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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 113

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 1 year ago

                      Info-ParaNet Newsletters, Number 113 

Thursday, December 28th 1989

Today's Topics:

KVEG/Lazar Transcript #5
KVEG/Lazar Transcript #6
KVEG/Lazar Transcript #7
KVEG/Lazar Transcript #8
KVEG/Lazar Transcript #9
KVEG/Lazar Transcript #10
KVEG/Lazar Transcript #11


From: paranet!p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: KVEG/Lazar Transcript #5
Date: 28 Dec 89 01:32:00 GMT

<...Continued from previous message>

I understand that part of the propulsion system involves a
very large capacitor -- which is usually the entire lower
surface of the disk -- that can make use of something along the
lines of the [Bifield] Brown Effect. Do you know what
the components of the dielectric material in that capacitor

Well, if the bottom of the disk is one plate of the
capacitor, then the dielectric material would be the air --
if you're going to look at the earth as another plate of
the capacitor. But as far as the capacitor being integral
to the actual craft itself, no, I found no evidence of

I understand there's an antenna section in this device; what
is the resonant frequency that that operates at?

The resonant frequency of the gravity wave I do know, but
I don't know it off hand; I just can't remember it.

Can you give me a ballpark, like 2,000 kilohertz?

I really don't remember. It's a really odd frequency.

Is it measured in kilohertz or gigahertz or megahertz?

I really don't remember.

When you first started to go public and were meeting with
people at John Lear's house, I understand that there were
a number of witnesses at those first meetings. One of them
claims that you did say that you had seen an extraterrestrial
while working inside one of those saucers, trying to back-
engineer the propulsion system, and that you had been
looking out through a doorway or through a porthole in the
side of the device and that you had actually seen an
extraterrestrial walking around on the outside of one of
those devices.

Devices meaning disks?



So you're saying you've never seen an extraterrestrial at

I really don't want to get into that.

The reason I ask is because someone else is claiming that
you have.

Well, stated the way you did, no I didn't. And I never did
look and see an extraterrestrial. As the story goes, and
the reason I never bring it up, is because I thought I saw
something once -- walking at a glance -- and that's all there
is to it. And I won't stand on that fact because it was
just a fleeting glimpse; when I came back, whatever was
there was gone; it could have been a million things.

I have a contact that claims that you were responsible
for determining that Element 115 was not in fact necessary
to operate an anti-gravity propulsion device in the earth's
magnetic field. Is that true?

No, it's the exact opposite.

Why are you going public? There's obviously a lot of other
staff on the project that senses a great degree of loyalty.

The straw that broke the camel's back was, after I left
the program I became concerned about what happens now. I
made a routine request for my birth certificate, which I
needed just for I.D. purposes, and I was told that it
doesn't exist, I wasn't even born at that hospital. I sat
on that for about a week and just wondered, and then I
began to inquire at previous jobs and also at other schools,
and that information was also gone. And I got the idea that
soon someone was going to disappear, so that's when I contacted
the TV station and essentially let everything out.

But you left the program under very amicable circumstances?

No, that's a long, involved story that I really don't want
to get into.

Are you afraid of any repercussions from the govenment?

Oh yeah, I was really concerned at one time.

Less so now?

Yeah, less so now, but you still keep in the back of your
mind . . .

If anything would happen to you now, that would cause such an
uproar in itself, the last thing they would do would be to go
anywhere near you.

Exactly. As someone said on the media somewhere, if there're
following me now, it's to make sure nothing happens to me.

Did you witness any working models of the vehicle that were

<Continued next message...>

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: KVEG/Lazar Transcript #6
Date: 28 Dec 89 01:36:00 GMT

<...Continued from previous message>

I only saw one operate. I saw one at close range while I
was at the area and then at extreme distance -- about 15
miles, when I brought some friends up to look at it.

Using the technology that's being used, the craft are very
agile, aren't they?

Oh yes, very, in one specific mode of travel.

In one direction at a time?

No. There's two modes of travel. There's a low-speed mode
and a high-speed mode. I don't remember what they called them;
they had a specific name for them.

What was the size of the staff working on the project?

