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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 427

Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 427
Wednesday, June 19th 1991
Today's Topics:
Re: Crop Circles
Hill Abduction: 1 Of 7
Hill Abduction: 2 Of 7
Hill Abduction: 3 Of 7
Hill Abduction: 4 Of 7
Hill Abduction: 5 Of 7
Hill Abduction: 6 Of 7
Hill Abduction: 7 Of 7
From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Crop Circles
Date: 18 Jun 91 06:46:00 GMT
* Originally from Robert Lee
* Originally dated 06-04-91 11:15
BL> I follow what you are saying about the stalks in the crop circles being
BL> bent like cooked asparagus then hardening that way, but I sure would
BL> like to see it myself! Thanks for the information. Becky
I have stood in the center of a crop circle which occurred in a corn field in
an area within reasonable driving distance from my region. The circle was
23' in radius, perfectly circular, and was about 300 yards from a person's
home. The stalks were not uniformly bent at exactly the same height; but the
average height of bend was about 1 foot. All stalks were swirled clockwise.
While I could find no apparent evidence of placement of a center from which
to circumscribe a perfect circle, the lack of uniform depression of the
height of stalks suggested that the depresser was not a solid object. The
stalks were each bent in an arc circumscribing a small portion of the radius
of the complete rotation. Stalks just outside the circle were complete
undisturbed and gave no indication of turbulence to their leaves. There
appeared to be no indication of heat damage to any of the stalks within the
diameter of the circle itself. The farmer who originally found the circle
reported finding no evidence of footprints in or about the circle when it was
found. He reported that about 2 weeks prior to his beginning his harvest
that his cattle and dogs were disturbed about 2 A.M. but he saw nothing. The
resident living some 300 yards away from the circle reported seeing nothing
and noticing no unsual events 2 weeks prior. Unsubstantiated rumors of
sighting of some "beautifully lighted ship" circulated for a time as being
seen by some teens in the area but none of these were ever named; the farmer
said that he wished he had never reported his find as his phone was ringing
off the hook at all hours of the day and night and that calls were from what
he described as "kooks" or reporters.
Because the lack of uniformity of height of the depression of the stalks it
is my conclusion that whatever it was that caused the depression was not a
solid 46' diameter object; rather it was either not solid or was not 46' in
diameter. It is my conclusion that whatever it was possessed some single
uniform angular velocity originating at the center of the circle. It is my
conclusion, due to the arcing of each individual stalk, that there was,
indeed, a center from which emanated the angular velocity. That the spin was
clockwise could possible be due to 1)chance, 2)design, or 3)the Coriollis
effect. The local university investigated the site and found no indication
of radiation of any type.
To have set a rod and used rope to create such a circle with the average bend
at about 1 foot above the ground and a 23' radius would have required some
tremendous angular momentum (which could be calculated, but I have not done
so). Neither have I attempted to reproduce such a circle using a rod and a
rope (although this would be a good thing to do for empirical testing). A
few of the stalks stood sheered off at about 2 feet above the ground.
In placing the circle in relation to local topography, some 100 feet
immediately to the west was an earthen dyke some 12 feet high running north-
south containing a small drainage creek. To the north, some 220 feet away
was a state highway ridge about 15 feet high running east-west. To the
south, some 1/4 mile was a high river bluff, and to the east was flat
farmland for miles. There was no industrial site nearby; no high tension
lines nearby. There appeared to be no particular oddities about the area of
the placement.
Net conclusion: ?
Hypotheses: 1) It was made with a rod and a rope.
2) It was made by something not solid possessing angular
velocity which was not radioactive and was not heated.
I am going to visit the site a few more times and observe new corn growth.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
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From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hill Abduction: 1 Of 7
Date: 18 Jun 91 06:29:00 GMT
This information should be attributed to Barbara Becker. The file is named
HILL.LTR and is in seven parts. This is part one of an examination of the
book Interrupted Journey by Fuller. -+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: Barb Becker #106 @3466
Date: Sat Jun 02 02:10:39 1990
Sometime ago I received a paper form a researcher in Columbia Missouri on
the Hill case. I found the paper very interesting but wondered if his conclu-
sions were accurate. I decided to contact Mrs. Hill. I told her about the BBS
and that I wanted to put the paper on the board, but wanted to let her know
what was being said and offer her a chance for rebuttal/corrections. She ac-
cepted. What follows is the paper, and then two letters from her. I have used
[brackets] to show her corrections.
