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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 352

Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 352
Monday, January 28th 1991
Today's Topics:
My interest
EBE #1
EBE #2
EBE #3
EBE #4
EBE #5
Subject: My interest
Date: 25 Jan 91 18:15:26 GMT
From: (Keith A. Fredericks)
Rick Moen wrote:
+Members of the public pay hundreds of dollars _an hour_ to these
+claimed psychics primarily because their repeated failures are
+_not_ obvious to them.
So what. They are perhaps entertaining notions that you have
long ago closed off. Is this not more creative than trying
to sell us all some dogma about things not being possible?
+Thus the need for our press release.
Why do you think that you need to enforce your ideas on others?
It appears to me, and probably many others, that what you are
selling as insight is just cleverly disguised dogma.
A massage might be good for loosening-up that stiff neck.
+Does Mr. Fredericks have some interest in the perpetuation of
+these particular alleged psychics' scams on the public?
Mr. Fredericks is just Keith and he sits between the outrageous
new agers with their soft science and the hard-line skeptics
with their fear of what is beyond the barriers that they have
set up.
The new agers were very angry with me because of my ideas and
shut me off from dedicated time in the great pyramid. I have
won the ire of many new age people.
And hard-line skeptics have looked down their noses at me when
I explained my cutting-edge ideas to them.
I have visited each camp, but have not set up a tent in either.
I think that research into the observations of precognition,
psychokinesis, and related ideas is the most rich area of
research that there is. Any effort to close-off this area
of research should be stopped.
In terms of the UFO question, I agree with Jaques Vallee in
the analysis of the many psychic-related observations surrounding
UFO sightings and related occurences.
I feel that the next major advance of science will occur in the
psychic functioning area. It is not a big surprise that an
advanced culture, like those that may have already visited here,
would have control over this area of nature.
This is probably why I originally subscribed to Paranet. I think
that there are many clues in the posts that I have seen over the
last 2+ years on this mailing list.
I would like to throw some really provocative ideas out into this
discussion, but I don't see any real gain from it when they will
be met with such a negative attitude as they have been in the past.
A really good example of this was when we were starting to talk
about the remote viewing stuff as prompted by the Blum book.
I posted references to scientific research done in the area.
The references I posted were criticized I believe unfairly.
Instead of proceeding to the next step in the discussion, the
discussion centered on the validity of the research referenced.
Maybe it is just that this form of communication, the net,
is so new that we have not figured out yet how to use it
properly for generating ideas. I believe that some day
we will be able to effectively use the net for this.
This should actually be one of the best uses for computer
networks that exists. Unfortunately we have to curb our
judgement. On Usenet and Paranet, judgement stops provocative
ideas before they can lead to insight restructuring.
I would really like to participate in a mailing list or news
group that would be dedicated to generating ideas in the
area of psychic functioning using the same methodology as is
used in brainstorming and think tanks.
In brainstorming, a moderator points out when a judgement has
occurred and nips it in the bud.
If anyone has any ideas about how this might be accomplished
please let me know via private email and I will summarize.
Keith Fredericks, Cray Research Inc., 655F Lone Oak Dr., Eagan, MN 55121 (612)MUD-KITY Fax: (612)MUD-KLYX
From: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: EBE #1
Date: 25 Jan 91 21:00:00 GMT
Recently, Jerry Clark published the first of three volumes
titled "UFOs in the 1980s," an invaluable research tool
containing a host of information on the who, where and what
of UFOlogy. With his kind permission and the kind
permission of Apogee Publishing Company, we are reprinting
an article taken from that book -- Extraterrestrial
Biological Entity. In this article, Jerry culls all of the
past history and controversy surrounding the MJ-12
controversy and other related material that has spewed
forth from the extreme side of UFOlogy representing the ETH
such as Lear, Cooper and others. Although this might be
considered by some to be "old news," Jerry's chronology of
events shed a different light on the players that have made
up this compendium of scenarios -- aliens eating humans,
genetic experimentation and the gamut of sensationalistic
information that drove Paul Bennewitz to an NBD at the kind
hands of admitted-disinformant, William L. Moore.
