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Cider Digest #0129

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Cider Digest
 · 10 months ago

Subject: Cider Digest #129 Mon Jun 29 18:00:07 EDT 1992 
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 92 18:00:09 EDT
From: (Are you SURE you want to send it HERE?)

Cider Digest #129 Mon Jun 29 18:00:08 EDT 1992
Forum for Discussion of Cider Issues
Jay Hersh, Digest Coordinator

Cider Groundbreaking (pmids)

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Date: Mon, 29 Jun 92 15:31 MDT
Subject: Cider Groundbreaking

Hey All!

Haven't gotten anything from this list in a while, and I finished by first
attempt at hard cider, and thought I would post about it...

I just took a 1 gallon jug of pure Apple Cider, took out 2 cups, added
1/2 teaspon of cinnamon, and then added wine yeast.... It took off
fermenting crazily for about 5 days, then it slowed (I used an air lock
on the top of the 1 gallon jug). At that time, I racked it to a sanitized
bucket, then back into the jug, replaceed the cap, and refrigerated.

What I ended up with was a VERY dry, low (no) carbonated drink. Can you use
a hydrometer with this stuff to determine it's alcohol content? like
you can with homebrew beer?

The cinnamon didn't take like I had expected, and there is not much
of a cinnamon taste. I didn't replace the two cups of cider that I
removed originally. If I would have put it back into the jug, would
the ending brew been a bit sweeter?

FInally, what are "Smart Caps"?



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