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HOMEBREW Digest #3727

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HOMEBREW Digest #3727		             Wed 05 September 2001 

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Re:Subject: "yeast farming" ("Scott Thomas")
Looking For Brewers In Townsville (craftbrewer)
yeast farming ("Peter Fantasia")
Counterpressure Filling ("Dan Listermann")
Re: new advances in bottling? (Demonick)
Re: new advances in bottling (Tom Daniels)
Re: RANCO controller and RIMS / SSR's (solid state relays) and RIMS (Tony Verhulst)
Salt SG (AJ)
Re: Harry Potter's Butter Beer - Revealed (Tony Barnsley)
JSP malt mill (Brian Myers)
re: new advances in bottling? ("Charlie Maddox")

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Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 01:53:32 -0400
From: "Scott Thomas" <>
Subject: Re:Subject: "yeast farming"

Your on the right track, but you might want to modify a few of your
1.For a 750ml starter, use 65-70g of DME.
(not sure what a half cup weighs?), (as I'm sure it can vary depending on
how tightly or loosely you pack it.)
Try to match your S.G. of the wort to the starting gravity to your starter.

2. I would suggest that you boil the DME in an Erlenmeyer Flask, and crash
cool it (ice water bath), ASAP to 70*F- 75*F., Then add your yeast to the
flask......... Flame the rim of the flask, then cover the top with a
sanitized piece of aluminum foil, (TIGHT). Swirl it up good, keep it as
close to 75* F as possible, and within 12 -24 hours, you should be ready to
pitch to your primary. (Assuming you are doing 5-10 gallon batches.)

Now the trick is:

You really need to KNOW what yeast strain is in your sediment that your are

1A.) Is this a homebrew that you actually bottled conditioned? (Then you
should know!)

2A.) Is this a commercial beer that you have no idea what the strain of the
yeast was used to condition it with?
Keep in mind that lots of the bigger breweries (smaller ones too), ferment
with a certain strain, filter, then use ?????? a very neutral strain of
yeast to bottle condition with.....
Unless you can do PCR or RFLP testing, you will have no idea.
You could be pitching 1056, S-04, etc., to a really nice Abby Ale, that in
fact, you wanted the Chimay Strain...

Hopes this helps......



Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 17:06:13 +1000
Subject: Looking For Brewers In Townsville

G'Day All
Well to prove all the sceptics wrong I have just kegged yet
another Hevenly Heffe made up of 50% good ol Aussie wheat
flour. Tell you I am truly got the nack of mashing with flour, and
especially our cheap low protein stuff we have. I would swear,
but not here of course, that they have made this rubbish
especially for brewers. No stuck mash, no balling........ no
problems whatso ever. One of the great things of mashing with
wheat flour is you really get a light crisp beer that I have never
got with either raw wheat or wheat malt. Just love it. Might just
put a bottle into the Nationals to show off.
Now i have said this before, I would not recommend this to
anybody but the most experienced mashers. that of course
includes the mouth from the south who takes great delight in
ribbing utopia.
>>>>>>>From a pilots' point of view, visually descending into
Townsville is like arriving on the moon. No vegetation of any
particular description but plenty of rocky outcrops and a nasty
looking airstrip they call their "international airport". This is the
home of Graham Sanders and along with his mates in the tower
(I assume they are his mates), they are a bloody rude
Now Phil, remember we are only rude to people we dont want
to hang arround. You would only make the place untidy if you
>>>>>I wonder how they brew up there, even in winter it is hot
enough to have you sweating in a short sleeve shirt.<<<<<<<<
And poor Phil is right. Brewing in the tropics requires skills mear
mortals only dream about. Not only do you have to brew in the
heat, but you have to at the same time kick those tourists back
to plane. Trouble is last Sunday they all didn't want to leave.
Seems they recon they had some crazy pilot who couldn't fly
straight in a gay bar.
and this
Today (despite being Fathers Day) I flew all the way to
Townsville and fully expected to see Graham at the airport.
He prides himself in making sure no person gets in or out of
Townsville without his permission. I carried with me gifts of hops,
special yeasts and two wort kits to appease the cranky bastard.
But he was not to be seen. His mates in the tower were
so rude <<<<<<<<<
Hey we knew you were coming mate. why do you think you got
all that agro from the tower. I told them to give you hell. I met you
once and was sooooo disappointed. You arent worth the effort
to see a second time. Now you know the rules, Its a carton of
beer or nothing.
Graham Sanders
Oh Yes I have been out of action for a while. Radio programs to
do, competitions to orgainise, and now I am running a beer
judging accrediation course. Now i must be off, the radio program
is on tomorrow, i must organise myself.


Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 07:30:06 -0400
From: "Peter Fantasia" <>
Subject: yeast farming

Carlos asks if he can re-use yeast in his homebrew by pouring the starter
directly into the bottle. I would say it's ok with some caution.
1) Always sanitize the opening of the homebrew bottle before and after
2) Pour the entire bottle of homebrew out in one shot leaving the yeast.Use
a sanitized funnel to add the starter.
3) Attach a sanitized airlock to avoid bottle bombs.
4) Did I mention sanitize?



Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 09:08:34 -0400
From: "Dan Listermann" <>
Subject: Counterpressure Filling

<Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 15:36:38 -0700
<From: "Badger/DJ Sable/Project Mercury" <>
<Subject: new advances in bottling?

<I've never had good success with Counter Pressure filling, and all that.

<Question: have there been any advances in bottling techniques since I've
<been gone from HBD? Any good suggestions and tricks? Articles? <anything?

There is a lot of strange information about counterpressure filling. The
worst is the belief that the pressure in the tank and supplied by the
regulator should be very low. Ideally the beer should not experience any
pressure drop below its stabilized pressure until the filler is withdrawn
for capping. I zero my regulator, connect it to the keg and slowly crank up
the pressure until I hear gas passing. This tells me that the regulator is
set to the stabilized pressure of the beer or a little more.

Another problem is the common method of moving the beer into the bottle with
reduced pressure. While this allows the keg to be on the floor and the
bottle to be on a table and is easy on the back, it requires a significant
decrease in pressure to move the beer. There is the simple static head
pressure difference and the dynamic resistance to flow. These numbers are
nominally low, say three or four psi, but they are relatively high compared
to the stabilized pressure of the beer - 12 to 15 psi. This is a large
source of foaming.

A far better method of moving beer is to use gravity. The keg is placed
above the bottle and a siphon is created to move the beer. Dynamic
resistance is countered by the head pressure. These tend to cancel each
other out. This is far better than adding the two together as the above
system does. Further the gas line can be left open during the fill so the
beer experiences no pressure loss until the filler is removed. The only
source of foaming under this system is due to turbulence and depressurizing
when the filler is withdrawn for capping. I can usually withdraw the filler
from the first bottle, start the cycle on the next bottle and return to the
first bottle for capping without having beer foam out.

Some will note that the gas in the bottle is returned to the keg and fret
that this might be a source of oxidation. If an adequate purging operation
is performed, this risk is minimal. I have been using this system for years
and anyone who knows me can vouch that I am nothing if not highly sensitive
to oxidized beer. I have not found the beer remaining in the keg to have
oxidized. If you can't deal with this minimal risk, you can shut off the
gas valve and vent the gas in the bottle, but you should know that this
comes at the cost of foaming due to the pressure reduction and lower level
of flow control.

And now a blatant plug for the CounterPhil. This product uses a three way
valve and a check valve to eliminate the three valves and the required
religious ritual used by conventional counterpressure fillers. The upshot
of this is that the steps required to operate the CounterPhil are about half
the steps needed to use the more common design. This makes learning to use
the CounterPhil much easier and it is far less error prone resulting in a
elimination or greatly reduced level of that "You have been bottling beer
again. . ." smell.

Our offer for a free check valve upgrade still stands. Just email me at Don't forget the double "n"s!

Dan Listermann

Check out our new E-tail site at

Take a look at the anti-telemarketer forum. It is my new hobby!


Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 07:33:29 -0700
From: Demonick <>
Subject: Re: new advances in bottling?

PrimeTab. See

Domenick Venezia
Venezia & Company, LLC
Maker of PrimeTab
(206) 782-1152 phone
(206) 782-6766 fax
demonick at zgi dot com


Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 10:23:17 -0500
From: Tom Daniels <>
Subject: Re: new advances in bottling

"Badger/DJ Sable/Project Mercury" <> said he had a kegging
system but wanted a simple bottling method for transport.

