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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 451

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 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 451 

Monday, August 12th 1991

Today's Topics:

Re: Needles, Implants, Tissue Samples
Shattering Assault [part 1]
Shattering Assault [part 2]
UFOs and Superconductors
Dale Goudie
Dale Goudie


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Re: Needles, Implants, Tissue Samples
Date: 10 Aug 91 19:04:00 GMT

* Forwarded from "Alt.Alien.Visitors"
* Originally from Steve Gamble X3293
* Originally dated 08-08-91 12:05

+From: (Steve Gamble x3293)
Date: 8 Aug 91 10:48:59 GMT
Organization: MRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre, Harrow, U.K.
Message-ID: <>
+Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors

In article <jms.5643@vanth.UUCP>, jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) writes:
> In article <9851@awdprime.UUCP> (Craig Becker)
> >I'm familiar with abductee claims about having needles stuck into their
> >brain and/or having small BB-like implants; what I'm curious about is
> Whitley Strieber has had some sort of scan done and some sort of objects
> appeared on it. I don't know if any abductees have died yet, but it would
[stuff deleted]

As I understand it a couple of bright spots were found on Whitley's CAT
scan. Speaking to people who know more about CAT scans than I, I believe
that these Anomolous Bright Objects are seen in a proportion (the figure
5%, if I recall correctly) of otherwise normal brains. As usual care
should be exercised in interperating the data. These are just bright spots
which show up on the CAT scan, there is no evidence of them being
implants or anythingelse. I am not aware that Whitley himself has made
any claims about these spots.

We could now enter the field of speculation! If the bright spots DID
turn out to implants this might suggest that up to 1 in 20 people were
abductees (i.e. 5%). At a recent conference I heard the quote that
'many more people than we thought, maybe 1 in 40 of the population have
been abducted'. (I cannot remember who told me this otherwise I would
point the finger :) ) The 'classic' picture is that humans are abducted
by extraterrestrials in flying saucers. If we then try to apply a little
bit of logic to this using the lower 'estimate' of 1 in 40 :-

If we take the U.S. population as being 250 million
and abductions occuring for the last 40 years this
would suggest
6,250,000 people had been abducted in the U.S.
which is 156,250 per year or
428 per day !
Remember that would be for the U.S. alone on
the basis of the 1 in 40 people I was quoted
That is without anythingelse 'they' might get
up to like cattle mutilations. No doubt NASA
would be pleased with 10% of the budget these
guys would have!!!!!

What I am trying to convey is that we should try to think through
carefully the implications of things like '1 in 40 people have been
abducted' and urge further caution in assigning abduction to ET's.

Having urged caution, some further observation/speculation!

Thinking about abductee case reports I have read there might be a
kind of consistency with some form of controlling implant. In
Streibers case the 'visitors' came just as he was falling asleep.
In the Communion film they seem to insert a needle somewhere behind
his ear. It could be argued that an implant inserted here could be
placed in brain stem centres which there is some evidence are involved
in sleep. Likewise in Cathy Davies case (from Budd Hopkins book Intruders)
she seems to be abducted when gets the compulsion to visit the local
late night store to buy Coke or snacks. She describes implants inserted
up her nose. Would such an implant be placed in hypothalamic centres
which control feeding behaviour? In Ed Walters case (Gulf Breeze) he
describes hearing a loud buzzing noise just before the UFO's appear. He
also describes having an implant inserted in his temple. I believe
that around this area of the brain is where hearing is resolved.

In summary, I am uneasy at buying the ET's, abduction and implant
scenario as it is normally sold. But then again if we adopt the
attitude there ain't no ET's and there ain't no implants why to some
of the witnesses describe the effects you might expect if they did
have an implant??!!!!

(Disclaimer: These are not my employer's opinions, they may not even be mine!)

Steve Gamble, Computing Services,
Clinical Research Centre, Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 3UJ, UK.
Phone: 081 869 3293 JANET: INTERNET:

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Shattering Assault [part 1]
Date: 10 Aug 91 19:21:00 GMT

I found this on the Internet. It is not to be construed as an endorsement
from ParaNet. For information only.

