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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 591

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 8 months ago

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #591
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Monday, 26 February 1996 Volume 01 : Number 591

3000 spider demonlord wad
Quake is out, and err ummm....
Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....
Re: 3000 spider demonlord wad
Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....
Report on the imp clip patch
Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....
Re: Language
Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....
Quake is out4
Re: Language
Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....
Re: 3000 spider demonlord wad
Re: Quake Out.
Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....
ADMIN NOTE: Not a Chat List (even for Quake!)
Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....
Re: Quake Out.
Fun with hex (part 1)
Re: Language
Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....


From: "Drake O'Brien" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 96 15:22 PST
Subject: 3000 spider demonlord wad


So I found it doesn't matter if it's 3000 spider demonlords or 160
bloodsplots, if the player shoots at the clump from within a range of
approx. 1000/1500 units there'll be the crash, but shooting from outside
that approx. range the game'll play normally.

'clump' = approx 145+ items in the vector of the shot

So in the h2hmudfe.wad map04 the pileup of dead bodies & shotguns along with
the zillion creatures swarming in from all over could easily give a lineup
of 140 or so in 1500 units [I don't think that wad is for wusses..]


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 1996 22:34:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [none]



Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 18:47:36 +1100 (AEDT)
Subject: Quake is out, and err ummm....

Love the shell (console) looks like we will have a lot to
play with once h\the full version comes out. Looks great
and plays good if you have a very beasty computer.

But, weapons are crap, sound is worse and swiming is a bitch,
go back to the drawing board iD.

.... __ooOOoo__ ....
Shane Arnott E-Mail: WWW:
The Preston Group - World Leaders in Simulation and Scheduling Software
488 Victoria Street Ph: +61 3 9428 8899
Richmond Melbourne Australia 3121 Fax: +61 3 9427 1969


From: (Jonathan Mavor)
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 03:21:58 -0500
Subject: Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....

> Love the shell (console) looks like we will have a lot to
> play with once h\the full version comes out. Looks great
> and plays good if you have a very beasty computer.
> But, weapons are crap, sound is worse and swiming is a bitch,
> go back to the drawing board iD.
I'm not a huge fan of the weapons either although they do
grow on you after a while. My idea is to keep the super shotgun,
nailgun and grenade launcher and come up with more weapon
ideas. The reason they look so bad is that they are polygonal
objects. I like the swimming, the sound is temporary. The
game still has a LONG way to go though (but quakematch does


>.... __ooOOoo__ ....
>Shane Arnott E-Mail: WWW:
>The Preston Group - World Leaders in Simulation and Scheduling Software
>488 Victoria Street Ph: +61 3 9428 8899
>Richmond Melbourne Australia 3121 Fax: +61 3 9427 1969

- --
| Oceania: A New Country In Development -> |


From: (Jim Elson)
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 05:43:59 -0600
Subject: Re: 3000 spider demonlord wad

At 03:22 PM 2/25/96 PST, wrote:
>So I found it doesn't matter if it's 3000 spider demonlords or 160
>bloodsplots, if the player shoots at the clump from within a range of
>approx. 1000/1500 units there'll be the crash, but shooting from outside
>that approx. range the game'll play normally.
>'clump' = approx 145+ items in the vector of the shot
>So in the h2hmudfe.wad map04 the pileup of dead bodies & shotguns along with
>the zillion creatures swarming in from all over could easily give a lineup
>of 140 or so in 1500 units [I don't think that wad is for wusses..]

Bwahahahaha, yeah, map04 at skill 4 is a major trip. I have to admit that
feeding about 70 rockets to horde of angry monsters all clumped together
is rather satisfying. :) (Except when some of them come figure out
how to get in the bunker.)

I'll look for that lmp this week.

- --H2H

H2HMud NorthAmerican DeathMatch Tourney
Promo/Marketing Coordinator for "The New Technology: Evilution"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------; WEB page ==>


Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 12:00:12 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....

On Mon, 26 Feb 1996 wrote:

> But, weapons are crap, sound is worse and swiming is a bitch,
> go back to the drawing board iD.

id was on irc for many hours last night and the night before and they
have been very persistent in saying this is a 'test' version that
shouldn't be evaluated based on it's gameplay. it's main pupose was to
test things like video/sound/network support.

not to say we didn't have a blast playing dm here ;)



From: Robert Fenske Jr <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 09:00:36 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Report on the imp clip patch

I tried the clip-throwing imp patch with DOOM I: I applied the patch
(w/o changing anything to a soulsphere), started DOOM I, warped to E2M2 where
imps abound, typed "idkfa", selected the rocket launcher, and began running
around rocketing imps. After about 1.5 minutes the game froze with an
imp-fired clip in mid flight and two barrels exploding very nearby. I'll
also note that early in my play, one of the clips never reached the ground.
It hung in mid air. I didn't pick it up (or any clip) since I never fired
any bullets.

