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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 606

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Published in 
Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 606 

Tuesday, November 10th 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

FAQ File - Part 7
FAQ File - Part 8
FAQ File - Part 9
FAQ File - Part 10


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: FAQ File - Part 7
Date: 8 Nov 92 23:41:07 GMT

<<<<<<..Continued from previous message>>>>>>

6.04: Project Blue Book
On Sep 30 ,1947 Lt General Twining of ACM expressed his opinion that there
was sufficient substance in reports to warrant a study on UFOs. On Dec.
23,1947 Project Sign was established to collect, collate, evaluate, and
disseminate all information concerning UFO sightings and phenomena.
Project sign completed it evaluations in Feb of 1949 and concluded "No
definite and conclusive evidence is yet available that would prove or
disprove the existence of these UFOs as real aircraft of unknown and
unconventional configuration."
Project Sign was changed to Project Grudge
on Dec.16, 1948. Project Grudge recommended that the investigation and
study of UFO reports be reduce in scope. In early 1950 UFO reports by the
public increased. This prompted Project Grudge to be changed to Project
Blue Book in march of 1952.

Project Blue Book goals were to find out:
1: To find an explanation for all the reported sighting of UFO's.
2: To determine if the UFO posed any security threat to the United States.
3: To determine if UFO's exhibit any advanced technology which the U.S.
could Utilize.

When the project ended the Air Force concluded:
1: There is no evidence that any UFOs are "extraterrestrial vehicles"
2: No UFO has ever given any indication of a threat to the national
3: There is no evidence that UFO's represent technological developments
or principals beyond present-day scientific knowledge.

You can get the project Blue Book papers from Any Federal Repository which
has copies of National Archives material (there are various scattered
around the country). Or, you can go to the National Archives in
Washington, DC. They're on microfilm, like the Census records that
genealogists use.

[I will finish researching this later, I had to return the book before I
was done. :-(]

Main Source:
Project Blue Book: The Top Secret UFO Findings Revealed,
By Brad Steiger, 1976 (Robert Sheaffer)

6.05: Roswell Crash Incident
The Roswell Incident started with sightings of UFOs on June 24, 1947. In
July 2, of the sane year Mac Brazel heard a loud crash. The next day he
went out Horseback riding with a neighbor and came upon a field with
debris scattered about.

The debris field was 3/4 of a mile long and 300 feet wide. It was
oriented in a northwest to southeast direction. There was a gouge in the
northwest side of the debris field that was 500 feet long and 10 feet
wide. The debris on the field mostly consisted of I-beams and parchment
like, paper thin pieces of metal material. The material was very light in
weight, a dull gray in color, and most pieces were 6 to 7 inches in
length. Some pieces that were even thinner that paper could not be
broken in half, cut or burned.
Mac Brazel collected several pieces of the debris and went back to his
ranch. On July 6, Brazel went into Roswell to report what he had seen
and to show a piece of the debris to sheriff Wilcox. The sheriff decided
to call the local air base. During this time Frank Joyce called in from
the local radio station to see if anything newsworthy was happening
around town. Brazel gave him the information about what he had found.
Major Jesse A. Marcel and a few other military personal arrived from
the base only a few minutes after the sheriff had finished talking to
the people at the base. Brazel and the military personal left and went
back to the Ranch. The next morning (July 7) they went to the crash
sight. The military retrieved some of the debris and returned to Roswell.
On July 8, the military came back and sealed off the area, They took
Brazel into custody. That same day they found a second crash sight two
and 1/2 miles southeast of the first. Barney Barnett and 4
archaeologists had stumbled onto the new sight a few minutes before the
military had gotten there. At the sight was found a "pretty good sized
metallic dull gray object"
and 4 small alien bodies. They were 4 to 5
feet tall, with large pair shaped heads, small bodies and skinny arms
and legs. They had two large eyes, no ears and no hair. Their skin was
pinkish grey and leathery. They were wearing a one piece grey suits. The
civilians were escorted out of the area when the military arrived.

