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Long Island UFO REPORTER Vol 1 No 1

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 · 19 Apr 2024
Long Island UFO REPORTER Vol 1 No 1
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On November 30, 1988, in the area of Mastic Beach, a major sighting occurred. A gentleman in his hot tub in the backyard was taking his usual evening dip.

As he looked up at the evening sky, he saw an oval craft about sixty to eighty feet in diameter. First thinking it was a plane, he then noticed that it dipped at a forty-five degree angle and dropped down to a stationary position. It then flipped on its side and flashed a series of white lights (eight in total) in a circular pattern. It then headed off to the west. In a second, the gentleman looked up again to see an immense object the size of a football field. The object was brightly illuminated and had what appeared to be a gondola on the underside of the craft. The witness also said he could see windows and red hot engine exhausts on this craft. An investigation was launched by LIUFON. Our findings indicate that something very strange occurred in this area. We have both magnetic anomalies in the area of the sighting and radiation readings far above normal background levels. More will be reported about this in our next issue.


Bathers at Smith Point Beach this summer on August 27, 1988, had more than bath­ing beauties to look at on this clear day. At about 2:00p.m. until 3:00 p.m., over one hundred witnesses observed a large cigar-shaped object in the sky. It was visible to the bathers for over one hour and was observed to be enclosed in a transparent bubble. It was reported to be three times the size of a 747 airliner. A light aircraft was observed to approach the object, and the plane was described by witnesses as a speck in comparison to the object. LIUFON took reports from several witnesses concerning the sighting. One interesting note should be made; all the lifeguards observed this object too! More will be said about this sighting in our next issue.


On Saturday, September 3, 1988, and again on Sunday, September 4, 1988, various Rockaway Beach residents saw three objects; One was oval shaped and hovered, the second was a probe of light (round independently mobile probe) that eminated from the oval object and the third was cigar-shaped. All appeared as white lights and at various times hovered over the ocean. The oval object, reportedly, came down over Rockaway Beach Boulevard, hovered over the area a few minutes and proceeded back over to the ocean. The local newspaper "The Wave", carried a story on the sightings. LIUFON investigator Bill Knell was not able to contact the actual witnesses since the paper did not carry through with releasing the names of the witnesses. However, two of the staff reporters for the paper did talk to Bill Knell and informed him of the sighting.



This press release was issued to the media concerning our first year's findings from our investigations.


The Long Island U.F.O. Network Inc. , wishes to annouce to the media of Long Island, the public start of Operation Skywatch with the beginning of December 1988. The program is designed to alert the public on Long Island to the presence of objects of unknown origin in the night sky over the Island. The Long Island U.F.O. Network Inc., and it's membership will be conducting nighttime observations at selected sites of known U.F.O. activity in an effort to photograph and records the arrival of Unidentified Flying Objects in the evening sky. In an effort to solicit public support and awareness of this program, Long Island U.F.O. Network is asking the public to report all U.F.O. reports to our hotline number.

The Long Island U.F.O. Network Inc. , an eight month old organization was formed as a non-profit research corporation to study all aspects of the U.F.O. phenomenon on Long Island. Because of the great public response to our efforts, we can state that to date we have conducted 144 investigations on reported sightings of past and current U.F.O. phenomenon activity. Because of this vast accumulated evidence, our organization can now publicly state that there are emerging patterns of U.F.O. activity on Long Island. Skywatch is an effort to record this activity.

The patterns that have emerged are based on information supplied to us by witnesses of U.F.O. activity who have contacted the L.I.U.F.O. Network. This information, after careful sorting, has led us to conclude