Robert Fenske, Jr. Sw | The Taming the C*sm*s series:
Electromagnetics Division /R---\ |
Southwest Research Institute | I | | "The Martian canals were the
San Antonio, Texas USA \----/ | Martians' last ditch effort."


From: John Wakelin <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 10:45:47 -0500
Subject: Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....

> From:

> Love the shell (console) looks like we will have a lot to
> play with once h\the full version comes out. Looks great
> and plays good if you have a very beasty computer.

I really like it as well (I have never been a GUI oriented
individual) The game played very well with a 19200 baud connection
and me hosting. This is surprising considering my machine, a
486dx4/100 w/16M and a 3D Blaster video accellerator. I find myself
with hope that I can put off buying that 586 for a while.

Also ... did anyone try that idea of replacing one of the weapons
with MONSTER_DEMON1 in the .PAK? Very cool.

> But, weapons are crap, sound is worse and swiming is a bitch, go
> back to the drawing board iD.

I agree but, give them a break. This is nowhere near release
software and it is still a blast to play and it looks damn good. The
looks of the weapons are obviously placeholders for the real objects,
as yet undeveloped (or implemented anyway). Another 2 or 3 months of
work and this is gonna be HOT.

And actually the sound and feel of the nail gun and super nail gun
are great IMO.

So, go back and play DOOM for a while this is only going to get

Oh and what lead you to believe that they weren't already back on the
drawing board? :)

Have a great day,


-= Sysop - The Netherworld =-
-= Multi-player Gaming =-
-= 703-471-6265 =-
-= TeamTNT - Member =-


From: Zelig <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 13:00:25 -0300
Subject: Language


Does someone know what language doom is written?



From: Aragorn! <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 16:54:08 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Language

On Mon, 26 Feb 1996, Zelig wrote:

> Hello,
> Does someone know what language doom is written?
> zelig.
> Zelig

Watcom C/C++ (9.?? i assume)


From: Aragorn! <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 17:01:28 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....

On Mon, 26 Feb 1996, John Wakelin wrote:

> > But, weapons are crap, sound is worse and swiming is a bitch, go
> > back to the drawing board iD.
> I agree but, give them a break. This is nowhere near release
> software and it is still a blast to play and it looks damn good. The
> looks of the weapons are obviously placeholders for the real objects,
> as yet undeveloped (or implemented anyway). Another 2 or 3 months of
> work and this is gonna be HOT.
> Oh and what lead you to believe that they weren't already back on the
> drawing board? :)
Who says they ever left it?

Well i only had a small amount of time to try it yesterday, and it
impressed me.

I quite liked the swimming effect, much more realistic in some respects,
althought maybe the whole screen swirling was more of a demo effect than
a game. Maybe in the finished version water will drip off you when you
come out. Now that would be cool!

People slag of the weapons etc.
Well reember back to the beta shots of doom?
Did the weapons look cool in that?
No they did not. If i was writing this, weapons looking the best thing
since Cindy Crawford would not be top of my list.

I was going to try a network game today, but the Sun was out and even
though the shades were on the windows we still couldn't see anything.
Maybe tomorrow we'll be back to normal British weather and then i can try

| So remember when you're feeling very small and insecure |
| How amazingly unlikely is your birth |
| And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space |
| Because there's bugger all down here on Earth. |
| |
| Aragorn! ,,, email: |
| (o o) |


From: Dave Worth <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 10:23:46 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Quake is out4


Where did you guys get quake.. reply personnally since I probably sound
like an lamer now but please respond ASAP

"My heart is human, My blood is boiling, My brain IBM!" -STYX
"Everyone I know goes away in the end!" -NIN
DOOM: Where no one gives a $hit if you scream!


From: "Gregg J. Anderson" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 12:46:52 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Language

On Mon, 26 Feb 1996, Aragorn! wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Feb 1996, Zelig wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Does someone know what language doom is written?
> >
> > zelig.
> > Zelig

Objective C on a NeXt box. I wouldn't rule out a hefty dose of asm, either.