On July 9th the military escorted Brazel to the radio station , there
he told Frank Joyce that he saw a weather balloon. He left again with the
military and didn't get back to his ranch until around July 15. Later
when asked about what had happened Brazel said he had given a oath and
could not talk about it.
The Incident remained closed and the public and UFO research
organizations at large accepted the weather balloon story until 1970 when
Jesse A. Marcel broke the silence and told his part in the story.

Main source: UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin D. Randle & Donald R. Schmitt
Published 1991 by Avon Books

=== UFO Movies, Documentaries and TV Programs
= 7.00: TV Programs
7.01: E. T. Monitor (the Keystone Inspirational Network)
- A program that originates from Pennsylvania, it has a pre-recorded
and a live section. The person who runs it sells packets of books by
mail-order. He likes to think that he is presenting irrefutable proof not
only of the existence of UFOs but also of the Government's Conspiracy to
keep them secret and frequently features people like Randall Terry.


7.02: Hard Copy (??)
- Belgian UFO's, 1990
- more European

7.03: Intruders
- CBS miniseries June? 1992,
Based off Budd Hopkins book Intruders

7.04: National Geographic (PBS)
- English Crop Circles, 1991

7.05: sightings (FOX)
- Crop circles 1992
- Mexico video Sightings, Sept 11, 1992
- NASA Shuttle UFO/(debated Ice chunk), July? 1992

7.06: UFO Incident, The
- NBC Oct 20, 1975,
- the Betty Hill abduction story Based on the book "Interrupted
Journey: Two lost hours aboard a flying saucer"
by John Fuller

7.07: Unsolved Mysteries (NBC)
- Eupen, Belgium UFO, 1991
- Cash/Landrum UFO, 1990
- 1965 Kecksburg, PA UFO, 1990
- Widthville, W VA UFO, 1992

= 7.08: UFO VIDEOS
7.09: Close Up
- interview w/ two Rhode Island UFO enthusiasts 885-0366, 1992
MUFON Box 1122, Davisville, RI 02854

7.10: Communion
-Based off the book Communion bu Whitley Strieber

7.11: UFO Coverup Live
- UFO film from Guatemala, 1988
(Note from most convincing footage I've seen)

7.12: UFO Documentary
- Jesse Marcel interview, 1982

7.13: UFO, The Films Prove It
-A melange of television tapes, 1992

=== UFO Magazines and Publications (UFOzines)
[I will include the magazines from the UFO groups later]

8.00: The Circular
58 Kings Rd., West
End, Woking, Surrey GU24 9LW, England

8.01: The Cerealogist
20 Paul St., Frome, Somerset,
BA11 1DX, England

8.02: Connecting Link Magazine
Connecting Link Magazine
9392 Whitneyville Rd.
Alto, MI. 49302-9694

The official news magazine for ParaNet and MICAP. It is published quarterly
and provides thought-provoking information and articles written by leading
UFOlogists. This magazine provides global insight and reflects material
carried over the world-wide ParaNet Information Service network.
Subscriptions are $18.00/year and are available by sending checks for U.S.
funds to: ParaNet, Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0172.

8.04: The Crop Watcher
3 Selborne Court, Tavistock Close, Romsey, Hampshire, SO517TY, England

8.05: Earth
61 Ran elagh, Ave., Bradford, BD10 0HF, UK.

8.06: The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
(EJASA) is published monthly by the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic,
Incorporated. The ASA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the
advancement of amateur and professional astronomy and space exploration,
as well as the social and educational needs of its members.

ASA membership application is open to all with an interest in astronomy
and space exploration. Members receive the Journal of the ASA and the
Astronomical League's REFLECTOR magazine. Members may also purchase
discount subscriptions to ASTRONOMY and SKY & TELESCOPE magazines.

For information on membership, you may contact the Society at any of the
following addresses:

Astronomical Society of the Atlantic (ASA)
c/o Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA)
Georgia State University (GSU)
Atlanta, Georgia 30303, U.S.A.
Phone: (404) 264-0451 leave your address and/or receive the latest
Society news.

ASA BBS: (404) 564-9623, 300/1200/2400 Baud.

