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Face of an Egyptian pharaoh recreated 3,500 years after his brutal murder

Thanks to mummified remains found in 1886, it had already been established that “The Brave One” had a small, elongated head, as well as fine, curly black hair.

Pharaoh's profile picture
Published in 
 · 11 Jun 2024

An archaeologist from Flinders University in Australia has reconstructed the face of the Egyptian pharaoh Seqenenra Taa II, known as "The Brave" of the 17th Dynasty, who reigned, for a short period, during the occupation of Egypt by the Hyksos. The images, published last week in the journal OrtogOnLineMag, are part of an independent facial approximation work, based on previously published data and research on the topic. Experts have managed to carry out a forensic reconstruction of the pharaoh's face, both his life face and his 'post-mortem' state, as well as the position of the objects that caused the skull injuries that led to his death 3,500 years ago. The digitized remains were filled with the face of another previously digitized individual, modified to match the pharaoh's face, in a process called anatomical deformation.

Face of an Egyptian pharaoh recreated 3,500 years after his brutal murder
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Thanks to the mummified remains found, it had already been established that 'The Brave One' was slender, with a small and elongated head, and black, fine and curly hair, a high forehead, a straight and broad nose, data with which it was possible recreate the digital profile. However, the color of the skin, the shape of the eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows are unknown, so a subjective approach was framed and the Egyptian appearance was chosen according to the artistic parameters of the time, which may not necessarily reflect the facts. Subsequently, digital wounds were added to the right eyebrow to match those of the pharaoh, and with the help of digital skulls with the brain exposed, it was possible to determine with what type of ax the pharaoh would have been killed. The images revealed that one of the wounds penetrated his brain. Finally, for the 'post-mortem' images, the team left the lips slightly open and the tongue between the teeth, as well as some injuries and facial deformities that would have been caused during the brutal murder.

Face of an Egyptian pharaoh recreated 3,500 years after his brutal murder
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