----------------------------------------- UFO's: The "Shattering Assault"
PART 1 by Father Alexey Young 'Orthodox America' issue #88 transcribed and
posted with the permission of the publisher

"Let no man deceive you by any means...." II Thess.2:3

It is no coincidence that the ancient pagan mystery religions as
well as numerous mystical fraternities (such as the Theosophists and
Rosicrucians) speak of an "elite" --sometimes called "the Great White
the "Ascended Masters," or the "Mahatmas" of Madame
Blavatsky -- a group of beings seeking to guide and control the destiny
of mortal man. Sometimes this "elite" is seen as non-human, at other
times as "highly evolved" or perfected humans. [transcriber's note: the
respondents in the FORUM topic "ORACLES" refer to their "higher power"

The ancestor of this "elite" is the 'daimon' of the ancient pagan
Greeks - from which, in fact, we get the word "demon," and which prompted
the Holy Fathers to say that "the gods of the pagans are demons". [from
the Psalter] Thus, from the Christian point of view, there can be no
doubt that such an invisible "elite" exists, and is known to the
followers of Christ as the army of fallen angels, the demonic host. This
host enters into our fallen world through sin and heresy, as well as by
occult practices of all kinds (from apparently "innocent" things such as
ouija boards to the New Age practice of "channeling")[see FORUM topic
"ORACLES" for a local selection]. Now however, fallen angels have found
a new and particularly dazzling way to enter the world of men.

Whereas a generation ago only "cranks" and the
mentally/emotionally distressed believed in UFOs, today more than half
the population of the US, according to surveys, accepts the reality of
alien visitors. In particular, "many New Agers believe in unidentified
flying objects,"
according to Time, "crewed by oddly shaped
extraterrestrials who have long visited the earth from more advanced
planets, spreading the wisdom that created, among other things,
Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt."

Although UFO literature is proliferous, the most respected and
listened-to UFO "convert" is Whitley Streiber, who has written two recent
books on his own experiences, 'Communion: A True Story' (1987) and its
sequel, 'Transformation: A Breakthrough' (1988). Both books have been on
the best seller list and the author has appeared in numerous television
interviews, partly because he writes well and has consulted many members
of the scientific community.

Although Streiber says that he was never before interested in
UFOs and had read practically nothing on the subject, "this is the
he writes in the first book, "of one man's attempt to deal with a
shattering assault from the unknown. It is a true story, as true as I
know how to describe it. To all appearances I have had an elaborate
personal encounter with intelligent nonhuman beings. But who could they
be, and where have they come from? Are unidentified flying objects real?
Are they goblins or demons ... or visitors?"

Beginning in December 1985 Streiber and his family experienced a
whole series of dream-like lights, voices, touchings and "night visitors"
with bug-like heads. "At first," he said, "I thought I was losing my
mind. But I was interviewed by three psychologists and three
psychiatrists and given a battery of psychological tests and a
neurological examination, and found to fall within the normal range in
all respects. I was given a polygraph .. and I passed without qualification
...The visitors marched right into the middle of the life of an
indifferent skeptic without a moment's hesitation."

The fact that Streiber's first book 'Communion' also contains
official medical statements as to his normalcy and sanity, as well as
transcripts of hypnotic sessions (used to focus details of his
experiences) and that he acknowledges by name the help of prominent
scientists in many fields, adds to the veracious tone of his frightening

Streiber speculates that his "visitors" could be:

1) "from another planet or planets;
2) "
from earth, but so different from us that we have not hitherto
understood that they were even real;
3) "from another aspect of space-time -- another dimension;
4) "
from this dimension in space but not in time" -- in
otherwords, time-travel by our own descendants into their own past (our
5) "
from within us;
6) "a certain hallucinatory wire in the mind, or
7) "
an aspect of the human species" -- perhaps ghosts or, better
yet, "
maybe you and I are larvae, and the 'visitors' are human beings in
the mature form."

What makes Streiber's account so compelling is his apparent
objectivity: he projects himself as an innocent bystander, in no way
responsible for this bizarre encounter. Beyond the pages of these books,
however, one discovers that Streiber is also the author of several horro
stories, which contain similarities to his real-life experience. As one
critic pointed out: "
'Communion' seems like the end of a logical
progression leading from the fiction side of the bestseller list to the
non-fiction side" (Thomas Dirch in 'The Nation', March 14, 1987). What is
even more revealing, Streiber studied for 15 years with the Gurdjieff
Foundation, a cultish group whose teaching stresses "
the development of
powers latent in the human psche," and whose spiritual eclecticism is
popular among today's New Agers. Obviously, Streiber's role was not as
passive as he would lead his readers to believe; he had -- unknowingly,
no doubt -- predisposed himself to cooperate with such an experience. And
one can more readily understand why the 'aliens' told him: "
You are our
chosen one."