22 people that I knew of, in the area that I worked in. How
extensive the rest of the facility was, I don't know.

I understand you were frustrated at the size of the staff.
You thought it should have been larger?

Oh yeah! Much!

More could have been learned about the program more

Sure! I mean, 22 people, c'mon!

Do you think we understand enough about the alien propulsion
technology to build our own vehicles, using this technology --
or are we even close? Do we know what's going on?

Yeah, we know what's going on, but the problem is substituting
earthly materials, and there's no easy way getting around that.

How is Element 115 involved in the construction of the vehicles?

Everything seems to come down to 115. It's a super-heavy
element. It seems that as you get into the heavier elements --
and I'm sure this property extends into as-yet-undiscovered
elements in excess of atomic number 115 -- that the ATOMIC
gravity wave inside the atoms holding things together begins
to extend outside of the atomic structure itself, and it's
this wave that can be tapped off in quantity -- small quantity,
actually. This wave can be amplified, contained, and used
for a useful purpose.

Are your radiation detectors for nuclear power plants?

Not nuclear power plants; weapon . . .where they use

Like the latest flight above us now?

The Galileo?



Are you involved with that, Mr. Lazar?

Not directly. Someone may have used our probes to
detect --

Number 37:
Are they flying these vehicles within our city areas at any

I really don't know. I was only witness to a couple tests.
I don't know how far they go. I think they're very careful
with them. I personally don't think they're whipping them
around the solar system because I don't know how profficient
they are at operating them.

Number 37:
Do you read any UFO literature in book form?

Nothing in book form. I occasionally get handed little tidbits
here and there and glance at them, but no, I don't delve
into reading.

Number 37:
You mentioned some stuff on the Billy Meiers case. Have
you read any of that information because you had mentioned
that you had seen some pictures?

Yeah, I looked at the, what caught my eye was certainly
the -- whatever that book's called -- Contact From the Plaeides
or something -- but it's essentially a picture book; there's
really no text in it. One of the craft in there looks strikingly
similar to the one I call the Sport Model.

Number 37:
What did you think of that similarity? Did that puzzle you?

Yeah, because originally I had kind of discounted the Billy
Meiers stuff, but that craft looks AMAZINGLY like the one that
I worked on. And another thing, somewhere in that book they
had a picture of a grassy field with three round indents in
the ground. Now that would coincide with the three gravity
amplifiers in the bottom of the craft and the imprint that
they do make, so that kind of makes me believe that that
really did occur.

Number 37:
You said you didn't necessarily share the same views of
Bill Cooper and John Lear as far as the big picture
was concerned?

I'm not exactly sure what each individual story is.
John Lear has a specific story; Bill Cooper has a specific
story. I do agree with both of them in the fact that,
yeah, there's alien craft here and so on and so forth.
John Lear thinks there're here to use us for food. I
don't exactly remember Bill Cooper's story. But the little
intricate parts here and there -- I just haven't seen any
evidence MYSELF of it. I don't know what these gentlemen
have found out on their own.

Caller 37:
>From everything you know about it, do you believe there is
a possibility there are benevolent creatures in the universe?

Oh sure.

How would you describe this picture?

It's an interesting picture. It looks like a formation of
four and a formation of two flying saucers.

That picture came in a box delivered to the Vagabond Inn.
No name, no nothing. Just a note:

"This picture was taken from the 29-1/2-mile marker on the
day that I had the best time of my life, thanks to you,
Billy Goodman Happening."

That's all.

There's even a distortion in the cloud behind a couple of
them; that's really interesting.

That is right up there where people have gone. Bob mentioned
the same thing that I said when I saw that: "Boy, that's
a DAYTIME shot."

Look at the smile on Bob Lazar's face!

It would be interesting to magnify it to some degree.
Very interesting. They're glowing the color that the
crafts glow.

I don't know who you are out there, but I thank you very,
very, very much, because that is absolute, positive proof
that they are up there in the sky having a good time.

Do you think that they're flown by alien beings, or are
WE -- the military -- doing it?

<Continued next message...>

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: KVEG/Lazar Transcript #7
Date: 28 Dec 89 01:40:00 GMT

<...Continued from previous message>

I think that the ones that we're testing . . . the one
that I was involved in I think is being flown by the
military. Whatever else is going on I don't know.

