Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Aline)

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare is a beautiful survival horror game, drawing players into a world shrouded in darkness and mystery. This new title, while holding onto the core elements that have defined Alone in the Dark since its inception, introduces a polished narrative and refined gameplay mechanics.
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare, set on the eerie Shadow Island, follows protagonists Edward Carnby and Aline Cedrac as they delve into a serie of supernatural events, unraveling mysteries that tie back to ancient evils and familial curses. The dual-protagonist system enriches the storyline by providing two perspectives.
This is the solution of the game, played as Aline.
- Chapter 1: In The Mansion
- Chapter 2: The Library
- Chapter 3: The Crypt
- Chapter 4: The Strong
- Chapter 5: Perforator Assembly
- Chapter 6: Entering the Excavation
- Chapter 7: Searching for the Light
- Chapter 8: The End of the Nightmare
At the end of the introduction video the plane crashed and the main characters landed on different places. This is where you select with whom to play first.

In the Mansion
Starting on the roof, on a ledge with Aline, we proceed a bit, and soon Carnby contacts us via radio. After speaking with him, we head towards a window with light and enter.

In this room (16), we encounter Lucy Morton, who, after speaking with us, gives us a small golden key. We can also find an issue of Science magazine and a first aid kit in the room. Attempting to leave the room triggers the appearance of a snake from under the carpet. Simply illuminating it until it disappears is sufficient, and before leaving, to the right of the door, we can pick up a save amulet.
Exiting to corridor (15), we encounter two creatures with large tongues. All we have to do is run to the end and turn on the light next to the door that leads to the stairs (17), as these creatures can't stand light and until we have another weapon, the best thing we have is the flashlight. Now we head to room (13), where two creatures appear. This time, we'll have to use the flashlight, as there's no light in this room. We quickly head to room (14) and enter.

There, we can pick up a save amulet on a box, and after another radio chat, we can collect a box of cartridges. Returning to room (13), we can pick up another save amulet and exit through the door that leads to room (12). We cross the room and exit to room (11). Here, we can find a small golden key on the table to the right of the door and on the other side of the room, a box of bullets and a first aid kit.
Now, we return to corridor (15) and can open the door that leads to the stairs (17). We descend the stairs, and upon reaching the second floor, we can overhear a conversation behind a door. We continue down to the first floor. We enter and turn on the light. We are in corridor (21) and head to room (23).

Here, we can find an Owl Statue and see a figure on a pedestal. Turning off the lights, we see it illuminate, and using the key given by Lucy Morton, we can obtain a revolver. Exiting through the other open door, we see Obed Morton running through corridor (8). We follow him to corridor (4) and enter room (5). Continuing to the end, we unexpectedly encounter Obed Morton, who knocks us out.
Now, we are in room (2), where we can find a save amulet, three first aid kits, Alan Morton's diary, and an Allen key in the dresser. Exiting through the mirror door, we enter room (3). We go down the staircase and can pick up the shotgun from a corner.
Continuing, we find a metal door. There, we can look through the peephole and see Obed Morton talking with Lamb. We return to room (2), where we meet up with Carnby, who helps us open the hatch leading to room (27).
The Library
After climbing up through the hatch, we meet Judas de Certo in the mirror.
Then, we exit through the door that leads us to room (13) and head to corridor (15), where we break the door handle and leave it stuck. Now, we move towards the spiral staircase (17) and descend to the second floor.