  1. Long Island is and has been historically a major center of U.F.O. activity. These areas in Suffolk are: the Hamptons, Center Moriches, Moriches Bay, Shirley, Mastic, Mastic Beach, area of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Mt. Misery in Huntington, Huntington, Huntington Station, Rocky Point, Patchogue, and the Fire Island area. There are also major centers of activity in Nassau County in the Jones Beach area, Port Washington, Great Neck, Roslyn, Roslyn Harbor, Mineola, Lynbrook, Westbury, Great Shore Towers complex in Floral Park seems to attract considerable activity. In Queens, reported activity includes College Point, Great Neck, Douglaston, Whitestone, Flushing, the Rockaways in Queens, Bayside and Jamaica areas. Sketchy information concerning Brooklyn exists which prevents this organization from discerning recognizable areas of activity.
  2. That U.F.O.'s of extremely immense size have been visiting the Long Island night skies at regular intervals for at least the last five years. There have been frequent overflights of populated areas below radar level, of disc shaped objects of a dark grey texture illuminated by multi-colored lights or by blue-white lighting. The objects, from witnesses descriptions, appear to be behaving in a pattern that seems to indicate a careful, cautious reconaissance of populated residential areas is being conducted. This reconaissance is also being done on industrial areas, centers of scientific research, power plants, areas of aerospace manufacture and activity on the Island and areas of least population density such as the seashore, wooded areas, and areas of agricultural activity. This is a continuing activity with an historical foundation.
  3. That U.F.O. activity appears to be centering over the highway networks of the Island. From U.F.O. activity reported, and the be­havior exhibited, U.F.O. 's seem to be using some highways as navi­gational aids in their low level flights. These highways are: the Long Island Expressway, Sunrise Highway, Wm. Floyd parkway, Grand Central Parkway, Southern State Parkway, and the Cross Island Parkway.
  4. There is military activity involving overflights of military helicopters before and after the U.F.O. sightings on the Island. That similar overflights involving military helicopters have occurred in Suffolk County this year shortly after a wave of unexplained animal mutilations. There exists enough evidence that similar military overflights occurred in the 1960's during the Mt.Misery sightings and that a traditional pattern of military involvement is reoccurring.
  5. That historically the United States government has intimidated witnesses of U.F.O. sightings on Long Island to remain silent about what they saw. There is recent evidence that this policy is reoccurring during recent sightings.
  6. That the F.A.A. has shown no cooperation in confirming any radar tracks of U.F.O.'s during recent sightings. There policy has been has been neither to confirm or deny.
  7. There is growing testimony from witnesses that a mounting wave of abductions by U.F.O. 's has been occurring in the last two years. Some of these abductions appear to be centered around young children.
  8. That a pattern has emerged that indicates that the winter months between November through early April are the prime times or observ­ations. Usually between the hours of 7 P.M. to 12 midnight on the evenings of a Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The reports usually concern disc shaped objects in excess of 1,000 feet and greater. The most active period of this activity will occur a week to ten days before Christmas and a week to ten days after Christmas. There is no apparent explanation for this pattern.

The Long Island U.F.O. Network, in anticipation of this activity is appealing to all police agencies, fire departments, volunteer ambulance corps on the Island to report any U.F.O. activity to our Hot Line. In addition, the L.I.U.F.O. Network asks any private or commercial pilots to report any unusual objects they may encounter, to the L.I.U.F.O. Network. Any witnesses, upon request, will have their identities kept confidential.

During the months to come, volunteer teams of observers from LIUFON will be observing around key centers of activity on the Island. The main objective will be to take photographs of these large U.F.O.'s The L.I.U.F.O. Network will keep the public informed of any current activity with periodic updates.

This spring we will be holding a major U.F.O. conference, which will feature findings of Long Island. We ask the public on Long Island one thing-'KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES".

On the Difficulties of Investigating UFO Abductions

by ...... Jean Mundy, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist - Professor Emeritus
MUFON Consultant in the Psychology of Abductions
33 Windward, East Hampton, NY 516-267-8896 or 212-741-1278

Human beings are being abducted by Aliens. It's unbelievable but it's true. Alien forces are present on this planet and these forces are dramatically changing the lives of individuals. Over twenty years ago, Betty and Barney Hill were captured and taken on board a flying saucer by beings who appeared to be non­ terrestrial humans. It took four long years for the esteemed psychiatrist, Dr. Paul Simon, to document that the Hill's were sane people and telling the truth. It took John Fuller, a professional writer, two more years to find over 60 collaborating witnesses, and United State Air Force radar reports confirming that, indeed, the craft was recorded on their radar.