Back issues of the EJASA are also available from anonymous FTP at: (

<<Continued in next message..>>

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: FAQ File - Part 8
Date: 8 Nov 92 23:42:08 GMT

<<<<<<<..Continued from previous message>>>>>>>

8.07: The Faithist Journal
Kosmon Publishing
2324 Suffock Avenue
Kingman, Arizona 86401
C. Benfield (President)
Kasandra Kares (Editor)
Publication is The Faithist Journal
Founded in 1970
A non-profit organization which publishes "The Faithist Journal"
(Bi-Monthly), magazines and books dealing with New Age topics, including

8.08: Focus
William L. Moore Publications & Research
See: Fair Witness Project, Inc.
4219 West Olive Avenue Suite #247
Burbank, California 91505
Williarn L. Moore
Publishing entity for Antares Publishing, The Fair Witness Project, Inc.,
and "Focus" magazine (which specializes in UFOs, New Age, Metaphysical, and
Occult research; offers a substantial listing of books, government document
reprints, papers, pamphlets, back issues of George Van Tassel's
"Proceedings of the College of Universal Wisdom" newsletter, research
files, folios, back issues of "Focus" (the Fair Witness Project
newsletter), cassette tapes, and video tapes for sale.Discounts on various
items are available to booksellers and other qualifie buyers."Focus"
subscribers are entitled to a 25% discount on all items

8.09: Fortean Times
1 Shoebury Road, London E6 2AQ UK.

8.10: Inner Light
Inner Light Publications
Box 753 New Brunswick,
New Jersey 08903 Publications
Timothy Green Beckley (Publisher & Editor)
Publication is Inner Light
A diverse entity which publishes numerous UFO-related books, periodicals,
tapes, etc., "UFO Review" magazine and the monthly "Inner Light" magazine;
also sponsors numerous UFO conferences and symposiums throughout the United

8.11: International UFO Library Magazine
11684 Ventura Blvd. #708 Studio City, CA 91604.

8.12: Magonia
5 James Terrace, London SW14 8HB, UK.

8.13: Orvotron Newsletter
orvotron bi-monthly newsletter
Solinus and Kortron

We are pleased to send a "Love Copy" of the most current newsletter to
anyone you think will be interested. Just pass your friend's name and
address on to us and we will mail out the issue compliments of you. Back
issues contain much information which is still relevant and may provide
some clarity on subjects discussed in subsequent newsletters. Love
donations (which should be made payable to Judith A. Wells) are greatly
appreciated and go to Spirit's work to create Heaven on Earth.

A subscription also entitles you to log-on the Spirit Bulletin Board
Service, a computer/modem system with files on alternate energy,
UFO/extraterrestrial happenings, politics, science, medical information,
the conspiracy and much more. The files are updated frequently and we
encourage you to use and contribute to this "library at your fingertips".
You may access this information 24 hours a day by calling via computer

For a year's subscription (six bimonthly issues) and userstatus on
Spirit BBS please send $30.00 (USA) or $40.00 (all other countries)
in check or money order (no cash please) made payable to:

Judith A. Wells Phone - (704) 297-2342
Route 2, Box 309B FidoNet - 1:379/703
Vilas, NC 28692 BBS - 704-297-5973

8.14: Ovni Presence
CP 342, CH-1800, Vevey 1, Switzerland.

8.15: Revelations of Awareness
"Revelations of Awareness" published by Cosmic Awareness Communications

Revelations of Awareness is a Newsletter that covers UFO as they relate
to channeling and the New Age movement. All the information given in the
newsletter is information recorded from channeling sessions. The format
of of the news letter begins with a question asked of the Cosmic
Awareness, then replies are given by the Awareness through the rest of
the news letter starting out with the phrase "This Awareness indicates..."

The following Statement appears at the top of every Issue:

Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Jesus of
Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great
avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks
again today as the world begins to enter the 'New Age' of spiritual
consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been
communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for
those who desire to help in bringing in the new age. Throughout the
thousands of 'Readings' given through these various channels, Cosmic
Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore,
doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the
truth. Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and 'suggest'. Neither C.A.C
or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness
states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters
necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The
interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and
are not personally responsible for what is said. This is entirely the
responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in
questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication
in this newsletter.

