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The perfect realtime shadow algorithm

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Published in 
 · 10 months ago

Written by: Vector/Vertigo (Brian Cowan)
Vertigo Web Page:

irc: #coders #vertcode

Revision history:

10/06/97 v0.70Beta - Awesome tips from MidNight, touched up the doc
04/06/97 v0.60Beta - Added the tips section with help from Statix
01/06/97 v0.50Beta - A few typo fixes and a cool tip from Statix
30/05/97 v0.10Beta - Initial version


Well, for the last 2 months or so I have been laying around the house, forcing my brain to try and come up with the perfect shadow algorithm, an algorithm that works beautifully in hardware as well as software. An algo that adds almost no overhead to the actual rendering, and yields perfect results on any surface with any type of lighting... And all of this of course real-time.

I am not just talking about those dinky shadows that are cast onto the floor like a black blob, or the shape of a few enemies/items. I mean a fully immersive experience, where all of the light is obscured in a sewer, except for the few slits from the grates above. Or light volumes that fall through a stained glass window will color the objects that pass behind with all the beautiful colors of the glass. Your mouth must be watering for this algo...

Nope, couldn't come up with one =). But I have noticed one thing, the net (particularly the demoscene) always tends to find all the coolest real- time graphical techniques before anything else. So why not make a doc explaining all I could find and come up with about the subject, and maybe everyone will work together and we will overcome the pain of these monotonous 3D worlds and find the perfect technique yet...


Oh, sorry about that. No, all is not lost at the moment. There are several shadow techniques that are tried and true, and yield very impressive results. In fact some daring demos have had this effect for quite some time, like Machines of Madness/Dubius, or some other old one I can't remember with a flatshaded 'hollow' cube. But the one that comes most to mind is Spotlite/Funk, and is in fact another thing that inspired me to write this doc in the first place.

So what I will try to explain here are the techniques I think these demos used, plus a few others I found/came up with that may have good potential depending upon the scene. I will also give a sort of rating/summary to each technique dealing with:

  • Its complexity to code
  • Overall visual appeal
  • Speed for low poly scenes
  • Speed for high poly scenes
  • Good for hardware
  • Pros and cons

And anything else my mind that is overloaded with Pepsi decides to come up with =).


This doc does assume you have good knowledge of 3D, Volumes, and rasterizers. If you can't get a Z-Buffered Gouraud Textured triangle going, or 3D clipping and such, then I advise you go have fun, learn, drink some Pepsi, and come back later.

Finally, this doc does not deal with soft shadows (although with some algos, they can be 'faked'). Nor does it deal with pre-generated shadows through cached Texture maps. I also do not mention a bunch of other shadow algorithms that I saw no chance of working real-time (ray tracing) or were crap in the first place. Check out the reference section for some places where you can get info on these.

Now, for the good stuff... (presented in what is IMO worst to best, but read them all).


Technically, what you do in this algorithm is define a 'web' of light volumes. These volumes are created by forming a cone of each polygon against a light, where one end is capped by the polygon, and the other end can stretch to infinity, or preferably end at some distance (then any polygons beyond this distance do not need to be processed).

The cones are formed by an amount of quads equal to the number of sides in the poly, so a triangle would be formed by 3 quads, where the tangent to each quadrilateral edge goes in the direction of the light ray against the edge of the tri.

Now after you have all these volumes, you clip every tri against them, to find out if they are in a shadow or not. Remember to clip recursively, or you can't get shadows in the middle of tris.

Right now you must think that this is *REALLY* fucking slow, which is true, but thankfully there are quite a few speedups and enhancements you can take advantage of.

First of all, it comes in handy to not make a volume for every polygon, but to do it for every surface facing the light. So for example, a sphere made out of tris, You would make a big volume formed by the whole sphere facing the light, with a bunch of quads lining the edge. Be warned though, doing this surface building is rather tricky, and requires a good form of representing the mesh ('Winged edge' should do nicely).

And another immediately apparent thing is that you can sort the polys front to back, so then you don't need to check polys against the volumes of polys that are in back of them (in the light, not the view).

Another speedup is to actually project the polys onto a 'virtual' light screen, then you can do a check to see what polys are visible to the light. However, doing this check will only work for spotlights, eliminating one of the most useful things of this technique, unless you are willing to do multiple projections.

