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The Hollow Moon Theory

Despite six visits by American astronauts between '69 and '72, for scientists the Moon remains a mystery whose solution could indicate an alien origin of our satellite.

The Hollow Moon Theory
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Scientists had hoped that by studying the composition of our satellite they would solve some mysteries relating to the formation of our planet and the solar system, but after six moon landings the science writer Earl Ubell declared that the mystery not only persists but deepens as the Our satellite is more complicated to understand than researchers expected, even if some questions have been answered, the rocks recovered by the lunar missions have produced additional mysteries, some of which will take your breath away.

Among these mysteries or anomalies is the fact that the Moon seems older than previously imagined, perhaps even older than the Earth and the Sun. By examining cosmic ray-burned signatures in lunar rocks, scientists have dated them to billions of years ago, some to 4.5 billion years old, far older than Earth and almost as old as the solar system.

The Moon is composed by at least three different types of rocks. Contrary to the notion that heavier objects sink to the bottom, the heaviest rocks are found on the surface; there is also a definite disparity in the distribution of minerals.

Ubell posed the following question:

"If the Earth and the Moon were created at the same time close to each other, why does the Earth have all the iron and the Moon not much?" The differences suggest that our planet and satellite formed at different times and places, a concept that stumbles over astrophysicists' inability to explain precisely how the Moon became a satellite of Earth."

The Moon is extremely dry and does not appear to have had water in significant quantities. None of the moon rocks, regardless of where they were found, contained free water or water molecules bound in minerals, yet the Apollo 16 astronauts found moon rocks containing fragments of rusted iron: since oxidation requires oxygen and hydrogen in its free state such rust indicates that there must be water somewhere on the Moon.

Furthermore, on March 7, 1971, some instruments left behind by the Apollo missions sent a signal to Earth indicating that a "wind" of water had crossed the lunar surface, which broadened the enigmas surrounding lunar phenomena. Since on the airless surface any mass of water evaporates and behaves like the wind on our planet, the question is: where did this water originate?

The steam cloud eruptions lasted for 14 hours and covered an area of ​​100 square miles, leading Rice University physicists Dr. John Freeman Jr. and Dr. Ken Hills to declare the event “one of the most exciting discoveries to date” indicating the presence of water inside the Moon.

The two physicists stated that the water vapor came from the satellite's internal depths apparently released during an earthquake; some NASA officials have presented a more banal and questionable explanation, hypothesizing that two tanks relating to the descent phases of the Apollo missions and containing between 27 and 45 kilos of water broke due to stress, releasing their contents.

Freeman and Hills rejected that explanation, pointing out that the two reservoirs are about 180 kilometers apart, yet water vapor was detected at the same flow at both sites even though the instruments were oriented in opposite directions. Skeptics have also understandably questioned the likelihood that two separate tanks ruptured simultaneously as well as the belief that such a small amount of water could have produced 100 square miles of steam.

Moon rocks were also found to be magnetized, though not enough to attract a paper clip, but still magnetic, however no magnetic field exists on the Moon. Where does this phenomenon come from?

Even in the presence of vast seas of smooth solidified molten rock it represents a mystery. These seas indicate that a vast lava effusion occurred in some remote past, currently there has been confirmation that some lunar craters are of internal origin even if there are indications that our satellite has never been hot enough to produce volcanic eruptions.

The Hollow Moon Theory
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Another mystery concerns the fact that almost all the seas are found on the lunar hemisphere facing the Earth. Added to this mystery are the mascons, extensive and dense circular masses located 32/64 kilometers below the center of the lunar seas, discovered because their density distorted the orbits of our spacecraft flying above or near them.

One scientist put forward the hypothesis that mascons are heavy iron meteorites that fell into the Moon while it was in a soft phase of formation, although this theory was discarded because meteorites impact at such a high speed that they would have vaporized upon contact with the ground.

Another banal explanation is that mascons are nothing more than caves filled with lava. It would seem that these mascons are enormous disc-shaped objects, perhaps of artificial construction, although it is unlikely at this point that large discs located directly under the center of the seas like a giant porthole were formed by chance or coincidence.

