Does the stone of Ingá tell the story of the destruction of Atlantis?
The “Pedra do Ingá” is an archaeological monument in the northeastern state of Paraíba, Brazil, located in the middle of the Ingá River. It is a composition of basalt stones with a surface of approximately 250 m² completely covered with symbols not yet been deciphered. Most of the glyphs appear to represent animals, fruit, humans, constellations and galaxies, while other symbols are completely unrecognizable. Who engraved the Ingá Stone? Why? But, above all, what do those symbols represent?

The stone of Ingá is a long horizontal boulder covered with mysterious symbols and remarkable geometric formations.
The Tupi indigenous people who lived in this area called it “Itacoatiara”, which in their language simply meant “the stone”. It is 26 meters long and 4 meters high and is located in the middle of the Ingá river, near the town of the same name, about 96 km from João Pessoa, in the state of Paraíba, north-east of Brazil.
The Ingá monolith is completely engraved with symbols and figures in bas-relief that appear to represent animals, fruit, humans and constellations such as Orion and galaxies such as the Milky Way. Other symbols, however, are completely unrecognizable.
Who sculpted this ancient monolith? What was it meant to describe or mean? Is it possible that the glyphs engraved on the rock represent an ancient, unknown language? Despite the interest of archaeologists, to this day the Ingá Stone still remains an enigma. Many theories have been put forward about the origin and meaning of the mysterious symbols, but so far no scholar has been able to solve the mystery of Ingá.
Some scholars believe that these are ancient sacred symbols carved by ancient South American cultures; others have hypothesized that it represents the writing used by an unknown ancient civilization that inhabited the region; others, finally, pushing themselves into more heretical hypotheses, even propose that it is a coded message left by an extraterrestrial civilization.
In total, the rock has around 450 glyphs. The question is to understand whether what is engraved on the monolith is an ancient language or not. Most of the figures seem abstract at first glance, but researchers believe that the Ingá Stone hides an ancient encrypted message. The main problem is that there are no parallels on which to make a comparison and possibly attempt a translation.

The Italian-Brazilian researcher Gabriele D'Annunzio Baraldi, a scholar of ancient languages who spent a good part of his life studying the Ingá Stone, claims that the Ingá glyphs are similar in shape and size to those of primordial Mesopotamian cultures.
Furthermore, in his opinion, the Tupi – Guarani language, spoken by many South American ethnic groups, seems to have a distant common origin with the Hittite language, an ancient Indo-European people who flourished in Anatolia 3800 years ago.
How is it possible that two such distant cultures could have shared the common origin of language and writing? Baraldi finds in this commonality evidence of the existence of a great global civilization that existed for more than 10 thousand years, more commonly known as Atlantis.
D'annunzio Baraldi, independent researcher and explorer, is considered one of the greatest Atlastologists. In his vision, some human groups originating from the mythical continent would have survived the catastrophic cataclysm that occurred around 10000 BC, heading eastwards, towards Europe, and towards the south-west, to Brazil. Baraldi claims that the glyphs of the Stone of Ingá tell of the great global catastrophe that caused the destruction of the Atlantean civilization.
If Baraldi's thesis is correct, it means that the Stone of Ingá represents a message that the ancient survivors of Atlantis wanted to leave for posterity, as a memory of the past and as a warning for the future. And that means it couldn't have been Native Americans who carved the glyphs into the monolith.
Easter Island writing
In support of the Atlantean hypothesis there would be the similarity of the glyphs of the Ingá Stone with the writing used by the ancient inhabitants of the remote Easter Island, Rongorongo. Easter Island (in the native Rapa Nui language, literally “large island/rock”) is located in the South Pacific Ocean.
It is a writing with a Bustrophedic style and which, at the moment, has only been partially deciphered. Easter Island is the only one in the South Pacific area to have developed its own writing throughout its history. Contrary to what one might expect, this is not a writing that uses hieroglyphs. The rongorongo script was never fully deciphered and remained misunderstood for many decades.
It was therefore only thanks to the studies conducted by the German Thomas Barthel and the discovery of a tablet showing a lunar calendar (now preserved in the archive of the SS Cuori in Grottaferrata near Rome), the so-called Mamari tablet, that it was possible to partially decipher some symbols. At the moment there are known only 26 tablets written in Rongorongo, all in good condition and almost certainly authentic.

Some scholars see a strong similarity between the rongorongo alphabet and the symbols of the Stone of Ingá. Is it possible that this similarity supports the hypothesis that the primordial inhabitants of Brazil, Mesopotamia and the Island of Rapa Nui all belong to a single global culture wiped out by a cataclysm?
The Ingá Stone remains one of the most important archaeological finds of recent times and its study, and its eventual translation, could reveal a very different past of our planet, telling us of a time when our ancestors lived in a large global village called Atlantis.