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Java Coffee Break Newsletter Volume 3 Issue 06

         Java Coffee Break Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 6
ISSN 1442-3790


In this issue

* Editor's Note
* Featured Java Websites
* Book Review - Java Pitfalls
* Book Review - Professional Java XML Programming
* Interview : Mark Grand, author of Patterns in Java
* Q&A : How can I poll a remote server, to see if it is still
* Q&A : How can I create an event handling mechanism in Java?
* Q&A : How can I read the status code of a HTTP request?


Editor's Note

Readers may have noticed a new format for the newsletter. We
are now featuring reviews of useful Java websites, based on
feedback from subscribers. We're also featuring a series of
interviews with leading Java authors. Space limitations
prevent us from including every interview, however. You can
see an archive of previous interviews from the Java Coffee
Break website at

Reminder : JavaOne, the world's largest conference, starts
June 6, 2000. Perhaps I'll see you there!


Featured Java Websites

Here are a selection of websites that may be of interest to


The Jini Workbench, by Gamelan, features a collection of great
articles relating to this exciting new topic. Jini allows
hardware and software services to talk to each other over a
network, using Java remote method invocation as the glue that
connects services and clients together. You'll learn about the
Jini technology, how it works, and how to produce Jini
software. There's also a great no-nonsense article that cuts
through the hype, and shows you where Jini's strengths and
weaknesses lie.


You may be surprised to know, but Java isn't just for browsers.
Java is making the move into the wired world, into palmtop and
handheld devices like the Palm V, thanks to the Java 2 Platform
Micro Edition. Bill Joy, a regular contributor to JavaWorld,
has written a FAQ about writing Java code for the micro edition,
where you'll learn all sorts of useful tidbits such as where
to download tools, and how to create and test software for
palmtop devices.


Wired's Webmonkey series of tutorials is well known to
webmasters and developers for its no-nonsense approach to
teaching Web concepts. There's some really great web
development material and tutorials available on programming
topics, with a special section devoted exclusively to Java.

Webmonkey tutorials cover a wide range of topics, from client
side applets to server-side applications in Java. Well worth
a look, and a good starting point for those new to Java.


Have you ever dreamed of creating the next or
Yahoo portal? Sure you might be able to do it in Java with
some applets and a customized server, but would it scale? Java
2 Enterprise Edition is the solution - a new SDK for enterprise
programming. It's scalable, contains all the technologies you
could ever want (like CORBA, JSP, servlets, EJB and more jargon
than you'll ever need), and is now available for Solaris and
Windows NT. There are plenty of whitepapers, articles, and
tutorials on this Sun-run site. It's just what you need for
your next e-commerce portal site!


Written by Thomas Moore, this FAQ features common questions
and answers about servlet programming. Servlet programming
is a form of server side Java (just as applets are mini
applications, servlets are mini web applications that replace
CGI scripts). You'll learn about servlet tools, web servers
that support servlets, how they work and how they compare
to CGI. This is a work in progress, but well worth a look.


Book Review - Java Pitfalls : Time-Saving Solutions and
Workarounds to Improve Programs

Author : Michael C. Daconta, et al
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
ISBN : 0471361747
Experience: Beginner-Expert

I've reviewed quite a few Java books about improving the
attributes of Java software. Some concentrate on improving the
design, others the robustness of software or the performance.
While they usually start out promising, by the end of the book
you're left with a good understanding of theory but little
practical skills. Java Pitfalls : Time-Saving Solutions and
Workarounds to Improve Programs, breaks free of that mould, by
providing a wealth of techniques and code that has real practical
application. The title does not do it justice, however. Not only
does the book show you how to improve programs, the advice
contained within also saves you time, frustration, and effort.

After reading through even a few pages of tips within the book,
you understand that the advice isn't dry theory, but practical
advice gained from real-life problems that Java developers face.
Michael Daconta, and his co-authors, offer warnings gained from
the trenches of software development using Java.