UFOsearch / Val Germann / Columbia, Mo. / 1990
#2 The Hill Abduction Case, 1961, source: Interrupted Journey
SEPT. 18-19 [Sept. 19-20] Barney and Betty Hill abducted in the White Moun-
tains of New Hampshire. They remember part of the experience but have over 2
hours of "missing time," of which they are totally unaware at first. Barney
remembers seeing huge object with "fins with red lights on the ends" and
"crew members behind glass" panels at very short range. This object was more
than 100 feet across and hovered 50 feet above the ground only 300 feet away
for several minutes Barney watched through binoculars.
SEPT. 20 Betty Hill calls her sister and tells her part of the story. Sister
then calls a local physicist who suggested they check for radiation. Sister
also calls local police chief who suggests they call Pease AFB, Portsmouth,
N.H. Betty calls the Air Force Base, worried about radiation. The officer who
answers was at first "cynical and unresponsive" but finally did ask to talk
to Barney. After Barney mentioned the "fins with lights" the officer perked
up and said the call was being "monitored". Barney felt that the officer was
definitely interested. Barney did not mention the figures he had seen behind
the glass through binoculars.
SEPT. 21 Major Paul Anderson, Intelligence Officer for the 100th Bomb Group,
Pease AFB, calls back, says he has stayed up all night working on a report of
this incident. Asked Barney for the size of the object. Barney says it
appeared as big as a dinner plate held at arms length. Major Anderson filed a
report with Blue Book, #100-1-61.
SEPT. 23 Betty [Barney] Hill Goes to the local Library and finds one of
Major Donald Keyhoe's books on UFOs. Takes down his address.
SEPT. 26 Betty Hill writes to Keyhoe in Washington, D.C., describing the
incident as she remembers it. Fuller reports that NICAP (Keyhoe's
organization) was getting 40,000 letters a year.
SEPT. 30 Ten days after the sighting Betty Hill begins to have a series of
vivid and awesome dreams, which Fuller does not tell us about. They continue
for five days and then stop.
OCT. 4 Keyhoe is asked to lunch by Robert Hohman and someone named C.D.
Jackson, "senior engineer" for a "notable electronics company", name
withheld. They are supposedly working on a paper about extra-terrestrial
contacts that Nikola Tesla, David Todd and Marconi were alleged to have
experienced in the early part of the century. Keyhoe tells them about the
OCT. 21 Walter Webb, investigtaor for Keyhoe's NICAP and an astronomer [lec-
turer] with the Hayden Planetarium, New York, N.Y., comes to interview the
Hills. He is there several hours. Betty does not tell him about her dreams.
Barney tells of the "captain" and others he saw through the glass.
OCT. 25? Betty begins to have a series of dreams following an experience in
the car. She had panicked as she and Barney had come upon a stalled auto in
the road with some people standing around it. That night she dreamed of being
taken into a UFO and given some sort of examination.
OCT. 26 Webb's report goes to NICAP in Washington. He had not been contacted
by Keyhoe directly but through the mail by Richard Hall, NICAP's secretary.
He had been skeptical. He was very much impressed by the Hills, however.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
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From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hill Abduction: 2 Of 7
Date: 18 Jun 91 06:30:00 GMT
This is part two of an examination of the book Interrupted Journey by Fuller.
NOV. 3 Hohman and Jackson write the Hills asking for an interview. They tell
the Hills that they are serious minded men whose interest is in "verifying
the origin of these vehicles according to existing scientific theory
maintained by Hermann Oberth." Oberth was of V-2 rocket fame. They did not
reveal their place of employment but permission was granted.
NOV. 25 Hohman and Jackson come to the house to interview the Hills. "Also
visiting that day" is Major James McDonald, a long-time friend of the Hills
and an Air Force intelligence officer. It appears he asks no questions about
who Homan and Jackson are. The Hills had "discussed the case many times with
Maj. McDonald." The three of them spend 12 hours talking to the Hills about
their experience, including the "men" behind the glass. Major McDonald
suggests hypnosis but does not know any therapists. The matter rests here for
some time. Both Hills begin to be concerned about the incident and the chance
they may have been hallucinating.