This article is being presented here in its entirety
contained in 18 messages including this one. The entire
body of these messages are copyrighted (C) 1990 by Apogee
Books with license to ParaNet(sm) Information Service for
reproduction on this forum. No further reposting or
copying is allowed without express written permission of
the publisher.
This file was provided by ParaNet(sm) Information Service
and its network of international affiliates.
ParaNet has received exclusive permission to reprint this
article by the copyright holder.
For further information on ParaNet(sm), contact:
Michael Corbin
ParaNet Information Service
P.O. Box 928
Wheatridge, CO 80034-0928
UFOs in the 1980s
(C) 1990 by Apogee Books and Jerome Clark
Pages 85 - 109
Perhaps the strangest and most convoluted UFO story of the 1980s
concerns allegations from various sources, some of them
individuals connected with military and intelligence agencies,
that the U.S. government not only has communicated with but has
an ongoing relationship with what are known officially as
"extraterrestrial biological entities," or EBEs.
The Emenegger/Sandler Saga: The story begins in 1973, when Robert
Emenegger and Alan Sandler, two well-connected Los Angeles
businessmen, were invited to Norton Air Force Base in California
to discuss a possible documentary film on advanced research
projects. Two military officials, one the base's head of the Air
Force Office of Special Investigations, the other, the audio-
visual director Paul Shartle, discussed a number of projects. One
of them involved UFOs. This one sounded the most interesting and
plans were launched to go ahead with a film on the subject.
Emenegger and Sandler were told of a film taken at Holloman AFB,
New Mexico, in May 1971. In October 1988, in a national
television broadcast, Shartle would declare that he had seen the
16mm film showing "three disc-shaped craft. One of the craft
landed and two of them went away." A door opened on the landed
vehicle and three beings emerged. Shartle said, "They were human-
size. They had an odd, gray complexion and a pronounced nose.
They wore tightfitting jump suits, [and] thin headdresses that
appeared to be communication devices, and in their hands they
held a 'translator.' A Holloman base commander and other Air
Force officers went out to meet them" (Howe, 1989).
Emenegger was led to believe he would be given the film for use
in his documentary. He was even taken to Norton and shown the
landing site and the building in which the spaceship had been
stored and others (Buildings 383 and 1382) in which meetings
between Air Force personnel and the aliens had been conducted
over the next several days. According to his sources, the landing
had taken place at 6 a.m. The extraterrestrials were "doctors,
professional types." Their eyes had vertical slits like a cat's
and their mouths were thin and slitlike, with no chins." All that
Emenegger was told of what occurred in the meetings was a single
stray "fact": that the military people said they were monitoring
signals from an alien group with which they were unfamiliar, and
did their ET guests know anything about them? The ETs said no.
Emenegger's military sources said he would be given 3200 feet of
film taken of the landing. At the last minute, however,
permission was withdrawn, although Emenegger and Sandler were
encouraged to describe the Holloman episode as something
hypothetical, something that could happen or might happen in the
future. Emenegger went to Wright-Patterson AFB, where Project
Blue Book had been located until its closing in 1969, to ask Col.
George Weinbrenner one of his military contacts, what had
happened. According to Emenegger's account, the exchange took
place in Weinbrenner's office. The colonel stood up, walked to a
chalkboard and complained in a loud voice, "That damn MIG 25!
Here we're so public with everything we have. But the Soviets
have all kinds of things we don't know about. We need to know
more about the MIG 25!" Moving to a bookshelf and continuing his
monologue about the Russian jet fighter, he handed Emenegger a
copy of J. Allen Hynek's The UFO Experience (1972), with the
author's signature and dedication to Weinbrenner. "It was like a
scene from a Kafka play," Emenegger would recall , inferring from
the colonel's odd behavior that he was confirming the reality of
the film while making sure that no one overhearing the
conversation realized that was what he was doing.
The documentary film UFO's Past, Present & Future (Sandler
Institutional Films, Inc.) was released in 1974 along with a
paperback book of the same title. The Holloman incident is
recounted in three pages (127-29) of the book's "Future" section.
