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Cider Digest #1952

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Cider Digest
 · 9 months ago

Subject: Cider Digest #1952, 31 March 2015 

Cider Digest #1952 31 March 2015

Cider and Perry Discussion Forum

Re: cider maker presses and grinders (Claude Jolicoeur)
Correll Presses (chris horn)
Back sweetening with concentrate (Andrew Lea)

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Subject: Re: cider maker presses and grinders
From: Claude Jolicoeur <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 13:01:55 -0400

In Cider Digest #1951, 27 March 2015
>Subject: cider maker presses and grinders
>From: Wes Cherry <>
>One other option not mentioned is the Avalon Cider press
>Think of it as a modern adaptation of the traditional basket press.

Wes, I agree this is a very nice little beast!
And I would certainly have mentioned it if its price wouldn't be more
than twice the budget mentioned in the original post.
Actually, its price tag puts it in the same price category as an
OESCO grinder coupled with a small 80L Lancman hydropress (between
3500 and 4000$).


Subject: Correll Presses
From: chris horn <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 15:08:58 -0700

I own a Correll press and it serves my needs very well. It was purchased
in 2005 and holding up great. It's well build and seems to have pretty
good yield from a basket press.
I press 200-350 gallons of juice a year, over many weekends in the fall.
But I have also used a similar press (medium) on a family friend's CSA farm.
With washed bins of apples ready to go, I have easily done 80 gallons of
juice in a day by myself..... So depending on the scale of what you are
doing, a Correll might be the right size press for you.
My only complaint (very minor) are the press bags they provide with them.
They are grass seed bag material that seem to hold apple bits in them.
I have a set of press bags made from swim suit liner material for easier
clean up (fabric available from outdoor fabric store: The Rain Shed in
Corvallis Oregon) and will survive lots of washings and bleachings.
Chris HornScappoose Oregon USA

"You should always pay attention to quality. A coffin, for instance, should
last a lifetime."
-Kurt Tucholsky


Subject: Back sweetening with concentrate
From: Andrew Lea <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 11:18:06 +0000

Eric Pennell wrote:

> Just to be clear, it seems
> like all of the preventative measures to insure clean, safe concentrate
> are taken while in production, packaging, transportation and storage. Are
> there any procedures (filtration, pasteurization, additives) to protect the
> juice post fermentation? Specifically against this pesky yeast strain? Thank
> you again for your time and information.

Not quite sure what you are asking. Here in the UK commercial ciders in
bulk (whether made from conc or not) are always stored dry so yeast
growth is not an issue. But once the cider is sweetened for bottling and
retail sale then of course it must be properly against yeast re-growth
by true sterile / aseptic filling or by pasteurisation. If you back
sweeten with concentrate and don't do those things then you are skating
on very thin ice indeed.

Andrew Lea
nr Oxford, UK


End of Cider Digest #1952

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