Since then, the number of abduction cases has skyrocketed. For example, on October 14, 1988 a television show called, "UFO Cover Up... Live'' hosted by Mike Farrell, invited viewers to call in and report their UFO experience. Of 75,000 callers, 4,500 reported that they had been abducted by Aliens. (No encounter: 20% CE 1 66%, CE 11 5%, CE 111 3%, CE lV 6%, 87% said ''Congress should investigate UFO's'')

Yet, in spite of all the vast numbers and the solid evidence, many people refuse to believe that UFO's even exist, and heap scorn, or worse, on the witnesses. Because of public pressure, which accentuates the very real fear of alienating one's family and one's employer, many witnesses are still afraid to come forward. The reasons for wanting to dis-credit the UFO witnesses are fundamental. The skeptical listener wants to dis­ believe the evidence because the listener has two psychological problems. 1) We want to believe that we humans are the darlings of the universe, the brightest of all animals, and in charge of all the ''lower" living things thereon. As long as we insist that the highest life forms are the ''owners'' of the lower life forms, we cannot admit that there is a life form higher than Homo sapiens. 2) We treasure our freedom and our free will, the thought of being enslaved and at the mercy of someone else is the worse possible human nightmare. If "E.T." turned out to be a vulnerable turtle without a shell, we would look for him everywhere and help him return home. But if the real E.T. 's are more powerful than we are, and want to co-exist here with us, many of us will want to hide them and even try to deny that they exist.

This is why investigating the GFO phenomena is almost impossible. Yet, we must investigate.

The truth shall set you free. Our only hope is to face reality and embrace it. We can find our place in this world only by looking at other worlds. We can find out who we are, by comparing ourselves to other life forms, even if that means, other Alien human races.

But, it's even more difficult than stated above!

The technology of a civilization with a million years or more head start on Earthlings seems like a miracle to us. The UFO phenomena, from our point of view, is borderline paranormal. To investigate properly, we must open our eyes to beings that can become invisible, change shape at will, disappear in one place and reappear moments later hundreds of miles away. We are looking at a phenomena which can, apparently, stop our cars and airplanes, and tractor beam them elsewhere, even, perhaps, to another planet. We stagger at this, but yet we can consider it possible. However, our imaginations falter when we hear some of the reports of witnesses who say, "I heard a humming in my ears, and I knew they were coming." and, other witnesses who claim that they can call the UFO and it comes. What? Even the "insider" in the UFO world balks at this. Sooner or later, every researcher is going to come up against some report, from a reliable witness, that he or she just can't accept.

For many years, no radar confirmation of UFO's were forth coming. Then we discovered that the radar screens were programmed to ONLY receive craft which flew like airplanes. A craft which flew 30,000 miles an hour or in a non-linear flight path was not recorded until we entered the orbiting missile stage and had to re-program our radar. The point is, we can only "see" what we are looking for. Now that we finally can see abductions by aliens, we look for them, and find them. (At least some investigators can.)

My point is this, for sound investigation one must understand the profound difficulties of investigating anything to do with UFO's. But don't program your radar to only see what you expect to see. Take PHYSICAL measurements whenever possible. After all, a physical abduction of a human means a particular 30 foot space craft had to land somewhere, or hover somewhere, for approximately two hours. Take your tape measure and pace out 30 feet. But then, in interviewing the witness, do not throw away their statements just because you find them incredible. Just because you find it hard to believe what they are saying, that doesn't mean they are lying. They just may be saying the literal truth.



Mount Misery is located just west of the Long Island Expressway off of exit 39. It is almost in the exact center of Long Island, in any direction, and is the Island's highest point. The Mount is in the center of an almost perfect square that runs East to West, from route 110 to Round Swamp Road, and from North to South, from Jericho Turnpike to the Long Island Expressway.

Mount Misery is Long Island's best kept secret. UFOlogists will know it from a brief mention in John Keel's, ''THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES", but there is far more to this story than you will find there. The information in this article comes from a study I did back in 1978 and 1979. I will share with you only those facts I was able to fully document. I feel you should know that for every story you will read, there are ten others I was not able to verify. Due to much development on and near the Mount, it would be almost impossible to duplicate such a study today. Those living there are, for the most part, newcomers who are unaware of it's sorted history and reputation.

Mount Misery is not found, to my knowledge, on any modern map of Long Island, nor is it mentioned in it's historical litera­ture. Even it's very beginnings are mysterious. There is some evidence to indicate that the Mount was actually a huge Indian mound. Past that, it is dotted with many historically signifi­cant homes, an intercontinental boundary line runs through it, and it may have been the site of a revolutionary war battle, just to name a few of it's credentials.