MAR., 1962 Betty Hill writes to a doctor recommended by a colleague. The
Hills see him and tell their stories. The doctor recommends they wait and see
if the problem subsides on its own. No therapy is attempted.
SUMMER, 1962 Barney begins to see a psychiatrist about his anxiety but only
briefly mentions the UFO incident.
SEPT., 1962 The Hills are invited to a "UFO Study Group" to informally talk
about their experience. That meeting is taped, by whom Fuller does not say,
unknown to the Hills. Betty talked of her dreams, the dream of the physical
SEPT., 1963 The Hills tell their church discussion group about the UFO inci-
dent. That same day Captain Ben Swett, from Pease AFB, was to talk about hyp-
nosis, which he had made a personal hobby of his. The Hills are encouraged by
Major McDonald to talk to their church friends about their experience and en-
couraged by Capt. Swett to undergo hypnosis. Barney is experiencing extreme
psychological disturbances as a result of the UFO sighting and abduction. He
would die in the late 1960's at the age of 46.
Television movie THE UFO INCIDENT with James Earl Jones and Estelle Parsons.
Dr. Simon had been technical advisor on a WWII movie made by John Huston
JUNE, 1964 Sessions with Dr. Simon end.
FALL [Oct.], 1965 Sensational articles run in Boston newspaper about the
Hills experience. Information taken from tape made at the Sept., 1962 "UFO
Study Group" meeting, provenance unknown.
NOV., 1965 Unitarian Church in Dover, N.H., invites the Hills to talk. Hills
meet with Admiral Knowles, NICAP, before they speak. Also on program is a
Public Information Officer from Pease, AFB, who is a member of the Church
[not a church member] and has helped set up the event. He does not attack the
Hills. At this time a huge UFO flap was underway in the area and hundreds of
people were turned away from the church on a cold and raw evening. The usual
attendance for the weekly Unitarian sessions: 40 people.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hill Abduction: 3 Of 7
Date: 18 Jun 91 06:30:00 GMT
This is part 3 of an examination of the book Interrupted Journey by Fuller.
AS YOU CAN SEE from the simple chronology above (assembled from John Fuller's
book with difficulty) there is more going on in the Hill case than meets the
WHO WERE "HOMANN and C.D. Jackson?" Who were they really working for? Why was
a "major electronics firm" paying them to investigate 60-year-old fairy tales
about Nikola Tesla? What "scientific theories" held by Hermann Oberth could
be of interest to an "electronics firm." What we actually have here is a
"cover" for intelligence activity.
IN ALIENS FROM SPACE, 1973, Keyhoe says that these two "engineers" were
"aiding NICAP." That is not the impression that is given in Fuller's book.
In INTERRUPTED JOURNEY the strong impression is that these two gentlemen
simply had an independent interest due to a strange research assignment from
their company. This could be accepted in 1966. In 1990 we know better.
YOU SEE, by the fall of 1963 a gentleman named C.D. Jackson was working for
Time/Life Corporation in an executive position. In fact, he was helping to
arrange a $25,000 payment to the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald.
IN CASE YOU HAVE forgotten, Time/Life bought the Zapruder Film for $150,000
and then made sure it was not shown as a film for many years. Then, when it
was shown, it had been obviously altered. David Lifton in BEST EVIDENCE says
that the film was at the CIA's photo interpretation lab the day Time/Life
bought it.
DOES THE FACT THAT Donald Keyhoe had lunch with C.D. Jackson just after
getting Betty Hill's letter "resonate" with you? It does with this author.
Donald Keyhoe was, in UFOsearch's opinion, running a two-track operation. In
the public and with his organization he was not interested in "contactee"
stories. But on deep background he was involved with another investigation,
one connected with the intelligence community. Were they running him?
CONSIDER THIS. In ALIENS FROM SPACE Keyhoe says that "A well-known
journalist, John Fuller, had learned of the case in a confidential talk at
NICAP. It was arranged that he should prepare the record using Dr. Simon's
taped questions and the Hill's answers." Then Keyhoe says: INTERRUPTED
JOURNEY received a surprising amount of serious attention compared to the
usual treatment of "contactee stories." How interesting.
YES--AND THE "abduction story" has become a staple of the UFO investigator.
