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Mead Lovers Digest #0129

Mead Lover's Digest #129 Thu 13 May 1993
Forum for Discussion of Mead Brewing and Consuming
John Dilley, Digest Coordinator
Commercial Bottled Mead ("Christian A. Ratliff")
Non-alcoholic soft drinks (Tom Brady)
Predicting starting gravity of musts (R.) Cavasin" <>
Yeast Flocculation (Rick Myers)
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Date: Wed, 12 May 1993 08:39:53 -0400
From: "Christian A. Ratliff" <>
Subject: Commercial Bottled Mead
Where can I find commercial, bottled mead in New England, preferably
north of Portsmouth? I know far to many brewers now who have tried to
make meads and not liked what came out. I would like to be able to
show them the flavour of a good mead.
- ---------
Christian Ratliff Cabletron Systems, Inc.
EDGE System Developer Rochester, NH 03867 <NeXTmail OK> Work: (603) 337-1209
"I'm a NeXTSTEP man; I'm an SGI guy." Home: (207) 780-NeXT
Nobody at Cabletron knows, approves of, or recalls my opinions.
Date: Wed, 12 May 93 09:26:56 EDT
From: Tom Brady <BRADY@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: Non-alcoholic soft drinks
Hello all!
A friend of mine, a non-drinker, is interested in making some non- or low-
alcohol beverages. He has tried a few from Digbie's recipes, but is looking
for other recipes or sources. So far he's tried a weak honey drink (bleah),
a currant-wine (quite good!) and a sugar-fruit concoction whose name escapes
me. Any and all ideas would be welcome.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tom Brady The Tour du Pont passes through Blacksburg
Department of Chemical Engineering on Friday, May 14. Watch it and see the
Virginia Tech town and lovely SW Virginia on ESPN at
Blacksburg, VA (USA) 6:30 PM (EST).
Date: Wed, 12 May 1993 10:15:00 +0000
From: "Rick (R.) Cavasin" <>
Subject: Predicting starting gravity of musts
RE: how to figure out how much honey to use:
I picked up this rule of thumb some time ago (from the mead digest?) and
have been using it. While not exact (due to varying moisture content of
the honey), it gets you in the ball park.
X*(1.0) + Y*(1.45)
TG = ------------------
TV = X + Y
where: TG = target starting gravity of your must
TV = target volume of your must
X = volume of water
Y = volume of honey
So lets say we want 10 litres (volume measure used is irrelevant so long
as you use the same one throughout) of must at S.G. = 1.12, you have two
equations in two unknowns, the solution of which is left as an exercise
for the reader.
You can modify the equation to include fruit juice:
Lets say we want to include 2 litres of strawberry juice (SG = 1.03)
in the above recipe:
X*(1.0) + Y*(1.45) + 2*(1.03)
1.12 = ------------------------------
10 = 2 + X + Y
Straightforward right? If absolute accuracy in the starting gravity is
desired, you can always adjust it after boiling or whatever by adding
some water or honey.
Hmmm, does the specific gravity of honey being about 1.45 mean that 1
litre of honey weighs about 1.45 kg?
If so, then you can substitute Z for Y*(1.45) where Z is the mass of the
honey in Kg. Measuring the volume of the honey is an extra step I like
to avoid myself.
Cheers, Rick C.
Date: Wed, 12 May 93 13:47:14 MDT
From: Rick Myers <>
Subject: Yeast Flocculation
> Subject: Non-settling yeast
> I have had a batch of mead in bottles for over a year now
> that is well carbonated, I like 'em that way, but the yeast has
> refused so settle into a nice cake on the bottom. It has remained
It's probably typical of the yeast strain you used - there's probably
nothing you can do except change to a different kind of yeast. Some
are very good flocculators, others (like yours) aren't!
- --
Rick Myers
Information Technology Specialist
Network Test Division
Colorado Springs, CO
"I don't drink milk. Milk is for babies. I drink BEER!!!
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
End of Mead Lover's Digest