The book is divided neatly into eight sections, covering
different aspects of Java programming. A wide range of areas
are covered, from the obligatory Java language syntax, to more
fun topics like graphical user interfaces (using AWT and Swing),
the utilities package and collections, input and output (I/O),
and even improving Java performance. The one significant area
lacking from the book, in my opinion, is a section on network
programming pitfalls, and perhaps other advanced topics like
databases. These areas are fraught with pitfalls for the unwary.
However, for readers not involved with such areas, this is a
moot point, and it leaves more room for other tips.

There are a total of 50 individual pieces of advice, and each is
packed full of detailed code examples. Whether you're a Java
newbie, or an experienced Java developer looking to improve
your coding and reduce the frustration and time of software
development, Java Pitfalls is an ideal addition to your book
collection. With the usefulness of this advice, you'll
probably find it taking a place on your desk though, rather
than the bookshelf. -- David Reilly

For more information about this title, or to order it, visit

Book Review - Professional Java XML Programming
with Servlets and JSP

Author : Alexander Nakhimovsky and Tom Myers
Publisher : Wrox Press Inc.
ISBN : 1861002858
Experience: Intermediate - Expert

Professional Java Xml Programming, by Alexander Nakhimovsky and
Tom Myers, tackles the ambitious goal of teaching the readers two
of the hottest programming technologies in recent years: the
eXstensible Markup Language (XML) and Java. Along the way,
you'll pick up a little JavaMail, and a fair deal of Java
Servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP) experience as well. All of
these technologies, aside from being very important for the
construction of websites, are highly prized by employers and
useful skills to learn.

Why Java and XML you may ask yourselves? To answer that, consider
the roles that they are suited for. Java is ideal for server-side
programming and web development, and XML has gone beyond a simple
way to exchange information between databases to being a language
for structured information. Together, and with Professional Java
XML Programming as your guide, you'll learn how to created
multiple-tiered web applications, a focus that XML and Java are
ideally suited to. By combining Java, databases using the Java
DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) API, and XML, you can create
powerful server-side systems and websites.

The first few chapters give you a basic overview of three tiered
applications, JDBC access, and the basics of Java servlets. From
there, the book progresses to XML. It presents a good
introduction to XML theory, without tying you down too much with
trivial details. XML gurus might prefer a more weighty tome, but
it's great for normal Java programmers, and covers all the
important topics like grammar, entities, document type
definitions (DTDs), and types of parsers : SAX vs Document Object
Model (DOM).

Before teaching you XML parsing, the authors offer an
introduction on parsing techniques and formal languages. This
chapter is mandatory for readers, and though some may find this
a waste of their time, others will find it a useful grounding in
parsing theory. 

There's also coverage of advanced applications of XML, using
eXstensible Style-sheet Language for Translations (XSLT), and
other Java technologies like Java Server Pages, JavaBeans, and

Professional Java XML Programming may not be the best or
simplest XML theory book, but does an admirable job of merging
both XML and Java together. These are valuable skills for Java
programmers, and the book includes plenty of examples that
demonstrate XML concepts. Don't get me wrong - XML isn't a
walk in the park, but with a little perseverance, Professional
Java XML Programming will teach you how to blend XML and Java
server-side technologies to create powerful web applications,
and will find a treasured place on your bookshelf.
-- Michael Reilly

For more information about this title, or to order it, visit


Interview : Michael Daconta, author of Java Pitfalls

Michael Daconta, is President of Synergy Solutions, Inc., where
he conducts training seminars and develops advanced systems with
Java, JavaScript and XML. He's also the author of the recently
published Java Pitfalls : Time-Saving Solutions and Workarounds
to Improve Programs. Whether you're new to programming, or a
seasoned Java veteran, Java Pitfalls is full of useful techniques
and coding solutions. In this exclusive interview, we talk with
Michael about the Java language, its limitations and advantages,
and "real-life" practical coding.