Paul Shockley, Interpreter.

The Revelations of Awareness comes out every three weeks The memberships
which are available (using the Honer system) are:
Limited Income $30 per year $9 quarterly
Individual $42 per year $12 quarterly
Family $52 per year $20 quarterly
Contributing $77 per year $25 quarterly
Sponsoring $144 per year $40 quarterly
Benefactor $500 per year $150 quarterly
Patron $1000 per year $250 quarterly
Endowing $5000 per year $1500 quarterly

Outside USA Add $15.00 per year to cover postage (including Canada)
To send off for information about the C.A.C. or to subscribe to their
news letter write to: Cosmic Awareness Communications
P.O. Box 115
Olympia, WA 98507

8.16: Swamp Gas Journal
The Swamp Gas Journal Covers a variety of scientific UFO related Phenomena.
It reviews articles, books and research publications put out by different
researchers and organizations.

The Swamp Gas Journal is free with limited distribution, but is available
primarily through zine exchanges, regularly contributing Fortean info, or
by providing two (2) International Postal Reply Coupons in lieu of a
subscription (to cover postage).

The Swamp Gas Journal is a ufozine published irregularly by:

Ufology Research of Manitoba
Box 1918
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3C 3R2

The SGJ is also available on an experimental basis on internet by e-mail

8.17: UFO Universe
GCR Plublishing Group, Inc.
1700 Broadway, 34th Floor
New York, New York 10019
Publishes "UFO Universe" magazine.
Global Communications Refer to: Inner Light Publications

=== UFO Book Publishers
9.00: Advent Publishing Company
P.O. Box 3748
Carson City, NV 89702
Publish book and the Phenox Project Reports.

<<Continued in next message..>>

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: FAQ File - Part 9
Date: 8 Nov 92 23:43:09 GMT

<<<<<<<<..Continued from previous message>>>>>>>>

9.02: Arnerica West Publishers
P.O. Box 6451 Tehachapi, California 93582
George Green Telephone Number : 805-822-9655
Publishes a wide variety of books and tapes dealing with New Age subjects
and UFO phenomenon.

9.03: Arcturus Book Service
1443 S.E. Port St. Lucie Blvd.
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952, USA
Robert Girard & Monica Williams-Girard

Arcturus Book Service Catalog
Maintains a listing of UFO-related books. Their goal is to provide a wide
selection of books relating to the study of unexplained phenomena. Arcturus
provides a publication; "Leading Edge, the bi-monthly newsletter of the
Nevada Aerial Research Group.
Subscriptions for monthly Arcturus Book Service Catalog available for $6.00
in the U.S.,
Canada, and Mexico; $12.00 in Europe and South America
Arcturus pays for UFO-related books, manuscripts and is interested in being
informed of all new titles released.

9.04: Condor Books, Inc.
351 West 54th Street
New York, New York 10019
Al Weiss (Publisher)
212-586 -4432
Publishes numerous books dealing with the UFO phenomena. At one time,
Condor Books published "
UFO Universe" magazine;"UFO Universe" is now
published by:
GCR Publishing Group, Inc.,
1700 Broadway, 34th Floor,
New York, New York 10019.

9.05: Document Research Services
PO Box 10011
Berkeley, Ca. 94709-5011

They provide declassified govt. documents and an index
of UFOs in the New York Times 1947-1987
Send SASE for a list of documents

9.06: Earth Star Publications
P.O. Box 117
Paonia, Colorado 81428
Ann Ulrich (Editor & Publisher)
The Star Beacon
A self-publishing service which will perforrn typesetting, layout,
printing, and shipping of self-published books for a one-time fee. After
initial fee is paid, the author keeps lOO% of any profits
generated from the book. Ann Ulrich is associated with the UFO Contact
Center International as one of its Associate Directors.

9.07: Eden Press
Box 399
Careywood, Idaho 83809
Desiree Eden
The publishing arm of the Planetary Professional Citizens Committeee (PPCC),
which is no longer in existence due to the death of its Director, Jerome
Eden, in 1989. However, EDEN Press still pro- vides a wide range of books
dealing with the UFO phenomenon.

