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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 520

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 11 months ago

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 520 

Monday, January 13th 1992

Today's Topics:

Re: Suicides?
Ufo Magazine
Ufo Magazine
Re: *** TV ALERT ***
An Interesting Development ...
Ray Stanford
An Interesting Development ...
An Interesting Development ...
Momentous Occasion
Re: Nephilim
Roswell Investigation
Amazon Question
Noriega Trial
Re: Suicides?
Re: Nephilim
Amazon Question
Re: Cis Message


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: JFK MYSTERY
Date: 31 Dec 91 04:43:00 GMT

Hi Pete,

Thanks for info on Kennedy and all those mysterious deaths. Looks like
the only one who didn't get killed was Garrison!! Makes ya wonder why
not. Lot of hysterical folks, to be killing themselves......hmmmm.

Thanks again, and Happy New Year! Have a drink for me; I've got


Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Suicides?
Date: 31 Dec 91 04:46:00 GMT

Hello Clark,

Thanks for more info on Kennedy. I'm sure by now you saw Pete Porro's
post and run-down on the deaths.

Amazing story....

Thanks and Be Good!


Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Ufo Magazine
Date: 30 Dec 91 01:20:00 GMT

Ian Harper asked:

> Hi can you please tell me where i can get a copy of this mag, as it
> sounds very interesting. i live in a town in the UK called Basildon
> and we find it hard to get hold of this kind of info (that was before we
> got paranet)
> I hope you dont mind me asking? bye for now.......IAN HARPER

Ian, I am always happy to be of help if possible.

UFO Magazine is a bi-monthly publication that takes a sober, skeptical look at
one of the most fascinating subjects around, UFOs. The best way to receive the
magazine in the U.K. is via subscription. In the U.S. the cost is $21.00 per
year, and outside the U.S. it is $28.00 per year. If you live outside the U.S.
and wish it to get to you 1st Class ( much faster ) the cost is $36.00, and
you will recieve it much quicker.

The address to send a subscription fee is;

UFO Magazine
P.O. Box 1053
Sunland, Ca. 91041

Hope that is of assistance.

Best Regards;

Don Ecker
Director of Research
UFO Magazine

Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: Ufo Magazine
Date: 30 Dec 91 01:37:00 GMT

Keith Basterfield stated;

> There was some talk six months ago about trying to get the mag
> distributed down under. Did anything come of this? If not could you
> please supply me with the mailing address and current US$ price for a
> year's subs and I'll sub direct. The tantalising items I see here, need
> to be explored in full with a personal copy. Thanks.

Keith, as of yet no, nothing happening. However you may certainly

The cost outside the U.S. is $28.00 U.S. currency, and if you would wish it
sent air-mail 1st Class, the cost is $36.00 U.S. Inside the U.S. it is still
$21.00. Write to;

UFO Magazine
P.O. Box 1053
Sunland, Ca. 91041

Will look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards;


Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Ecker@p0.f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Graham@f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Graham)
Subject: Re: *** TV ALERT ***
Date: 31 Dec 91 21:57:49 GMT

In a message sent 22:03: 25 Dec 91, John Hrusovszky wrote to Jim Speiser:
JH> Nope. Just finished watching it. And right
JH> afterwards, a Special
JH> Speech by President Bush -- about the breakup of
True, but it did get the heart muscle to flutter when the network announcer
said, "Stay tuned for a special report from the President of the United
. :-)

On a serious note, I wonder if this announcement rumor actually came from
within the show itself. Several minutes into the show, Robert Stack said
something like, "...and when we come back, we'll hear testimony from actual
government officials..."

Jim Graham
Sysop: The Portal Dolmen BBS and ParaNet(sm) ALPHA-GAMMA
(812)-334-0418, 24 hours
Lots of wierd-science goodies.

Jim Graham - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Graham@f13.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: An Interesting Development ...
Date: 31 Dec 91 14:49:21 GMT

In a message to Don Allen <29 Dec 91 12:11> John Burke wrote:

JB> BTW, thanks for posting that cookie recipe that appeared on the
JB> Internet. Now if I can just find someone to do the "dirty work"
JB> and really MAKE those damn things ... Happy New Year! -- John

Speaking of which, I dutifully posted the recipe to the local net here, and I
was informed that it is one of those "online urban legends," as I kinda
suspected it was.

The wife is going to attempt the recipe anyway.


Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Bill.Chalker.UFORA.Associate.NSW@f8.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Bill Chalker UFORA Associate NSW)
Subject: Ray Stanford
Date: 29 Dec 91 05:24:00 GMT

> > Yes is was Project Starlight International. See for example Curran's
> > book "In Advance of the Landing" and Ray's own book "Socorro Saucer in a
> > Pentagon Pantry"
for more info. The site development re UFO monitoring
> > I believe is now defunct.

> How can I get a copy of this publication?
> Mike
Mike, Seasons greetings.
Curran's excellent book on Folk Concepts of Outer Space was
published in 1985 by Abbeville Press, Inc. 505 Park Avenue,
New York, 10022. It is difficult to get but a wonderful
book on the human response to the ETH pulse.
Ray Stanford's own book was published as "Socorro Saucer in
a Pentagon Pantry"
by Blue Apple Books, P.O. Box 5694,
Austin, Texas, 78763 run by a friend of Ray's, John Lucas.
He also did the excellent drawings. I'm not sure whether
Blue Apple is still going. Fontana published a paperback
version as "Socorro Saucer" in 1978 (William Collins, UK)
with an extra chapter referring to supportive info on the
possiblity of a landing at Holloman in 1964 in which contact
or retrieval was made. APRO was writing about this in 1964!
This claim was resurrected by Doty with Howe in the early
80s, and Emenegger had a similar story thrust on him in the
70s, but his contacts were stating that the Holloman landing
took place in 1971 - a B___ S____ date according to Doty
(via Linda Howe). I don't know if a US paperback edition
was published.
I would be interested in hearing anything re the
Howe/Emenegger/Holloman connection.
Regards, Bill

Bill Chalker UFORA Associate NSW - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Bill.Chalker.UFORA.Associate.NSW@f8.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Vladimir Godic)
Subject: An Interesting Development ...
Date: 28 Dec 91 18:44:00 GMT

> As a Ham operator, I have talked to many in your country and
> get this feeling of still wanting to go over there when I talk
> to them. Maybe when I hit the lotto I can make my dream come
> true.

Come to Cairns, Tropical Far North Queensland (where I live now)
if you like warm weather - no winters here! A real paradise.

> Maybe someday these records will be opened and the truth will
> come out. Be careful when dealing with this subject and others
> during your investigations. A lot of joint adventures going on
> between our 2 countries and this country playes hard ball
> sometimes when you get too close to the facts.

Thanks for the advice Jim. I've been very active in UFOlogy for the
past 30 years. So far I haven't had any unpleasnt experiences with the
MIBs (Men in Black). However, if I happen to see a real UFO, I won't
tell anybody.

All the best,

Vladimir Godic - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Vladimir Godic)
Subject: An Interesting Development ...
Date: 28 Dec 91 18:49:00 GMT

> I "believe" that both cases are real..however, I cannot prove
> them
> satisfactorily to skeptics, but that's just my opinion. Every
> person
> has their own index for what kinds of "proof" they will accept
> as being
> real/acceptable to them. To me, both GB and the Meier case are
> labeled
> "religious".

That's fine by me. In that case there is nothing more I'd like to say.


Vladimir Godic - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Basterfield)
Subject: IUR
Date: 27 Dec 91 05:00:00 GMT

Hi Peggy, The address for the IUR is International UFO Reporter, 2457
West Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60659. Price is quoted in a
recent issue as $25.00 per annum, six issues. Articles I write, are
sent to a variety of Journals e.g. IUR, Magonia, MUFON Journal,
Fortean Times (all gratis). I like the IUR for its academic leanings
to the subject. Re reproduction of the articles elsewhere, I have
always found the editor Jerry Clark more than willing to grant
permission to reprint. For example, my last IUR article on an
Australian abduction case was reproduced, with Jerry's and my
permission in the UK Fortean Times. So no, I'm not contracted to
anyone, just the most appropriate mag for the article.

Keith Basterfield - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser)
Subject: Momentous Occasion
Date: 1 Jan 92 19:31:56 GMT

In addition to wishing you all a Happy New Year, it is also my distinct
pleasure to wish you all a


Here's to another memorable year of the world's most intelligent online
conversations on the paranormal!