Was that picture taken over Area 51?

That's right. And it looks like it. Recognize the peak?

Yeah. Of course, that's a daytime photograph. And I was
told that all the testing was done at night. And, I mean,
that's interesting.

You described, when you went inside one of these little
puppies, that there were very, very small seats, almost like
a kindergarten type.

Right. Exactly.

So we have to have some small guys doing it -- jockeys
or something?

No,no. You could squeeze into it.

Do these craft appear to be shuttle craft, not the main

I don't know how you'd differentiate between the two?

In most instances, people speak of them joining up with
another craft and then going out of the atmosphere. Could
the models you've seen be classed as shuttle craft in
that respect?

I really don't know.

They wouldn't carry a big fleet of people?

No, definitely not. They are small, I'm guessing right in
the mid-30-, 40-foot range, somewhere in there. And as far
as carrying a lot of cargo or beings or whatever, no, there's
not a whole lot of room there. So possibly there is a larger
craft that they join with, but I didn't see any.

Are there more engines than there are craft at S-4?

That's a good question. There's nine craft. I really don't

It would be something to explain how in the hell we got more
engines than we do craft. There's got to be some kind of an
agreement or somebody helping us.

Right. There's certainly more fuel than there needs to be.

Since they have released you and taken away your scientific
livelihood, I hope you go on the national circuit, 60 Minutes,
the Carson show, everything you can get on, and milk it for
every dime you can get.


You have a right to do that since they interrupted your career.
But the important thing is to get this stuff into the hands of
the scientific community, that can do some good with it.

They've been toying with it for years and nothing's come out of
it. We can't get anywhere. We've got to get it out of the
hands of these power-mongers.

I agree one hundred percent.

I think that's why you took people up there in the first
place. You were tired of their games.

Wesley Crumb, Charleston, Illinois:
It's a great privilege to get a chance to speak with you.
I greatly admire your courage in coming forward. I saw a
copy of the KLAS program you did. When I first heard about
you I ran up about a $300 phone bill calling New York and
Chicago, and everywhere. I got a rejection today from the
Donahue show that they don't want to do a program about you.

Did you go inside all nine spacecraft?

No, no, just one.

When you were inside the craft, did you see any indication
that either through markings on the controls or otherwise
that these ships were from a different place? Was there
any writing on any controls or anything?

No, not on controls and things like that. But I did see
some evidence of writing.

When you saw the slight demonstration that was performed for
you, were you the only person that was there that saw this
craft operate?

No, there were several people. I was standing right next to
the person who was in radio contact with the craft.

How long did this demonstration last?

It was a short duration. It lifted off the ground, slid
over to the left, then back to the right, and set back
down. It was a very short duration.

But you never saw who was at the controls?

No, because when I was brought in, the craft was in the
hangar. When I came out, it was already out of the hangar
and sitting on -- well, sitting out away from the hangar
some distance. So I don't know how it was brought out, who
brought it out, who got in it. I can only guess.

Is the entire thing underground -- all nine different

No, it's not underground; it's just butt up against the
side of a little mountain, a little hill kind of, but it's
kind of inside the mountain.

Do you feel that the billions of dollars that are being
spent on the space program by the administration is a waste
of money, as we already have these ships in our posssession?

No, because look at all the technology that we did get out
of the space program.

Was it ever disclosed to you that these craft were on loan
to us. Is there a chance of them being repossessed at any

<Continued next message...>

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: KVEG/Lazar Transcript #8
Date: 28 Dec 89 01:43:00 GMT

<...Continued from previous message>

No, none of that was ever disclosed to me -- anything about
the origin.

I heard a rumor earlier this evening that your van was shot
at recently. Is there any truth to that?

I don't have a van. I was shot at in my car.

It got passed on to me from the Video Clearinghouse in
Yucaipa, and we've been keeping pretty close touch ever
since this news broke.

I did get a call yesterday from the National Enquirer. They
might follow up and try and do something for you, Bob.
The Enquirer is not exactly the best way you want to go,
but at least it does have some national exposure.

