quartz, engraved with a series of symbols as if from an ancient lost language. After an unusual series of events, soldiers seeking information about the skeleton's origin consulted the local shaman of the native tribe. This, during a trance, stated that the body belonged to an Allegewi, whose ancestors had been fought by his own tribe in the first period of settlement in California. As then happened in the case of the European finds of 1960, the unearthing of these anonymous skeletons would regularly be followed by the procedure of sending them to the Smithsonian Institute for analysis, only to then lose track of them. Yet there is much evidence made public to support such stories. Whether it was the Babylonian Apkallu, the Seven Indian Rishis, or the Seven Egyptian Sages, a brotherhood of enlightened people, often of enormous stature, survived an unimaginable cataclysm and, fueled by high ideals, ventured into every corner of the world to reconstruct the ancient world of the Gods.

The Followers of Horus

No discussion of an archaic system of knowledge can take place without reference to Egyptian culture. That is where we will need to turn for further clues that lead us to the seven wise men. The Egyptians believed that in the beginning their land had been ruled by a dynasty of great Gods, of whom Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, was the last. He was followed by a dynasty of semi-divine beings known as the “Followers of Horus” who, in turn, gave rise to the famous kings of Egypt. Chronologically speaking, the land that the Egyptians once called “Ta-Mery” was first ruled by the Neteru (“Creator Gods”). Soon after the devastating flood, their legacy was taken up by those with the harmonious name of Akhu Shemsu Hor, “The Shining Ones, Those Who Follow the Path of Horus.” They were the ones who took responsibility for the kingdom until the government of the pharaohs of the human race, such as Menes, who assumed leadership cloaked in an aura of divinity. The Edfu texts constantly refer to the Seven Sages and how they were the only divine beings who knew how temples and sacred places were built. Sometimes called the “Lords of Light,” they departed from the Primordial Terraformation, building a home of god called “rapid construction.” A quality also attributed to other temples, from Uxmal in Mexico to Easter Island. Various traditions claim that that knowledge and other important testimonies of "those highly learned men" not only survived the flood, but were also preserved in special rooms within the construction at the top of the Primordial Terraformation, i.e. the Great Pyramid of Giza. The information, deposited in that place by the mythical Djehuti (Thoth), would have remained protected by a kind of magical watertight mechanism, until humans were able to see it entrusted to them. Or at least passed on to people of the highest integrity.

The Art of Memory

One way or another, the old acquaintance still survived. Probably because we made an effort to anchor it in memory. Whether we are talking about the Vedas, the texts of Djehuti or the oral tradition of the Quechua Maya, it was a recognized practice to learn everything by heart. In fact, if much of India's archaic literature and rituals still survive today it is due to the extraordinary mnemonic abilities of people such as Sadhus or other sages. In our computerized age such abilities might seem useless, but at the time memory and repetition were both admired and celebrated. In his writings regarding the Druids, Julius Caesar emphasized that at least twenty years of oral instruction were necessary before those who attended the Druid Mystery Schools were ready for their final initiation. It seems like impeccable logic to us: if in fact the knowledge of the temple had been destroyed, this would have remained the prerogative of the adepts. All they then had to do was survive. And all the myths of the flood speak of the Gods who pre-alert a few wise men, to allow them to reach safety on the heights or in the arks. And then, transcribing information also has its downsides. As time passes, words change, meanings are distorted and symbols fall into the wrong hands (for example, the Nazis' re-adaptation of the noble Hindu swastika). When the transcription of the ancient Pyramid Texts was completed on the walls of the pyramids of Unas and Pepi I, around 3,300 BC, there were few scribes who, having the writings in front of them, were able to truly understand them. Djehuti himself was made aware of the limitations of the written word. Soon after he discovered the art of letters, he sought Amon's advice regarding the “magic” he felt could improve the memorization of knowledge. Amun's response is the quintessence of eloquence: «, since you are the father of writing, your love for it has made you describe its effects exactly the opposite of how they really are. In fact, it will begin the process of oblivion within the soul; the use of memory practice will fall, because they will rely on writing, which is external and depends on signs that belong to others; and they will not try to remember from within and in a totally autonomous manner. You have not discovered the magic potion to remember, but to be remembered by something. You will give your students apparent and not actual wisdom. Your invention will allow them to feel many things, without receiving real instruction from it, and at the same time they will imagine that they have come to know a lot, even if they will largely know nothing." The Seven Sages, in order to repromulgate the sacred knowledge inherited from their fathers, either directly or through their successors, i.e. the Followers of Horus, they maintained continuity from generation to generation. According to the Matsya Purana: "What the Seven Sages heard from the Sages of the previous age, they told again in the next." And as the population increased, so did the Order. We can see this in India where groups of Seven Sages spread across different regions, very similar to the Knights Templar who originally developed from nine into a European Order, which later evolved into a supranational movement like Freemasonry or the Rosicrucians. In fact, the association with the stars remained. Groups of sages in southern India became associated with the seven stars that form Ursa Major, the constellation of the Great Bear. A parallel with Osiris which is associated with the seven main stars of Orion. As such, these “separate” traditions can be linked with the spiritual brotherhoods of northern Europe centered on the legends of Arthur. Arthur in Scottish is "Arthwr", meaning "big bear", in fact he was associated with the Big Dipper. Although the numbers change over time, the basic principles remain unchanged: the twelve knights around a round table who are granted the same status and who are entrusted with the task of bringing the Holy Grail back to a besieged kingdom is a metaphor describing a zealous group of "knights in shining armor" (the shining ones), who try to re-establish the right order in a territory. Echoes of a similar tale abound in Jesus and the twelve apostles, in Jason and the Argonauts (in search of the Golden Fleece) and in a certain way also in Robin Hood and his twelve married men (Robin is "the man in green”, the Green Man, symbol of the perennial god of nature, Pan). the twelve knights around a round table who are granted the same status and who are entrusted with the task of bringing the Holy Grail back to a besieged kingdom is a metaphor describing a zealous group of “knights in shining armour” (the shining ones), who try to re-establish the right order in a territory. Echoes of a similar tale abound in Jesus and the twelve apostles, in Jason and the Argonauts (in search of the Golden Fleece) and in a certain way also in Robin Hood and his twelve married men (Robin is "the man in green ”, the Green Man, symbol of the perennial god of nature, Pan). the twelve knights around a round table who are granted the same status and who are entrusted with the task of bringing the Holy Grail back to a besieged kingdom is a metaphor describing a zealous group of “knights in shining armour” (the shining ones), who try to re-establish the right order in a territory. Echoes of a similar tale abound in Jesus and the twelve apostles, in Jason and the Argonauts (in search of the Golden Fleece) and in a certain way also in Robin Hood and his twelve married men (Robin is "the man in green”, the Green Man, symbol of the perennial god of nature, Pan).

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