Jim Speiser

Jim Speiser - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@p666.f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird)
Subject: Re: Nephilim
Date: 2 Jan 92 00:20:00 GMT

Hi Peggy,

Thanks for the message from Rocky. It would be fun to talk to him
about these Nephilim folks. Glad to see there are others who ponder
such unponderables. A question for you and Rocky: who is Yahwah, the
(oops, that's Yahweh) the spiritual leader/god for the Isralies? Was
]he one of the Nephilim? IF so, which one? Enki? Anu? Enlil?

Thanks for the Christmas Card!

Hope you have a great New Year!

Good wishes,


Linda Bird - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG


From: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Sheldon Wernikoff)
Subject: Roswell Investigation
Date: 2 Jan 92 02:05:01 GMT

I recently received from Dr. Bruce Maccabee a summary of grant
proposals for the continuing Roswell case investigation. This
summary is reproduced below for those of you who did not receive
this inquiry. The names in parentheses are the proposers, dollar
amounts are estimated Project costs.

He would like us all to rank order of the following proposals by
placing a "1" beside the project you think is the most important;
a "2" next to the second most important, etc.

The form should then be mailed to:

Fund for UFO Research
P.O. Box 277
Mt. Rainier, MD 20712

___ Project A -- To conduct further research into UFO
crash/retrieval cases (Leonard Stringfield): $1,200

___ Project B -- To interview six additional witnesses
(Don Schmitt): $1,700

___ Project C -- To conduct hypnosis sessions with known and
potential witnesses (Stanton Friedman): $15,860

___ Project D -- To conduct further research at the Truman and
Eisenhower Libraries, the Sandia and Los Alamos Laboratories, and
at the Library of Congress (Stanton Friedman): $6,545

___ Project E -- To produce a follow-up videotaped summary of
witness testimony (Fred Whiting): $500

___ Project F -- To bring significant witnesses to Washington, DC,
for a de-briefing by congressional staff and interviews with media
representatives (Fred Whiting) $5,700

Any further suggestions:..............


My personal order of importance would be F (absolutely!),D,A,C,E,B

Sheldon Wernikoff - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Sheldon.Wernikoff@p0.f605.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
Subject: Amazon Question
Date: 1 Jan 92 07:04:00 GMT

> Amazon's banks. Human skeletons at the
> site are ''robust, tall, compared to
> later Amerindian populations,''
> one scientist said.

Could indicate a migration from a different area than the later Amerindians.


John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: SUICIDES?
Date: 1 Jan 92 10:09:44 GMT

Hope the file with the stats got through to all of you. I didn't write it, I
don't know the source, but since it was up I served it.

PS Disclaimer for the year of 1992, I may not spell well, but my typing is
even worse. Please excuse me for the next 365 days. Details are fine, but as
usual the most simple common things in life seem to escape me. I'll probably
get hit by a 747 because I didn't notice it!
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: CIS MESSAGE
Date: 1 Jan 92 10:19:35 GMT

We have to stop meeting like this, I think your husband is getting
suspicious? I just called CIS for the playoff games (since I'm a football nut
among other obsessions) <help my brain died!> and now I writing comments upon
the comments. Didn't see anything, but I'll try tomorrow.

Besides that I closed out all the accounts for the year at work which is
hours of watching the printer in compressed print, telling me what I was
wishing I didn't have to see.

Tomorrow I hope to start my life again. I'm done living as the sound of one
hand clapping. Significant blabber trust me.
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
Subject: Re: JFK MYSTERY
Date: 1 Jan 92 10:20:12 GMT

And Garrison is a judge now.
Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Subject: Noriega Trial
Date: 1 Jan 92 15:49:01 GMT

CM> In a message to Jim Speiser <20 Dec 91 07:24> Jim Greenen
CM> wrote:
CM> JG> behalf of Noriega. It smells of the James "Bo" Grz trial where it
CM> JG> was completely black-out from the city limits of Las Vegas. Lars
CM> JG> Hannson has been covering the trial and has written some news
CM> JG> articules on it. Can't get a major newspaper or TV station to
CM> JG> touch it. It makes you wonder just whats going on. 73'S ---JIM---
CM> What's going on is that Noriega survived to name names.
CM> This should be really interesting -- bet you 16 to 5 that
CM> virtually nothing the defense tries to present will be
CM> allowed into evidence...
CM> Best,
CM> Clark

