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Cider Digest #2025

Subject: Cider Digest #2025, 10 May 2016
Cider Digest #2025 10 May 2016
Cider and Perry Discussion Forum
We now return you to your irregularly scheduled digest (Cider Digest Admin)
Re: Pollination Group for the red Geneva crab? (Dick Dunn)
GLINTCAP Results ("Gary Awdey")
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Digest Janitor: Dick Dunn
Subject: We now return you to your irregularly scheduled digest
From: (Cider Digest Admin)
Date: Tue, 10 May 2016 14:13:26 -0600
Gentle readers - Sorry about the extended delay since the last digest. We
didn't have a lot waiting, so I was holding it a bit. Then the machine
which hosts the digest died (of old age, really:-). Nothing was lost as
far as I know, but it took me a while to find the time to put everything
back together. I hope it won't happen again for another 15 years or so.
Do let me know if you see anything amiss, or strange change, in this
- --da janitroid
Subject: Re: Pollination Group for the red Geneva crab?
From: Dick Dunn <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 19:07:01 -0600
Barry Topp <> asked:
> I wondered if any of you across the pond have an idea for suitable
> pollination varieties for The red Geneva crab or Redfield apples?
Redfield is fairly early--mine are just about done blooming here. I've
never had pollination problems, and OrangePippin says Redfield is not
self-fertile, so I'll guess that my other early varieties are doing the
job. Dolgo crab is a good pollenizer for other early varieties: It gets
going as early as any here, and seems to keep blooming for a fair while.
By that I mean it's not full one day and gone the next. The other early
variety which -might- be doing it in my orchard is Duchess of Oldenburg.
But I'd put my money on Dolgo.
Of course, Barry, your climate is a little bit different! If you have
Redfield up to blooming age, when does it bloom?
- --
Dick Dunn Hygiene, Colorado USA
Subject: GLINTCAP Results
From: "Gary Awdey" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 20:49:37 -0500
As Mike Beck mentioned in CD #2024 full results for the Great Lakes
Cider & Perry Competition (GLINTCAP) have now been posted and may be
viewed at It is worth mentioning (and this is
reflected in the press release linked to the competition page) that the
number of entries judged rose by a staggering 62 percent this year to
exceed one thousand for the first time ever (the exact number was 1003).
This year there is also an expanded list of awards of highest
distinction. Best of Class awards were made in eleven areas. These
awards, as well as all gold, silver and bronze awards are listed at
Eric West has done a nice job tabulating results in various ways that
should make viewing them easier and more convenient. The are listed by
division (commercial and noncommercial), by year, by state or country,
and even by individual producer.
One award that merits special mention in this particular forum is that
our own self-proclaimed Cider Digest "janitor", Dick
Dunn, is the person behind the Best in Class intensified class winner,
iCider. His ice cider, entered under the competition allowance for
trial batches that are not available commercially, has an interesting
story behind it that I hope he will share as an editorial insert. As a
teaser, I've told several people that it may possibly be the ice
cider with the highest per-unit production cost of any ice cider ever
Congratulations to all, and and I'll repeat Mike's
hearty thanks to the many people who made this year's
competition possible.
Gary Awdey
Great Lakes Cider & Perry Association
End of Cider Digest #2025