9.08: JACO Book Publishers
P.O. Box 3135
Prescott, Arizona 86302
John H. Andrews
JACO Book Publishers provides many UFO and Extraterrestrial-related books.

9.09: The Library of the New Essenes of Inyo
P.O. Box 257
June Lake, California 93529
Nicholas Faust (Curator)
Originally known as "
The School of Thought" which had been started by Hope
Troxell in 1960. It's original focus was UFO literature, especially that
dealing with contactees. Hope Troxell died in 1979 and The School of
Thought closed in 1980.In 1980 became The Library of the New Essenes of
Inyo. It assumed Hope Troxell's UFO materials and continually added to it
over the years. The Library also sells copies of Hope Troxell's published

9.10: Luna Ventures
P.O. Box 398
Suisun, California 94585
Publishes the Luna Ventures Catalog"
which is a comprehensive listing of
available newsletters, books, microfiche, magazines, etc. for sale. Luna
Ventures will also accept manuscripts for publication.

9.11: The Pleiades Project
P.O. Box 386 Atwood, Ca 92601
Randolph Winters :213-281-6282
Terra (Contact)
Founded in: 1985
A one-man organization for the dissemination of the information received by
Billy Meier from his Pleiadian contacts. Mr. Meier receives messages from
his contacts of the Pleiades star formation. The Pleiades Project compiles
these messages and offers them in audio and video formats. "Contact Terra"
is a quarterly newsletter which contains updated information and news about
Mr. Meier's contacts.
The Meier Chronicles VHS/Beta - $59.00 (82 minutes)
The Movie Footage VHS/Beta - $49.00 (1 hour)
The Metal Analysis VHS/Beta - $39.00 each (45 minutes)
The Entire Trilogy - $99.00 (save $188.00)
Each audio cassette $20.00 plus postage & handling

9.12: UFO Audio-Video Clearing House
P.O. Box 342
Yucaipa, Ca]ifornia 92399-0342
David Aaron (Director)
Founded on May 18, 1988 and1232 members.
Offers an updated listing of UFO radio & television programs on video and
audio tape, going back to 1954. Video tapes are offered in Beta and VHS
format. Over 50% of their available product is donated by members.

9.13: UFO Books
P.O. Box 1053 - 514 First Street Florence, Arizona 85232
Christine (Stevens) Cox
Christine Cox distributes UFO-related books, some of which were written and
edited by Wendelle Stevens (See: UFO Photo Archives), who is her father.
UFO Books also provides periodic flyers which contain UFO-related books,
photos, and calendars for sale.

9.14: UFO Photo Archives
P.O. Box 17206
Tucson, Arizona 85710
Wendelle C. Stevens
UFO Journal Of Facts
Offers UFO-related books, most of which concentrate on, and thoroughly
investigate, individual cases. UFO Photo Archives gears its material for
those who want more in-depth knowledge about individual cases instead of a
broad overview of many cases.
In addition to books, UFO Photo Archives also sells UFO calendars and
posters. All books, posters, and calendars are sold through mail order only
and must be prepaid, including postage.
Their publication, "UFO Journal Of Facts" is a new magazine, filled with
color pictures and reports, concentrating on factual UFO investigative

9:15: Worldwide UFO Newsclipping Bureau and Public Information Center 955
Lancaster Road Suite 420
Orlando, Florida 32809
Provides a 16-20 page monthly report of worldwide UFO news clippings (all
foreign news stories are translated into English).
Subscription costs:
$24.95 /6 months $47.50/ one year
Special on Back Issues: all of 1988 for $39.95.
Besides the newsclipping service, Worldwide UFO also offers UFO-related
audio and video tapes (VHS format, approximately 2 hours in length) for
sale at the following prices:
Audio Tape - $ 4.00/ tape (buy two, get one free: no limit) Video Tape -
$20.00/ tape (buy two, get one free: no limit)

=== Miscellaneous Information
10.00: alt.alien.visitors archives (back issues)
Occasionally I have seen requests for information on past articles in
alt.alien.visitors. If you desire something, I have the entire newsgroup
archive back to July 13, 1992. I access it frequently. I have no way to
ftp it to another system for public access but would be glad to email
portions of it upon request. The responses are not guaranteed to be
correct or complete.