Attempting to open the door, we are transported to room (18). From there, we enter room (19) and turn on the light. In this room, we can find a first aid kit, a mirror, Alan Morton's diary, a grenade launcher, and a projector, which we cannot use at the moment. We return to corridor (18) and proceed until a scene unfolds where we see blood seeping out from under the door leading to room (2), at which point we are attacked by creatures falling from the ceiling. After getting rid of them with the pistol, we run to room (20). There, we find a save amulet in the furniture and a box of cartridges on the dresser. Now, we go behind the screen near the bed, and Judas de Certo appears. We enter door (28) and he asks us for the mirror. We must answer NO, or else it will be the end of us. We return through the door we entered and meet Edenshaw.
We now head to room (9), which is Obed Morton's study. There, we find a box of bullets and a Large Mirror. After shooting it a couple of times, we can pick up the Book of Abkanis Tablet Translations. In the rest of the room, we find Obed Morton's notes and his diploma in anthropology. Two dogs will emerge from the closet, which we have to eliminate. Now, we exit through the other door of the study and enter Lucy Morton's room (16). After talking with her, she gives us a crystal prism. With it, we can return to the room where the projector is (19). We turn off the light, climb the stairs to examine the projector, place the prism in it, and use the flashlight from the inventory. We see a projection in which Alan confesses to having killed his father and experimented on him. After the projection ends, we receive an engraved cube.
Now we head to the library (22). Upon arriving, we can find among the piles of books stacked next to the statue and on the table the Morton Family Biography, Jeremy Morton's diary, and a box of grenades. Now, we climb the stairs to the top floor and up the ladders to the roof ledge. We proceed to the turret (26), where we can get another box of grenades. We return to the library and go down to the middle floor to reach room (25). Here, we find two boxes of cartridges. We return to the lower floor of the library, and carefully examining the engraved cube, we see that it's a map of the library. Each section of the shelves has a number inscribed, forming the number 1991. We also see a white point between the first and second sections. We must stand there and search the left shelf to find four books with a mechanism on the spine. We enter 1991 and a niche in this section opens, where we can pick up a first aid kit, a save amulet, the Abkanis tablets, and a switch. Upon pressing it, a tube with liquid and Howard Morton, the father of the twins, inside appears from the central area. After eliminating him with the grenade launcher, we can pick up half a medallion. Now, with it in our possession, we head to give it to Lucy Morton.
The Crypt
Entering Lucy's Room, after speaking with her, she gives us the other half of the medallion. Combining the two halves, we obtain the Bronze Sun. Now, we head to the second floor and enter room (24).

There, we can pick up Obed Morton's Diary, a first aid kit, and the handwritten letter. With these items, we go to room (1), at the entrance of the mansion. There, we place the Bronze Sun in the mirror in front of the staircase, causing it to open.
We descend the staircase behind it and open a gate. We head left until we find a hatch, which we can open with Allen's key. We enter and see that we are in the greenhouse. There, we meet Edenshaw and can pick up a box of grenades. Now, we exit through the other door and move forward until the previously encountered monster reappears. After dealing with it, we continue until we cross another gate and see that our enemy is still eager for a fight. We cross another gate and arrive at the cemetery, where a couple of dogs attack us. We continue north to pick up two boxes of cartridges and then backtrack a bit to head east. We continue until passing under a stone arch, where the same monster attacks us again.

We continue until we reach a crypt, where we enter. We find ourselves in a circular room with four doors on the sides and in front, a metallic structure with luminous objects embedded. We enter the only door that can be opened and find a flare gun and a box of ammo. On the other side, there's a stone tomb with a plaque reading "only a symbol of light will open the tomb" Above it, there's a metal lid and next to it, a first aid kit. Now we return to the room with the metallic structure and, by combining the metal plate with the flashlight, we see how the beam of light becomes smaller. We need to illuminate the bright objects forming an "M" in the order shown in the drawing. Doing this, we open the door to the right and inside we can find the corpse of someone named Gibson and the text he wrote before dying. We continue through the tunnel, eliminating creatures, and when asked if we want to descend to the outcropping, we say yes and change to the second CD.
The Fort
We continue eliminating enemies until reaching the fort's gates. Before entering, we can go right and pick up some cartridges. We return to the door and see it's closed, but to the right, there's a vine we can climb. Upon reaching the top, we descend some steps and eliminate the creature that attacks us. Now, we go down the stairs to the inner courtyard.

We open the main gate but do not enter, instead, we go down other stairs, pick up a first aid kit, and arrive at another courtyard. We enter through the arch and behind a chest locked with chains, we see a box of grenades. We return to the courtyard and climb onto the wall dividing the two courtyards, pick up some cartridges, and descend on the other side, eliminating more creatures. We exit through the door and enter a room full of zombies. After eliminating them, we climb the stairs on the right and reach a cell, where we find Obed Morton. We take a Save Amulet and a black metal card. We leave there, go down the stairs, and head to the other end of the corridor. We encounter two doors, but only one is open. We enter it and appear in the dungeons. Here, we can find a save amulet, a first aid kit, bolt cutters, a tripod, an assembly diagram, notes on Jeremy Morton's drill, a box of flares, and cartridges. We climb the other staircase and see a hole in the wall where we can find a mold. Now, we can return to where the chest was locked with chains and open it using the bolt cutters. Inside, we find a rusty key and a steel ingot. Now, we go up to the door that was closed on the rooftop, and using the rusty key, we can open the door and enter the workshop...
Drill Assembly
In the workshop, we find a series of objects: a weapon stock, a barrel, and an orange accelerator. On a table in a corner, we can pick up Jeremy Morton's diary. Inside a cabinet, a blue-colored lens. Additionally, we find two first aid kits in the room.