Sometime during the late 1700's or early 1800's, an insane asylum was located almost at it's summit. It was purposely placed there, away from local neighborhoods. It is generally accepted that the asylum was privately run. It seems to have been a place to hide away not just insane people, but deformed, mentally hand­icapped and unwanted as well. Sadly patients were mistreated and long, loud screams could be heard in nearby neighborhoods late at night. After twenty years, the place was closed. Still, neighbors often complained about the screams continuing. When the asylum was torn down, the screams ceased, the Mount had it's name and reputation and the road that had lead to the asylum became Mount Misery Road.

Just as Mount Misery's reputation was healing, a school house was built and commerce flourished, another dark specter arose. According to an 1838 mention in a local church logbook, farmers on and nearby the Mount were being afflicted with strange happen­ings. Their livestock, horses and even dogs were disappearing. No mutilations were mentioned. It doesn't seem strange to have cattle and horse thieves, but DOG thieves in 1838? These dis­ appearances ceased abruptly later that same year. But not before several farmers sold out and moved eastward. Also during the mid-1800's, from time to time, strange lights, creatures and dis­ appearances were reported. Often enough, these reports came down as part of the asylum story. Many attributed these occurrences to a haunting of the area where the asylum once stood.

Was written into the history of the trouble Mount. It's told that a maniac, said to be an escaped mental patient, began to terrorize Mount Misery. It's said that at least eight people were brutally murdered. The maniac went about with an axe and a basket t o collect heads. The maniac was never captured, but simply dis­appeared. One of the sources of this story (without knowing of my interest in UFO's) stated that these murders were accompanied by weird lights and sounds from atop the Mount. Some believed it was those lights that brought the maniac there in the first place.

Peace again reigned on the Mount until the 1920's. After World War 1, a veterans' hospital was built somewhere on the Mount. No one today can say where, no records exist and only the fact that it was there has been verified. It seems it was a rather large building for the area, and local residents resented it's presence. Due to it's isolated location, the hospital was never in full use, and in 1942 it was closed down. It was considered too remote to be useful to the war effort. Yet for a full five years after it closed down, residents reported strange happenings. The first few floors had been boarded up and the hospital surrounded by a barbed wire and wood fence. Reports began to filter into local papers of the surgical floor being totally illuminated in the middle of the night. In addition, reports of military trucks rumbling along the backroads of the Mount, late at night, surfaced. Military trucks on isolated Mount Misery during the very height of World War II??

During the scary days of WWII, it didn't take much to set people off. Rumors of the ''Haunted Hospital'' and it's strange lights at midnight were having just that effect, but, was it de­ signed to? All during the time that the hospital had become the subject of the local rumor mill, other strange activities were going on unnoticed right under everyone's nose.

What had become known as "military exercises'' took place on Mount Misery at least three or four times during the heyday o f WWII. It was said that the Mount was perfect for the training of paratroopers and special forces personnel located in the New York area. This was supposedly because it was isolated and about the only place on Long Island that a mountainous assault could be practiced.

Although no one is sure where, it is a well known fact that some sort of a top secret military base was located right on top on the Mount. Many feel it was either in the backwoods of what is now, West Hills County Park, or even further back at the foot of the Mount closest to what would be Jericho Turnpike today. One re­ port I received first hand from a man who grew up on the Mount, places the base inside the Hospital. He told me that during one summer of the WWII years, he and friends were camping out about one-half mile from the hospital somewhere on the Mount when a group of soldiers came upon them. The man remembered that the soldiers had uniforms without any sort of insignia at all. They stopped for a second, then moved off in the direction of the hospital. The boys were too frightened to follow, but one said that his father had been delivering food to the hospital for the soldiers there.

During these strange war games, new rumors of military "planes" landing on the Mount also surfaced. Unless these 'planes' landed on nearby farm lands, there was then or is now, no place that would be clear or long enough for a plane to land. Yet people re­ ported seeing "planes'' with landing lights descending on the Mount all during the war. At a time when blackouts were a regular practice, such lights would be very obvious to even a casual observer. The ' plane' landings seemed to coincide with the ' Military exercises" . One woman told me that she was surprised that we didn't make better use of helicopters during WWII since she frequently saw them during the exercises.

The hospital was torn down, the foundation dug up, and the location of it has been lost over the years. However, this was in no way the end of the "military--exercises", 'planes'' or mystery helicopters that have become a part of the Mount's mysterious reputation.