You can email me at and I will do my best. (Gregg Brown)

10.01: A UFO Book List
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind people of my UFO bibliography
file, and to solicit contributions and book comments for it. The file
can be ftp'd from, directory pub/ufo, file
bibliography.Z (compressed format). The file is organized by author, and
also again by date-of-publication, and also includes Keith Rowell's
excellent bibliography file (which is also worked into the above two
parts). Many titles have comments from various people as to the value of
the book; I would like any comments on any of the books from anyone, and
also additional books for inclusion. Check out the UFO Bibliography that
you can ftp at:
The file is pub/UFO/bibliography.Z It has books by author, a second
listing by date, and also the names of prominent authors in the field.

For more information contact: (Charles Mcgrew)

<<Continued in next message..>>

Michael Corbin - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Michael.Corbin@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
Subject: FAQ File - Part 10
Date: 8 Nov 92 23:44:10 GMT

<<<<<<<<<..Continued from previous message>>>>>>>>>

10.02: Big Foot (Sasquatch)
Our research group is currently investigating reports and sightings of
the animal known as "Bigfoot" or "Sasquatch". If you or somebody you know
has had such a sighting, or come across what may be evidence supporting
the existence of such an animal, please get in contact with us in one of
the following formats:

o Leave a private message in electronic mail:
ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill)
o Call Thomas Hill at 216-362-6529.
o Or write:

Thomas E. Hill
16124 Richard Dr.
Brook Park, OH 44142

Contact with us can be totally anonymous if you wish. We are especially
interested in Ohio sightings but are by no means limited to
investigations in that state. Please, serious responses only.

10.03: Free UFO Class
Penn State University has Free U classes that are offered to the public
at no charge! They supply a classroom to those who wish to teach a
subject and the public may attend them for free. One of the classes
offered is a UFO class Organized and taught by Janet Smith, and Beth

In the class they discuss every aspect of the UFO phenomenon such as the
Billie Meier investigation, government cover-ups, Zecharia Sitchin who
wrote the Earth Chronicles series, Mars probe, Mars Face and many other
topics. The class also offers guest speakers who have done UFO research
plus videos, movies and articles about various UFO phenomenon.

The classes are held every Monday in room 207 of Sackett Building at Penn
State University in State College, PA. The starting time is 7:00 pm, EDT
(soon to be EST) and they ends sometime after 9:00 pm. The class will be
held until December 7th. The class may continue after the holidays into
next semester, but that depends on our level of interest.

If someone has questions or would like to contribute to the group in some
way, (ie. guest speakers, movies, different types of information, etc.)
contact Janet Smith at or write to her at: 123
Ramblewood Road, Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865. Home phone: (814)
237-6763, Work phone: (814) 863-0466.

10.04: Freedom of Information
In the US, you write to the agency you want to reach, addressed to
the "Freedom of Information Officer". A list of agencies is available
from the US Government Printing Office. Their order number is:

The "US Government Manual" (1991/92), price $23 (they take MC/Visa
orders over the phone). They will also send you a catalog of all
manuals/documents available from the USGPO for free. Order at the same
number. [I have more information on this, I will add it later.]

Main Source: (Charles Mcgrew)

10.05: Hidden Ancient Ruins
The address is Mystic Mountain Adventures
Dept. 100 11142 Manhattan Avnue, Ste. 43
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Ph# (310) 318-6567.

10.06: Inter Library Loans (ILL)
If you would like to research an the various UFO topics mentioned in this
FAQ and you don't have a large bank account, go to your local library and
ask about the Inter Library Loan System. The ILL lets you check out books,
audio tapes, video tape, and get copies of magazine articles that your local
library might not have. In many cases there is no charge for using ILL, this
depend upon you local library. Almost all the book I have used to research
this FAQ were ordered through ILL. Check it out. :-)

10.07: NASA Shuttle Footage
NASA Select on Satcom 2, Transponder 13, carries the whole mission, live
and anybody with a satellite dish can tune in. You can find the original
uplink and shuttle audio on Transponder 5. This is the raw video with
shuttle to ground audio communications on it.

