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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume 1 Number 603

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Info ParaNet Newsletters
 · 6 Jan 2024

                Info-ParaNet Newsletters   Volume I  Number 603 

Monday, November 9th 1992

(C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved.

Today's Topics:

On-going Cases.....
Re:Leeds Conference
Vcr Alert!
Vatican & Galileo
NEWS: Galileo Cleared of Heresy Charges by Vatican
The International UFO Congress And UFO Film Film Festival Part 1
The International UFO Congress And UFO Film Film Festival Part 2
The International UFO Congress And UFO Film Film Festival Part 3


From: Steve.Gresser@f100.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Gresser)
Date: 31 Oct 92 17:41:00 GMT

> So the article says the film will be released in 1990, anyone know if
> this happened yet? Very interesting story. Any more confirmation?

Me no hear nothing. U?

Steve Gresser - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Steve.Gresser@f100.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Solex-Mal
Date: 2 Nov 92 16:20:49 GMT

From: (John H. Chalmers Jr.)

I almost found the the alleged solar language, Solex-Mal,
last Saturday afternoon in a philosophical book shop and
lending library in Escondido, CA. Alas, the only copy of the
book in which it appeared had been stolen from the stacks
and the owner was unaware of the English group and its pamphlet.
The author of 'Other Tongues, Other Flesh' is George
Hunt Williamson and the book was published in 1953 by the
Amherst Press, Amherst WI. This is probably Ray Palmer's
publishing company. A glossary in another Williamson book,
'The Flying Saucers Speak' described Solex-Mal as the original
language of the planets of the Solar System and mentioned its
symbolic and graphic script. Typical words are 'Masar,' Mars,
'Solas,' the sun, 'Saras,' the earth(?).
Also 'Hatonn,' the entity from Orion currently being channeled
or contacted, was listed in this glossary. Evidently, there has
been considerable continuity in the quasi-theosophical branch of
the UFO movement for over 40 years. I know that some entities
from the 50's such as Ashtar are still being allegedly contacted.
The history of this aspect of UFo'logy and the transition from the
technological approaches of the early sighters and theorists to
the religious groups would be interesting to read (or write).

-- John


From: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Subject: On-going Cases.....
Date: 3 Nov 92 19:38:01 GMT

* Forwarded from "FidoNet UFO Echo"
* Originally by Don Allen
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 1 Nov 1992, 23:05


(From time to time, current, on-going cases which are being
investigated by MUFON Field Investigators will be posted.)

3 3
3Double Disc in Loudon: 3
3Date: 11 September 1991 Time: 7:30 PM Place: Loudon, NH. 3
3 3
3A mother was driving home from attending an open house at 3
3the local school with her two children. The daughter is six 3
3years of age and her son is ten. The trip started normally 3
3with no problems. The car radio was tuned to Rock 101. As 3
3she entered the dead end street where they live, the radio 3
3started to static to such a degree she had to turn it off. 3
3This was unusual as 101 always comes in clearly near her 3
3home. She parked the car in her driveway and immediately 3
3went inside the house to untie the dog who was tied in the 3
3kitchen. Before she could get the dog untied her daughter 3
3yelled for her to come outside to see something. 3
3 3
3Outside she found her two children looking up at two large 3
3white discs moving slowly past the house. the discs were 3
3identical in shape and light configuration. Surrounding the 3
3edge of each disc were a series of pastel multi-colored 3
3lights pulsating in a random order. Directly under the 3
3discs were three dark circles in a triangle pattern centered3
3on the bottom. 3
3 3
3Each disc was the size of a small house moving side by side.3
3A low pitched hum was barely audible. She estimates the 3
3altitude of the discs at about two houses high or 3
3approximately one hundred feet. The brightness of the craft 3
3was such that she could see the ground lighted as they 3
3slowly moved out of sight. The speed was said to be barely 3
3moving but may have increased slightly as she got outside to3
3look up at the underside. The two craft glided out of sight 3
3toward Canterbury. 3
3 3
3Shortly thereafter, all three witnesses started having 3
3strange health symptoms. The little girl started having 3
3stomach pain, fever and a personality problem. The boy 3
3suffered a major personality change. The mother started to 3
3bruise very easily and in a short time had multiple bruises 3
3on her legs and arms. To this day the boy is severely 3
3impacted to a point where he will cry if asked to talk about3
3the sighting. 3
3 3
3It must be mentioned here that the mother did not believe in3
3the existence of UFOs prior to the sighting and due to the 3
3trauma it caused, mom and dad don't talk about UFOs or 3
3related subjects with the children. 3
3 3
3The father became involved in the situation on the night of 3
313 November 1991. He got up from bed at about 3:20 AM to go 3
3to the bathroom. This is not unusual for him. As he sat on 3
3the edge of the bed he was startled to see a horizontal beam3
3of bright white light shining across the sliding glass doors3
3of the bedroom. The beam was about four inches thick and 3
3lasted for about ten seconds. Shortly thereafter it came on 3
3again but this time at a forty five degree angle across the 3
3doors. Again it lasted for about ten seconds. 3
3 3
3The investigation is continuing. 3
3 3
3=END= 3