During the late 1950's and into the mid'1960's, a massive UFO flap had taken Long Island by storm. Mount Misery was at the hub of the mid' 1960's sightings. Along with the sightings were said to have been abductions, CEI-IV experiences, animal mutilations and the now infamous Mount Misery Monster as described by John Keel in "THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES."

But, an event within an event was occurring simultaneously. As crowds began to watch the night skies, some began to notice, especially on clear nights, propeller-powered planes that seemed to be painted black with no markings at all. People having back­ yard parties on late summer nights complained about low flying helicopters that buzzed their homes: Some said these were also black with no markings and usually flew so low that they were with­ in a few feet of power lines and TV antennas.

Also during these times the Mount even had it's very own Men In Black (MIB) stories. People who reported the planes and helicopters were visited almost immediately by "government men". It does seem that during these years, the Government Disinformation and Misinformation Machine was operating to capacity.

Psychic and bizarre characters began to appear on the scene as the phenomenon was reported nationwide. Between this and the media, Mount Misery residents had had enough. Police began to chase the UFO watchers away, people started ignoring the planes and helicopters, and the media started ignoring the Mount.

If you know of information relating to Mount Misery write to me at:

Bill Knell
C/0 Long Island UFO Network Inc.
P.O. Box 232
Center Moriches, N. Y. 11934
HOTLINE (516) 286-3212


Case No. 002-88 from the archives of the Long Island U.F.O. Network, Inc.
As promised at our first membership meeting in November 1988, at the Bellport Library, our membership will be kept informed of the U.F.0 sightings that have occurred on the Island. This case is the second such case that our organization investigated in the first few months of its beginning.

The case was reported to the Hotline maintained by the Network and shortly after investigated by Mr. Ford, Chairman and Mr. Stout, Vice-Chairman, whom had appear­ ed on the Joel Martin Show. The air date was May 1988, on Viacom Cable of Suffolk. In response to the announcement of the Network's exsistance, the witnesses decided to contact us concerning their sighting. This is the story that was related to our investigative team that interviewed them in June of 198B. The interview was conducted at the witnesses home in Commack which is a heavily populated resident­ial area. According to the witnesses account, IT HAPPENED! They are not looking for publicity and wish their names and address kept confidential.

It was the first week of February, 1988. It was a cold clear night with no traffic on the street. The subjects were preparing to go to bed and the Johnny Carson Show had just started on channel 4. The wife, we'll call her Edith, was in the first floor bathroom in the front of the house. She noticed that while she was setting her hair, the vanity mirror began to shake violently. Thinking that it was probably just her neighbor across the street bringing in his delivery truck, she decided to look outside and investigate. She then realized the vibration was shaking the rest of the house. Going to the front door, she was taken by surprise by what she saw. She observed an extremely large dark object rising from behind the house across the street. It filled the sky. It was HUGE! Surrounding the object was a ring of circular red lights. The object was making a roaring sound as it slowly filled the night sky on that quiet residential street. Expressing alarm, she quickly called her husband who was watching T.V. Earl (we'll call him that) quickly came to his wife's screams. He also sav1 the object as it v1as pass­ ing over their neighbor's house to their left. It was heading south and was at tree top level. It was so low that one of the witnesses stated that the object lifted itself slightly to avoid hitting the roof of their neighbor's house. The couple stood in amazement as the watched this object. Both their descriptions were the same. A dark colored object of immense size, that was surrounded by a circle of red lights. Both witnesses stated that the texture of the object seemed to blend in with the night sky. When they looked at the center of the object; or toward its edge, all they saw was an inky blackness that was imperceptible from the night's darkness. Both witnesses felt that the object may have landed in the school yard which adjoins the Kings Park Road School which is behind the house directly across the street from them.

When the LIUFON team did the investigation, a radiological survey was done of the school yard, which did not yield any results. This was done even though it appear­ ed the object could have easily landed in the school yard area which was that large Contact with the FAA yielded nothing but their usual un-cooperativeness. There was no other witnesses to the sighting after a canvas of the neighborhood yielded no results.

It is felt that the object was not helicopters or conventional aircraft based on the information supplied by the witnesses. In the analysis done on the investigation by liUFON, it is listed as a true unknown.


