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Images of the Nintendo CIC chip from Tengen (part 1)

Image of the full Tengen chip.
In 2006 a Famicom's cartridge manufactured by Tengen was opened. The cartridge contained a clone of the Nintendo's CIC chip, called "Rabbit", which allows to play bootleg games on the Famicom console.
Below are the images of the Tengen's chip made with an optical microscope.
In late 2006, Tengen's "Rabbit" chip was completely reverse-engineered and a PIC-based clone was successfully made.

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 1)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 2)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 3)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 4)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 5)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 6)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 7)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 8)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 9)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 10)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 11)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 12)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 13)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 14)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 15)

Tengen's "Rabbit" chip (image 16)