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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 538

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Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #538
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
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doom-editing-digest Monday, 1 January 1996 Volume 01 : Number 538

Re: Packet reading progress (was Newbie Intro)
Re: Packet reading progress (was Newbie Intro)
Re: Dehacked and code pointers
Wait a minute
Re: Packet reading progress (was Newbie Intro)
Re: Wait a minute
Re: Packet reading progress (was Newbie Intro)
Re: Wait a minute
Re: Wait a minute
Re: Wait a minute


From: "" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 1995 22:27:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Packet reading progress (was Newbie Intro)

On Sat, 30 Dec 1995 wrote:

> >When a player is killed, he looks at the player/monster who killed
> >him, right? So there must be a value for this somewhere in the
> >package... or at least the value that tells you who (if anyone)
> >gets the frag credit (or debit in the case of self-destruction).
No, probably not. I would believe that network packets are nearly
identical to the format of the DEMO* lumps. All that Doom really needs
to know is how the player is moving and when he fires, changes weapons etc.
Each computer could easily calculate frags by itself (I don't know how
it does it though - it would get pretty confusing if it has to take barrel
explosions into account)

> I believe that this is due to the fact that there are only one set of sprites
> assigned to the death frames (the ones where the player appears to be looking at
> you).
He's talking about the view of the player who was just fragged, not the
person who fragged him.


Date: Mon, 25 Dec 95 13:10:00 -0700

> I was thinking about this just last night. How about a turnet mounted on
> the ceiling (can't move) with a machine gun. Could also have a flashing
> red light on the bottom of the turnet and have the active sound play some
> sort of warning sound. Just an idea.

- -->Easy, but you'd have to ditch a monster. Make a thing with movement 0, like
- -->the spiderdemon... or chaingun dude (but thats taken, hey.. ?) and modify
- -->the graphics so that its sorta upside down. Then set the hangs-from-ceiling
- -->bit.. (only on objects have not tried effects on monsters yet) and it
- -->should work..
- -->
- -->... assuming im right.
- -->
- -->Ps is there a problem with setting monsters speed 0 ?

There is nothing wrong with making a speed of 0, the monster just won't
move. But you don't have to ditch a monster. You have enough free code
pointer areas (both pointers and non-pointers) connected to frame spaces
that you could create a monster like this without a problem.

- -+-
* << Michael S. Hoenie >>


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 1995 23:51:57 -0500 (EST)

Jim, here are a LOT of code pointers not on the page that i have
figured out. I have offered to write a supplement to the code pointer
page, but Lee has been very busy lately and hasn't had a chance to
update it. If anyone needs a specific code pointer, contact me and I should
be able to find it as well as give you a description of what it does
and doesn't do, and what it's limitations/side effects are. I'd like
to save a lot of people the headaches and trial and error I had, but
also realize that you'll learn a lot from futzing around with them
yourself! If there is a big enough demand, i'll compile an updated
code pointer list and post it here as well as on the ftp site and

Mike Gummelt
DeHackEd Addict

On Sat, 30 Dec 1995, Jim Wraith wrote:

> In your message dated Saturday 30, December 1995 you wrote :
> >Find the dehacked grab bag by Lee Gaiteri. It has a whole bunch of neat-o
> >dehacked stuff (including pointers).
> >
> >phil
> >
> Yeah, I printed them last night, but I was wondering if there were any *not* on
> the code pointer page?
> Jim


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 1995 23:57:55 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Packet reading progress (was Newbie Intro)

there is a code pointer that makes the player's view turn to
whatever killed it (or maybe it's internal to the engine). I
wasn't referring to the sprites, the actual internal POV of the
player turns to the correct killer, so there may be something that
tells it Which player 9although that may not be info that needs to
be sent to the killer's computer).

Just a thought!


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 1995 23:53:46 -0500 (EST)

Certainly, Phil, just make it's initial frame a firing loop.
I don't know if it will fire in the direction you place it on the
map, though, it may fire east by default, but you can try it out.

Mike Gummelt

On Sun, 31 Dec 1995, philip wrote:

> Michael Gummelt wrote:
> >
> > Uh, what do you mean "once the maps shows up"?
> > Mike
> >
> > On Sat, 30 Dec 1995, philip wrote:
> >
> > > I've got another idea stolen from another game, a guy that is under water
> > > and then pops out and shots you (stolen from Hexen). I'm not sure if
> > > this would work. You'd probably need to use two different things to do
> > > it, but it would be cool.
> > >
> > > Another question about dehacked now:
> > > Is it posible to have an one frame monster that shots in one direction
> > > continuously once the map shows up? When I tried it, doom looked up.
> > >
> > > phil
> > >What I mean is once the map loads. So instead of just standing there
> waiting to see the player it just start firing in the direction that it
> starts at (i.e. North) and doesn't stop firing until you exit the level.
> phil


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 1995 23:45:38 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Dehacked and code pointers

There are four code pointers for the double-barrel shotgun.
Only one of them makes the shotgun sounds and firing effect.
The other three play the open,load,and close sounds. Use the
one in frame 66 (I think)- just copy it to the chaingun firing
frame (77). I will post alist of known weapons code pointers as
soon as i get the time, but trust me, it's quite possible to do what
you've described. Just play around with it and find the FIRING
frames for each weapon, then just copy the db firing code pointer
over the chaingun one. I think the chaingun one is identical to the
pistol one, so you should be able to find that one by comparing.

