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Multi seeds sourdough bread

AniphaeS's profile picture
Published in 
British Food
 · 27 May 2024
Multi seeds sourdough bread
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Multi seeds sourdough bread


  • 500 g. Bread flour
  • 50 g. Whole-wheat flour
  • 412 g. Water (75% hydration)
  • 110 g. Starter
  • 11 g. Salt
  • 1 cup of mixed roasted seeds mixed with flour
  • 1/2 cups of mixed seeds for coated


Mix everything together in the same time resting for 30 minutes followed by 4 set of stretch every 30 minutes then proof 2 hours at 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit)

Shaping the dough and cold retard overnight in the fridge

In the morning preheat the oven at bottom burner at 250 degrees Celsius (482 degrees Fahrenheit) for 30 minutes with cookie sheets or whatever you need to bake on

Coating the seeds on the dough.
Taking out the cold dough and sprinkle a lot of water on to the dough sprinkle big seeds like pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds first then sprinkle small seeds all over to fill up the gaps

Score 1 inch deep 45 degrees angle and open bake with tray of water, sprinkle a lot of water while put the dough in the oven, bake for 5 minutes and make a second score then continue to bake another 25 minutes remove the water tray out continue baking for another 30 minutes make sure you turned the bread around for equally nice color 😍

Enjoy baking Bim ❤️

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