Elsewhere, in a section of photos and illustrations, is an
artist's conception of what one of the Holloman entities looked
like, though it, along with other alien figures, is described
only as being "based on eyewitness descriptions" (Emenegger,
1974). Emenegger's association with the military and intelligence
he had met while doing the film would continue for years. At one
point in the late 1980s his sources told him that He was about to
be invited to film an interview with a live extraterrestrial in a
Southwestern state, he says, but nothing came of it.
(Continued in next message...)
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: EBE #2
Date: 25 Jan 91 21:03:00 GMT
<Continued from previous message>
The Suffern Story: On October 7, 1975, a 27-year old carpenter,
Robert Suffern, of Bracebridge, Ontario, got a call from his
sister who had seen a "fiery glow" near his barn and concluded it
was on fire. Suffern drove to the spot and, after determining
that there was no problem, got back on the road. There, he would
testify, he encountered a large disc-shaped object resting in his
path. "I was scared," he said. "It was right there in front of me
with no lights and no sign of life." But even before his car
could come to a complete stop, the object abruptly ascended out
of sight. Suffern turned his car around and decided to head home
rather than to his sister's place, his original intended
destination. At that point a small figure wearing a helmet and a
silver-gray suit stepped in front of the car, causing Suffern to
hit the brakes and skid to a stop. The figure ran into a field.
Then, according to Suffern, "when he got to the fence, he put his
hands on a post and went over it with no effort at all. It was
like he was weightless" (UFOIL, n.d.).
Within two days Suffern's report was on the wire services, and
Suffern was besieged by UFO investigators, journalists,
curiosity-seekers, and others. Suffern, who made no effort to
exploit his story and gave every appearance of believing what he
was saying, soon tired of discussing it. A year later, however,
Suffern and his wife told a Canadian investigator that a month
after the encounter, they were informed that some high-ranking
officials wished to speak with them. Around this time, so they
claimed, they were given thorough examinations by military
doctors. After that an appointment was set up for December 12 and
on that day an Ontario Provincial Police cruiser arrived with
three military officers, one Canadian, two American. They were
carrying books and other documents. In the long conversation that
followed, the officers apologized for the UFO landing, claiming
it was a "mistake" caused by the malfunctioning of an
extraterrestrial spaceship.
The officers produced close-up pictures of UFOs, claiming that
the U.S. and Canadian governments had had intimate knowledge of
aliens since 1943 and were cooperating with them. The officers
even knew the exact dates and times of two previous but
unreported UFO sightings on the Suffern property. The Sufferns
said the officers had answered all their questions fully and
frankly, but they would not elaborate on what they were told.
Reinterviewed about the matter some months later, the couple
stuck by their story but added few further details.
The investigator, Harry Tokarz, would remark, "Robert Suffern
strikes one as an individual who carefully measures his thoughts.
His sincerity comes through clearly as he slowly relates his
concepts and ideas. His wife, a home-bred country girl, is quick
to air her views and state unequivocally what she believes to be
fact" (CUFORN, 1983).
EBEs in South Dakota: On February 9, 1978, a curious document--an
apparent carbon copy of an official U.S. Air Force incident
report-arrived at the office of the National Enquirer in Lantana,
Florida. Accompanying the document was an unsigned letter dated
"29 Jan." It read: "The incident stated in the attached report
actually occurred. The Air Force appointed a special team of
individuals to investigate the incident. I was one of those
individuals. I am still on active duty and so I cannot state my
name at this time. It is not that I do not trust the Enquirer (I
sure [sic] you would treat my name with [sic] confidence but I do
not trust others.) The incident which occurred on 16 Nov. 77, was
classified top secret on 2 Dec 77. At that time I obtained a copy
of the original report. I thought at that time that the Air Force
would probably hush the whole thing up, and they did. The Air
Force ordered the silence on 1 Dec 77, after which, the report
was classified. There were 16 pictures taken at the scene. I do
not have access to the pictures at this time" (Pratt, 1984).