Sorry Clark, the odds are not high enough. How about 50 to 1, the
I might bet you a quarter. ---Grin---
Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Subject: Suicides?
Date: 1 Jan 92 15:53:02 GMT

You forgot James V. Forreststall (spelling not correct) and probably
thousands more that we are not aware of. ---Jim---
Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Greenen)
Subject: Re: Suicides?
Date: 1 Jan 92 16:05:03 GMT

LB> Hi JIm,
LB> Thanks for answering back on the Kennedy question. It
LB> certainly is strange how all those people died so
LB> mysteriously!
LB> My Xmas was ruined when, a few days before Xmas day, both
LB> Hubby and I came down with colds. Really nasty for me; got
LB> behind in all my school work, and the lesson I have learned
LB> is that I'm gonna have to slow down. Still not well yet,
LB> just crept outa bed to check mail. <cof>
LB> Happy New Year,
LB> Linda

Sorry I couldn't give you more details but I have a problem
remembering names and details. I do remember reading or seeing a
articule or watching something but can't remember which book or
program that it happened. This happens when you get over 50.
Sorry about the cold but I have the same problem when the wife
catches a cold. She is so cute, I have a hard time staying away from
her. You would think after 24 years that I could have better self
control. Sometimes I wish God didn't make you women so huggable.
73'S ---JIM---
Jim Greenen - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Jim.Greenen@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Iur
Date: 3 Jan 92 12:12:00 GMT

Thank you for sending the address and other information.
Sounds worth checking further. I appreciate the info!
Peggy Noonan - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Price
Date: 3 Jan 92 12:13:00 GMT

>Hi, yes, I'll write to Richard price re his video.

Okay, I hope it proves worthwhile!
Peggy Noonan - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Re: Nephilim
Date: 3 Jan 92 12:16:00 GMT

>Hi Peggy,
> Thanks for the message from Rocky. It would be fun to talk
>to him about these Nephilim folks. Glad to see there are
>others who ponder
>such unponderables. A question for you and Rocky: who is
>(oops, that's Yahweh) the spiritual leader/god for the
>Isralies? Was
>]he one of the Nephilim? IF so, which one? Enki? Anu?

Hi Linda,
Good questions! I'll relay your message to Rocky. (I think
this should pique his interest!)
Thanks for the Christmas card yourself ;-) !
Peggy Noonan - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Amazon Question
Date: 3 Jan 92 12:19:00 GMT

> > Amazon's banks. Human skeletons at the
> > site are ''robust, tall, compared to
> > later Amerindian populations,''
> > one scientist said.

> Could indicate a migration from a different area than the
>later Amerindians. Maybe?

Hmmmmmm....good thought.
Maybe something like Tristan Jones' tall, fair-skinned, red-haired
group of people in South America. (It's been a while since I read
that one of his books and I don't remember now which country it was
in...could be same one.) I'll have to see if there's some way I can
get a copy of the original story from the Independent.
Maybe "one scientist" had more to say on the topic than that little
item had space to tell.
Peggy Noonan - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Peggy Noonan)
Subject: Re: Cis Message
Date: 3 Jan 92 12:28:00 GMT

>getting suspicious? I just called CIS for the playoff games
>(since I'm a football nut among other obsessions) <help my
>brain died!> and now I writing comments upon the comments.
>Didn't see anything, but I'll try tomorrow.

Hi Pete,
Could it be I used the wrong number? I posted it either on
12/29 or 12/22 (last two call dates -- not sure now which was *the*
one). I have in my notes this #:75046,762. If that's not you, then
somebody out there is wondering what in the world is going on and
who is this nut who keeps sending him imponderable stuff <g>!
It should've reached you via EMail--should get the mail announcement
when you first logon, so if you didn't find it [oops -- sorry, my
automatic backup program just interrupted here and I had to tell it
to shut up and go away for the moment] when you called for football
info, something must be amiss.
I, too, am a fan after years of hating the game. Finally
learned what it was all about. Does it seem to you that this year
just isn't as good overall -- there've been a few really good games
but a whole ton of snorers too -- or is that just the perspective of
a less avid fan?
>Tomorrow I hope to start my life again. I'm done living as the
>sound of one hand clapping. Significant blabber trust me.

Hmmm...sounds intriguing!
If you haven't found the message next time you call CIS, let
me know and I'll try something else.
Peggy Noonan - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Peggy.Noonan@p0.f150.n30163.z1.FIDONET.ORG

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