Indeed, the sanitized Hill story became the ONLY abduction movie ever made
screen, it never ran in theaters. The same could almost be said for COMMUNION
which was not widely distributed and died a very quick death. It will be in
video stores by mid-1990 which, I think, is the idea.
OTHER QUESTIONS: How did it happen that one of the Hill's best friends was an
Air Force Intelligence Officer who just happened to be visiting the day that
Hohman and Jackson showed up? Isn't it interesting that they were the ones
who first made the Hills aware of their "missing time?" Isn't it interesting
that they were the ones who suggested hypnosis?
ISN'T IT INTERESTING that the man finally called in to do the regressions on
the Hills was the Executive officer of the Army's main psychiatric hospital
during World War II, who did his undergraduate work at Johns Hopkins
University whose wartime president was a member of MAJESTIC-12 and who was
the technical advisor on the major WWII propaganda film made by the famous
director John Huston? The Hills went through two other therapists before
going to Simon. Did they have the money to pay this gentlemen, who must have
been very, very expensive? This is something Fuller does not talk about. Did
NICAP pay their way?
UNPLEASANT POSSIBILITY The Hills were "set up" by the people dealing with
the so-called "Greys" out in New Mexico. The Hill case was either a
deep-cover check on what the "Greys" were doing under the "agreement" or it
was an even deeper-cover attempt at "disinformation" to get "abductions" in
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hill Abduction: 4 Of 7
Date: 18 Jun 91 06:30:00 GMT
This is a letter from Betty Hill to Barb Becker which speaks to the previous
examination of the book Interrupted Journey by Fuller, (previous 3 messages).
Letter from Betty Hill:
Scientists, working at top level government jobs. Their HOBBY was ufos. As
a job protection for them, we agreed not to release their employment, altho
it was well known to us. C D Jackson was never associated with Time/Life. We
had continuing contacts with them. Jackson, in 1966, was still working in
Alabama, at the same employment. Most of our friends were officers at Pease
AFB. Usually, we all met at the Officers Club every Friday night. Barney's
best friend was a Lt. Col. in Intelligence. Jim McDonald was a Major; also a
friend who dated one of my best friends. Later they married. We visited each
other regularly. Jim McDonald suggested hypnosis because our mutual friend,
Capt. Ben Swett, officer at Pease, did this. Ben felt his type of hypnosis
was not adequate, as he used only a light stage, which is the stage of
suggestibility. Dr Ben Simon had left military service years before we met
him and he was in private practice. Dr Stephans referred us to him because he
knew he used medical hypnosis, taught in medical school, when Dr. Stephans
had been one of his students. As for the movie, "Let Their Be Light" dealt
with medical hypnosis used by Dr Simon to treat servicemen returning from
WW2, and restoring them to good health. A wonderful movie - it should be
released to the public. As for two therapists; we consulted one, one
appointment. Barney was seen be Dr Duncan Stephans, but I was not. As for the
cost of our appointments with Dr Simon, it is true he was very expensive. Our
health insurance paid one-half of this. Bill was submitted for "therapy
following ufo capture". We paid the remaining half, which was in the
thousands of dollars. John Fuller did not learn of our experience from NICAP,
or Donald Keyhoe. From them, he learned the information which resulted in his
book, INCIDENT IN EXETER. He was in this area, gathering information for
this, when the Boston newspaper articles were published. As for "Unpleasant
Possibility" - Pure Paranoia! Nothing "sinister" about our experience or our
friends. And the UFO definitely had nothing to do with New Mexico. It would
be appreciated if you would send me a corrected copy for your computer. Nice
to hear from you -
Betty (signed)
Betty Hill
P.S. How I know those who captured us were not from New Mexico -- No alien-
government base exists there. Apparently this story began when a woman in a
light trance of hypnosis told of being taken there.
Ed Conroy, a writer, and a friend Dora Ruffner did an investigation of
this. They learned the locations of these so-called bases were located on the
reservation of the Jicarilla Apache Tribe, a restricted area. So they met
with the tribal leaders and obtained permission to research the areas, with
guides and without them. They explored the areas. All they found was an
abondoned water tower that had been used in the past when a railroad ran thru
this area; also a house habited by an Apache family. No gravel roads, no
towers, no government or any other kind of installations. Ed Conroy was the
first person to research this report - He is a reporter on arts and
electronic media for the San Antonio Express News. He should be included on
your computer network.