Burt in Burbank:
You said there's more fuel than necessary at the Test

Yeah. I don't know exactly where it is, but there's
500 pounds.

500 pounds of Element 115?

Yeah, and it takes 223 grams per craft, so there's
definitely an abundance of fuel out there.

Could you quickly describe the underside of these

No, because I only saw from a SIDE view of only
one craft. The other ones were always sitting on the
ground; I never saw it. But the underside is
essentially flat. Now, I never got directly under it
to look. There might be some features down there, but
I really don't know.

The reason I ask is because you were talking about the
three distortions that can come down from the gravity
engines to distort the graph.

Are you aware of any time distortion within the saucer
itself while they are running?

Yeah, there has to be.

What about SIZE distortion within the ship?
I've heard reports that people who have been in
these that the inside seems much larger than the
outside would indicate.

I have heard that too, but I haven't really seen
any evidence of that.

You were talking about the low- and high-speed modes
and the control factors in there. Can you describe
those modes and what the ship looks like each time
it is going through those modes?

The low-speed mode -- and I REALLY wish I could remember
what they call these, but I can't, as I can't remember
the frequency of the wave --

The low-speed mode: The craft is very vulnerable; it bobs
around. And it's sitting on a weak gravitational field,
sitting on three gravity waves. And it just bounces
around. And it can focus the waves behind it and keep
falling forward and hobble around at low speed.

The second mode: They increase the amplitude of the
field, and the craft begins to lift, and it performs a
ROLL maneuver: it begins to turn, roll, begins to turn
over. As it begins to leave the earth's gravitational
field, they point the bottom of the craft at the
DESTINATION. This is the second mode of travel, where
they converge the three gravity amplifiers -- FOCUS
them -- on a point that they want to go to. Then they
bring them up to full power, and this is where the
tremendous time-space distortion takes place, and that
whips them right to that point.

Did you actually bench-test a unit away from the
craft itself?

The reactor, yeah.

About how large is this, and could you describe it?

The device itself is probably a plate about 18 inches
square; I said diameter before but it is square. There's
a half-sphere on top where the gravity wave is tapped off
of, but that's about the size of it.

Are there subjects you won't talk about regarding what
was going on at Groom Lake at the project?

No, I don't think so.

Do you have future plans for more publicity?

There are several networks that are interested.

60 Minutes?

That's been mentioned, but I haven't heard anything

Would you do it?

<Continued next message...>

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: KVEG/Lazar Transcript #9
Date: 28 Dec 89 01:46:00 GMT

<...Continued from previous message>

Yeah, I'd do a major network thing, sure.

Are you familiar with the movie Hangar 18?

Yeah, I think I saw that when it first came out.

Do you remember any parallels to what you know now?

I don't remember enough about the movie.

The KLAS-TV program showed a Los Alamos newspaper
article about you during the time that you were
at Los Alamos. What paper was that? When was it

The Monitor, July 1982, or something like that.
I think I still have a copy at home.

Did the alien craft create harmful radioactivity
in the area?


The woman talked about on the show a few days ago --
the child and the two women [Cash/Landrum case?] -- and
they now have cancer. How did that occur?

I've heard of that before, and that sounds like a
really poor attempt at us producing a craft -- a
nuclear-powered craft, really dirty, spewing nuclear
material all over the place. It sounds something
that we would make. It really rings human.

Do the aliens appear to be the same physical makeup?
>From your research on the craft itself, can you tell
if they are similar to us -- by the way it was

Certainly smaller.

But there's nothing other than that?

Not from the crafts. I read some material pertaining
to what they call the typical grey. I believe
them to be that.

It was interesting when you asked for your birth
certificate, and you could not locate it. And
they told you that literally you did not exist?
They TOLD you this in so many words?

They said we just have no records here.

And YOU felt that you didn't exist?

I felt that that's what they were trying to
make happen.

Are you familiar with that type of thing
being done?

No, I never heard of it before. I guess
other people have.

Did you ever get your birth certificate?


What about diplomas and things of that nature?
Was there any record of any colleges you have

George Knapp tracked down one, and they still
had a record there.

All the rest are gone?