The report, stamped FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, purported to be from
the commander of the 44th Missile Security Squadron at Ellsworth
AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota. The incident was described as
a "Helping Hand (security violation)/Covered Wagon (security
violation) at Lima 9 (68th SMSq Area), 7 miles SW of Nisland, SD,
at 2100 hours on 16 Nov. 77." The recipient of the report was
identified as "Paul D. Hinzman, SSgt, USAF, Comm/Plotter, Wing
Security Control." Two security men, Airmen 1st Class Kenneth
Jenkins and Wayne E. Raeke, experienced and reported the
incident, which was investigated by Capt. Larry D. Stokes and
TSgt. Robert E. Stewart.
The document told an incredible story. At 10:59 on the evening
of November 16 an alarm sounded from the Lima Nine missile site.
Jenkins and Raeke, at tHe Lima Launch Control Facility 35 miles
away, were dispatched to the scene. On their arrival Raeke set
out to check the rear fence line. There he spotted a helmeted
figure in a glowing green metallic suit. The figure pointed a
weapon at Raeke's rifle and caused it to disintegrate, burning
Raeke's hands and arms in the process. Raeke summoned Jenkins,
who carried his companion back to their Security Alert Team
vehicle. When Jenkins went to the rear fence line, he saw two
similarly-garbed figures. He ordered them to halt, but when they
ignored his command, he opened fire. His bullets struck one in
the shoulder and the other in the helmet. The figures ran over a
hill and were briefly lost to view. Jenkins pursued them and when
he next saw them, they were entering a 20-foot-in-diameter
saucer-shaped object, which shot away over the Horizon.
<Continued in next message..>
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: EBE #3
Date: 25 Jan 91 21:03:00 GMT
<<Continued from previous message>>
As Raeke was air-evacuated from the scene, investigators
discovered that the missile's nuclear components had been stolen.
Enquirer reporters suspected a hoax but when they called Rapid
City and Ellsworth to check on the names, they were surprised to
learn that such persons did exist. Moreover, all were on active
duty. The Enquirer launched an investigation, sending several
reporters to Rapid City. Over the course of the next few days
they found that although the individuals were real, the document
inaccurately listed their job titles, the geography of the
alleged incident was wrong (there was no nearby hill over which
intruders could have run), Raeke had suffered no injuries, he and
Jenkins did not even know each other, and no one (including Rapid
City civilian residents and area ranchers) had heard anything
about such an encounter. As one of the reporters, Bob Pratt,
wrote in a subsequent account, "We found more than 20
discrepancies or errors in the report -wrong names, numbers,
occupations, physical layouts and so on. Had the Security Option
alert mentioned in the report taken place, it would have involved
all security personnel at the base and everyone at the base and
in Rapid City (Population 45,000 plus) would have known about
The Bennewitz Affair: In the late 1970s Paul Bennewitz, an
Albuquerque businessman trained as a physicist, became convinced
that he was monitoring electromagnetic signals which
extraterrestrials were using to control persons they had
abducted. Bennewitz tried to decode these signals and believed he
was succeeding. At the same time he began to see what he thought
were UFOs maneuvering around the Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage
Facility and the Coyote Canyon test area, located near Kirtland
AFB, and he filmed them.
Bennewitz reported all this to the Tucson-based Aerial Phenomena
Research Organization (APRO), whose directors were unimpressed,
judging Bennewitz to be deluded. But at Kirtland, Bennewitz's
claims, or at least some of them, were being taken more
seriously. On October 24, 1980, Bennewitz contacted Air Force
Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) agent Sgt. Richard Doty
(whose previous tour of duty had been at Ellsworth) after being
referred to him by Maj. Ernest Edwards, head of base security,
and related that he had evidence that something potentially
threatening was going on in the Manzano Weapons Storage Area. A
"Multipurpose Internal OSI Form," signed by Maj. Thomas A. Cseh
(Commander of the Base Investigative Detachment), dated October
28, 1980, and subsequently released under the Freedom of
Information Act, states:
"On 26 Oct 80, SA [Special Agent] Doty, with the assistance of
JERRY MILLER, GS-15, Chief, Scientific Advisor for Air Force Test
and Evaluation Center, KAFB , interviewed Dr. BENNEWITZ at his
home in the Four Hills section of Albuquerque, which is adjacent
to the northern boundary of Manzano Base. (NOTE: MILLER is a
former Project Blue Book USAF Investigator who was assigned to
Wright-Patterson AFB (W-PAFB), OH, with FTD [Foreign Technology
Division]. Mr. MILLER is one of the most knowledgeable and
impartial investigators of Aerial Objects in the southwest.) Dr.
