The warrior of Capestrano: an ancient astronaut?
Researchers have not yet discovered who is depicted in the statue, nor has it been possible to date the mysterious find exactly. According to the opinion of some, in his physical features the warrior would resemble the enigmatic pharaoh Akhenaten.

Way back in September 1934, Mr Michele Castagna was working his land not far from Capestrano, in Abruzzo. He did not imagine that he was about to become the protagonist of one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.
Digging his hoe into the ground to plant a vineyard, Castagna hits something very hard. Continuing to dig, the farmer brings to light an extraordinary find, an imposing anthropomorphic statue of marble and stone that later newspaper called 'The Warrior of Capestrano'.
The statue is currently preserved in the archaeological museum of Chieti.
Shortly afterwards, an excavation campaign was started on the site which brought to light a necropolis, with some tombs and funerary objects dating back to the 7th-6th century BC, not far from the ancient Vestine settlement of Aufinum.
The statue discovered by Castagna is 2 meters and 9 centimeters high, it represents a male figure, in a proud and majestic attitude, with very developed hips and a triangular chest. The head is covered by a circular headdress of incredible width. The man's face appears to be covered by a funerary mask.

Researchers have not yet discovered who is depicted in the statue, nor has it been possible to date the mysterious find exactly. According to the opinion of some, in physical features the warrior would be reminiscent of the enigmatic Pharaoh Akhenaten: wide hips and narrow waist.

It seems that originally the statue was completely painted red, as evidenced by some traces of pigment found in the sculpture.
The mystery of the origin
Where does this relic of the Italian past come from, given that nothing similar has ever been found in the entire peninsula? Why is the face hidden by a mask? Perhaps it represents a man with a deformed face, or because it is different from that of other human beings?
The representation of the two lateral pillars is singular, as if to symbolically indicate an invisible passage, just as it is often depicted in numerous Akkadian and Sumerian seals.
The conundrum of enrollment
What arouses the researchers' perplexity is the inscription engraved on the pillar to the right of the statue, which has been examined and studied for a long time by archaeologists and linguists. The text is placed vertically on a single line, to be read from bottom to top:
It is a complex archaic Italic language of the Osco-Etruscan type, not easy to interpret. The archaeological superintendent of Professor Adriano La Regina from Rome, attempted a translation of this type:
leading to the hypothesis that the character could be King Naevius Pompuledio, and that of the artist who created the sculpture, a certain Aninis. If this were the case, it would be a very rare case in which, for this period, the author of a work of art is known.
But if gematria, the Jewish system of numerology that studies words and assigns them a numerical value, is applied to the mysterious writing, a result with astonishing conclusions is obtained. The numerical correspondent is 2268. If you break the number into two decimals and compare it to the interpretative table of the golden code, you obtain 22 (mysteries of creation) and 68 (speed of light).
If, however, the golden code is applied directly to the writing, which equally attributes a numerical value to each letter (with the exception of the 'k'), the numerical value 108 is obtained, corresponding to the tenth statement: 'transfer motion in space'.
Finally, if we add 27, the numerical value of 'k', we obtain a sum of 135, which corresponds to 'guided trip'.
Could all be coincidences, yet the clues collected allow us to imagine a different story, a story that calls into question ancestors from other planets, ancient astronauts who transferred knowledge to humanity to then be passed down from generation to generation through the centuries, and which are still the basis of our civilization today.