Gregg J. Anderson =o=
Mankato, MN USA =o=
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


From: Jim Lowell <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 96 13:32:34 CST
Subject: Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....

At 10:45 AM 02/26/96 -0500, you wrote:
>> But, weapons are crap, sound is worse and swiming is a bitch, go
>> back to the drawing board iD.
>I agree but, give them a break. This is nowhere near release
>software and it is still a blast to play and it looks damn good. The
>looks of the weapons are obviously placeholders for the real objects,
>as yet undeveloped (or implemented anyway). Another 2 or 3 months of
>work and this is gonna be HOT.

I second this. After playing with the weapons and such though I really like the two shotguns and the nail-gun. The quick-reload on the shotguns is killer (literally) and the detail in the nailgun's sounds are excellent. The little *pink* when a nail goes into a wall is perfect and the ricochet sound is a great idea. I was lucky enough to see Quake last Thanksgiving and around that time, the nails would stick in the walls for a bit, then drop to the floor and disappear. They don't do that now, so I figure Id increased the power of the gun so the nails go all the way into the wall.

As for the rocket & grenade launchers, they're great for aiming at the floor and blasting yourself up into the air with. :)

>So, go back and play DOOM for a while this is only going to get

Who can play Doom anymore? Even with only 3 maps and no monsters, walking around in Quake is more fun than playing Doom now. It's like Dodge: "We've changed the rules... "

- -= Jim Lowell =-


From: Robert Fenske Jr <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 13:45:18 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: 3000 spider demonlord wad

On Sun, 25 Feb 1996, Drake O'Brien wrote:

> So I found it doesn't matter if it's 3000 spider demonlords or 160
> bloodsplots, if the player shoots at the clump from within a range of
> approx. 1000/1500 units there'll be the crash, but shooting from outside
> that approx. range the game'll play normally.

Are you sure your shot(s) crossed the clump when you were at the
1500 unit range? Given the distance and the fact the game played
normally could mean the shot path didn't cross the clump. I've always
found it difficult to shoot anything with consistency from far away.

Robert Fenske, Jr. Sw | The Taming the C*sm*s series:
Electromagnetics Division /R---\ |
Southwest Research Institute | I | | "The Martian canals were the
San Antonio, Texas USA \----/ | Martians' last ditch effort."


Date: Sun, 25 Feb 96 20:23:00 -0700
Subject: Re: Quake Out.

Picked up the QUAKE demo yesterday, but haven't had a chance to look at
it, nor get it through net/modem. Any suggestions on running it in single
mode just to wander, see the sights, sounds & animations?

(Hey Gummelt!)

- -+-
* << Michael S. Hoenie >>


From: LoCo LikE a PoLLo! <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 13:03:34 -0800
Subject: Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....


> >
> >
> > Love the shell (console) looks like we will have a lot to
> > play with once h\the full version comes out. Looks great
> > and plays good if you have a very beasty computer.
> >
> > But, weapons are crap, sound is worse and swiming is a bitch,
> > go back to the drawing board iD.
> >
> I'm not a huge fan of the weapons either although they do
> grow on you after a while. My idea is to keep the super shotgun,
> nailgun and grenade launcher and come up with more weapon
> ideas. The reason they look so bad is that they are polygonal
> objects. I like the swimming, the sound is temporary. The
> game still has a LONG way to go though (but quakematch does
> rule!).
> L8r,
> Jon

There's a grenade lancher and super shotgun in Quake? Isn't Quake
suppose to be in a Medieval time period?

_Oooo.____.oooO-- "Hey, at least the hat looks nice!"
O O O -CoOlMAn <>
O `O O _\
O O ___\
O O \_
/ /~~~


From: Stephen Heaslip <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 16:32:40 -0500 (EST)
Subject: ADMIN NOTE: Not a Chat List (even for Quake!)

Note the subject.

I have to be the bad guy here.

This is a reminder that the purpose of this list is advanced doom editing.

Please refrain from "me too" postings about Quake, or you will be
unsubscribed like nine inch nails through a gun! ;)

- --
Steve Heaslip
List Caretaker


From: "Michael G. Clawson" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 96 16:52:46 EST
Subject: Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....

In reply to 26 Feb message from

>>So, go back and play DOOM for a while this is only going to get

>Who can play Doom anymore? Even with only 3 maps and no
>monsters, walking around in Quake is more fun than playing Doom
>now. It's like Dodge: "We've changed the rules... "

I wouldn't go quite that far. It looks good, but it has a way to go
before I feel that way.