Mike Gummelt

On Sat, 30 Dec 1995, Pandio-Knight wrote:

> I tried making the chaingun fire dbl shotty by altering the code pointer
> for the firing frames of the chaingun to the fireframe code ptr of the
> dbl barrel.... but it didnt work..
> what did i do wrong ???
> Ps.. i've made imps chuck lost souls.. its easy with code pointers.
> Christopher Voutsis
> Email:


From: "" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 00:26:21 -0600
Subject: Wait a minute

I recently checked my mail and found a message my the administration =
saying that all this stuff about Doom III TC, and how it does not fit =
into the category of doom-editing. Well after reading them over myself, =
what does have to do with doom-editing. I see they are making something =
that involves editing DOOM, and they are raising some DOOM-editing type =
questions (i.e. how ceiling monsters work, etc.) So please =
administration, tell me what exactly you call doom-editing. I'd like to =
know. So before I get kicked off the list for raising this question, let =
me see people's opinions.


From: Pandion-Knight <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 18:33:32 +1000 (GMT+1000)
Subject: Re: Packet reading progress (was Newbie Intro)

Regarding something mentioned in one of these letters how the player DIES
and turns towards what killed him... is it possible to modify code
pointers so they player does NOT ??

Christopher Voutsis


From: "Drake O'Brien" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 95 03:19 PST
Subject: Re: Wait a minute asked:

>I recently checked my mail and found a message my the administration =
>saying that all this stuff about Doom III TC, and how it does not fit =
>into the category of doom-editing. Well after reading them over myself, =
>what does have to do with doom-editing. I see they are making something =
>that involves editing DOOM, and they are raising some DOOM-editing type =
>questions (i.e. how ceiling monsters work, etc.) So please =
>administration, tell me what exactly you call doom-editing. I'd like to =
>know. So before I get kicked off the list for raising this question, let =
>me see people's opinions.

Yes, I noticed how the list admin's notice on the subject was being ignored.
Bernd explained how private projects have started on this list before, eg.
TNT and Memento Mori. In those cases the project mail was moved to private
lists out of consideration for the rest, because the mail related to large
private projects tends get a life of its own & to take over this one. Of
course that mail is doom-related. Nobody is saying it isn't. But it's also
focussed on one private project and most of it isn't exactly 'advanced'. As
time goes on more & more of it tends to fall into the class of obviously
private e-mail, having no interest whatsoever to the rest of us. Already
much of the D**M3 related mail is in this class. The people involved in
such private projects should work out their ways and means in private, like
everyone else does, only posting to doom-editing when the notes are more
cutting edge.

For example I was involved in the TNT project. We had a huge mail load, a
lot of it was off topic or exploratory of byways, a lot of it was very
speculative, etc., and very little of it was food for the doom-editing list
(even tho' it was all great stuff for ourselves). When we did make a
breakthru' and find out something that might be of value to all it was
posted here. But we didn't post every idle speculation.

The people involved in the D**M3 project should seriously consider getting
their own mail-list for the project. This would give them freedom while
also providing a focus and the project would benefit enormously.


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 08:15:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Packet reading progress (was Newbie Intro)

I'm not quite sure it is possible. The two code pointers in the player's
death sequence make him (1) play his death sound (not the one in the
thing list, it's preset to play one of the three of pldeth, pldiehi, or
slop, depending on what kind of demise the player met) and the second
one is a "death mode" code pointer used with all monsters- makes the
"no gravity" and "obstacle" bits turn off. I beleive the turning to
face the killer is internal to the game engine... but some code
pointers are multi-functional, so the one that plays the death-sound
may as well make the player face it's killer. i've done some weird
stuff with making the player fire a tracking rocket at the thing that
killed it after death. This has the effect of instantly changing the
player's POV to the last thing that injured it. Unfortunately, that
sometimes end up being NOT the thing that killed it (if that thing is
out of line-of sight or dead). In this case, I get a weird effect where
I will start to turn to the killer, suddenly be facing the thing I fire
the rocket at- then turn back to the killer! This leads me to believe
it's not a code pointer thing, rather it's internal to the engine.