Have you called the colleges yourself and asked
for copies?

Yeah. Yeah. Just like I went and called Los
Alamos, too, and they said, no, you never worked
here, and you know, I've been there for years. You
can present them with the information, look, here's
my name in the [Los Alamos] phone book, here are the
people that I've worked with, here is the guy that
I worked for, this is the project I worked on, and
all they say is no. I mean it's ridiculous.

And when you're talking to these people, I'm sure
there are some that probably are just working there;
they don't know any different. They are just checking
the records and saying we don't have anything.

Right. You can hear them when you call up. They
are checking on the computer. They will type in
your name and it won't come up. So that's
probably all they do know.

People should realize this -- nowadays especially --
you could be pulled out -- all of us could -- and
anything we've ever done. If someone pulls your
name out of a computer where you've worked before
or you've had some past, you don't exist because
the new person or a personnel director going in and
checking -- you're not there. You have no record
of that individual.

Right. It depends on the level that you look into
it, too. Like I said, George Knapp went out to
Los Alamos, and that's where he got the telephone
directory and spoke to someone I worked with out
there, and so on.

This mode of travel involved in moving these
UFOs around: Can you see that being a mode of
travel for us in the future. You said it only
took grams of fuel. That sounds pretty good
to me as far as being efficient. Do you think that
it's possible that we could be traveling like that
in the future?

<Continued next message...>

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: KVEG/Lazar Transcript #10
Date: 28 Dec 89 01:49:00 GMT

<...Continued from previous message>

Well, obviously, THEY do, so I imagine it's possible
in the future.

I'm talking about our automobiles. And do you have to
be off the ground in order to travel like this?

Yeah, I think you do. It's not a very good mode of
slow-speed travel.

Something else we talked about off the air. We might
as well tell the people about it. Some strange things
are going on in your life. You mentioned about car doors
being opened. Describe what happened the other night
when you and your . . . Shelley left the house and you
came back and the doors were wide open. What do you
think about all this?

It's crazy! A friend of mine, Shelley, was over, and
we went out to a bar to have a, a, well, a buffet. We
went out, locked the door, checked everything, and we
came back several hours later, and all the doors were open.
And nothing was disturbed in the house; nothing was
taken. In her car that was left in the driveway, the
seats were moved all the way back like someone big sat
in them.

I've gone with other friends to a health club that I
go to. We lock the doors and check them; in fact, I
usually keep a gun in the car and put my wallet on the
dash. We've come out and the doors have been not just
unlocked but actually open -- not even the wallet taken
or the gun. Certainly kids would have done THAT. It's
just like someone wants me to know that they're still

The last time you were on the Happening, you revealed
the gentleman's name --

Dennis Mariano

-- saying he was threatening you and was the biggest
problem in your life. Have you had any problems with him since

No, not recently, no.

How would the anti-matter reactor act in a car?

I don't know if I'd use that in a car. But if you wanted
to, you could use it as a tremendous electrical power.

Which goes back to the beginning of time: We were going
to have electric cars and were convinced we shouldn't have
electric cars because we were told we would have to plug
them in along the way.

It wouldn't be necessary -- as they said years ago -- to
plug in along the way to re-charge the batteries if we had
something inside to generate --

Right. Along the same lines, you could make a NUCLEAR-powered
car, too, running off plutonium.

If we wanted to get involved with this anti-matter-reactor-type
or mode of travel, we'd have to have Element 115 --


-- which you had in your possession at one time.

Yeah, that's one of the things I got. And that was my

And they got it off you.

Yeah. We did get it. . . For people that saw the KLAS
tape, where George Knapp points and says, "It's stored in
containers similar to this one," well, that WAS one. And
that's why we put it on there. It was kind of a jab at
them to say we got it. That was the real ace-in-the-hole
because if everyone came out and jumped on it and said
this is all garbage and everything, you know, just to pop
that out and say, go check this!

Listen guys out there at Area S-4: I know you're listening
'cause we heard this recently. Why don't you get some of
that somehow to Bob.

Why would that be your ace-in-the-hole?

Because anyone can verify that it's an element that
doesn't exist.

