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Cider Digest #2024

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Cider Digest
 · 9 months ago

Subject: Cider Digest #2024, 27 April 2016 

Cider Digest #2024 27 April 2016

Cider and Perry Discussion Forum

Pollination Group for the red Geneva crab? (Barry Topp)
GLINTCAP - Big Thanks To All! ("Mike Beck")
Cider Making, Cider Business Workshops in Oregon ("Buzzard, John")

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Digest Janitor: Dick Dunn

Subject: Pollination Group for the red Geneva crab?
From: Barry Topp <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 12:02:21 +0100

I wondered if any of you across the pond have an idea for suitable
pollination varieties for The red Geneva crab or Redfield apples?
Barry Topp
New Forest Cider.


Subject: GLINTCAP - Big Thanks To All!
From: "Mike Beck" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 15:07:48 -0400

The Competition is over and Best of Show Results have been announced.

Full competition results and press release from the desk of our President
(Gary Awdey) will be released April 29th.

Obviously, to all that enter, without your support this does not happen! We,
as always, promise to make each competition better if not just bigger. Your
support allows us to create a great atmosphere for judging. Which includes,
facilities, contractors, many people, and services to pull it all off.

Here comes the part that can't wait and is the most important part of this
competition, thanking the people that help make it happen.

Let's start with our local support organization in the Michigan Cider
Association. Paul Vanderheide and rest of the board made sure that our
judges, stewards & staff found plenty of entertainment, food and cider while
in town. Paul was also very gracious to provide many personal tours to our
judges at his just newly opened cidery, VanderMill in Grand Rapids.
VanderMill is also the support facility for all GLINTCAP sample processing.
Big thanks Paul! & The MCA.

Charles McGonegal, Gary Awdey and Volunteers that put together the Judge's
Sensory Evaluation Seminar. Big thanks to you for showcasing a world of
cider in a few short hours.

Several people that step up to the plate to be staff; Jeffery Cottrell,
Milissa McGonegal, Michelle Foik and Brian & Jackie West. These are the
people that are behind the scenes that make it all work. The term "heavy
lifting" applies metaphorically and literally. Big Thanks Crew!

Steward's... What can I say, You serve all the drinks a bartender & a
server would do in a busy night without getting any tips. You were a great
crew (way to many to list) thanks for being attentive to our judges needs
and for putting a few miles on your fit bits. Big Thanks Stewards!

To our Judges: Some of you came from a long way away, Including Julian & Di
Temperley from Somerset, UK, big thanks to you guys, your presence was
special. Plus, to the rest of you folk is this link, You are some of the best and brightest in our
industry and you truly make this a judging of our peers. Above all else it
gives those who really love the cider industry the opportunity to strengthen
our cider friendships. I personally relish the opportunity to see you folks
and re-connect; I already miss hangin' with my cider peeps. Big Thanks to
You Judges and a job well done!

I must finish with biggest cog in the works; Our Competition Director, Eric
West from The Cider Guide. Eric is the one that puts his blood, sweat and
tears into the competition above all others. I cannot think of one person
in the cider world that cares so much about our Cider Industry and not be
personally invested in it. His job is only half done, in the coming weeks
he buttons up all the competition paperwork, and gets all awards shipped out
to entrants. Biggest Thanks to you Eric, another record year!

I so very much appreciate all of you that are involved in GLINTCAP and we
look forward to the 2017 competition!

Mike Beck
GLINTCAP Treasurer & Competition Coordinator


Subject: Cider Making, Cider Business Workshops in Oregon
From: "Buzzard, John" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 23:48:31 +0000

Upcoming Cider Education Offerings from Oregon State University

Cider and Perry Production - A Foundation
August 1-5, 2016 | Corvallis, Ore.
Based on the curriculum of renowned cider expert Peter Mitchell, one of the
world's leading authorities in cider production.

Craft Cidery Startup Workshop
June 12-16, 2016 | Portland, Ore.
Focused on the business and management of cider production, led by leading
cider entrepreneurs and cider makers.

Thank you,

John Buzzard
Professional and Continuing Education<>
Oregon State University
4943 Valley Library
Office Phone: 541-737-5741 | Mobile: 859-494-1908


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