BENNEWITZ has been conducting independent research into Aerial
Phenomena for the last 15 months. Dr. BENNEWITZ also produced
several electronic recording tapes, allegedly showing high
periods of electrical magnetism being emitted from Manzano/Coyote
Canyon area. Dr. BENNEWITZ also produced several photographs of
flying objects taken over the general Albuquerque area. He has
several pieces of electronic surveillance equipment pointed at
Manzano and is attempting to record high frequency electrical
beam pulses. Dr. BENNEWITZ claims these Aerial Objects produce
these pulses. . . . After analyzing the data collected by Dr.
BENNEWITZ, Mr MILLER related the evidence clearly shows that some
type of unidentified aerial objects were caught on film; however,
no conclusions could be made whether these objects pose a threat
to Manzano/Coyote Canyon areas. Mr MILLER felt the electronical
[sic] recording tapes were inconclusive and could have been
gathered from several conventional sources. No sightings, other
than these, have been reported in the area."
On November 10 Bennewitz was invited to the base to present his
findings to a small group of officers and scientists. Exactly one
week later Doty informed Bennewitz that AFOSI had decided against
further consideration of the matter. Subsequently Doty reported
receiving a call from then-New Mexico Sen. Harrison Schmitt, who
wanted to know what AFOSI was planning to do about Bennewitz's
allegations. When informed that no investigation was planned,
Schmitt spoke with Brig. Gen. William Brooksher of base security.
The following July New Mexico's other senator, Pete Domenici,
looked into the matter, meeting briefly with Doty before dashing
off to talk with Bennewitz personally. Domenici subsequently lost
interest and dropped the issue.
Bennewitz was also aware of supposed cattle mutilations being
reported in the western United States. At one point he met a
young mother who told him that one evening in May 1980, after she
and her six-year-old son saw several UFOs in a field and one
approached them, they suffered confusion and disorientation, then
a period of amnesia which lasted as long as four hours. Bennewitz
brought the two to University of Wyoming psychologist R. Leo
Sprinkle, who hypnotized them and got a detailed abduction story
from the mother and a sketchy one from the little boy. Early in
the course of the abduction they observed aliens take a calf
aboard the UFO and mutilate it while it was still alive, removing
the animal's genitals. At one point during the alleged
<<Continued in next message..>>
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: EBE #4
Date: 25 Jan 91 21:05:00 GMT
<<<Continued from previous message>>>
experience, the mother said, they were taken via UFO into an
underground area which she believed was in New Mexico. She
briefly escaped her captors and fled into an area where there
were tanks of water. She looked into one of them and saw body
parts such as tongues, hearts and internal organs, apparently
from cattle. But she also observed a human arm with a hand
attached. There was also the "top of a bald head," apparently
from one of the hairless aliens, but before she could find out
for sure, she was dragged away. The objects in the tank, she
said, "horrified me and made me sick and frightened me to death"
(Howe, 1989). Later she wondered about the other tanks and about
their contents.
The William Moore/MJ-12 Maze: Late in the summer of 1979 William
L. Moore had left a teaching job in a small Minnesota town to
relocate in Arizona, where he hoped to pursue a writing career.
Moore was deeply involved in the investigation of an apparent UFO
crash in New Mexico in July 1947, a case he and Charles Berlitz
would recount in their The Roswell Incident the following year.
After his move to the Southwest Moore became close to Coral and
James Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization
(APRO) and in due course Moore was asked to join the APRO board.
The Lorenzens told him about Bennewitz's claims. Bennewitz, Jim
Lorenzen thought, was "prone to make great leaps of logic on the
basis of incomplete data" (Moore, 1989a).
The Roswell Incident was published in the summer of 1980 and in
September a debate on UFOs at the Smithsonian Institution was
scheduled to take place. Moore set off from his Arizona home to
Washington, D.C., to attend the debate and along the way promoted
his new book on radio and television shows. According to an
account he would give seven years later, an extraordinary series
of events began while he was on this trip.