Something very nice about this technique is that it only needs to be done once for a scene if the objects/lights don't move, You can fly around and see it from anywhere. Plus it accommodates multiple light sources very easily, and can handle light volumes passing through stained glass window if you add flags to the polys for it.

  • Complexity = 75%
  • Visual appeal = 95%
  • Low poly = 60%
  • High poly = 15%
  • Hardware = 98%

Pros - Only needed to be built once for static scenes. Much room to expand on this technique. Easy multiple light sources. Without projection method will handle point light sources. Handles stained glass window. Best for hardware, fits nicely into most 3D engines.

Cons - Don't let all the pros sway you, this algo is *SLOOOW*, (but can still sometimes be done real-time). Don't use for high poly scenes, since the amount of work is squared to the amount of polys.


This technique is a quick dirty approach to doing shadow volumes, that will probably look very crappy if done in a complex scene, but is still a nice hack anyways ;)

What you do here, is divide the polygons into 'surfaces' that are facing the light, and project quads that fall off the edges of the surface (see above.) After that, for each quad, give it a flag if it is facing the viewer or not.

After this, the method is very straightforward. Simply sort the polys back to front, and include the lighting quads into this sorting list. Then rasterize these quads just like all the other polys. If the quad is one of the ones that is facing away from you, then make everything behind it lighter if its one of the ones facing to you, then make everything behind it darker.

This should ideally make every poly inside the shadow volume dark, and even out everything outside the volume to the normal color (maybe even leaving a cool shadow halo because of error accumulation =).

However this is one of those ideas I got watching a repeat of "Married With Children" (ARGH! Why did they cancel that, Kelly was cute! =). So actually implemented it probably looks like crap. But on a few very small tests I did with a small amount of polys, it did look acceptable.

BTW, I guess I should mention the drawbacks to this method. First off, the scene obviously must be Z-Buffered. Also, you must have a perfect sorting algorithm for this, or else the transparent polys will overlay something behind, and it will look interesting to say the least ;). Or do what I do (If zbuffer available) And draw the transparent polys after the original rendering.

Finally, the shadows cant be that deep, because when you reach an away shadow plane, if you add 20 to 250 (saturated), it will come to 256, but when you subtract because of the facing you shadow plane, it will not be the original 250, it will be 236.

  • Complexity = 45%
  • Visual appeal = 35%
  • Low poly = 90%
  • High poly = 35%
  • Hardware = 95%

Pros - Simple, intuitive, quick and dirty. Easy multiple light sources, very easy translucent surfaces, leaves a pretty little 'shadow halo'.

Cons - Probably looks like crap in a real scene. Needs good/weird sorting. Will only work with very soft shadows, or else saturation will make everything really crappy. Really Ad-Hoc algo.


This is a nice easy way of doing shadows. Basically what you do here:

  • Have a base light map. Phong maps work well here.
  • Form groups of polys into surfaces facing the light (see above.)
  • Order these surfaces front-back for the light
  • For each surface:
    • Find the coordinates that the texture projects onto each vert (normal perspective projection works nicely =).
    • Make a copy of the previous lightmap. Then draw the current surface onto it as black (or even colored to do a stained glass window effect.) You will then use this new texture for the next surface.

Now you may notice, what happens if the texture is tiled across a poly? Unfortunately you will have to make a new software tmapper that saturates the coordinates to 0 or MAX so that they don't overflow. However in hardware many cards have the option to do this automatically, and you can make a thin outline on the image that you can chroma-key, so that it is transparent (or use the texture as an alpha map in the first place).

Very simple but effective technique. I'm not quite sure if it will work as I have not seen it documented anywhere, but many thanks to the cool demo Robotnik/Rage for giving me the idea.

BTW, this is actually very crappy to do on hardware, because of the shear amount of texture loading to do would be immense. Which is a shame because of the saturation and chroma-key and all the other cool stuff hardware lets us do... However you can still use the mapping to do real neat spotlights and projections anyway, even without the shadows.

It is also worth noting that making accurate lighting with this method is very hard in (RGB) software. Since lighting is actually a function of the color * light, not an addition. So a texel of colour (0..1) 'r=.5 , g=1 , b=.5' and light intensities of 'rgb=.5' should actually give 'r=.25, g=.5 , b=.5'... and this is without counting specularity.

