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Mead Lovers Digest #1597

Subject: Mead Lover's Digest #1597, 5 September 2012
Mead Lover's Digest #1597 5 September 2012
Mead Discussion Forum
Progress on last mead and new recipe (Bob)
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Digest Janitor: Dick Dunn
Subject: Progress on last mead and new recipe
From: Bob <>
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2012 20:49:28 -0400
My traditional mead is in the fridge cold stabilising (it tastes amazing
for a young wine, and only seems to get better every week) and we have
decided sweetening is not needed (my GF likes it as is even though she
hates dry wines).
Now to a new recipe:
3lbs black currants
3lbs blackberries
2.75lbs red Corinth grapes (commonly sold as champagne grapes in the store)
2.5lbs tart cherries
1.5lbs raspberries
1.25lbs blueberries
Honey to SG of 1.100
They are in the freezer right now (still missing the blackberries, but
that's not a problem) and I plan to do a short cold soaking with some
noblesse. Most of the fruit will be in primary and I am aware that some of
the lighter aromas will be driven off, but I want a fermented fruit flavor;
0.25lb blueberries, 0.5lb cherries, 0.5lb raspberries, and 0.75lb grapes
will be added to secondary to reclaim some of the subtle aromas.
Any recommendations or thoughts in general?
P.S. I forgot about the 1.5tsp pectic enzyme, the D21 yeast, the 8g Fermaid
K and 6g DAP.
Sent from my iPhone
End of Mead Lover's Digest #1597