Mike Keithly - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: Re:Leeds Conference
Date: 3 Nov 92 21:37:07 GMT

From: Server Systems Ltd <>

In Reply to: Jim Shaffer

I managed to record the Colin Andrews lecture at the Leeds Conference
and listened to it again. He was a bit vague about what he meant about
things coming to a head, but I can ascertain from the lecture that he
was advising that the Intelligence Community was very active at present.
He, and fellow lecturers of crop circles and UFOs, were very concerned
for their own safety, his words. He spoke that people in the audience
and anyone interested in the subjects should 'spread the word' to
protect the others. (not sure who from, the intelligence community???)

Colin Andrews has always been convinced that the circles are warnings
from mother-earth that we, brother, is causing the earth, mother, to die.
He visited the Hopi Indians and Kopi People [sp] and he says they agree
with him. In fact at one point he claimed that when he showed a photograph
of the 1990 Alton Barnes pictogram to the Hopi Indians they cried as it
supposedly meant something awfull was going to happen to the earth. This
is a very topical theory at present but as in all theories about crop
circles proof is always hard to find. I totally agree about the
technological effects of switching to a free energy machine, its the same
argument that electric cars has over the combustion engine. A great deal
of the global environmental problems could be fixed overnight if we
switched to electric cars but what about all the oil, the investment in
drilling for it, the relations with the Arab states and most of all what
about the people who, as you mentioned, would lose their jobs.

Colin did mention that there will be some annoucements possibly within
the next three months and this could be in the form of 'they are here'.
He has never claimed to be a Ufologist but it does seem that the paths
of a Ufologist and a Cerealogist cross, somewhere in Wiltshire....

Regards, Robert


From: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Mike Keithly)
Subject: Vcr Alert!
Date: 4 Nov 92 00:44:01 GMT

* Forwarded from "Internet Alien Visitors Conf"
* Originally by Chris Rutkowski
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 3 Nov 1992, 12:12

From: (Chris Rutkowski)
Date: 2 Nov 92 22:03:29 GMT
Organization: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors

VCR Alert!

On the Wed., Nov 4th, edition of Unsolved Mysteries on NBC, there will
be a segment about a largely-ignored classic CE2 case which occurred in
Canada in 1967. The Condon Report lists it as Case #22, and officially
categorizes it as "unexplained".

Briefly, a prospector encountered two saucers. One landed nearby, and
he watched it for a hour as it rested only 150 feet from him on a rock
outcropping. He heard voices coming from a small doorway which opened
in its side. He walked up to it, thinking it was a secret American
test vehicle. He touched the side with his work glove, and the
rubberized glove melted. Inside, he could see a computer-like array of
flashing lights. Suddenly, the door closed, the object rotated, and he
found himself looking at an "exhaust grille". He was hit with blast of
hot gas which set his clothes on fire and gave him 1st-degree burns.

Investigations found radioactive debris in a circular area. Large
chunks of radioactive silver were found at the site. The Mayo Clinic
report suggested he was not a pathological liar. Today, 25 years
later, he still sticks to his story.

The case has everything a UFO buff would want: radiation, physical
traces, a burned witness, government and military investigations, etc.