Hardware has the ability to do this at no cost, and you can do it easily if you use paletted textures or a paletted video mode. You can however do a quick hack in software that does look convincing. although won't allow pure blacks or whites. Simply shift the src and dest pixels right by 1, AND the final bits of RGB off (for 32bit it would be AND 7F7F7F7Fh) and add them together.

  • Complexity = 20%
  • Visual appeal = 70%
  • Low poly = 70%
  • High poly = 60% (Slow if many surfaces, not polys)
  • Hardware = 20%

Pros - Fast and easy for software. Lights can have really cool shapes (like logos, or movie projectors). Translucent objects can make colored shadows at almost no performance cost.

Cons - Very slow for hardware because of all the texture loading... hopefully AGP will help us out a bit. *LOTS OF MEMORY* needed, but unfortunately keeping the lightmaps small will give a lot of point sampling artifacts. Multiple lights are a bitch. AGP + hardware bilinear aliasing and multiple passes should help all these problems. Can only do spotlight with one pass.


These are perhaps the most well known, tried and true types of shadows. They are fast, speed varies almost linearly with the amount and size of polys. And are incredibly easy.

What you do for this algorithm is simple, just draw a Z-Buffer of the world from the light's point of view. Then for the actual camera view at the rasterizing stage, grab the coords of each vertex in light space (XYZ), and interpolate them much like texture mapping. At each pixel, do a check of the interpolated light Z with the Z found in the light Z buffer at the interpolated light X and Y. If it's behind, then it's in shadow. As you see, this is almost exactly like normal Z-Buffering, except the Z-Buffer grid position is taken from the interpolated light's X/Y, instead of the pixel plotting position.

This shadow method can definitely be done real-time, The demo Spotlite by Funk proves this method. However it is very hard to get going fast if you want to support and arbitrary number of lights. You can also go a step further and make 'soft shadows' by including an intensity value with the light Z-Buffer, and use this as an alpha blend/lightness factor. Finally, the Light Z-Buffer interpolations ideally should be done with perspective correction, although this is something you may try skipping, especially if you are doing multiple lights.

This algo can be found in most good 3D books if you want more information on it. Also, you can always do the Z-Buffer compares per pixel if this is a non-real-time application and its a very high poly scene. Also, make sure your camera can render to different size canvases, to be able to render the light-view scene in a 256*256 window (recommended) for fast Z-Buffer location finding.

Unfortunately, Z-Buffers have a very bad aliasing artifact problem. Shadows can look very pixelated if the difference between surfaces is large enough. Also, this can cause polys that are at a sharp angle to actually occlude themselves. Statix told me a very interesting way of solving the later problem though, where you store the average of the 2 nearest points in the Z-Buffer. This way, the point is to far to occlude itself, but to near as to not occlude polys that are behind. Unfortunately, I do not know a fast way of finding these nearest points.

  • Complexity = 25%
  • Visual appeal = 75%
  • Low poly = 60%
  • High poly = 70%
  • Hardware = Impossible

Pros - Very fast and easy for software. 'Tried in combat'. Lights can have really cool shapes, and faked soft shadows. Low memory consumption.

Cons - Impossible to do on current hardware (maybe not on programmable chipsets though). No 'true' translucency since depth for back objects is lost. Support for an arbitrary amount of lights is very hard. Since the Light Z-Buffer may be too small, aliasing artifacts can easily arise.


A perhaps interesting variation of the above method that I thought of, is the two Pass S-Buffer. If it actually works, It may turn out to be the fastest overall of the methods I have presented in this document. If you don't know what S-Buffers are, make shure to grab Paul Nettle's (Midnight) tutorial off of Hornet on them. Before you even attempt these, make sure you have fast S-Buffer insertion routines.

First, build a normal S-Buffer for the camera. Then for each light, build a span list as viewed from it. *BUT* you have to either rotate the light so that the X axis aligns with the X axis of the view, or build the spans at an angle. ;)

By now, I think you know what we are going to do =). For each span in the light view, convert to view space and place into the according position into the view S-Buffer list. Then doing a normal S-Buffer compare, find if the spans or parts of them fall behind the current span. If they do, then simply replace the spans under them (splitting if necessary) with a shadow tag. Then when you render the spans, just do a check to see if they are in shadow or not.