Although he brings a diverse array of ideas and theories from
world religion and philosophy to bear on his subject -- everything from
Hindu mythology to the warefare of St Anthony the Great with demons --
religion and God in the traditional sense are conspicuously absent from
his thinking and he comes down in favor of the popular modern idea that
SCIENCE is the only "
key" -- if still primitive -- to understanding these
experiences. But, as Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) wrote in his study of UFOs
(in 'Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future'): "
Science fiction has
given the images,'evolution' has produced the philosophy, and the
technology of the 'space age' has supplied the plausibility for such

Rather than a boundless thirst for God, we have instead a "
thirst for contact with superior minds that will provide guidance for our
poor, harassed, hectic, planet" (Jaques Vallee, quoted in ORF, p.138).
Indeed Streiber is himself a fervent environmentalist with an apocalyptic
sense of the destruction man is bringing upon his little earth-home.

What is clear in Streiber's books is that mind or thought control
is being exercised on the human race by these "
visitors" in a way that
can only be described in the classic sense as occult. The Orthodox reader
is chilled when, at one point, the author discovers that he can "
call up"
these "
visitors" at will and experience a kind of "communion" with them
(thus, the title of his first book) in a manner that is clearly mediumistic.

to be continued in PART 2

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Shattering Assault [part 2]
Date: 10 Aug 91 19:19:00 GMT

----------------------------------------- UFO's: The "
Shattering Assault"
PART 2 by Father Alexey Young 'Orthodox America' issue #88 transcribed and
posted with the permission of the publisher

No Orthodox Christian even slightly versed in the lives of the
saints and the writings of the Holy Fathers can fail to understand what
is happening here. The similarities between Streiber's experiences (and
those of other UFO "
contactees") and the demonic warfare of the saints is
compelling. The author himself even describes peculiar smells associated
with his "
visitors" -- among them, a "sulfur-like" odor which he compares
to the head of a matchstick. His "
visitors" have frightening, insect-like
heads with enormous eyes that he associates with statues of the pagan
goddess Ishtar. In 'Transformation' he writes:

I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell
on earth to be there, and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, and
couldn't get away. I lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies.
Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and
sinister ... I still remember that thing crouching there, so terribly
ugly, its arms and legs like limbs of a great insect, its eyes glaring at

In his second book Streiber concludes that many of the "
encounters" he has had (and is still having) are for the purpose of
shattering my belief in the accepted paradigm of reality. And it
succeeded very well ... I suspect that experiences such as [these] are
the outcomes of a fundamental shift of mind. They are what happens when
people begin to abandon the old, *false* beliefs..." Truer words were
never spoken.

Although Streiber now believes that his "
visitors" are extra-
terrestrials and have a physical reality, he also calls them "
and "
soul-eaters," who have the "ability to enter the mind and affect
thought," and much, much worse. He writes:

Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might
be a struggle *for my soul*, my essence, or whatever part of me might
have reference to the eternal...It was clear that the soul was very much
at issue. People [have] experienced feeling as if their souls were being
dragged from their bodies. More than one person had seen the visitors in
the context of a near-death experience."

In spite of all this, Streiber's delusion is so great that he can
enthusiastically say that "
it is up to each one of us to seek our own
contact [with the 'visitors'], develop it if it occurs, and challenge
ourselves to use it for...spiritual growth..."

By contrast, Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov wrote a century ago:
The perception of spirits with the eyes of sense always brings harm,
sometimes greater and sometimes less, to men who do not have spiritual
perception...He will unfailingly be deceived, he will unfailingly be
attracted, he will unfailingly be sealed with the seal of deception...the
seal of a frightful injury to his spirit; and further, the possibility of
correction and salvation is often lost. This has happened with many, very
many. It has happened not only with pagans, whose priests were for the
most part in open *communion* with demons; it has happened not only with
many Christians who do not know the mysteries of Christianity..' it has
[also] happened with many strugglers and monks..." (quoted in 'The Soul
After Death', Fr. Seraphim Rose, p.68)

When he wasn't "
seeing" them, Streiber nonetheless frequently
heard" their voices, "as if from a small speaker just to the right of my
head." Without any difficulty at all he saw that this was similar to the
pagan oracles of old: "
the oracles at Delphi and many other places in the
ancient world were channels answering questions in trance...With the rise
of Christianity the voice died...So the voice I was hearing, as also the
voices heard by modern channels, was possessed by an ancient and lofty
human heritage...I was still well within the tradition of human

Streiber also speaks of psychic gifts that suddenly appear,
unbidden, in people who have UFO experiences: "
precognition, apparent
telepathy, out-of-the-body perceptions, and even physical levitation.
Such people often find street lights mysteriously shutting down as they
walk down the street. (One wonders if he had ever seen the 1950's film
about modern-day witchcraft, 'Bell, Book, and Candle', in which a novice
warlock is able to turn out the street lights as he passes by.)

