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Pig Genome Newsletter #029

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Pig Genome Update
 · 2 Mar 2024

A Bimonthly Newsletter of the U.S. Pig Genome Coordination Program

*********** No. 29 ***********
* *
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* March 1, 1998 *
Table of Contents: # of lines
1. Help to promote animal genome research ............................. 21
2. The Food Genome Program is moving ahead ............................ 20
3. Set IV of fluroescent primers are to be ready ...................... 6
4. The annual species genome meetings were held ....................... 10
5. Highlights of
the 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 8
6. Highlights of PAGVI, Jan. 1998, San Diego .......................... 72
7. Highlights of American Association for the Advancement of Science .. 21
8. First International Workshop on Pig Chromosome 13 planned........... 52
9. Meeting updates .................................................... 37

Please get involved and help promote animal genome work. The recent
meetings of the species committees from NRSP8 at PAGVI were excellent
examples of the progress we as animal genome scientists are making. It
also served as a time to get together and discuss how we need to help get
the NRSP-8 renewal approved and how we can inform the researchers,
administrators and the public we work with of the importance of genome
research involving farm animals and aquaculture. Our department heads
already have the message. At a recent Animal Science Heads meeting they
overwhelmingly supported the NRSP-8 renewal and had a motion to support
new money for animal genome research. What can you do to help? You can
visit with your experiment station director and outline the progress
made, the need for cooperation and the need to approve the NRSP-8
renewal. In addition, you can visit with those people in industry
including producers, company people and commodity organizations and
outline the importance of the work we do. As part of this effort, David
Meeker and I recently met with the CEO of the National Pork Producers
Council to seek their support. Mr. Al Tank was extremely interested and
was pleased to hear of our progress and said NPPC would be supportive.
Please take a few minutes and call or visit with the people you know.
The directors from each region will be meeting soon and their support is

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The Food Genome Program is moving ahead. A very significant bright spot
in President Clinton's budget proposal is for a Food Genome Project in
the USDA CSREES budget, funded in year 1 at $16 million. This will, if
Congress accepts the recommendation, markedly increase competitive
grants for genome research in plants and livestock. The USDA Food
Genome initiative follows a meeting at the National Academy of Science
and major thrusts by commodity groups. There is concern that U.S.
research may start to fall behind if problems of inadequate funding are
not resolved. The competitiveness of U.S. agriculture depends on strong
research. Moreover, international collaboration is facilitated when the
funding "playing field is more level." For Congress to appropriate the
requested $16 million (or more) for the Food Genome Initiative, a united
front supporting this is essential. This should encompass scientists
and commodity groups as well as include agricultural businesses, food
and feed processors, environmentalists, and consumers concerned with the
safety of food. A web site
contains the description of the Food Genome Project. For further
information, contact Assoc. Dean Colin Scanes at
(kindly provided by Colin Scanes).

o o o o o o o o o o o

Primers, primers, primers. The next set of 53 pairs of fluorescent
primers are now being made and should be ready for shipping by March
20. As before, please request these only if you plan to use the entire
set and you will acknowledge that these were a part of the USDA/CSREES
sponsored pig genome coordination program. To request them, please email
the pig genome coordinator at

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The species committee meetings for NAGRP were recently in San Diego. As
part of PAGVI, the annual species meetings were held as workshops the
first day of PAGVI. All the species’ committee meetings featured some
great talks and some are highlighted on later pages. At the business
meeting Daniel Pomp was elected chair and Sue DeNise was elected
secretary. A resolution encouraging support of the Food Genome Project
initiative was also passed and the future ISAG meeting in Minnesota was
discussed. At the swine business meeting officers for the Swine Species
committee and the NC210 committee were elected and they will be Chair
Sara Sunden, Texas and Secretary Deryl Troyer, Kansas.

o o o o o o o o o o o

Meetings, meeting, meetings! The 6th World Congress on Genetics Applied to
Livestock Production met in Armidale in early January. The meeting
included some excellent papers that included updates on recent research
on QTL mapping, statistical procedures to detect QTL s and some of the
latest research findings of candidate genes and QTLs in pigs and the
other livestock species. Proceedings (6kg worth!) or a CD with all the
papers from the event are still available from Dr. Laurie Piper at fax:
61 67 73-3611 or email:

