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Cider Digest #0812

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Published in 
Cider Digest
 · 10 months ago

Subject: Cider Digest #812, 31 May 1999 

Cider Digest #812 31 May 1999

Forum for Discussion of Cider Issues
Dick Dunn, Digest Janitor

Boneyard Brew-Off 2nd Notice ("Brian J. Paszkiet")
Cider Digest #809, 12 May 1999 (Dave Burley)

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Subject: Boneyard Brew-Off 2nd Notice
From: "Brian J. Paszkiet" <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 15:02:12 -0500

The Boneyard Union of Zymurgical Zealots of Champaign, IL
would like to announce our upcoming 5th Annual Boneyard
Brew-Off taking place June 11-12, 1999. We will be judging
all 1998 BJCP beer, mead, and cider categories. This is an
AHA sanctioned competition as well as a qualifying event for
the Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing (MCAB) II (see for more details). Points will also be
awarded for Midwest Homebrewer of the Year.

The main judging will start at 9:00 am on Saturday, June 12th.
Standard AHA rules apply: we will need three unmarked
10-16 oz brown or green bottles, with bottle ID forms attached
to each bottle with a rubber band, a completed entry/recipe
form, and $6 for each of the first entry, $5 for each subsequent
entry from the same brewer(s). Entries must arrive between
MAY 26 and JUNE 5, 1999. We will accept walk-in entries
from judges at 8:15 am on the day of the competition
(June 12th) as long as the completed paperwork and fee arrive
by June 5th.

Our special category again this year will be the "No One Gets
Out Alive High-Gravity Brew-Off". In this category, we will judge
any beer with a starting gravity over 1.070 purely on the basis
of drinkability and octane. For this category, we only require
two unmarked 6-16 oz brown or green bottles. We will allow
any high gravity style, but if you wish the beer to be also judged
in another category, you must separately enter it in that category.
No fortification is allowed. The winners in this category will not
be eligible for best of show, but will receive a special award.

Entries should be sent to:
Boneyard Brew-Off
c/o Piccadilly Beverage Shop
505 S. Neil St.
Champaign, IL 61820

For additional information, contact the competition organizer
Brian Paszkiet ( or (217) 352-2438(H) or
(217) 333-9033(W)).

Forms and rules are also available on the World Wide Web at:
Online entry and judge registration are available NOW.

Brian Paszkiet
BUZZ President


Subject: Cider Digest #809, 12 May 1999
From: Dave Burley <>
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 14:08:53 -0400

Cider Folks,

Gabi, sorry to have been so tardy in replying, but I am in the course of
moving to a 28 acre farm in Upstate ( apples!) South Carolina and just
got back after a two week work visit ( paint the dock, sheet rock and
insulate my hobby room, garden ( tomatoes on the vine the size of golf
balls already!) , etc) .

Often smokiness is due to the production of phenols. These can have a
microbiological origin, which I suspect in your case. I don't have my books
here to confirm this, but I recall some lactobacillus, pediococcus and wild
yeasts can have this effect. ( any one else with more detail?). I suspect
it is the bacteria, since wild yeasts generally don't operate above 4%
alcohol. Use 30- 50 ppm of metabisulfite to stabilize the cider. Then,
this autumn start your cider with this amount to control these bacteria,
preventing re-infection and keg it with a similar addition. This should
remove this problem and prevent any oxidation, which you do not believe you
have. You will also have to really sanitize your holding tanks and <ALL>
other pieces of equipment. New hoses, if possible. I suggest you use a more
agressive sanitizer - like chlorine bleach ( but diluted before it contacts
the aluminum as it will etch it and produce hydrogen). Rinse with boiled
water. You could also try sorbate to stabilize your cider.

Also, it may be you have some rubber parts and these are imparting a flavor
or aroma often detectable as smoky or sulphury. Try using only silicon
rubber and where possible cover all rubber parts ( like your stopper
holding your bubbler) with a plastic polyethylene sheet or Saran.
- --------------------
Dave Burley


End of Cider Digest #812

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