Take a look at the page below.
It talks about building your own carbonator caps for 1,2, and 3 liter plastic
bottles from stainless or chrome valve stems for tires. To use this, you just
need to add a Tee to your gas lines and put a tire filling attachment on the
Tee. This will allow you to run beer out of your kegs into the bottle, cap
them, and then pressurize with CO2 from the keg.

I do this regularly for transport and follow these steps:
1. Wash the bottles and caps carefully.
2. Put cap on bottle very loosely and purge with CO2 for a few seconds.
3. Put a short length of tube on my picnic tap and fill the bottle using the tub
4. When the bottle is full or nearly so, cap the bottle tightly.
5. Turn up the regulator to 30 psi, and pressurize the bottle.
6. Turn the regulator back down to serving pressure.

This is cheap so no worries about lending out bottles of brew. I spent under
$12 putting this setup together.


- --
Tom Daniels
"I just don't get what all the people see,
female self involvement and hypocrisy,
your poptart feminism and your cheap neuroses,
as I stare into the vacuum of my tee-vee."
-- from "Ally McBeale" by DaVinci's Notebook


Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 11:38:37 -0400
From: Tony Verhulst <>
Subject: Re: RANCO controller and RIMS / SSR's (solid state relays) and RIMS

Don Price asks about the Ranco temperature controller:

"...Can this same unit be used for controlling a
basic RIMS system? Using one controller for both would make
experimenting with RIMS pretty easy. What else besides the heating
element/chamber and piping would be required for converting my 5-gallon
Rubbermaid to a mini-RIMS?.."

The answer is "yes it can". See the "control panel" section at The trick will be in
keeping the temperature sensor dry since its not water proof. I got
around this problem by sliding the probe into a brass tube sealed that's
at one end. See the picures on my web page. Although my system is more
HERMS than RIMS, I don't see why the same technique shouldn't work.

- --------

Another poster asks about the use of SSR's in a RIMS system. Again, see
the "control panel" section of my web page. I use a 4500 watt heating
element at 220 volts - WAY more power than my Ranco temperature
controller can handle. SSR's solve the problem quite nicely.



Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 15:49:10 +0000
From: AJ <>
Subject: Salt SG

Tables of the specific gravity of salt solutions can be found in lots of
handbooks (such as the CRC). The difficulty you will likely encounter is
that a 14% brine solution has a SG of 1.1009 (20C/4C) and that is, thus,
about the maximum strength you can measure with a brewing hydrometer.
Another minor point is that a good brewing hydrometer is calibtated for
surface tension typical of beer, not brine.



Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 17:04:25 +0100
From: Tony Barnsley <>
Subject: Re: Harry Potter's Butter Beer - Revealed

Jeff Renner Writes

> > Phil Wilcox <> writes:

> > I speculate the secret location of
> >Hogwarts is somewhere in the Dartmoor National Park.

> and think of the winters. There are no winters like that in
> the south.

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, You have got to be kidding! My In laws were stationed on a
naval base near Dartmoor, they tell a great story of driving home across the
moor one snowy winter. They had the snow chains on and were following the
tracks in the snow. Maureen then said "John what are those?" Those were
white ceramic discs appearing at regular intervals along the road. They
drove on for a bit and then they suddenly realised. They were the TOPS of
the Telegraph Poles!!

> And it would be a slow train indeed that gets only
> as far as Dartmoor overnight.

You've not travelled on our railways recently have you Jeff? ;-'>

- --
The Scurrilous Aleman (ICQ 46254361)
Schwarzbad Lager Brauerei, Blackpool, Lancs, UK

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Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 08:19:53 +1200
From: Brian Myers <>
Subject: JSP malt mill

My two cents - I have been using a non-adjustable
JSP maltmill for about five years, and it's great.
I haven't even bothered to motorise it, even though
I brew quite a bit. The only grain I use that it
doesn't handle perfectly is raw wheat, which is a
little too small to crush well. I run raw wheat
through twice, and that works ok.

Auckland New Zealand

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Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 23:54:07 -0400
From: "Charlie Maddox" <>
Subject: re: new advances in bottling?

You might want to look into a gadget called a carbonator cap. It allows you
to pressurize a 2 liter bottle. I made a jumper from the liquid out on the
keg to the gas connection of the carbonator cap. This allow me to
counterpressure fill the 2 liter bottles to take to parties. No need to
chill the keg, and much easier than several bottles.

Charlie Maddox
Linden, MI

End of HOMEBREW Digest #3727, 09/05/01

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