Betty Hill
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
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From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hill Abduction: 5 Of 7
Date: 18 Jun 91 06:31:00 GMT
The following is BBS correspondence between Barb Becker and Betty Hill.
Betty Hill part 4
Name: Barb Becker #106 @3466
Date: Sat Jun 02 02:14:30 1990
I wrote to Mrs. Hill again and thanked her for her comments and asked if she
would like to make a statement for the BBS regarding her experience, the fol-
lowing is her response.
April 2, 1990
Dear Barbara Becker,
I think probably the easiest way to answer your questions is to list the
events as they occured.
Let me say first, that in a case like ours, our conscious mind did not re-
member all, but our subconscious mind did.
We considered the beginning of our capture was the time when Barney was
standing in the field, watching the craft, when one of the humanoids said
something to him, resulting in his panic and running back to the car, yelling
they were trying to capture us. As we went speeding along the highway to
avoid capture, we heard the beeping sounds, and the car vibrated. When Barney
turned into a secondary road, I thought we knew a short cut on our way home,
and did not question this. Then we saw what we called the moon setting on the
ground. We assumed the moon was setting, and we could see the trees in front
of this. The next, Barney turned onto a dirt road, in the direction of the
setting moon. Before I could question him about this, we saw the men standing
in the road, blocking our way - and we could not remember beyond this point.
We remembered looking for the highway, but before we reached this, we saw the
craft again as it passed over the secondary road in front of us. When we
entered onto the main highway, we heard a second series of beeping sounds.
And we came home, looking for the craft all the way and not seeing it. At
home, Barney's first remark was "It is 5 o'clock, We should have been home by
3 AM at the latest." This time was from our kitchen clock, for both our
watches had stopped running - this puzzled us, that both stopped about the
same time. Barney began to unload our belongings from the car. We agreed they
should not be brought into the house, so they were left on the back porch for
a couple of days. Then we took long showers, shampoos for we felt "very
dirty". We agreed that something had happened, we did not know what it was,
but we could not talk about it. We would forget about it as quickly as
possible. The next day I went out to my car, and found highly polished spots
on the trunk in a circular pattern. I became very upset, saying maybe we had
been exposed to something dangerous - the spots should be checked out. So I
called my sister who called a physist who suggested checking the spots with a
compass, which I did. When the compass was very erratic, I called my sister
again to tell her of this. At that time a police officer was at her home, and
I talked with him - told him about the night before. He said they had orders
to tell witnesses to call Pease Air Force Base and report this sighting. So
we called Pease and told them about the sighting, but ommitted about Barney
seeing the humanoids. Our next step was to return to the Mountains, looking
for a secondary road, the dirt road, thinking if we could find these, we
could remember what happened after we saw the "men in the road". We went back
regularly, in all kinds of weather, looking but not finding the dirt road.
While we were there, we asked everyone we saw, if they ever saw any strange
lights in the sky, received hundreds of reports - meeting with groups of 50
or more at a time, who told of their sightings, but none with an experience
similar to ours, which we did not discuss.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hill Abduction: 6 Of 7
Date: 18 Jun 91 06:31:00 GMT
About six to eight weeks after this experience, we came home one night, and
found on the kitchen table a pile of dried leaves. Our first response
was - someone has been in our home! When I began to clean up the leaves, I
found my blue ear rings I was wearing that night. That was panic - how did I
lose them and who returned them? And how did they get into our home? Next was
my dress. The second time I had worn this, and now it was covered with a pink
powdery substance. I put it outside, and the powdery substance blew away, but
it left pink stains all over my dress. Also the hem and some seams were torn
- it had a built in lining - badly torn. To go back, to ten nights after this
experience, I had a series of dreams, for five nights, of being captured,
taken on board, given a physical exam. At that time, Barney worked midnight
to 8 AM, so he was not here. I typed out these dreams and hid them, never
discussed them until the time of our hypnosis with Dr. Simon. As for Hohman
and Jackson, they had attended some kind of Geological Conference in
Washington DC and met Donald Keyhoe there. After the Conference they told him
they had a hobby, and interest in flying saucers (the term at that time) He
let them read Walt Webb's report of his meeting with us. Hohman wrote to us,
asking to meet with us. We agreed for at than time, we knew nothing about
ufos, and we were quietly seeking some explanation for our expereince. Hohman
was from New York, and Jackson was from Alabama, so we needed to wait until
these two were together. When they were here, Barney told them about the
humanoid saying something to him, which he could not remember - this was very
upsetting to him. We told them about the setting moon just before we turned
on to the dirt road. They said we could not have seen the moon, for it had
already set. Panic by both of us. So they suggested we take a road map, and
pinpoint our location at different times. We knew we had left Colebrook about
10 PM, the restaurant there. We were able to pinpoint the locations and times
most of the way, but at one point between Plymouth and Ashland was a blank.