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PAG VI highlighted advances in animal and plant genomics. PAG VI marked
the second year of the animal insertion with our fellow plant genomics
colleagues. And this year showed more than ever that besides techniques,
there is much in common between the plant and animal kingdoms. At the
Animal QTL Session Reudi Fries (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
started the session by describing the difficulties in trying to
positionally clone a gene for a complex trait, especially in livestock
species where it may be difficult to control environmental effects and
incomplete penetrance and epistasis play a role. Nat Bumstead (Compton,
UK) gave a very nice example of how genomics might impact food safety.
Employing a combination of genome-wide screens and representational
difference analysis (RDA) on three resource families, a major QTL for
salmonella resistance was located on Ch. 5. Efforts are underway to
produce a YAC contig map of this region. A major advantage of the Plant
and Animal Genome (PAG) meeting is the large number and breadth of
workshops. These workshops enable attendees to participate in a more
intimate dissemination and discussion of selected topics. The National
Animal Genome Research Program (NAGRP) has also elected to hold its
annual workshops for cattle, horse, poultry, sheep, swine, and aquaculture
in conjunction with PAG. In a relatively short period, all the major
livestock and aquaculture species have generated the fundamental tools
of genomics. Most of the species have genetic maps that contain 1,000+
markers, and where more than one map is available, consensus maps have
been generated. Physical maps which provide landmarks for the assignment
and orientation of linkage groups to specific chromosomes are available
for many species. There are numerous large-insert libraries and
radiation hybrid panels to integrate maps and fine-map markers. These
resources and others not mentioned are continuously being improved
through the efforts of numerous groups.

Armed with these resources, several success stories were presented on
the identification and cloning of genes of interest, especially those
involved in complex and economically-important traits. Tim Smith
(USDA-ARS) answered the question of "Where's the beef?" by describing
mutations in the bovine myostatin gene that result in the double
muscling trait found in cattle. Jon Beever (U. of Illinois) identified
the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) as the likely
responsible gene for hereditary chondrodysplasia commonly known as Spider
Lamb Syndrome. In swine Max Rothschild presented good evidence of a new
candidate gene, the prolactin receptor, for litter size. Lee Alexander
presented evidence of a QTL in swine, Chris Tuggle of advances in the
porcine comparative map, David Meeker discussed industry issues related
to genome mapping, Joan Lunney discussed her work on disease resistance
and Graham Plastow showed how the industry was using genome results to
improve pigs commercially.

Finally, the "Grand Unification of Biology" was a recurrent theme at PAGVI
as data presented from the genomes of model organisms indicates
significant commonality. It was evident at the Animal Comparative
Mapping Workshops that rapid progress supporting this idea is being made
with livestock species. Pat Venta (Michigan State University) described
how to create universal mammalian STS for comparative mapping.
Following a set of rules, PCR primers are developed that can amplify the
same gene in any mammalian species and preliminary data by others suggest
that this will be the case 50 to 80% of the time. Dave Burt (Roslin
Institute, Scotland) showed that the avian genome has been relatively
stable over time. So despite the fact the last common ancest or between
mammals and avians was over 300 million years ago, there is a
surprisingly high amount of conserved synteny. This has a great
practical application as it appears that positional candidate genes can
be identified through the chicken-human comparative map. Joel Gellin
(INRA, Toulouse, France) presented an approach of using human ESTs to
improve the comparative map in the pig and other species including dogs
and cattle. To date this approach has been useful in putting many genes
on the comparative map and offers the hope of revealing new chromosomal
arrangement. So like the weather in San Diego, the future of animal
genomics appears very bright. And given the rapid pace of developments,
next year promises to be even better. Plans are already under way for
the next meeting so if you have suggestions please contact committee
members, Daniel Pomp, Sue Denise, Leif Andersson or Max Rothschild
(kindly provided in great part by Hans Cheng).

o o o o o o o o o o o

The American Association for the Advancement of Science met in
Philadelphia in February. The meeting featured a speech by President
Bill Clinton in which he discussed increased funding for science.
Unfortunately funding for USDA and agriculture will benefit less than
some other agencies. Of interest also was an excellent discussion at
the Fellows Forum in which the honorable Mike McCormick, a member of the
House, and the AAAS Congressional Fellow, Dr. Sharon Hays, discussed the
need to improve science education in this country and the goal to set new
science policy. This is another example of how much we need to get
involved in improving the public’s understanding of science. Relative
to helping to design a new science policy is a site for scientists
to offer comments. The address is Of special interest
also was the Genome Seminar: Countdown to 2000-Medicine. Sponsored by
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) and AAAS. The seminar
featured several talks including those by Craig Venter on the Current
Status of Human Genome Research, Roger Bent on Functional Genomics,
Dean Hamer on Behavior Genomics, Jeffery Friedman on the Genetics of
Obesity, John Hardy on the Genetics of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Anne
Spense on the Genetic Architecture of Complex Diseases and Stephan Fodor
on Genes, Chips and the Human Genome.

