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HOMEBREW Digest #3788

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HOMEBREW Digest #3788		             Thu 15 November 2001 

Digest Janitor:


Northern Brewer, Ltd. Home Brew Supplies 1-800-681-2739

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Water softener for beer? (Nathan Kanous)
husk or no husk, that's the question (JohanNico)" <>
Turbinado Q's (Steve Bruns)
Speaking of the stoves (DHinrichs)
Walk The Line On Barley Wine Part II ("Koenig, Ken")
filter re-use ("Micah Millspaw")
And you thought you'd brewed a long time.... (Denis Bekaert)
Alcohol tolerance for 1007 yeast? (Project One)
St. Louis Brews Happy Holiday Homebrew Competition (engwar1)
Secondary fermentation? ("")
Clubs in Boise Area? (mohrstrom)
(Ralph Link)

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* Beer is our obsession and we're late for therapy!

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JANITOR on duty: Pat Babcock and Karl Lutzen (


Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 22:31:20 -0800
From: Nathan Kanous <>
Subject: Water softener for beer?

I have a technical question about my water softener. If anyone would be
willing to help, I'd appreciate an off-line reply. Thanks and please
pardon the intrusion.
nathan in madison, wi


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 11:34:24 +0100
From: "Aikema, J.N. (JohanNico)" <>
Subject: husk or no husk, that's the question


I'm trying to find out if some grains have husk or not.
So far I found:
barley = yes wheat = no
rice = yes maize = no
but what about:
rye =
oat =
sorghum =
quinoa =
buckwheat =
triticale =
millet =
Greetings from Holland (Europe), Hans Aikema


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 08:14:19 -0500
From: Steve Bruns <>
Subject: Turbinado Q's

Hello all:

I'm looking to up the gravity a bit in a Northern Brewer "Extra Pale
Ale" kit (6# Gold US syrup - 1# DWC Caramel Pilsner specialty grains)
and am thinking about using 1# of turbinado. Any thoughts/ comments on
either the amount or type of sugar?

Using a Wyeast American ale #1056 smack pack - Will this be enough yeast

or should I pitch 2 packs?

I've checked my 3 brewing books and all I've found about turbinado is in

Kunath's "Fearless Brewing". The adjunct and sugar profile chart says
"Turbinado - Small amounts used in some pale ales and strong ales."

I've only been brewing for a year and need a bit more guidance than this



Steve Bruns
Rome City, IN - who's too late to the party to understand Rennerian


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 08:57:36 -0600
Subject: Speaking of the stoves

Jeff Renner <> Writes

>Speaking of the stove, that's the other problem. A big kettle like
>that works well because it covers two burners, but I really
>discolored the tops of three stoves. That doesn't go over big with
>spousal units, even though I'm the cook in the family.
>We're both happier that I moved brewing to the garage!

Flat surface stoves can be really bad as well most do not recommend using a
large pot as they may cause the top to break.

* Dave Hinrichs E-Mail: *
* Quannon CAD Systems, Inc. Voice: (952) 935-3367 *
* 6101 Baker Road, Suite 204 FAX: (952) 935-0409 *
* Minnetonka, MN 55345 *
* *


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:39:27 -0500
From: "Koenig, Ken" <>
Subject: Walk The Line On Barley Wine Part II

Walk The Line On Barley Wine Festival (AHA Barley wine/Strong Ale
Competition info posted HBD #3787)
Two sessions limited to 40 attendees each. Ticket options: full tasting of
30 barley wines or a "mini" tasting of 14.

First session: Saturday 4pm-8pm
Second session: Sunday 1pm-5pm
Walking The Line.. following each session, attendees have the opportunity to
Walk The Line/Obstacle course. Administered by Dunedin Dominatrix cop " Ms.
Whip". She will offer each contestant some gentle hints and subtle prodding
on how to best finish the tasks she commands. 1st place prizes: magnum of
Fred or Adam.

