AMIGAphile Volume 1 Number 2
AMIGAphile Volume 1 Number 2 (AUGUST 1992)

For Amiga users by Amiga users
Volume 1/Number 2
- Editor's Desk
- AMIGAphilosophy
- What's New
- Ask the Experts
- What My Amiga Means To Me
- AMIGAphile Survey - part II
- Reviews:
- Solid State Leisure B5000-40 accelerator board
- KCS Power PC Board v4.3
- The Arizona State University Amiga Lab
- AREXX Application List - Updates and Changes
- Fred Fish Forum
- Bulletin Board Systems
- User's Groups
- Classified Ads
- World of Commodore Amiga Show
- Back Page Rumors
4851 Kingshill Drive #215
Columbus, Ohio 43229 USA
Editor and Publisher:
- Dan Abend
- Brian C. Berg
- Michael Glew
- Barry McConnell
- Ken Thompson
Send article submissions in manuscript or disk format to the above address. Submissions may also be sent via Internet in ASCII format to abend@cis.ohio- All submissions must be accompanied by a request for submission including name, address, and phone number.
Send all materials for review to the above address along with a letter requesting review. If you wish the material returned, include a self addressed, stamped mailer with your submission.
Press releases should be sent to "New Products" at the above address.
Every effort is made to prevent fraudulent advertising in AMIGAphile. However, if you purchased the product advertised in the magazine, are dissatisfied, and can't resolve the problem, write to "Customer Service" at the above address. Written complaints should be as specific as possible, and should include copies of all relevant correspondence.
All advertising is subject to the approval of the Publisher and AMIGAphile reserves the right to refuse advertisement without notice. Advertisers and/or their agencies assume the responsibility for the condition of the contents of the advertising printed herein and agree to indemnify the Publisher of AMIGAphile for any and all claims and/or expenses incurred therefrom.
AMIGAphile is not responsible for mistakes, misprints, or typographical errors, and will not issue credit of any kind for such errors. AMIGAphile advises advertisers that statements regarding shipping and handling charges, warranties and money/ or no money back guarantees should be stated in all forms of advertising within AMIGAphile.
The opinions expressed in the articles, columns, and advertising appearing herein are those of the authors and/or advertisers and are not necessarily those of AMIGAphile.
The editor reserves the right to refuse any submissions which are deemed unsuitable and no guarantee of publication is made. Letters may be edited for clarity and length.
Permission is given to the addressee of this newsletter to make photocopies and printouts for personal use.
This newsletter was created using PageStream by Soft-Logik Publishing.
Special Thanks to Andrea Taylor, Daniel J. Barrett, Ellen Thomas, Sascha Wildner for the AMIGAphilosophy suggestion, and those who sent suggestions, comments, and articles.
Amigaphile is a registered tradename of Dan Abend. The contents of this newsletter are Copyright (C) 1992 by Dan Abend, All Rights Reserved, unless otherwise noted.
Amiga is a registered trademark of Commodore Business Machine, Inc.