Mike Gummelt

On Sun, 31 Dec 1995, Pandion-Knight wrote:

> Regarding something mentioned in one of these letters how the player DIES
> and turns towards what killed him... is it possible to modify code
> pointers so they player does NOT ??
> Christopher Voutsis
> Email:


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 08:28:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Wait a minute

While I am one of the people involved in the D**M ]I[ project,
I have to admit I understand the administration's problem. Too
many messages that are just ideas and not technically-related could
lead to a surplus of non-editing messages. However, I think it should
be okay if we post requests for ideas and specify that the ideas be
sent directly to us, rather than through the mailing list. Should
someone have a TECHNICAL idea however (such as making a monster that
hangs from the cieling or rises up out of the water), I think that's
perfectly appropriate to the mailing list. I understand a topic like
D**M ]I[ can potentially generate a lot of mail, but won't that just
make the discussions on this list more lively, more useful? A good
technical discussion shouldn't be banned just because it had the
word "D**M ]I[" in the Subject field.

Mike Gummelt

On Sun, 31 Dec 1995, wrote:

> I recently checked my mail and found a message my the administration saying that all this stuff about Doom III TC, and how it does not fit into the category of doom-editing. Well after reading them over myself, what does have to do with doom-editing. I see they are making something that involves editing DOOM, and they are raising some DOOM-editing type questions (i.e. how ceiling monsters work, etc.) So please administration, tell me what exactly you call doom-editing. I'd like to know. So before I get kicked off the list for raising this question, let me see people's opinions.


From: "John W. Anderson" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 14:54:05 -0500
Subject: Re: Wait a minute

Drake --
> Yes, I noticed how the list admin's notice on the subject was being ignored.
> Bernd explained how private projects have started on this list before, eg.
> TNT and Memento Mori. In those cases the project mail was moved to private
> lists out of consideration for the rest, because the mail related to large
> private projects tends get a life of its own & to take over this one. Of
> course that mail is doom-related. Nobody is saying it isn't. But it's also
> focussed on one private project and most of it isn't exactly 'advanced'. As
> time goes on more & more of it tends to fall into the class of obviously
> private e-mail, having no interest whatsoever to the rest of us. Already
> much of the D**M3 related mail is in this class. The people involved in
> such private projects should work out their ways and means in private, like
> everyone else does, only posting to doom-editing when the notes are more
> cutting edge.
> The people involved in the D**M3 project should seriously consider getting
> their own mail-list for the project. This would give them freedom while
> also providing a focus and the project would benefit enormously.

I agree that these folks should get a private mail-list.. As interesting as
the project is, I'm not *currently* interested in every little detail. In
fact, I've tried to unsubscribe due to the myriad messages regarding this
project, but I'm having some problems doing that, so I'm stuck still getting
all these D**MIII messages. It's a bit irritating, with all due respect to
the project participants. I want to know about DOOM editing, not D**MIII
editing, if it's all the same to everyone else. I wish them luck, but get
back to us on it later after all the speculation and idea-thrashing is

- - John
- -----------------------------------------------
John W. Anderson

Visit my Web page: "Dr Sleep's DOOM Apothecary"


From: "" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 16:00:55 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 30 Dec 1995, Michael Gummelt wrote:

> Jim, here are a LOT of code pointers not on the page that i have
> figured out. I have offered to write a supplement to the code pointer
> page, but Lee has been very busy lately and hasn't had a chance to
> update it. If anyone needs a specific code pointer, contact me and I should
> be able to find it as well as give you a description of what it does
> and doesn't do, and what it's limitations/side effects are. I'd like
> to save a lot of people the headaches and trial and error I had, but
> also realize that you'll learn a lot from futzing around with them
> yourself! If there is a big enough demand, i'll compile an updated
> code pointer list and post it here as well as on the ftp site and
> newsgroups.

How exactly do code pointers work anyways? I know what they're for,
but how do they work? Do they just point to a loccation within the EXE?
If so, would it be possible to append some extra code to the EXE for
some brand new effects?


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 17:27:45 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Wait a minute

In response to John, Drake, and all other people raising a ruckus
about D**M ]I[:
Obviously, you are correct about the amount of traffic this topic
is generating. However, I haven't seen a D**M ]I[ related-message
posted to this list for quite a few days, BEFORE we got the note to
stop, so I think this problem is pretty much resolved. Now if
we can all stop talking about whether it should or shouldn't be
here, we can reduce the excess even MORE!
A funny thing, though: The only real messages I've seen on here lately
have been in reference to D**M ]I[ and HeXen, both of which have
been banned as topics on this list, andrequested to be moved to
other mailing lists. So what are people going to talk about now?
(Okay, there is a lot of DeHackEd questions and answers flying around,
and I'm happy to be the DeHackEd answer man of the moment, but that
doesn't seem like a LOT of messages).

Mike Gummelt


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #538

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