You should also note that you obviously do not need to rasterize the light spans, only build the span list. Also, this algo should handle multiple lights with extreme ease. Of course the spans that you replace with shadow versions don't need their deltas recalculated or anything. Plus if you have knowledge about the hardware and how it handles deltas, you can do 1 pixel high tris to simulate spans, and feed it the pre-calculated deltas. If not, hope the hardware is fast enough to do all those spans anyway. =) It also may be advantageous to compare every view span to each light instead of the other way around.

I am still very sketchy on this method though... first of all, in many cases it will probably look quite incorrect because of perspective. The light X spans will almost never be equal to the camera X spans, no matter how you rotate. This isn't so noticeable in the Z-Buffer method because it encompasses a very small area, and can vary with each poly instead of the whole light view, plus perspective correction can be done with the zbuffer method to fix any innacuracies, but would be extremely weird and hard with the S-Buffer method, so for some light- >view angles it may be better to resort to a different technique. If anyone gets this or a variation of it working, I would love to hear from them.

  • Complexity = 85%
  • Visual appeal = 50%
  • Low poly = 90%
  • High poly = 80%
  • Hardware = 50%

Pros - Fast and elegant. Should fit into any S-Buffering engine very nicely. Handles multiple lights extremely fast and efficient. The time taken to light a scene should be rather constant, no matter the amount of polys. May have potential for improvement.

Cons - I thought of it, so it probably doesn't work =). Not tried anywhere. Shadows will probably 'flicker' a lot due to span aliasing artifacts. Will only work with spotlights. No 'true' translucent objects casting color shadows.


This method is by far my favorite of all here, and wouldn't exist if not for a great tip from MidNight. It's very similar to two pass Z- Buffer shadows, but is so much better I thought it deserved a section all its own.

All that you do here is sort the polys back to front like normal for the light. Then for each poly, simply 'flatshade' a unique poly id for it into a buffer (The 16 least significant bits of the tri PTR usually works well).

Then for the camera view, interpolate the triangle in light space just like the Z-Buffer method (except you DON'T need interpolate Z anymore). And then for each pixel, check to see if the ID in the light buffer is the same as the ID for the current poly. If it isn't, then the pixel is in shadow.

As you can see, this method is extremely fast, no need to interpolate Z for the light buffer in creation or checking!(Although you can always use Zbuffers if the scene has many sorting errors.) And it's actually MORE accurate than the dual Z-Buffer method, because polys can't shadow themselves. Also, this method can be very easily adapted to the two pass S-Buffer method.

As cool as this method is, it still has a few drawbacks... First of all, objects that are marked not to cast shadows will always be in shadow (if your engine offers that ability). However, objects that are marked not to receive shadows will still properly work. Second, it is still very slow for an arbitrary amount of lights because of the light loop inside the inner (per- pixel) loop. But even with this, the method can definitely be used for quite high poly worlds in real-time. =)

  • Complexity = 10%
  • Visual appeal = 90%
  • Low poly = 90%
  • High poly = 90%
  • Hardware = Impossible

Pros - Fastest working one here. Even a kid could do it. Lights can have really cool shapes, and faked soft shadows. Low memory consumption. No polys 'shadowing' themselves.

Cons - Impossible to do on current hardware (maybe not on programmable chipsets though). No 'true' translucency since depth for back objects is lost. Support for an arbitrary amount of lights is very hard. Since the light-buffer may be too small, aliasing artifacts can easily arise.


Before leaving this section, I'll put in some universal tricks that can give a tremendous speed boost to these methods.