He had done a radio show in Omaha and was in the station lobby,
suitcase in hand, on his way to catch a plane which was to leave
within the hour when a receptionist asked if he was Mr. Moore. He
had a phone call. The caller was a man who claimed to be a
colonel at nearby Offutt AFB, He said, "We think you're the only
one we've heard who seems to know what he's talking about." He
asked if he and Moore could meet and discuss matters further.
Moore said that since he was leaving town in the next few
minutes, that would not be possible, though he wrote down the
man's phone number.
Moore went on to Washington. On September 8, on his way back, he
did a radio show in Albuquerque. On the way out of the studio the
receptionist told him he had a phone call. The caller, who
identified himself as an individual from nearby Kirtland AFB,
said, "We think you're the only one we've heard about who seems
to know what he's talking about." Moore said, "Where have I heard
that before?"
Soon afterwards Moore and the individual he would call "Falcon"
met at a local restaurant. Falcon, later alleged (though denied
by Moore) to be U.S. Air Force Sgt. Richard Doty, said he would
be wearing a red tie. This first meeting would initiate a long-
running relationship between Moore (and, beginning in 1982,
partner Jaime Shandera) and 10 members of a shadowy group said to
be connected with military intelligence and to be opposed to the
continuation of the UFO cover-up. The story that emerged from
this interaction goes like this:
The first UFO crash, involving bodies of small, gray-skinned
humanoids, occurred near Corona, New Mexico, in 1947 (the
"Roswell incident"). Two years later a humanoid was found alive
and it was housed at Los Alamos until its death in the early
1950s. It was called EBE, after "extraterrestrial biological
entity," and it was the first of three the U.S. government would
have in its custody between then and now. An Air Force captain,
now a retired colonel, was EBE-1's constant companion. At first
communication with it was almost impossible; then a speech device
which enabled the being to speak a sort of English was implanted
in its throat. It turned out that EBE-1, the equivalent of a
mechanic on a spaceship, related what it knew of the nature and
purpose of the visitation.
In response to the Roswell incident, MJ-12-the MJ stands for
"Majestic"--as set up by executive order of President Harry
Truman on September 24, 1947. MJ-12 operates as a policy-making
body. Project Aquarius is an umbrella group in which all the
various compartments dealing with ET-related issues perform their
various functions. Project Sigma conducts electronic
communication with the extraterrestrials, part of an ongoing
contact project run through the National Security Agency since
1964, following a landing at Holloman AFB in late April of that
Nine extraterrestrial races are visiting the earth. One of these
races, little gray-skinned people from the third planet
surrounding Zeta Reticuli, have been here for 25,000 years and
influenced the direction of human evolution. They also help in
the shaping of our religious beliefs. Some important individuals
within the cover-up want it to end and are preparing the American
people for the reality of the alien presence through the vehicle
of popular entertainment, including the films Close Encounters of
the Third Kind, whose climax is a thinly-disguised version of the
Holloman landing, and ET.
At CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, there is a thick book
called "The Bible," a compilation of all the various project
<<<Continued in next message..>>>
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@f9.n310.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: EBE #5
Date: 25 Jan 91 21:05:00 GMT
<<<<Continued from previous message>>>>
According to his own account, which he would not relate until
1989, Moore cooperated with his AFOSI sources-including,
prominently, Richard Doty-and provided them with information.
They informed him that there was considerable interest in
Bennewitz. Moore was made to understand that as his part of the
bargain he was to spy on Bennewitz and also on APRO as well as,
in Moore's words, "to a lesser extent, several other individuals"
(Moore, 1989a). He learned that several government agencies were
interested in Bennewitz's activities and they wanted to inundate
him with false information-disinformation, in intelligence
parlance-to confuse him. Moore says he was not one of those
providing the disinformation, but he knew some of those of who
were, such as Doty.