By the way, anyone see how to make the screen brighter? Like the
F11(Gamma Fix) in doom. It looks pretty dark on my moniter.
- -----------------------------
Michael G. Clawson


From: "Derek Callaghan, MIT Support" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 08:50:30 +1100
Subject: Re: Quake Out.

- --Boundary-2981443-0-0

I tested it out in single mode. Seemed to work Ok. Was very dark. Did not find
a key for gamma correction so had to crank the brightness way up. Cant wait to
try out the new weapons in deathmatch!
For single mode just execute quake and enter map test1 at the prompt (after
the yes).

- --Boundary-2981443-0-0
Content-Type: message/rfc822

Date: 25 Feb 96 20:23:00
Subject: Re: Quake Out.
X-Authentication-Warning: admn set sender to sharecty!michael.hoenie using -f
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X-Orcl-Application: Precedence: bulk

Picked up the QUAKE demo yesterday, but haven't had a chance to look at
it, nor get it through net/modem. Any suggestions on running it in single
mode just to wander, see the sights, sounds & animations?

(Hey Gummelt!)

- -+-
* << Michael S. Hoenie >>

- --Boundary-2981443-0-0--


From: John Wakelin <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 16:54:42 -0500
Subject: Fun with hex (part 1)

Ok... try this.

Go into ID1.PAK with an editor ... search for:

"weapon_rocketlauncher" (with or without quotes)

Find the third one in the .pak. Change it to:

"monster_wizard"(fill the rest with nulls)

Look about 10 bytes beyond that and you will see:

"origin" "-64 -720 -40"

Change the -40 to 10 (fill the resulting blanks with nulls)

Now go into quake +map test3 and go to the room that
normally has the Rocket launcher (and the red armor at the top of a
spiralling path). There will be a ghost looking thing in there that
will attack you with fireballs.

kinda scary...not really though

(btw ... looks like the cacodemons fire-balls... hmmm)

Ok, quit. Go back in to your editor. Change the same string to:

"monster_knight"(again fill with nulls)

Go back to the same map same place and a knight will be there to
attack you with a sword.

much scarier...but managable

Quit. Back into id1.pak ... change it to:

"monster_demon1" (you know the deal by now)

Go back into quake and take a look.

That is really scary ... now someone tell me why it crashes when he
attacks you.

Have a great day,


-= Sysop - The Netherworld =-
-= Multi-player Gaming =-
-= 703-471-6265 =-
-= TeamTNT - Member =-


From: "Joel D Eisenberg" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 17:10:56 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Language

I don't think the guys at ID would use a lot of ASM. Even though it's faster
it's not to good to use to much of ASM. Any good programmer would use asm for
programming in some of the graphics, but not anything else

Paul Eisenberg


Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 09:15:46 +1100 (AEDT)
Subject: Re: Quake is out, and err ummm....

> >
> >
> > Love the shell (console) looks like we will have a lot to
> > play with once h\the full version comes out. Looks great
> > and plays good if you have a very beasty computer.
> >
> > But, weapons are crap, sound is worse and swiming is a bitch,
> > go back to the drawing board iD.
> >
> I'm not a huge fan of the weapons either although they do
> grow on you after a while. My idea is to keep the super shotgun,
> nailgun and grenade launcher and come up with more weapon
> ideas. The reason they look so bad is that they are polygonal
> objects. I like the swimming, the sound is temporary. The
> game still has a LONG way to go though (but quakematch does
> rule!).

Hmmm...sure did fire up a conversation here, the facts are that
I agree, now. I was one of the first people to get it in Australia
as I have a friend at the Oz Mirror site who gave me a buzz as
soon as it left the incoming directory. I rushed home put it
on my DX4-100 with 16 MB and 2MB VLB card and the little turtle
dude just kept coming up, and it was slow on the res's I tried
(I have now found a good middle ground res for my setup) and
I was a little disapointed after all the build up. Textures
are a bit plain, weapons are good once you get used to them
swimming sucks, I don't care what anyone says here, but the
engine overall is definitely a breakthrough, the lighting effects
alone make me spooge. Anyway atleast we have an indicator of
where id is at the moment, so we shouldn't expect too much too
soon...ahh well...

.... __ooOOoo__ ....
Shane Arnott E-Mail: WWW:
The Preston Group - World Leaders in Simulation and Scheduling Software
488 Victoria Street Ph: +61 3 9428 8899
Richmond Melbourne Australia 3121 Fax: +61 3 9427 1969


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #591

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