The study of U.F.O. literature on a large scale indicates that the U.F.O. phenomenon has existed since (at least) ancient times. Study of the U.F.O. phenomenon has produced many theories as to what U.F.O.'s are and where they come from.

Below is a list of the more popular theories as to where U.F.O's are from. We strongly urge the reader to research each theory with an open mind and to consider the evidence for 8och of the theories. Also listed is the name of one of the more papular books on that particular theory to assist the reader in his own research endeavors.

Fuller, John, F., "The Interrupted Journey", Dell Publishing, 1966.

Vallee, Jacques, "Dimensions", ,Contemporary Publishing, 1988.
Keel, John A., "U. F.O. 's: Operation Trojan Horse", Putnam & Sons, 1970

Wilson, Clifford, "The Alien Agenda:, Signet Books, 1988

Bernard, Raymond, "The Hollo1-1 Earth", Dell Publishing, 1968.

Menzel, Donald H & Boyd, Mrs Lyle, "The World of Flying Saucers" New York Doubleday and Co. 1963



Berlitz, Charles & Moore, William, THE ROSEWELL INCIDENT, Granada, 1980

Fort, Charles BOOK OF THE DAMNED, Ace Books, 1941

Fowler, Raymond E. UFO's: INTERPLANETARY VISITORS, Prentice Hall, 1974
Fowler, Raymond E. THE ADREASSON AFFAIR, Prentice Hall, 1979

Fuller, John G. THE INTERRUPTED JOURNEY, Dell Publishing, 1966

Hopkins , Budd. MISSING TIME, Ballantine Books, 1988
Hopkins , Budd. INTRUDERS, Ballantine Books , 1988

Hynek, J. Allen & Vallee,Jacques,THE EDGE OF REALITY, Henry Regnery 1975
Hynek, J. Allen & Imbrogno, Philip J.,& Pratt, Bob, NIGHT SIEGE Ballantine 1987

*Jacobs,David M. THE UFO CONTROVERSY IN AMERICA, Indiana Univ. Press 1975

Jessup, Morris K. THE CASE FOR THE U.F.O., Bantam Books 1955]

*Keel, John A. U.F.O.'s; OPERATION TROJAN HORSE, Putnam & Sons, 1970.



*Story, Ronald D. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA O F U.F.O. 's, New English Library, 1981

*Stringfield, Leonard H. SITUATION RED, THE UFO SIEGE, Doubleday, 1977

* Vallee, Jacques. DIMENSI0NS, Contemporary Publishing, 1988
Vallee, Jacques. MESSENGERS OF DECEPTION, And/Or Press, 1979
Vallee, Jacques. PASSPORT TO MAGONIA, Henry Regnery, 1974
Vallee, Jacques. ANATOMY OF A PHENOMENON; UFO'S IN SPACE, Ballantine Books, 1974

Wilson, Clifford. THE ALIEN AGENDA, Signet Books, 1988
Wilson, Clifford. UFO's AND THEIR MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, Signet Books, l975



EDITORS: Professor George McLain, Linda Geiger
TYPISTS: Catherine Ford, Martha Richardson, Linda Geiger
ARTIClES: Bill Knell, John Ford, Rick Loomer, Dr. Jean Munrly



We are pleased to announce the first annual U.F.O. conference, sponsored by the Long Island U.F.O. Network, the theme will be '' U.F.O.'s on Long Island ".

The Conference will be held at the Artist Lake Condo­minium complex Recreation Hall, on April 2, 1989. Admission will be; $20.00 for members of LIUFON, and $25.00 for non­ members. It will begin at 12:00 till 5:00 PM.

Featured speakers will include: Joel Martin , noted talk show host on Viacom's TV6. Joel is very well versed on the topic of UFO's on Long Island. Dick Ruhl will also be speaking. Dick has national acclaim as a UFO researcher and was a prominent member of APRO. Antonio Huneas will also be updating us on current UFO encounters in South America.

Tickets will be sold by advance registration only. Send checks to LIUFON, attn: Ticket Sales, P.O. Box 232, Center Moriches, N.Y., 11934. Please include your name and phone number. Tickets will be sold on a first come- first serve basis. Please try to register as soon as possible to ensure seating.

For any additional ticket sales information, call;
516-732-3449 (days)
516-924-5210 (eves)

Long Island UFO REPORTER Vol 1 No 1
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Long Island UFO REPORTER Vol 1 No 1
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