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Brien Foerster and the secret chambers beneath the Giza plateau

Many scholars have hypothesized the existence of a dense network of tunnels that runs through the entire subsoil of the Giza Plateau, connecting some underground chambers, the most important of which would be located under the front legs of the Sphinx.

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 · 23 May 2024
Brien Foerster and the secret chambers beneath the Giza plateau
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There are many "alternative" scholars convinced of the existence of a series of secret chambers located under the Giza Plateau and connected to each other by a dense network of tunnels.

Among them, certainly the best known is Brien Foerster, independent researcher and archaeologist and curator of the highly visited website

In an expedition to Egypt, which Foerster reports on his website, the archaeologist began a more in-depth search for clues that could confirm the tunnels and chambers hypothesis.

In one of the photos published by Foerster it is possible to see a stone that seems to cover the rear entrance underground of the Sphinx.

Brien Foerster and the secret chambers beneath the Giza plateau
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Another entrance is then shown, one of many on the Giza plateau, providing entry to the ancient system of shafts and tunnels. According to author Stephen Mehler, the tunnel system is much larger than the area of ​​the Giza area, extending at least from Abu Sir in the north to Dashur in the south.

Brien Foerster and the secret chambers beneath the Giza plateau
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Many explorers are convinced that the most important chamber is located under the front legs of the Sphinx. This belief was also fueled by the alleged revelations of Edgar Cayce, a clairvoyant who died in 1945, according to which the pyramids were built by an ancient civilization direct descendant of Atlantis that existed in 10 thousand BC.

In addition to building the Great Pyramid, these ancient people also dug an underground chamber called "The Hall of Record", where documents containing the lost history of mankind were kept.

“The documents contain the memories of Atlantis from the beginning, from the moment the Spirit took shape and began to take shape in that land,”

Cayce says in one of his revelations.

"The records would contain the story of the first destruction of the Atlantean civilization, the exodus of its inhabitants to other lands and the final destruction of the continent and civilization of Atlantis. Furthermore, there would be a detailed description of the construction of the Great Pyramid, as well as a prophecy about the identity and provenance of the one who will find The Chamber of Records."

However, Brien Foerster is convinced that the possible housing beneath the Sphinx is not the Chamber of Records, but much more likely it is an underground water system built by a civilization prior to the Egyptian one, in possession of high technological knowledge.

Contribution by Andrew Collins

Therefore, under the Giza Plateau there would be a series of tunnels and environments that are still unexplored, as confirmed by first-hand experiences, among which that of Andrew Collins, British writer and explorer, should be highlighted.

In August 2008, Collins announced that he had discovered the entrance to an unexplored cave system, located in a mysterious tomb several hundred meters west of the Great Pyramid.

“The Record Room was never found. Maybe it's still there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered,”

comments Collins.

“I believe that the caves we have identified are part of a much larger complex that extends beneath the entire Giza plateau."

According to Collins, the cave network is of natural origin and resembles a structure similar to that of Swiss cheese. He believes these structures were created long before the pyramids were built and may be the reason why this site was chosen for their construction. There is evidence of human activities in the deeper parts of the caves.

Nothing strange so far, if it weren't for the strange events that happened shortly afterwards. Although Collins' discovery had convinced even skeptics of the existence of the Room of Records that something important lay beneath the Giza plateau, this was the reaction of Dr. Zahi Hawass, former Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt:

Brien Foerster and the secret chambers beneath the Giza plateau
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Why did Hawass decide to deny the evidence up to this point? What was he afraid of? Was he afraid of losing the authorship of a discovery that could force the entire history of Egyptian civilization to be rewritten? Or was he trying to hide something? Why, more generally, do Egyptian archaeologists continue to surround the monuments of Giza with an impenetrable curtain? What secrets don't they want us to know? [Excellent ingredients for a perfect conspiracy theory!].

“In fact, Dr. Hawass publicly denied the existence of the caves,”

Collins says. Why he did this is a matter of debate. However, fifteen months later, in December 2009, Hawass had to admit that an excavation team under his supervision was investigating the ancient tomb at the center of the discovery of an underground network beneath the Pyramids of Giza and the subject of the controversy.

"Controversy? How can there be controversy in the face of a discovery of this magnitude,”

comments Collins. Although he is pleased with Hawass's renewed interest in the site, Collins remains skeptical of his real intentions. Although Dr. Hawass suggests that there is no mystery surrounding the “catacomb,” Collins is convinced that the cave system extends beneath the second pyramid, where ancient tradition holds the tomb of Hermes-Thoth, the legendary founder of Egypt.

This would be a very important discovery, perhaps the most important for understanding the lost history of humanity, given that Hermes-Thot is considered the bearer of wisdom and civilization and Collins suspects that the chambers may contain fundamental documents left by Hermes-Thoth, something similar to the Record Room.

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