Now, we go to the machine near the center table and use the mold and steel ingot on it. Pulling the lever, we obtain the drill's barrel.
Next, we combine the stock with the orange accelerator in our inventory, creating a photoelectric pulsar without a barrel, then we combine it with the barrel, and we have a photoelectric pulsar. We take the tripod and select separate, dividing it into a tripod and a half metal ring. We use the tripod with the drill's barrel, obtaining a tripod with a drill barrel. Combining it with the pulsar, we get the pulsar without the Abkanis energy stone.
We then exit through the door leading outside. There, we see a telescope where we can place the blue glass lens. Looking through the telescope, we can see a totem. Exiting there, we head left until a sequence triggers, causing us to fall into the basements. Advancing a bit with our weapon ready, soon we'll be ambushed by an aquatic creature. After eliminating it, we continue until climbing some steps, pass through the right door where we can pick up a box of cartridges. Next, we climb the ladder and find a chest containing a golden card, a silver card, and a red metal card, as well as a first aid kit. We pass through the door and climb the stairs, crossing a corridor until reaching a door locked by a mechanism. To open it, we must place the cards in a specific color order on the four symbols, and to find out the order, we just look at Jeremy Morton's diary, where on the last page we can read "Silver Flash, Golden Star, Red Sun, Black Moon." We enter the door and in the room, we can find in a wall hole, a plasma cannon, and a save amulet. Also, on some boxes, a half metal ring, and a box of cartridges. Now, we climb the stairs and at the top, we see a piece of paper with the cardinal points. We examine the machine and call Carnby. We note the number of marks given for each direction as Aline indicates. With this, we obtain the date 10-31-2001. Entering that date into the machine, we see the planetarium activate and the wooden door under the stairs opens. We enter through it and collect a large bronze key, a seal, a small rusty key, and an Indian statue of Gilgamesh. With the large bronze key, we can open the locked door leading outside. Exiting, we pick up a box of grenades and head to the totem we saw earlier through the telescope. After examining it, Carnby calls us to meet up with him. We quickly return, as now several creatures will attack us, and go back to the main door of the fort.
Entering the Excavation
Exiting the fort again, we continue straight towards the bridge, where the usual creature attacks us again. It's becoming somewhat tedious. After dealing with it, we advance until we meet Carnby, who gives us the stone stele. We continue straight and find the Totem we saw through the telescope. Using the stone stele on the totem, we obtain an Abkanis energy stone and an Indian Statue of Heliopaner. Now, in our inventory, we can combine the two halves of the metal ring and then combine the complete ring with the energy stone.