So they suggested we go back to this general area. Then we talked about time
- we could drive to Canada in seven hours, and it had taken us seven hours to
come home from Colebrook. There had to be an explanation. Later this was
called a missing time period. But right from the beginning Barney and I knew
the trip home was much longer then it should have been. We continued to go
back to the mountains, looking for the dirt road, asking people about their
sightings. Then we began asking if anyone had ever seen the people aboard the
crafts. No. No one knew Barney had seen them and remembered this. As for a
hallucination, I was and am a trained social worker. I know the conditions
which must exist for a hallucination to occur - for both people to have the
same one, at the same time, does not happen. Dr. Simon confirmed this
impossibility. As for the car incident, we both became upset at the same
time, but I had already had my dreams. We were puzzled as to the reasons we
responded the way we did. If we had not had all these upsetting events
happen, without explanation, we would had never have spent thousands of
dollars going to Dr. Simon. We went to him, to get rid of our anxieties, not
for a ufo capture. He worked with us for seven months, every week. But I
learned during these sessions when he was putting our amnesia back so we
could not remember, that we must see him every week for him to reinforce the
amnesia. If we did not do this, we would remember in about ten days - the
same length of time, after this experience, that I had my dreams. Now I know
I recalled these events, in my dreams, as a result of the lessening of their
control of my memory.
Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Hill Abduction: 7 Of 7
Date: 18 Jun 91 06:31:00 GMT
After our hypnosis, we went back to the area, and went directly to the
secondary road, to the dirt road. Found the cleared area in the woods where
the craft was down. Since that time, three labs have tried to analyze the
pink stains on my dress without success. I agree with you the field of
UFOlogy is filled with disinformation. They have done more to cover real
activities by ufos than any other group. As for my social worker background,
I know that insecure people have a terrible time with things they do not
understand, and must develop an explanation, satisfactory to themselves,
which usually is a fantasy. I dislike the term "missing time" for everyone
has missing time. The human brain is incapable of remembering every little
detail of our lives, every moment. No one can remember everything that
happened yesterday. I have worked with those who have been captured, and with
those who would like to think they were. Five were real captures, reported
almost immediately to the police, and in three cases, they were at the
emergency room at the hospital within three hours. Then for the others -
five were beginning to be mentally ill, were committed, diagnosed, and
treated. Later, one became a suicide. Then there are the hoaxes - I walked
right thru the wall - how much did it cost for repairs? They call back in a
few days, and tell me how they fooled the hypnotist by telling weird tales,
which were believed. Finally, there are those who are led astray by
auto-suggestion, called hypnosis, by those using it. I can take anyone, and
in fifteen minutes, thru a simple exercise can give them a ufo capture. But I
am sure that they know it is only a "Flight of Fantasy". But it is the same
kind of "hypnosis" others are using. It is not the hypnosis we had. We had
the kind that is used in surgery. I would like to see all those who use the
wrong kind, try to do some simple medical procedures. So many try to copy my
experiences, so Dr. Simon wrote a segment about hypnosis, the types, testing
and characteristics. No one apparently read or understood this section, pages
82 thru 85, for they ignore this. Unfortunately it is ruining the field of
hypnosis, which does have good medical uses. I went to a conference of
so-called abductees. One told of her experiences, right out of Star Trek. She
took on the part played by Capt. Kirk. Used the same names as in the tv
program. Later we told her this, so she went back and had "hypnosis" again
and came up with a different capture. Such success. Such fairy tales they
tell. Thanks for letting me set the record straight. Some times I have heard
my experiences told in such a way, I did not recognize it.
Betty (signed)
Betty Hill
-+--- End of File -----------------------------------------------------------
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