Streiber concludes benignly; "I do not think we have even begun
to comprehend the visitors. I suspect that we are a lot farther from
understanding them than we are from understanding , say, the songs of the

But Fr. Seraphim wrote: "Such stories of demonic activity were
commonplace in earlier centuries. It is a sign of the spiritual crisis of
today that modern men, for all their proud 'enlightenment' and 'wisdom'
are becoming once more aware of such experiences -- but no longer have
the Christian framwork with which to explain them...A true evaluation of
UFO experiences may be made only on the basis of Christian revelation and
experience, and it is accessible only to the humble Christian believer
who trusts these sources"
(Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, pps

Ever since the phenomenally successful movies, 'Close Encounters'
and 'E.T.'(just rereleased on video), we have seen a resurgence of
interest in UFO phenomena. It will doubtless continue to grow as
Christianity wanes in the West and people instead tune their ears to very
ancient "voices", once stilled by the Son of God.

The Orthodox Christian, however must hold on to the redemption
offered by Christ, for as Fr. Seraphim wrote, "he knows that man is not
to 'evolve' into 'something higher', nor has he any reason to believe
that there are 'highly evolved' beings on other planets; but he knows
well that there are indeed ' advanced intelligences' in the universe
besides himself: these are of two kinds, and he strives to live so as to
dwell with those who serve God (the angels) and avoid contact with the
others who have rejected God (the demons)...he distrusts his own ability
to see through the deceptions of the demons, and therefore clings all the
more firmly to the Scriptural and Patristic guidelines which the Church
of Christ provides for his life...."
(Orthodoxy and the religion of the
Future, pps. 144-145).

O Archangel of God, leave us not defenseless against
the spirits of evil in the upper air!

from the prayer to St Michael the Archangel
[patron of Archangel Michael Russian Orthodox Student Association]

written by Father Alexey Young
published by Orthodox America
Vol IX, #8 (issue 88), March 89
available from GOLD::GILSTRAP
or by subscription from:
P.O.Box 2132, Redding CA., 96099

notes by transcriber set off by [...]

Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Jim.Speiser@f37.n114.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: UFOs and Superconductors
Date: 10 Aug 91 21:10:00 GMT

>> A ParaNet user recently pointed out this article to me, and suggested
that it might have a bearing on the UFO propulsion question. I wanted to
run it here to see what "reaction" it generates (grin). (John Chalmers,
are you still out there?)
My thanks to Deane Ward of The Encounter for transcription. -JS



Last fall, at a convention on superconductivity, Masato Murakami, a
senior research scientist at Japan's International Super-conducting
Technology Center (ISTEC), and his colleagues succeeded in levi-
tating their boss, Dr. Shoji Tanaka, director of the ISTEC labora-
tory, as he stood on a permanent superconducting magnet. The weight-
lifting demonstration marked steady progress in the practical appli-
cation of new ceramic superconductors. Meanwhile, other Japanese
researchers are methodically creating new materials.
Also last fall, for example, researchers at Hitachi's Supercon-
ductivity Research Center announced they had developed a material
that became superconductive at 130 degrees K, a record high temp-
Unfortunately, the material also proved to be unstable, losing its
superconductivity within a few days. And the process of synthesizing
the material was hit or miss. Such problems must be solved before
the Hitachi discovery can truly be considered a new and practical
Aside from the record high temperature, says Shin-Pei Matsuda, who
led the research team, the new compound is significant because it is
a vanadium oxide. The bismuth, thallium, and yttrium compounds pre-
viously proven to be high-temperature superconductors all contain copper
Finding the material was a long process of trial and error. "We tried
thousands of kinds of oxides,"
explains Matsuda. The new material is a
compound of thallium, strontium, vanadium, and oxygen. In laboratory
tests, the electrical resistance of the compound dropped precipi-
tiously after the temperature was lowered below 160 degrees K. As a
result, Hitachi researchers believe that a variation of the compound
may have a critical temperature above 130 degrees K.
But the stability and formulation problems temper the scientists'
enthusiasm. "We made lots of samples, but only a few of them exhibited
Matsuda says. "We cannot control the conditions of