I was on the set with NBC. Could be a goodie! Nice computer animation
of the saucer zapping the witness, and a stunt man set on fire!

Chris Rutkowski -
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, Canada

Mike Keithly - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Mike.Keithly@p0.f608.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG


From: Don.Allen@p1.f81.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Don Allen)
Subject: Vatican & Galileo
Date: 3 Nov 92 07:13:14 GMT

** Forwarded from Usenet **


Article 25597 of sci.physics:
Path: bilver!tarpit!fang!att!att!linac!!!sun- barr!ames!agate!!!sichase
Newsgroups: sci.physics
Subject: NEWS: Galileo Cleared of Heresy Charges by Vatican
Date: 1 Nov 1992 12:18 PST
Organization: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory - Berkeley, CA, USA
Lines: 71
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <>
News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.41

I have reposted the following item from sci.astro, because I want to make
sure that nobody misses it. The details are very enlightening. -Scott

Catholic Church Clears Galileo of Heresy Charges (Vatican City)
By William D. Montalbano
(c) 1992, Los Angeles Times 10/31

VATICAN CITY _ It's official: The Earth revolves around the sun,
even for the Vatican.

The Roman Catholic Church has admitted to erring these past 359
years in formally condemning Galileo Galilei for entertaining scientific
truths it long denounced as against-the-Scriptures heresy.

Pope John Paul II himself turned up Saturday for a meeting of
the Pontifical Academy of Sciences to help set the record straight on
behalf of the 17th-Century Italian mathematician, astronomer and physicist
who was the first man to use a telescope and who is remembered as one of
history's greatest scientists.

``The underlying problems of this case concern both the nature
of science and the message of faith,'' the pope noted. ``One day we may
find ourselves in a similar situation, which will require both sides to
have an informed awareness of the field and of the limits of their own

Thirteen years after he appointed it, a commission of historic,
scientific and theological inquiry brought the pope a ``not guilty''
finding for Galileo, who, at age 69 in 1633, was forced to repent by the
Roman Inquisition and spent the last eight years of his life under house

The commission found that Galileo's clerical judges acted in
good faith but rejected his theories because they were ``incapable of
dissociating faith from an age-old cosmology'' _ the biblical vision of the
Earth as the center of the universe. ``God fixed the Earth upon its
foundation, not to be moved forever,'' says one Bible verse contradicted by
Galileo's pioneering notion that the Earth spins daily on its axis and
makes an annual journey around the sun.

Unable to comprehend a non-literal reading of Scripture,
according to the commission, the judges feared that if Galileo's ideas were
taught, they would undermine Catholic tradition at a time when it was under
attack by Protestant reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin.

``This subjective error of judgment, so clear to us today, led
them to a disciplinary measure from which Galileo `had much to suffer.'
These mistakes must be frankly recognized, as you, Holy Father, have
requested,'' Cardinal Paul Poupard, the commission chairman, told the pope.

Tried on ``vehement suspicion of heresy,'' Galileo was forced to
swear that he ``abjured, cursed and detested'' the errors of his work,
which extended the findings of the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus
that the Earth moves. Legend insists that as he finished his abject,
life-saving confession of his errors to the black-cowled Inquisitors,
Galileo muttered under his breath: ``Nevertheless, it does move.''

The case was important to him, John Paul said Saturday, because
over the centuries it had become ``the symbol of the church's supposed
rejection of scientific progress, or of `dogmatic' obscurantism opposed to
the free search for truth.''

Galileo's condemnation, John Paul lamented, had led many
scientists to conclude that there was ``an incompatibility between the
spirit of science and its rules of research on the one hand, and the
Christian faith on the other.''

``A tragic mutual incomprehension has been interpreted as the
reflection of a fundamental opposition between science and faith. The
clarifications furnished by recent historical studies enable us to state
that this sad misunderstanding now belongs to the past,'' the pope said.

