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Lambic Digest #0981

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Lambic Digest
 · 9 months ago

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Subject: Lambic Digest #981 (November 14, 1996)

Lambic Digest #981 Thu 14 November 1996

Forum on Lambic Beers (and other Belgian beer styles)
Mike Sharp, Digest Coordinator

Spices in Belgian Strong Ales (Sullivan51)
Liefmans Goudenband (Post_Mark)
Head Start Yeast ("Ronald S. Thomson")
euro-caps and bottler ("Marc Hugentobler")
Re: Quebec Beers (Paul Jasper)
Unibroue beers ("Mark Bridges")

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Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 07:40:49 -0500
From: Sullivan51 at
Subject: Spices in Belgian Strong Ales

Just a quick question for you Belgian Ale aficionados out there. I have been
reading the comments about Bincheoise Speciale Noel and was curious as to the
general style category that it falls into. Is this a Belgian Strong Ale or
does it fall into the nebulous category of Belgian Specialty?

A friend and I made a Belgian Strong Ale this summer. I contended that
spicing, while not common in this style, was certainly acceptable. We used
19 pounds of pale malt, 3 pounds of various caramel malts, 3 pounds of
unaldulterated corn meal, 3 pounds of candi sugar, 7/8 oz of coriander and 1
ounce of bitter orange peel. The corn meal was adjunct mashed and the spices
were thrown in at knock out. Wyeast 3944 was used and hopping was to 25 IBUs
(all bittering). Original gravity 1.076 and final gravity of 1.018. This
beer is alcoholic yet very smooth with a mellow though very noticeable
orangeish character.

Everyone who has tried this beer has commented on how delicious they think it
is. At our club meeting this month, the style of the month was Belgian Ales.
There was also a club only competition run during the meeting. Though the
beer received accolades during the general tasting, our scores for the AHA
Club-Only competition avergaged 25. All the judges commented on how great
they thought the beer was. It was marked down because of the spicing.

I remember reading in some of the club literature put out by BURP that
spicing was OK in Belgian Strong Ales. Now I know that BURP is not the be
all and end all of knowledge and wisdom about Belgian Ales. Most certainly,
however, the AHA is not the authority on these beers. What is the feeling
out here amongst the subscribers?

Another point that I would like to make for judges evaluating beers
(especially Belgian Ales) is that you've got to bring some of your own
knowledge of styles into the arena. You cannot simply rely upon guidelines
that have been given to you by a competition organizer. If you are a
competition organizer, you need to make clear to your judges that the
guidelines you provide are a rule of thumb but are not meant to preclude
other acceptable variations of a style.

John Sullivan - St. Louis, MO


Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 08:32:14 -0500
From: Post_Mark at
Subject: Liefmans Goudenband

I recently picked up a gift pak consisting of 750ml bottles of
Liefmans Goudenband and Kriekbier and a 375ml bottle of Frambozenbier
along with a Liefmans glass- all for $15. It seemed like a good buy
except possibly, for the fact that it is '91 vintage. The corks all
looked fine, and there was sediment indicating that the bottles were
on their side for some period of time. I realize these beers improve
with age, but is 5 years too long for this style?



Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 10:17:41 -0500
From: "Ronald S. Thomson" <cky163 at>
Subject: Head Start Yeast

Does anyone know if Head Start has begun shipping yeast again? I've
been having difficulty contacting them to place an order.




Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 09:40:11 GMT+700
From: "Marc Hugentobler" <MARHUG at MDLS.USU.EDU>
Subject: euro-caps and bottler

Hello all,
I wonder if some kind soul would take pity on me? I forgot who
the person was who said they would be getting the european bottle
caps and capper. Could someone post here or mail me the e-mail
address of that person? I would really appreciate it. Its time to put
up that saison.
Marhug at


Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 11:32:10 -0800
From: paul at (Paul Jasper)
Subject: Re: Quebec Beers

On Tue, 12 Nov 1996, Paul.J.Timmerman at wrote:
>I was lucky enough to hook up for a tasting where the
>beers were all supplied by by a large western distributor
>of exotica. We had some excellent belgain knock offs
>from quebec, that arent being sold in the west. has
>anyone else tried the Chimay or Hoegarten Knockoffs from
>UniBrew (sic?) Pretty Yummy Stuff!

These beers were available at the big KQED Beer and Food Festival in San
Francisco the last two years (it's every July). I was most impressed,
especially with the Blanche de Chambly, their white beer. Both years the
representatives from the brewery have told me that they are arranging major
distribution for Northern California in the coming months, but the closest
I've been aware of it being available is in Vancouver.

I forget the details, but I believe a large Belgian brewer is a major
investor in UniBroue (to use the French spelling). They were mentioned in a
Michael Jackson article on Canadian beers in What's Brewing (the monthly
newpaper of the UK's CAMRA) a few month's back.


P.S. Celis is currently featured in the Brewery Profile section of the Beer
Hunter web site (
- --
- -- Paul Jasper paul at
- -- Intrinsa Corporation
- -- 101 University Avenue, Suite 300, Palo Alto, CA 94301
- -- +1 (415) 614-8902 Fax: +1 (415) 324-9341
- --


Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 16:45:26 -0800
From: "Mark Bridges" <mbridges at>
Subject: Unibroue beers

Paul Timmerman in LD #980 mentions:

"some excellent belgain knock offs
from quebec, that arent being sold in the west. has
anyone else tried the Chimay or Hoegarten Knockoffs from
UniBrew (sic?) Pretty Yummy Stuff!"

You bet. The line-up includes a wit (Blanche de Chambly, 5%), a dubbel
(Maudite, 8%), and a tripel (La Fin du Monde, 9%). These are brewed with a
distinctive yeast strain and are bottle conditioned, sold in six-packs as
well as the corked 750ml version. Nice examples of the styles.

These beers proved very popular at the recent Great Canadian Beer Festival
held in Victoria, B.C. A secret beer was provided to brewers there, and
the name escapes me but the loose translation is "Holy Water", at around 7%

Also available is a beer called Raftman. In a departure from the
aforementioned Belgian styles this amber beer is made with whiskey malt,
5.5% abv. I'm not familiar with this sort of beer being produced in
Belgium, and the brewery offers this quote on the rear label:

"Brewed in memory of those bygone masters of the forest who were always
amenable to setting their differences over a beer and a shot of whisky."

All these beers are worth sampling. Only Maudite is available in my area,
and is the only beer of the dubbel style sold here. (Sigh).

Mark Bridges


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