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A First International Workshop on Pig Chromosome 13 will be held on
Sunday August 9, 1998 in conjunction with the International Society of
Animal Genetics (ISAG) meeting in Auckland, New Zealand. You are
invited to attend. The Workshop will be held near the ISAG conference
center and will last one day. Registration will be 30 New Zealand
dollars (about 20 USD), which includes a lunch and coffee breaks. This
represents participants paying only half of these costs; the remaining
funds has been generously donated by the US National Pig Genome
Coordination program, one of the sponsors of this Workshop. PIC USA has
also generously donated funds to help cover costs of speakers for this

Four sessions are planned, covering a) integration of the linkage and
cytogenetic maps for Chromosome 13, including a presentation on the
integrated AFLP, PiGMaP and MARC linkage maps, b) comparative mapping,
c) QTL/ETL projects, and d) future plans for cooperation and
collaboration. Speakers will cover new technologies for gene discovery
and detailed mapping strategies, including a Plenary Talk by Dr. Denis
Milan on the current status of the RN gene mapping project. Other
planned speakers include A. Archibald, L. Alexander, D.Troyer, B.
Choudhary, M. Yerle, C. Tuggle, L. Peelman, J. Gellin and M. Rothschild.
All sessions will be informal, and questions and discussion regarding
these works in progress will be encouraged. Talks are scheduled for 20-25
minutes, except for the Plenary Lecture and Linkage integration lecture,
which will be 45 minutes. The philosophy is to encourage an informal
atmosphere, so speakers will be lecturing for a limited time, allowing
for discussion. The final session, following directly after the Plenary
lecture, is intended to broaden the scope of the discussion to explore
development of additional collaboration on major projects. It is expected
that this Workshop will be an important and useful meeting for pig
geneticists interested in chromosome 13, as well as those geneticists
interested in an informal discussion of current research problems and
technologies being used to solve genetic questions in the pig. As such,
the Organizing committee has arranged the Workshop to make participation
as convenient as possible, and specifically encourages students and
post-docs to consider attending.

Please circulate this information to all appropriate individuals. To
register, please provide the following information:

Name: ____________________
Organization: ____________________
Email: ____________________
Address: ____________________

and send to with the subject line: "ISAGWorkshop".
Alternatively, you can FAX to Chris Tuggle, Chair, Organizing Committee
Pig Chromosome 13 Workshop, at 515-294-2401. All respondents will be
included in future email announcements regarding this Workshop.
Although all pig geneticists and other interested parties are encouraged
to attend, space may be limited and preference will be given to pig
geneticists currently working in genome mapping projects.

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Meeting Updates:

March 16-18, 1998, American Society of Animal Science - Midwestern
Section, Des Moines Convention Center, Des Moines, Iowa. Contact:
June 1-6, 1998, The 13th European Colloquium on Cytogenetics of Domestic
Animals, Budapest, Hungary. Contact: Dr. Klara Biszkup E-mail:
June 28-July 1, 1998, American Society of Animal Science - Northeastern
Section, :University of Mass. Contact: American Society of Animal
Science, Telephone: 217-356-3182
July 19-24, 1998, Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Genetics,
Salve Regina University Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Contact:
July 27-30, 1998 – ASAS, Joint American Society of Animal Science and
American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting, Location: Denver, CO.
August 9-14, 1998, The XXVI (26th) International Conference on Animal
Genetics (ISAG), Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, Ian Anderson
( Contact:
August 9, 1998 The First International Workshop on Pig Chromosome 13,
in conjunction with ISAG meeting, Auckland, New Zealand. Contact: Dr.
Chris Tuggle,
August 10-15, 1998, The XVIIIth International Congress of Genetics
Location: Beijing, China. Contact:
August 17-21, 1998, The Fourth Global Conference on Conservation of
Domestic Animal Genetic Resources, Kathmandu, Nepal. Contact:

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Contributions to Pig Genome Update 30, including short meeting
announcements, are always welcome. Please send by April 10.

Max Rothschild
U.S. Pig Genome Coordinator
225 Kildee Hall, Department of Animal Science
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
Phone: 515-294-6202, Fax: 515-294-2401

cc: Dick Frahm, CSREES and Roger Gerrits, ARS

| Paid for by funds from the NRSP-8 |
| USDA/CSREES sponsored Pig Genome |
| Coordination Program | Mailing list:

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