Barley wines (several have multiple years of brand):
5000 Year Old Ale, Arctic Devil, Bearded Pat's, Bearly Barley wine, Beerline
Barley wine, Big Ale, Bigfoot, Blithering Idiot, Bucky Brau, Buzzards
Breath, Chicken Killer, Devil's Milk, Dominion Millennium, Druid Fluid,
Flying Dog, Gnarly Wine, Gold Label No.1, Hog Heaven, Horn Dog, I'll Have
What The Gentleman On The Floor Is Having, Ipso Facto, J.T. Whitneys, J.W.
Lee's Harvest'88, John's Barley wine, Jubel 2000, Leviathan, Heads Up
Millennium, Monster Ale, Moosekiller, Nice Chouffe, Old Bawdy, Old Blarney,
Old Boardhead, Old Crusty, Old Dipsea, Old Foghorn, Old Guardian, Old
Howling Bastard, Old Knucklehead, Old Nick, Old No. 1,Old Numbskull, Prize
Old Ale '96, Old Wooly, Olde Arse Scratch, Olde Curmudgeon, Roundhouse,
Rudyards Rare, Thomas Hardy'90, Ye Olde Chucklehead.(working on Fuller's
Gold Pride.. anyone getting visitors from England?)
Strong Ales:
Adam, Expedition Stout, Third Coast Old Ale, Black Chocolate Stout,
Degroen's Dopplebock, Dunedin Centennial, Fred, Immort Ale, McEwans No. 1
Champion Ale, McRogue XS Scotch, Prelude, Skullsplitter, Storm King Imperial
Stout, XS Imperial Stout.
Host hotel, 9 restaurants and shops within 200 yards of brewery, food,
appetizers, cigars, commemorative glass goblet included in event.
Tents for Brewers/Attendees at no charge, with shuttle.
All judging and festival sessions held at the Dunedin Brewery in the
Scottish heritage town of Dunedin (near St. Petersburg,FL). Tampa
International Airport is about 15 miles from brewery.

Slaint'e Mhath. "Slan-ja-vah".
KK - Dunedin Brewers Guild, Florida
813-243-7176 (w 9-5)


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 09:46:03 -0600
From: "Micah Millspaw" <>
Subject: filter re-use

- ------------------------------

>Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 22:08:09 -0500
>From: "Lou King" <>
>Subject: Is it ok to reuse an inline filter?

>Sort of on the discussion of cloudy beer, today I tried filtering for
>the first time. I got a spun poly 1 micron filter from Beer, Beer
>More Beer (FIL40 with FIL62). Beer, Beer and More Beer recommends
>against reusing the filter. See
> .
>However, looking at the St. Patrick's of Texas web site
>, they say to seal the filter in
>housing, using a bleach solution to sanitize it. NAYYY

>Has anyone had any experience one way or the other trying to sanitize
>inline filter? The filter isn't that much money, probably worth the
>expense, but I wouldn't mind using it a few times before tossing it
>(Even St. Pat's says only use the filter 2-3 times).

I have some thoughts here. The spun filters are very difficult to
(and to verify cleanliness) I think that they should be concidered
throw away items. If you want to have a reuseable filter you need
to invest in a pleated polypropylene filter or a ceramic filter. THey
more expensive but can be cleaned with caustic soda or common
lye. I have had the same filter ( 0.5 micron 99.9% rating) for the
10 years and it is still going. I filter both beers and meads with it.
It has been a good investment.

Micah Millspaw - brewer at large


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 08:20:35 -0800 (PST)
From: Denis Bekaert <>
Subject: And you thought you'd brewed a long time....

Fellow brewers...with this information we can now
proclaim ourselves to be engaging in archaeological
reasearch when people ask what kind of obession (no,
no, I mean hobby) we have.