What's more, after the superconducting samples had been left exposed
to the air for a few days, the superconducting properties were lost.
The researchers believe this is due to the oxidation of the thallium,
which changes the chemical composition of the material. Hitachi
researchers are continuing work on this vanadium oxide material and
other compounds.
Japanese researchers are also looking at ways of putting high-temp-
erature superconductors to work. Researchers at ISTEC are working on
applications based on what is called flux pinning: All superconductors
cooled to their critical temperature exhibit the Meissner effect, in
which a magnetic field is repulsed by the superconducting body. The
Meissner effect, however, is only seen under weak magnetic fields. By
dispersing non-superconducting elements in a superconducting material
matrix, ISTEC researchers have found that they can greatly increase the
ability of their new superconducting materials to repulse a magnetic
field. The non-superconducting elements create what are called pinning
centers that channel, or pin, the magnetic flux at the surface of a
This flux pinning creates something similar to the repulsion between
opposite poles of a magnet. But magnetic repulsion is unstable; the
magnets move in any direction to escape. With flux pinning, a magnet
can be levitated above a superconductor and held in a stable horizontal
position. "The superconductor memorizes the stable condition," says
ISTEC researchers have been working to increase the repulsive force
by increasing the density of the non-superconducting particles in a
superconducting matrix. In January of 1990, the maximum levitating
force they could create with an yttrium-barium-copper oxide disc one
inch in diameter and 0.6 inch thick was 10.6 ounces. By the end of the
year, the same size disc could hold almost 20 pounds in the air. The
levitating force can be further increased by clustering a number of the
superconducting discs under one magnet, a technique that managed to
levitate Tanaka.
The ISTEC researchers think the effect can be used to create non-
contact bearings. That's because while a magnet will be held in a
stable horizontal position, it can still rotate. "If you start to rotate
the magnet, it keeps rotating as long as eight or twelve hours,"
explains. "There is no friction."
Murakami thinks it could be put to use in a mechanical energy-storage
device. He envisions a 23-foot-diameter flywheel made from a permanent
magnet levitated above superconducting discs cooled with liquid nitrogen.
An electric motor-generator would put energy into the system by rotating
the flywheel. Energy would be taken out by letting the kinetic energy
of the flywheel drive the generator, producing electricity. Utilities
could use the device to balance their daily load variations.
Tanaka says flux pinning can also be used to magnetize superconductors,
if a superconductor loaded with pinning centers is subjected to a magnetic
field in its non-superconducting state, that is, at higher-than-critical
temperatures, the flux passes through the material normally. If the
superconductor is then cooled below its critical temperature, the flux
beomes trapped. The superconductor becomes a permanent magnet and remains
one as long as the material is kept at the cryogenic temperature.
Tanaka sees high-temperature superconducting research already entering
a second phase that will result in practical applications by the mid-
1990s. He predicts that within about three years, a material with a
critical temperature of 150 degrees K will be developed and that critical
currents will reach practical levels. "We are optimistic about the
potential for high-temperature superconductors,"
he says.--Dennis Normile


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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From: Michael.Schuyler@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Schuyler)
Subject: Dale Goudie
Date: 10 Aug 91 22:10:00 GMT

I used to dial into a board in Seattle run by Dale Goudie which contained
all the CUFON files now on ParaNet. Dale was involved in Blue Peace, a sort
of UFO Greenpeace organization. The board is now gone, and I assume for the
moment that ParaNet Alpha Lambda is the only UFO-oriented board now in
place in the Seattle area. Whatever happened to Dale? Anybody know?
Michael Schuyler - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Schuyler@f201.n350.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: Dale Goudie
Date: 12 Aug 91 02:01:00 GMT

> I used to dial into a board in Seattle run by Dale Goudie which
> contained
> all the CUFON files now on ParaNet. Dale was involved in Blue Peace, a
> sort
> of UFO Greenpeace organization. The board is now gone, and I assume for
> the
> moment that ParaNet Alpha Lambda is the only UFO-oriented board now in
> place in the Seattle area. Whatever happened to Dale? Anybody know?

I don't know other than financial reasons. Dale also was pretty disgusted
with the state of affairs concerning UFOlogy. I lost contact with him over
two years ago.


Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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