Q: What do you see as being the biggest change affecting the
Java community in the last year?

A: Which Java community? Do you mean the Java 1.1.8 community
or the Java 2 community? And there's the rub. The biggest change
over the last year has been Java's slow slide from its
idealistic and hallowed perch. This slide has been greased from
every angle with ample skepticism. When Java began, many
developers (including myself) held our breath and whispered,
"Is this the ONE?" "Is this the Silver Bullet?" But now, all of
our ego boundaries have snapped back into place and we are
really seeing the technology for the first time - warts and
all. This is where our book, Java Pitfalls, comes into play. It
is a straight look at 50 programming obstacles that we guide you
around. The most treacherous of those obstacles is the pitfall
-- here is the definition from the book's introduction:

A pitfall is code that compiles fine but when executed
produces unintended and sometimes disastrous results.
Pitfalls are the bane of beginning programmers who rely
so heavily on the blessing of compilation.

So, now to the good news... putting the browser and Microsoft
fiasco aside, for those developers lucky enough to be able to
move on to the Java 2 platform, they have witnessed an impressive
maturing of the platform. The platform has also continued its
astounding growth and spread into every computing niche. The
question is no longer whether you will develop in Java anymore
but whether you will develop in anything else. This is
especially true for the average corporate developer.

Lastly, there is another rising star that is both threatening
and invigorating the Java community: XML. I see the ascendancy
of XML as the greatest potential threat to Java. XML is as
ambivalent to programming languages as Java is to operating
systems. So, this game is really only in the second quarter.

Q: What do you see as the main advantages of Java, compared to
other languages like C++?

A: A good part of my career has revolved around teaching C and
C++ Pointer intricacies and pitfalls to programmers so I feel
qualified to affirm that Java is a significant improvement over
C++. Yet instead of going through the laundry list let's cut
right to the chase: Java is a more productive language. You
can produce more code, of higher quality and with less effort
than if the project used C++.

Now let's move beyond C++ and discuss the key advantages of the
Java platform. By far, the key advantage that provides the
time-saving is the large number of continually expanding class
libraries. There is over 2000 classes provided by Sun alone to
provide various services to your program. That is not even
mentioning open source and commercial Java Beans. So, this
enormous Java support system offers a tremendous amount of
leverage to the average programmer.

Some other advantages are the well-known C syntax, the simple and
consistent heap-based storage for everything except local
primitives, garbage collection, and the smart-card to mainframe

However, I cannot leave this topic without scratching off a
former oft-touted benefit: simplicity. I'm sorry but once you
cross the line into phantom references, anonymous classes,
deadlock scenarios and soon templates, you are hard-pressed to
argue the simplicity of the language. Our book covers many of
these issues, for example Item 11:
Reclaiming References using SoftReference objects.

Q: Michael, your book takes a very practical approach to Java
programming. There's several other books out there on the market
aimed at teaching time-saving solutions based on programming
experience, but they generally focus on design patterns and
aren't always Java specific. How is your book different?

A: Right from the outset, I wanted a book free from debates on
design techniques. While those books have their place, many
design patterns take time (sometimes a long time) before they
can be understood and put to use. I wanted a book to help the
practicing programmer right from page one without spending
hours, weeks or months attempting to map pure theory to
everyday, messy reality.

As an interesting aside, the book's previous title was
"Effective Java: 50 specific ways to avoid pitfalls and improve
your programs."
Unfortunately, at the last minute we had to
change the title, due to the litigious nature of a very large
publisher whose name will not be mentioned.

What does this have to do with a practical approach? All the
co-authors were very sensitive to the book being compared to
Scott Myer's Effective C++ so we were very careful to put out
a high quality product. It is actually amusing that we had to
change the title at the last minute because Java Pitfalls was
the original title I proposed! So, in the end, even though we
had to delay the book a few weeks, the programmers won out
over the marketing suits.