Bennewitz on his own had already begun to devise a paranoid
interpretation of what he thought he was seeing and hearing, and
the disinformation passed on to him built on that foundation. His
sources told him that the U.S. government and malevolent aliens
are in an uneasy alliance to control the planet, that the aliens
are killing and mutilating not only cattle but human beings,
whose organs they need to lengthen their lives, and that they are
even eating human flesh. In underground bases at government
installations in Nevada and New Mexico human and alien scientists
work together on ghastly experiments, including the creation of
soulless androids out of human and animal body parts. Aliens are
abducting as many as one American in 40 and implanting devices
which control human behavior. ClA brainwashing and other control
techniques are doing the same, turning life on earth into a
nightmare of violence and irrationality. It was, as Moore
remarks, "the wildest science fiction scenario anyone could
possibly imagine."
But Bennewitz believed it. He grew ever more obsessed and tried
to alert prominent persons to the imminent threat, showing
photographs which he held showed human-alien activity in the
Kirtland area but which dispassionate observers thought depicted
natural rock formations and other mundane phenomena. Eventually
Bennewitz was hospitalized, but on his release resumed his
activities, which continue to this day. Soon the ghoulish
scenario would spread into the larger UFO community and beyond
and command a small but committed band of believers. But that
would not happen until the late 1980s and it would not be
Bennewitz who would be responsible for it.
In 1981 the Lorenzens received an anonymous letter from someone
identifying himself as a "USAF Airman assigned to the 1550th
Aircrew Training and Testing Wing at Kirtland AFB." The "airman"
said, "On July 16, 1980, at between 10:30-10:45 A.M., Craig R.
Weitzel. .. a Civil Air Patrol Cadet from Dobbins AFB, Ga.,
visiting Kirtland AFB, NM, observed a dull metallic colored UFO
flying from South to North near Pecos New Mexico. Pecos has a
secret training site for the 1550th Aircrew Training and Testing
Wing, Kirtland AFB, NM. WEITZEL was with ten other individuals,
including USAF active duty airmen, and all witnessed the
sighting. WEITZEL took some pictures of the object. WEITZEL went
closer to the UFO and observed the UFO land in a clearing
approximately 250 yds, NNW of the training area. WEITZEL observed
an individual dressed in a metallic suit depart the craft and
walk a few feet away. The individual was outside the craft for
just a few minutes. When the individual returned the craft took
off towards the NW." The letter writer said he had been with
Weitzel when the UFO flew overhead, but he had not been with him
to observe the landing.
The letter went on to say that late on the evening of the next
day a tall, dark-featured, black-suited man wearing sunglasses
called on Weitzel at Kirtland. The stranger claimed to be "Mr.
Huck" from Sandia Laboratories, a classified Department of Energy
contractor on the base. Mr. Huck told Weitzel he had seen
something he should not have seen, a secret aircraft from Los
Alamos, and he demanded all of the photographs. Weitzel replied
that he hadn't taken any, that the photographer was an airman
whose name he did not know. "The individual warned Weitzel not to
mention the sighting to anyone or Weitzel would be in serious
trouble," the writer went on. "After the individual left
Weitzel[']s room, Weitzel wondered how the individual knew of the
sighting because Weitzel didn't report the sighting to anyone.
Weitzel became scared after thinking of the threat the individual
made. Weitzel call [sic] the Kirtland AFB Security Police and
reported the incident to them. They referred the incident to the
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), which
investigates these matters according to the security police. A
Mr. Dody [sic], a special agent with OSI, spoke with Weitzel and
took a report. Mr. Dody [sic] also obtained all the photographs
of the UFO. Dody [sic] told Weitzel he would look into the
matter. That was the last anyone heard of the incident."
But that was not all the correspondent had to say. He added, "I
have every reason to beleive [sic] the USAF is covering up
something. I spent a lot of time looking into this matter and I
know there is more to it than the USAF will say. I have heard
rumors, but serious rumors here at Kirtland that the USAF has a
crashed UFO stored in the Manzano Storage area, which is located
in a remote area of Kirtland AFB. This area is heavily guarded by
USAF Security. I have spoke [sic] with two employees of Sandia
Laboratories, who also store classified objects in Manzano, and
they told me that Sandia has examined several UFO's during the
last 20 years. One that crashed near Roswell NM in the late 50's
was examined by Sandia scientists. That craft is still being
store [sic] in Manzano.
<<<<Continued in next message..>>>>
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:310/8
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