  • Don't program in Qbasic or Lingo ;)
  • Statix reminded me to mention something very important. You can get a tremendous speed boost if you use convex object. Not only for shadows, but many other things (like collision detection is a breeze with these.) How are these advantageous to shadows? First, they can not shadow themselves. Second, finding the edges of the object to the light is very easy. You simply flag every edge for every visible poly it has. If it has only 1 visible attached poly, then its an edge. Third and most important for the Light buffer methods, a convex object is a convex poly when projected =). So you just put the edges into an edge list in any order you want, and fill with whatever that buffer desires. Since they are convex objects, you don't need to worry about filling the poly exactly... all you need to do is 'stay beetween the lines' of the projected poly =). So now your 2000 tri sphere is a piece of cake for the cpu to render for the light. Obviously for the polygon-id buffer method, fill it with a shape ID, and for the Zbuffer method, interpolate Z along the edges and inside.
  • I will mention this again, as I can't stress it enough: EXPERIMENT! Every method has an almost infinite amount of variations, NO algorithm is perfect.
  • Flags are nice. Don't process objects that won't be affected in the view (Unless its a one time technique). Remember you still need to process the polys that project into the view volume though.


As you can see, there are many working real-time shadow algorithms, each with its own specific strength and weakness. And all of them have endless variations. Unfortunately, none of them even comes close to being perfect.

To me, the perfect real-time shadow algorithm is one that:

  • It's *=FAST=*.
  • Works in hardware as well as software.
  • Can handle translucent as well as opaque surfaces.
  • Is precision perfect.
  • Is not resolution dependent (speed or precision).
  • Will work with multiple lights.
  • Is not 'hardcoded' and fits nicely into a 3D engine pipeline.

Probably the closest algorithm to fill the above, is actually the current crappiest one. The light volume subdivision method. The good thing is that this method does have plenty of room for improvement, and I can see someone coming up with a fast way of doing it (or something similar) someday.


First of all, I would like to name one book that has helped me tremendously in everything about 3D and graphics. It actually explains why and how most everything works:

"Computer Graphics Principles and Practice"
Foley, vanDam, Feiner, Hughes
2nd Edition in C
ISBN: 0-201-84840-6

Another Book that is very good, and touches up on many parts that CGP&P skimps on a little is:

"Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques"
Mark & Alan Watt.
ISBN 0-201-54412-1

Many people like AART more than CGP&P, although I personally think that CGP&P is invaluable. Both books are by Addison-Wesley.

Also, make sure to check out Spotlight/Funk which I think uses the two pass Z-Buffer method; Robotnik/Rage which appears to use the multiple projected bitmap method or something like it; and Machines Of Madness, which looks like it uses the shadow volume clip method. They can all be found on hornet (

Finally, if you are not on IRC, make sure to get on! I have found many people on IRC an invaluable source of knowledge, and would probably still be stuck on a rotating flatshaded duck without them. ;)


This document was not only written to help teach people, but to get feedback from the world on how to improve these methods. I am not real happy with any of them and hope that we can all work out a good way of doing it.

All the contributors to this doc have one thing to say, experiment and learn to think differently. All these methods have many variations, but in the end, maybe all these are "back-ass-ackwards" in the first place.

If you do have any method or improvement you would like to add to this document, please send it to me. You will be of course well acredited for it. Also, I hope that in the next version I can include a decent working shadow engine with code so that everyone can examine. Unfortunately lately I just don't have time, and I wanted to get this thing out there because I didn't see any coming soon. Although (If there are any mesh artists out there willing to lend a hand in the group, please drop me a line!). But until then, I hope that I explained the methods well enough so that you don't need it. As always, feedback is much appreciated, and I will definitely try and respond to all emails. If you send any flames, please make them constructive =).

If you do use any algorithms in here, or found this doc useful, please email and tell me so. =) Its stuff like that that keeps people writing more docs in the first place. Of course some greets or acknowledgement would also be much appreciated. =)

With a frumple in one hand and a Pepsi in the other,
- Vector/Vertigo


Current contributors to the doc

Vector - (
Statix - (
MidNight - (


Oh god I hate these, I always want to greet like 500 people (a la Faith =). Ill keep it very short, that way everyone can be pissed at me instead of only a few people:

TimJ (Frumple!), Jcl, sorry I forgot to put you in the last doc =), Crow, Leviathan, Vastator, MrData, Gaffer (NASM rocks!), submissive, VOR, god, fysx, brazil, Grimace, deepee, Phred, Gooroo, PGM, Zog, pGeist, Phoenix, fuzzy, Winghead, Pascal, You, Tachu!, Cuca, And everyone else in Guatemala =). Ok, greets are too long already...


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