** End of article **


Don Allen - via ParaNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Don.Allen@p1.f81.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG


Subject: The International UFO Congress And UFO Film Film Festival Part 1
Date: 7 Nov 92 02:36:30 GMT

From: (David Jones)

# The following is sent as a public service announcement and is for #
# informational purposes only. I am not receiving any renumeration for #
# helping to inform the public in this regards. I will be happy to #
# try to answer any questions about the below that you may have. #
# #
# Thank you. David W. Jones OR uunet!wrs!davidj #

Part 1 of 3:

November 27th through December 3rd 1992
Hacienda Hotel Las Vagas, Nevada, UFO

For More Information:
Call (510) 428-0202:
Or write to:
UFO Congress Office
4266 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94611

Invited Speaker List and Schedule


Friday November 27th

Registration: 3:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M.
Film Festival:


Saturday November 28th:

Registration: 7:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M.


The author of 'Specimen' offers his research on our UFO origin.

We will take another look at George Adamski. With witnesses & scientific
evaluation of his spectacular photos.

12:45 P.M. until 2:00 P.M.

Presents a case with proof positive of a government cover up; ending with
Bob winning his lawsuit against the Government!!

Will present over 100 worldwide UFO photos and over 100 worldwide published
UFO journals!

5:45 P.M. until 7:30 P.M.: Dinner

Starting at 7:30 P.M - New 1992 UFO films and UFO classics.


Sunday November 29th:

Registration: 7:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M.


Dr. Martinez is the physician who physically examined a live extraterres-
tial being, & suffered the consequences! His first PUBLIC disclosure!

11:00 A.M. PROF. SUN SHI-LI: (China)
Brings us up to date on UFO activity behind the Bamboo Curtain, & tells of
alien craft in China's hands.

Lunch: 12:45 P.M. until 2:00 P.M.

2:00 P.M. PROF. A. J. GEVAERD: (Brazil)
A life long UFO researcher, Prof. Gevaerd brings us up to date on the
Maringa Contacts and other South American cases.

Stan premieres new information in his new book on Roswell and answers your
questions! Jamie tells us of his original receipt of the MJ-12 papers!

Dinner: 6:00 P.M. until 7:30 P.M.

FILM FESTIVAL: Starting at 7:30 P.M - New 1992 UFO films and UFO classics.


Monday November 30th: (Experiencer Day)

Registration: 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M.




11:00 A.M. JOHN MALK: (USA)

The above four researchers will share their latest findings and conclusions

Lunch: 1:00 P.M. until 2:00 P.M.

Dr. Fiore will chair the round-table Investigators Panel with the above
Speakers. This is your unprecedented opportunity to interact with the most
experienced researchers into the UFO Experiencer Phenomena.

Dr. Fiore will introduce us to 10 Experiencers from all walks of life! She
will chair a round- table Experiencers panel. This will be a rare oppor-
tunity to interact with everyday people who are living with this phenomena!

Speakers PARTY: 6:30 P.M. to 7:45 P.M:
Drink, eat, and be merry as you meet your speakers one on one!

Dinner: 7:45 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.

FILM FESTIVAL: Starting at 9 P.M - New 1992 UFO films and UFO classics.


Tuesday December 1st:

Registration: 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M.


Dr. Boylan will share his personal investigative journey to the UFO 'HOT
SPOTS' of the West and South West.

11:00 A.M. DON WARE: (USA)

Lunch: 12:45 P.M until 2:00 P.M.



Dinner: 5:45 P.M. until 7:30 P.M.

FILM FESTIVAL: Starting at 7:30 P.M - New 1992 UFO films and UFO classics.


Wednesday December 2nd:

Registration: 8:30 A.M. until 8:00 P.M.


Lembit will brief our Congress on recent and re-current UFO Contacts in
Estonia and Eastern Europe.

Patric is the acknowledged expert on the 'Belgium Wave' and will bring us
up to date.

Lunch: 12:45 P.M until 2:00 P.M.

Europe's favorite investigator will bring us up to date on all the latest
important activities from there, including GERMAN CROP CIRCLES!


Dinner: 5:45 until 7:30 P.M

FILM FESTIVAL: Starting at 7:30 P.M - New 1992 UFO films and UFO classics.


Thursday December 3rd:

Registration: 8:30 A.M. until 2:30 P.M.
Re-Open 6:00 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. (If seating is still available.)



Dr. Greer will bring us news of all the latest successes for his interna-
tional CSETI working groups initiating UFO Contacts of the 5th kind!

Lunch: 12:45 P.M. until 2:00 P.M.