10.08: UFO Related anonymous FTP Sites
[Also See: 10.00: A Complete UFO Book List]

phoenix UFO Pics
---------------- (
In /pub/ufo_and_space_pics

NASA Pics Sites
NOTE: the material at these sites is exceedingly voluminous;
I'd strongly suggest just getting the CD-ROMs instead of attempting
to transfer scores of gigabytes of pix and other material.

To access the online catalog of NASA material, CD-ROMS, et cetera:

login as "NODIS"
no password

Anonymous ftp sites (five): []

This is a VAX/VMS box, so you must ftp-login as "anonymous". To get
a dir listing into a file on your system:

ftp> dir [...] file_on_your_system

lots of stuff, including Aliens of all colors, and UFO pix (though
seems to mirror a lot of what's at and has some
additional material).

online copies of what appears to be all NASA's CD-ROMs, and lots of
GIFs, *.img and *.jpg from most (all?) space missions since Apollo.

dunno; it appears to be down today (Saturday, 18-July-1992).
{changed to}

apparently popular (and, hence, slow). Is supposed to have many
NASA and Voyager data files.

Main Source: (Thad Floryan)

=== UFO Organizations

11.00: Aerial Phenomenon Research: The Indiana Group
18 Davis Drive Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620
Francis L. Ridge (Director)
812-838-3120 / 812-838-9843
Publishers of : Indiana UFO Newsletter
Founded in 1986
A statewide organization which attempts to immediately respond to UFO

11.01: The Aetherius Society
6202 Afton Place Hollywood,
California 90028-8298
Detroit Branch
17670 West 12 Mile Road
Southfield, Michigan 48076
313-552-9153 / 313-552-9159
Reverend Lesley Young
(General Committeee) : 213~65-9652/ 213~67-HEAL (4325)
Publishers of : The Aetherius Society Journal : Cosmic Voice
Founded in 1960
The Hollywood, California office is the American headquarters for The
Society which was founded in England in 1955. In the US, the Society was
incorporated in 1960 as a non-profit religious, scientific, and educational
The Society is a metaphysical, channeling organization whose
founder/president, Sir George King, is a Western Master of Yoga and who has
been in contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligences for over 35 years. He
acts as a channel for the dissemination of Higher Wisdom from These
The Society's objective is to explain the presence of UFOs around the Earth
and to make known knowledge given to their president by Advanced Beings who
reside in this Solar System. This information is disseminated through
books, pamphlets, cassettes and albums and two newsletters, "The Aetherius
Society Journal"
and "Cosmic Voice".
Also, study courses in: "Metaphysical and Occult Sciences" and "Cosmic
to further spread the word and to explain the cosmic
significance of messages received from the Advanced Beings. Regular
meetings at the U.S. and England headquarters as well as by associated
branches throughout the world.
Prayer Circles are organized during a Spiritual Push (or Magnetization
Period) at different holy mountain sites, when the giant Interplanetary
Spacecraft is brought into Earth's orbit by a Cosmic Master. Helpers who
attend these Power Circles send out the Spiritual energies from this Cosmic
Master to help mankind.

11.02: Ancient Astronaut Society
1921 St. Johns Avenue
Highland Park, Illinois 60035-3105
Gene M. Phillips (Founder) :708-295-8899
Publication is Ancient Skies
Founded in 1973. non-profit, tac-exempt organization operated for
scientific, literary and educational purposes. The primary objectives of
the Society are to search for evidence of whether Earth was visited in the
remote past by intelligent beings from outer space and to determine whether
a highly developed, technological civilization existed on Earth before our
recorded history.
The Society also provides complete study courses in: "Metaphysical and
Occult Sciences"
and "Cosmic Revelations" to explain the cosmic
significance of messages received from Advanced Beings.

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