Boy, that would be wonderful if we could just get that.
Any of you Mercury Workers up there that want to get
involved, and say that you do want to get involved, that
might be a great way to help Bob's cause out and to prove
his story, behind the story.

Bill from Las Vegas:
Someone previously called in and said that some of the
Mercury Workers had decided to get behind Lazar. Has Bob
Lazar ever heard anything in relation to that? Have any
of the Mercury Workers contacted him, and do any of them
intend to go public as you have done?

I don't know what the situation is with those guys, if
they're for real or not. I've got messages through people
that someone called once and said there were three of them
and two of them were captured down at S-4 being tortured.
And there was another guy out here. And so I really don't
know what the story is with those guys -- if they're for
real or not.

Have you had any contact from other scientists that you
had worked with or any other scientists either at S-4
or any other scientists that don't work there?

Scientists that DON'T work there, yeah, that I worked with
at Los Alamos, sure. But none at S-4, no.

<Continued next message...>

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: paranet!p0.f422.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Michael.Corbin
Subject: KVEG/Lazar Transcript #11
Date: 28 Dec 89 01:53:00 GMT

<...Continued from previous message>

Since you've gone public with this, you've had contact with
them calling you and wanting to know what's going on,

Oh yeah. There were a couple that I gave information to
as we were going along. And they knew what was going on
already -- through me.

If you had other people to back you up and support you, it
might lend more credibility to what you're saying.

That was part of the idea of getting it on the news, and
I thought hopefully I would shake the tree and have these
other guys come forward and all be able to corroborate the
story and also have 115 under my belt, but that whole plan

This is for them if they're listening: The rest of us
simply just don't have the guts to do anything,

I wish they did.

Anything in the works with regard to any national television
coverage or news media coverage of any sort?

There's been lots of talk but nothing definite. There's no
date set for anything, but there's been a tremendous amount
of interest, national and international.

I heard talk that there's a BIG underground base up there,
too. Did you know anything about that?

I've heard that story, but I have no first-hand knowledge of
it. I haven't been in any tunnels or any underground stuff.

If these aliens that have these UFOs are obviously thousands
of years advanced in technology, it seems, how in the world
would it seem that the Government would come in possession
of these UFOs, if in fact the aliens didn't actually want
them to have them?

I don't know. They look in very good condition. It doesn't
look like they were crashed, that they were retrieved somewhere.
It really looks like they were given. So I don't know; that
might be the case.

Have you ever given thought to the fact that maybe they were
invited here and they actually landed here and that's why
they were here?

Yeah, it's possible.

They could have come right to this area.

Jim from Las Vegas:
On TV, you spoke of observing a demonstration of this
anti-matter gravity wave controller device. And you
made a mock-up copy?

A friend made one, yeah.

I heard you speak of bouncing golf balls off of this
anti-gravity field?


And also about the candle, the wax, and the flame
stood still?


And then the hole that you saw appear --

It wasn't a hole; it was a little disk.

Under what conditions did you see this demonstrated.
Elaborate on this. And how large was the force field?

The force field where the candle was?

The force field created by the anti-matter device.

It was about a 20-inch radius from the surface of the sphere.

Where was this area, just above the device?

Yeah, surrounding the sphere.

Did the sphere surround the device?

No, the sphere sits in the center of the device.
It's a half-sphere sitting on a plate, and a field
surrounds the half-sphere.

And you just place a candle in there?

No, no, no. That was a separate demonstration. I'm
just telling you where the field EXTENDS from.

Oh, that's what I'm curious about.

No, they tap the field off using a wave guide, off of
the sphere. And this is a completely different setup, where
they had a mockup small gravity amplifier, and there were
three focused into a point, and that area of focus was
probably nine or ten inches in diameter.

They displaced this area or moved this area?

No, it wasn't displaced; it's just where the field was

And in there you put the candle?


And that thing can actually bounce golf balls of of it?

No, no. The golf ball thing, again, had nothing to do with that
setup. The golf ball thing had something to do with just when
the reactor was energized, before the wave guide was put on or
anything. We were just pushing on the field; it was being
demonstrated to me; and we just bounced a golf ball off the top.

<Continued next message...>

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