The other thing that is immediately obvious about Java Pitfalls
is that all of this is coming from direct experience. We have
the bruises to show for it. This material is not watered down
or surmised or distilled from researching other people's work.
For awhile I did a Java column called "Java from the Trenches"
and that is also a good metaphor for the type of hard-won,
battlefield lessons the book provides.

Editor's Note : Michael discusses a wide range of topics in
his interview, covering the Java API, practical pitfalls,
all the way to the future direction of Java.

The entire text of the interview is available from


Interview : Mark Grand, author of Patterns in Java

Mark Grand is the author of a series of books titled Patterns in
Java, which teach the basics of design patterns and provide
examples of their implementation in the Java programming
language. He is also currently one of the architects of an
open-source application framework for e-commerce called
Hatchware. In this exclusive interview, we talk with Mark about
design patterns.

Q: You've written extensively on the topic of design patterns in
Java. For the benefit of people unsure exactly what one is, how
would you define a design pattern?

A: A very simple definition for a pattern is a reusable solution
to a recurring problem. A design pattern is a pattern that solves
a software design problem.

Some other pattern writers take exception to such a simple
definition of pattern, because it does not address important
form and style issues. For people who may be interested in
reading patterns, I think this definition is good enough.

Q: Design patterns are very popular with developers using
languages like C++. There's a range of books aimed at a C++
audience, but a relatively small amount of titles for Java.
How does Java stack up to C++ in general, and specifically
with regard to design patterns.

A: There has been much material written that compares Java and
C++. Most design patterns are language neutral, although the
specific solution that they propose may be slanted towards a
particular language. The differences that you see are typical of
the language's different object models. Where you may see
multiple inheritance or abstract classes in an example oriented
towards C++, you will usually see interfaces in a Java oriented

Another difference that you find is in applying some patterns.
C++ gives you more than one way of doing many things, where Java
give you just one. For example, C++ allows an object to contain
a value or a pointer to the value. This means having to make
more decisions in how to apply a pattern.

Q: Do you find the lack of certain C++ features like multiple
inheritance and generic types in Java a hindrance when
designing software, or do they make object designs simpler?

A: As you may guess from my previous response, I generally find
that my designs are simpler when designing for Java. Multiple
inheritence is something that I rarely use. Generic types
simplify coding, but do not have much impact on design. I
understand that JavaSoft has looked at some proposal for
generic types, but has not acted on the proposals yet.

Q: You've written two volumes on Java design patterns, and I
understand a third volume is underway. What can readers expect
to gain from these books? Does an understanding of design
patterns make life easier on programmers, make software more
robust and reliable, or are there productivity bonuses?

Experience gives programmers a variety of wisdom. As programmers
gain experience, they recognize the similarity of new problems to
problems they have solved before. With even more experience,
they recognize that the solutions for similar problems follow
recurring patterns. With the knowledge of these patterns,
experienced programmers recognize the situations where
patterns apply and immediately use the solution without having
to stop, analyze the problem, and then pose possible strategies.

When a programmer discovers a pattern, it's just an insight. In
most cases, to go from an unverbalized insight to a well
thought-out idea that the programmer can clearly articulate is
surprisingly difficult. It's also an extremely valuable step.
When we understand a pattern well enough to put it into words,
we are able to intelligently combine it with other patterns.

More importantly, once put into words, a pattern can be used in
discussions among programmers who know the pattern. That allows
programmers to more effectively collaborate and combine their
wisdom. It can also help to avoid the situation where programmers
argue over different solutions to a problem, only to find out
later that they were really thinking of the same solution but
expressing it in different ways.

Putting a pattern into words has an additional benefit for less
experienced programmers who have not yet discovered the pattern.
Once a pattern has been put into words, more experienced
programmers can teach it to programmers who aren't familiar with
the pattern.

The Patterns in Java books I have written provide experienced
programmers with a common vocabulary to discuss patterns. It
also allows programmers who have not yet discovered a pattern
to learn about the pattern. Each of the volumes of Patterns in
Java have a different focus.