This came from Bizarre News at:

Archeologists Finds Ancient Syrians Had Something

DAMASCUS, Syria - It seems the age old argument of
"tastes great vs. less filling" may stem back further
than just bad advertising during football games. A
Syrian-Belgian-British archaeological mission
unearthed 3,800-year-old Babylonian beer-making
instructions on cuneiform tablets at a dig in northern
Syria. According to Abdel-Massih Baghdo, director of
the Hassakeh Archaeological Department, 92 tablets
were found in the 14th layer of Tell Shagher, a site
just north of Hassakeh. Baghdo went on to say the
tablets showed beer-making methods and tallied
quantities of beer produced and distributed in the
region." Interestingly enough, Hassakeh, 400 miles
northeast of Damascus, is known these days for its
wheat production.

Obviously these guys really made lots of wit...or
should I say, wit wort?

Denis in Beechgrove, Tennessee where moonshine is our
history but homebrewing is our passion


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 08:41:29 -0800
From: Project One <>
Subject: Alcohol tolerance for 1007 yeast?

At 12:29 AM 11/14/01 -0500, Paul Shick wrote:

>Hi all,
> Does anyone have information/experience with
>the Wyeast 1007 German ale yeast in fairly high gravity

Hi Paul,

Being an alt fan, I made a strong, hoppy alt for my winter beer this
year. Used
100% Great Western Munich malt and 1007. OG was 1.078. In just under 2
weeks it was down to 1.018 and tasting great (fermented at 64F). Heavily
hopped with Spalts. Not to style, but a wonderful beer, lagering now. I
don't think you'll have any problems with 1007 at a 1.075-1.080 gravity.

---------->Denny Conn
Eugene OR


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 13:10:56 -0600
Subject: St. Louis Brews Happy Holiday Homebrew Competition

Calling all Brewers, Judges, and Stewards!

The St. Louis Brews are holding their eleventh annual Happy Holiday
Homebrew Competition on Saturday, December 15, 2001. The competition is
also the final Qualifying Event for the Masters Championship of Amateur
Brewing IV. The competition is registered with the BJCP.

We invite all homebrewers to submit their beers and meads for evaluation
by our panels of experienced judges. The AHA/BJCP style guidelines will
be used with the addition of a winter warmer category. Our primary
objective is to provide accurate, complete, and useful feedback to the

Please visit our website, for competition
information and online registration. Beers will be accepted between
November 26 and December 8.

We also invite all BJCP registered judges and those interested in
stewarding to assist us in evaluating the beers submitted. Limited
accommodations in Brews member homes are available. Please indicate your
need on the Judge/Steward registration form.

Our secondary objective is to have fun, and a good time will be had by
all. All judges, stewards, and spouses are invited to attend our Saturday
awards banquet and party as our guests.

Please contact our head judge John Sullivan at if you
don't find the information you need on the registration pages.

We look forward to judging your beers.


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 11:31:33 -0800
From: "" <>
Subject: Secondary fermentation?

Hi all,

Its been a long time since I've posted to the HBD. In fact, its been
a LL-OO-NN-GG time since I brewed any beer.

Recently I found a Hoptech kit that I'd bought for my father, and felt
compelled to use it (he passed away March 2000).

It was in the primary (plastic) for five days, and then I put in in a
glass carboy a week ago. Yesterday it looked like it was pretty
still, but today its kicking up a little foam and there's a visible
fermentation going.

Did some critters get in there (sorta like a malolactic fermentation
in winemaking) or should I not worry about it?

Robert Marshall
NNY Brewing Company
(NO, not Northern New York, No Name Yet")


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 17:37:58 -0500
Subject: Clubs in Boise Area?

I've got an associate in Boise, Idaho interested in brewing. Is there a
good club in the area that I could refer him to?

Mark in Kalamazoo


Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 19:11:53 -0600
From: Ralph Link <>

Hello people
Please be advised that my new e-mail address is
Thanks for making the change.

End of HOMEBREW Digest #3788, 11/15/01

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