7:30 P.M.: Dinner (Meat or vegetarian)
EBE Awards
Invited Keynote Speaker:


The above schedule is subject to change without notice.

Individual Speaker appearance subject to Speaker acceptance. Later personal
or business requirements could cause any given Speaker to cancel their
appearance. Your Congress has a great line up of alternate Speakers should
any of the above speakers be unable to present for any reason.


Subject: The International UFO Congress And UFO Film Film Festival Part 2
Date: 7 Nov 92 02:36:53 GMT

From: (David Jones)

# The following is sent as a public service announcement and is for #
# informational purposes only. I am not receiving any renumeration for #
# helping to inform the public in this regards. I will be happy to #
# try to answer any questions about the below that you may have. #
# #
# Thank you. David W. Jones OR uunet!wrs!davidj #

Part 2 of 3:

An Invitation from Bob Brown

Dear Friends:

I believe the UFO subject is the most important one facing us today. If you
also believe this is true, please consider making the commitment to attend
The 1992 International Las Vegas UFO Congress! Last year this magnificent UFO
Congress ran for five information packed days. Delegates heard over 20 UFO
speakers, each giving us a full 2 hour presentation. We had no 'workshop'
fees, and presented no speakers or events simultaneously! All at a very
affortable price. We believe it was simply the best 1991 UFO Event in the

The 1992 2nd Annual Las Vegas International UFO Congress offers you even
more speakers and events for even less money than you paid for last years
Congress! We are lining up an incredible block of speakers from around the
world to present to you the latest and best UFO information available. When
attending this years Congress, you will also receive tickets to the new 'UFO
Film Festival'. Every evening the 'UFO Film Festival' will screen for you
both the newest and 'premiere' UFO Films of 1992! You will be present as we
honor the best of this years new UFO Films at the first ever 'EBE Awards
Ceremony' during our gala Thursday Evening Dinner Event! Our panel of dis-
tinguished judges will vote for the winners of 'EBE's' in many select
categories, but after your nightly screening of 1992's best UFO films, you
can vote for your favorite! Your vote will decide the 'EBE AWARD' in the
'Peoples Choice' category!

There is a date change for this years congress. This change moves the
Congress far ahead of Christmas so that it should not interfere with your
Christmas plans; nor the plans of our European friends either! Registration
will open on Friday November 27th at 3 P.M., with the first session beginning
Saturday, November 28th at 9 A.M. After a full 6 days of speakers and events,
the final session will be our Awards Dinner on Thursday Evening, December
4th. That's 6 full days and 7 nights of congress events!

We have been asked 'why the congress is a full week', and 'can't it be
shorter?' We believe that most UFO events treat this subject like a dog and
pony show; setting up with speakers competing with one another for your time,
as well as charging you extra every time you want to hear the whole story
from a speaker! It is our believe that these kind of policies are the highest
form of dis-service to both you and your speakers. No, a week is needed to
completely cover the information that will be presented to you. But, we also
understand the many commitements in your life today. So, if you can just
attend Saturday and Sunday, or only one day, we understand ...Commit what
time you can, but please commit! Only 300 reserved seats can be sold to this
exciting event! No more, no less. Avoid disappointment. Reserve now!

I am looking forward to sharing the most exciting UFO Congress ever presented
with you! I hope you will choose to be there, for it is FOR YOU that the
Congress is held!

Robert L. Brown

Producer 'UFOs A Need To Know'
Producer 'The Las Vegas International UFO Congress' & 'EBE AWARDS'


Subject: The International UFO Congress And UFO Film Film Festival Part 3
Date: 7 Nov 92 02:37:13 GMT

From: (David Jones)

# The following is sent as a public service announcement and is for #
# informational purposes only. I am not receiving any renumeration for #
# helping to inform the public in this regards. I will be happy to #
# try to answer any questions about the below that you may have. #
# #
# Thank you. David W. Jones OR uunet!wrs!davidj #

Part 3 of 3:

Delegate Reservation Package
* 7 days and nights deluxe tower rooms at the newly remodeled HACIENDA
HOTEL, Las Vegas, NV. Featuring private bath, color TV, beautiful views
of the desert & mountains, restaurants, and swimming pools.