Between '69 and '77 the seismographic equipment of the Apollo missions recorded up to 3,000 moonquakes in each year of operation, the vibrations were mostly of slight intensity and caused by the impacts of meteorites or the fall of carrier rockets but numerous other earthquakes in the deep interior of the Moon. Since earthquakes mostly occur when the Moon is at its closest point to the Earth, it is believed that these internal creaks are caused by the gravitational attraction of the planet.

In 1958, an event occurred in the lunar crater Alphonsus that called into question the notion that all internal seismic activity is simply due to rock settlements, because in November of that year the astronomer Nikolay A. Kozyrev of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, shocked the scientific community by photographing the first documented gaseous eruption on the Moon, near the peak of the crater: the scientist attributed the mystery to the escape of fluorescent gases, in fact he also identified the characteristic reddish luminescence of the carbon compounds which seemed to move and disappear after an hour.

Many scientists refused to accept Kozyrev's findings until in 1963 when some astronomers at the Lowell Observatory observed reddish luminescence on the crests of ridges in the Aristarchus region. A few days later, two separate observers reported colored lights on the Moon which lasted for an hour, evidently something was happening under the lunar crust.

There is evidence to support the possibility that our satellite is hollow, studies on rocks reveal that the interior differs from the Earth's mantle in ways that indicate a very small or even non-existent core.

Hollow moon

In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated:

“If you analyze the astronomical data you find that the data requires the interior of the Moon to be less dense than the exterior parts. Indeed, it seems that this satellite is a hollow sphere rather than a homogeneous one."

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, while scoffing at the possibility that the Moon is hollow, nevertheless admitted that since the heaviest materials are found on the surface it is entirely possible that gigantic caverns exist within.

Surprising evidence supporting this possibility came on November 20, 1969 when the Apollo 12 crew, once returning to the command module, sent the lunar module's ascent stage (the LEM) crashing onto the lunar surface, creating an artificial earthquake.

The impact occurred about 40 miles away from the Apollo 12 moon landing site where ultrasensitive devices recorded something stunning and unexpected. The Moon reverberated like a bell for over an hour.

The mystery of the leathery surface part of the Moon has been complicated by the discovery of what appear to be worked metals, containing not only almost pure titanium (non-existent in nature), but also amphibole, brass and mica, uranium 236 and neptunium 237 which also do not exist in nature and is artificially formed.

The Hollow Moon Theory
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In 1970, two Russian scientists, Doctor Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, published an article in the Soviet magazine Sputnik in which they stated that the Moon was of intelligent origin, that is, it had been constructed and did not have a natural origin, for this reason on its surface there were drilling's waste materials that would have emptied it to make room for habitable spaces inside, also leaving casting waste.

As bizarre as the artificial spaceship theory may seem, consider how such a model would explain all the lunar mysteries, explaining why our satellite would be older than Earth, or why layers of denser materials exist outside it just like a spaceship hull. An artificially excavated Moon would explain why the satellite jingles for hours like a bell following an impact as well as the reason why have been found on its surface samples of resistant refractory metals such as titanium, chromium and zirconium, iron and rust proof, uranium 236 and neptunium 237.

However, there is no thought to even consider the theory, the circular logic of modern science regarding the origin of the Moon goes more or less as follows:

"We know that extraterrestrials do not exist, but we know that the Moon exists and has been mentioned throughout human history. We humans did not create it nor place it in Earth orbit so this must have been done by extraterrestrials, but since we know that the latter do not exist we will limit ourselves to defining it as an anomaly and will not say another word on the issue at a public level."

This is essentially the usual scientific method of the ostrich with its head in the sand if it can't explain, but the mystery remains.

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The Hollow Moon Theory has no scientific basis, and indeed contradicts the seismological, gravitational and geological evidence that demonstrates the solidity and internal structure of the Moon. It is a pseudoscientific hypothesis that claims that the Moon is a hollow body, rather than solid, and that it may have been created by an alien intelligence or be some sort of spaceship. This theory originates from science fiction, in particular from the novel "The First Men on the Moon" by H. G. Wells, published in 1901. Subsequently, it was taken up by some authors such as Jim Marrs and David Icke, who linked it to UFO theories and ancient astronauts.

21 Apr 2024
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If the moon is hollow then the shell of the moon would be thicker on the side facing the earth. This is due to the influence of the earth''s gravity.

31 Aug 2024
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