With the piece resulting from this combination, we can finish assembling the drill. Now, we can return to the workshop. Once there, we climb the stairs on the wall to a circular room. We climb the other stairs to the third floor. Here, we see a very large machine in the center of the walkway. We head to the other end and exit to the rooftop. On the ground, we see a metal hatch locked with a padlock, which we can open with the small rusty key. We return to the large machine and activate it. We go down to the circular room and start the mechanism. A lightning rod emerges from the rooftop, starting a two-minute countdown. But, for the umpteenth time, our favorite monster appears, though this time it will be the final encounter. Lightning begins to strike the central area of the room. Our strategy is to circle around this area, waiting for the monster to leap at us and hopefully get hit directly by a lightning strike. With two or three strikes hitting it, we can say goodbye to our friend forever. At last!
After defeating the monster, we wait for the countdown to end and restart it with the machine. Now we have just enough time to go to the dungeons, where we find the base of the drill, dodging enemies we encounter since there's no time to engage them. A scene shows us how a hole opens in the wall and another huge monster comes out. We have to defeat it and enter the hole. Inside, we can pick up the photoelectric pulsar and the Indian Warning. We continue, go down the stairs, and follow the path until crossing the bridge. We reach a cave with a large hole and a ladder going down. We descend and continue until we find Carnby again. After talking with him, we follow, and Aline translates some Abkanis tablets. We continue to cross another stone bridge and arrive at the antechamber of the temple, where we see a hatch in the wall. We open it, obtaining 4 first aid kits, an accumulator, a light pistol, and 5 save amulets. From now on, our best weapon will be the light pistol, as we can recharge it with the luminous crystals that are abundant in this area.
Continuing straight, we see a scene where Alan Morton opens the door to the world of darkness and sees Carnby being absorbed. We speak with Edenshaw and enter through the infernal door.
Searching for Light
We descend the stairs on the right. At the bottom, we find Carnby, and after translating the tablets at the exit, we appear in a large cave. We continue until we exit through the only possible exit at the other end and emerge in another cave. Now, we can check the map to locate the exit to the south. After climbing and descending some rocks, we'll arrive at some stairs that we need to go down. After eliminating some dogs, about halfway, Aline climbs some stairs by herself and reaches another set of stone stairs. We climb them and arrive at another cave. In this cave, if we check the map, we see stairs in the central area. We need to climb them and will reach a totem with a stone pyramid; we continue until a scene appears showing a hole opening in the wall.

We enter and arrive at a circular room with a table in the center with seven plates. Each time we move one, the room will rotate, and a different altar will appear from which we can collect a stone seal representing a God of Light. When we collect the 6 stone seals, we exit through the exit staircase, which appears on one of the rotations and return to the previous cave, and continue to the left of the staircase, until we see a white stone hut with a ladder. We climb to the roof and descend another staircase in the central area. At the bottom, we find six holes where we can place the six stone seals, paying attention to which animal corresponds to each one. From left to right, they are: Horse, snake, bear, bison, fish, and bull. Doing so, a slab will cover a hole in this room, and we can take the Indian skin flask. Behind the slab, we can pick up a stone pyramid. Now, we return to where we saw the totem with the pyramid and, by placing the one we just acquired, light is made. We hear the voice of a God speaking to us, and we can collect the head of the statue that appears.
We exit the cave the way we entered, go down the stairs, eliminate a few creatures, and are asked if we want to go down a ladder. We answer yes. When we get to the bottom, we go right and continue until crossing a bridge that leads to a lava cave. We check the map to find the exit to the east. We'll reach another tunnel full of enemies. We cross it and arrive at a stone bridge with small creatures and two luminescent crystals with which we can recharge the weapon. We continue to the next cavern and find a fountain where we can replenish our energy and fill the skin flask. We continue to the end, climb a wall, eliminate several dogs, and continue climbing until we see a scene of Alan descending on a rope. We return to the bridge and see the rope tied to a stone. We go down it and find Alan's backpack. We continue a bit and see another scene where Alan is kidnapped by what remains of his brother Obed Morton.
The End of the Nightmare
Aline descends a ledge and obtains the seventh Indian statue of Hecatonchires. Now, we pick up the save amulet from the ground and enter through a gap in the wall.

We go down the hole a bit further ahead and eliminate the creatures that attack us. Here, we can see on the wall the text about the warrior's stele. We proceed a little and soon receive a call from Johnson. After the conversation, we continue until we reach an area with a greenish lake. We check the map to see where the exit from this area is and head there, not before eliminating the aquatic monster. Upon exiting, we arrive at a room we had been in before. After another chat with Johnson, we jump down to the ground and continue straight until reaching a cave with columns. Suddenly, one of the columns will fall, forming a bridge. We cross it, and what remains of Obed Morton attacks us. He will always try to get in our way, launching his terrible swipes. We can try to distance ourselves a bit from him, at which point he will turn around and wait for us at the end of the bridge. We can start running towards him and shoot him with the light pistol when we are close to paralyze him for a few moments. We continue running to enter the cave at the end. We keep going to the back of the cave until we see a table with three stone busts, two of which are missing heads. We use the head we have on the busts, and Carnby appears with the missing one. Now, all we have to do is exit through the door behind the table and watch the final sequence of the game.