The first volume is about micro-architecture design patterns.
The patterns in there tend to focus on issues such as how to
create objects, organize behavior, manage complexity and

The pattern topics that the second volume covers include patters
for GUI design, coding and testing. I wrote that with the idea
that people can use information about patterns outside of the
design realm.

The third volume of Patterns in Java will focus on design
patterns for enterprise and distributed applications. There
seems to be a lot of interest in it. I am behind schedule, but
I am still hoping that it will be out before the end of the
year. The current working outline is at 

I still need people to review some of my chapters, if any of your
readers would be interested.

Q: Design patterns are often expressed using Unified Modeling
Language notation. What's your opinion of UML diagrams? While
many universities now teach UML diagrams, do you think that
they're accessible to the average programmer?

A: There are really two issues in your questions. UML is just a
notation for expressing software designs. I like it because its
basic feature set is focused on the essentials. There are some
specialized design details, such as thread synchronization
semantics, that UML does not provide a good way to express.

Because UML is just a notation for expressing software designs
rather than a full blown design methodology, it is possible to
learn UML without knowing much about software design.

The reason that I have chosen to use UML in my books is that
it is currently the most popular notation for software designs.

Q: Thanks for your perspective on design patterns, Mark - they
certainly appear to be an important topic for developers. Readers
interested in learning more about design patterns will find the
Patterns in Java series available in your local bookstore, or
online from 

* Patterns in Java Volume 1,

* Patterns in Java Volume 2,


Q&A: How can I poll a remote server, to see if it is still
available? I'd like to check to see if the server has
crashed, and if so, record the time.

If your application is a TCP server, the easiest way to do this
is for a client to connect to it, using the
class. When the Socket is connected, if the server is down an
IOException will be thrown, indicating that the server is not
accepting connections.

However, this may not be a sufficient test for mission critical
applications. What if the server has stalled, and will accept
connections but not respond to them? In this situation, you'll
need to write a valid request to the server (using the
appropriate network protocol, such as HTTP or FTP). It doesn't
matter what type of request is made, or what data is really
returned (unless it is an error message). The only purpose of the
request is to see if the server will response, and is still
available for use.


Q&A: How can I create an event handling mechanism in Java?
I'm used to ActiveX controls, which fire asynchronous
events (i.e. when a control is finished a task, it
notifies another component of that event).

The most common mechanism for this is the callback, where one
class calls the method of another to notify it of an action or
event. The class to be notified defines methods that will
respond to specific events, such as when a mouse is clicked,
dragged, or released.

The AWT makes heavy use of this, with Listener interfaces. A
class implements the event handling methods of a listener, and
can then be registered with a component that generates these
types of events. Classes that are event sources provide methods
which register a listener, and at a later time when the event is
generated, will invoke listener methods. The Abstract Windowing
Toolkit (AWT) and Swing APIs would be a good place to start, to
see if this suits your needs.


Q&A : How can I read the status code of a HTTP request?

If you use the URL.openStream() method, there's no way to
determine whether a request was successful or not. The only
alternative is to use the URL.openConnection() method, which
returns a URLConnection instance. The URLConnection is an
abstract class, meaning that it provides a template of methods
which other classes will implement. Even though the
URL.openConnection() method returns a URLConnection instance,
it is actually returning a concrete implementation of that class.

When a request is made for a resource using the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol, the implementation of URLConnection that is
returned is a This class defines
additional methods, one of which allow you to access the
response status code. To find out the status of a request, you
need to cast the URLConnection to a HttpURLConnection, and invoke
the int HttpUrlConnection.getResponseCode() method.

URL url = new URL ( some_url );
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();


// Cast to a HttpURLConnection
if ( connection instanceof HttpURLConnection)
HttpURLConnection httpConnection =
(HttpURLConnection) connection;

int code = httpConnection.getResponseCode();

// do something with code .....
System.err.println ("error - not a http request!");


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