* 6 Full 'all you can eat' Daily Buffet Breakfasts (excluding Sunday).
* Admmission to the Welcome Cocktail Party Monday.
* Admission to all daily speaker sessions and events.
* Nightly Admission to the 'UFO Film Festival'.
* Admission to Thursdays Dinner and EBE Awards Ceremony.

Within a short distance from the Hotel are: public bars, restaurants of every
type, shopping centers, a health club, and a variety of other entertainment.

For little more than the price of your deluxe room alone you receive the
above full Delegate Registration for all Congress and Film Festival Events!

Delegate Package Pricing
Single Delegate Rate - If rooms still available!..................... $690
Double Delegate Rate - Sharing a Room, ($460 each person) ........... $920

Weekend Congress & Festival (Single)................................. $290
(Double-Sharing a Room) ................. $390
Friday and Saturday night stay,
Admission to weekend congress and events.

Individual Reservation for Congress Only
6 Day Congress & Festival - With Meal Events ......................... $440
6 Day Congress & Festival - Without Meal Events ...................... $390
UFO Film Festival Only - All Nights ................................. $100
Daily Admission - Excludes Meal and Film Events ..................... $ 90
Individual Speakers or Film Event .................................... $ 20
'Meet Your Speaker' Cocktail Party ................................... $ 20
Gala Evening Dinner/EBE Awards ....................................... $ 50

Student, Seniors, and Military Discounts
A 'Space Available' 50% discount will be extended, for non-meal events, to
students with valid school ID, seniors 65 and older, and active military
personnel with ID, when purchasing Single Day, or Single Speaker tickets.

Video and Audio Recording Policy
Video and audio recorders will not be allowed during official sessions, but
professionally recorded video and audio tapes of the speakers may be ordered
at the Congress at reasonable prices.

Congress Time Frame
Congress registration will begin at 3PM on Friday November 27th, 1992. The
first speaker session will begin at 9AM on Saturday November 28th. The final
Session will conclude with the Gala EBE Awards on Thursday December 3th.
Depending on the number of entrys, the 'UFO Film Festival' may begin on
Friday evening, November 27th.

Exhibit Hall and Art Gallery
The Exhibit Hall and Art Gallery will be open daily throughout the Congress.
Vendors will be present with interesting UFO books and related items for you
to purchase.

Photo ID Badge
Please send us (with your reservation) 2 passport size photos for use in
preparing your ID badge. There is a $2 charge per photo for on-site badge
prepartation during Congress Registation.

Reservation Form

Delegate One: Name: ______________________________________

Address: ______________________________________

City: __________________________ State: ____ Zip: __________

Phone: ____-____-___________

Delegate Two: Name: -_____________________________________

Address: ______________________________________

City: __________________________ State: ____ Zip: __________

Phone: ____-____-___________

Please reserve _____Ticket(s) for the '2nd Annual International UFO Congress',
November 27- December 3, 1992, at the Hacienda Hotel! I am reserving;

______ Deluxe Delegate Reservation(s) with single room(s) at $690 per Delegate
______ 2nd Deluxe Delegate Reservation(s) (Sharing Double Room)
at $230 per 2nd Delegate.
______ Weekend Congress & FestivalReservation(s)
(All Weekend Events, Friday /Saturday Night Stay)at $290 per Delegate.
______ Weekend 2nd Delegate Reservation(s) (Sharing Double Room)
at $100 per 2nd Delegate.
Congress Events Only:
______ Reserved Seating for Congress and Festival Only at $440 per Delegate.
(with meal events).
______ Reserved Seating for Congress and Festival Only at $390 per Delegate.
(without meal events).
______ Reserved Seating for UFO Film Festival Only at $100 per Delegate.
(All nights).
______ Congress Single Day Admission at $90 per Delegate
(Excludes Meal and Film Events).

For each Delegate:
Please enclose two passport photos for Official Congress ID.

Enclosed is a payment for $________: | | Check | | Money Order
| | Visa | | Master Card
Cardholder's Name _____________________________________________

Card No# ____________________________ Expiration date ___________


Please Make Check Payable and Send to:

Video City Production, 4266 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94611.
Tel: 510-428-0202 Fax: 510-654-7802

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