Was the Great Pyramid of Giza an ancient power plant?
The pyramids would use technology similar to that created by Nikola Tesla with the Wardenclyffe Tower in Colorado Springs. The pyramids would be made with a series of conductive and insulating materials, as well as being built on land that has a high rate of natural radioactivity and telluric currents. The conversion of this energy perhaps combined with cosmic radiation through the gold tip of the pyramid may have been able to produce energy.
The idea that civilizations around the world have evolved from a primitive state to a more advanced one is something scholars have propagated as the ultimate truth in our society, schools, and history books. However, numerous researchers around the world suggest otherwise. In fact, ancient civilizations were much more advanced than we commonly believe.
Examining historical references from numerous ancient civilizations worldwide reveals patterns and details that tell a different story than the one presented in school books.
For example, pyramids might have been immense high-voltage power plants. The pyramidal shape itself suggests energy attraction, especially considering that the "pyramidions"—the tips originally placed at the top of the pyramids—were covered in gold, known to be the best conductor of electricity.
Regarding the internal structure of the pyramids, our current knowledge reveals that they are composed of a large tunnel with two chambers plus an underground one in the case of the Pyramid of Cheops, while the others have only one tunnel and an underground chamber. Each of these chambers lacks inscriptions or typical tomb paintings found elsewhere in Egypt; none have ever been found, not even in the megalithic Valley Temple of the Sphinx.
The Pyramid of Cheops is particularly intriguing: the King's Chamber is just over 5 meters wide and 10.5 meters long, accessed through a duct just over a meter high. The supposed sarcophagus of Cheops is 1.05 meters high and 98 cm wide. It would have been extremely difficult to place it inside, especially through the entrance tunnel, which is just 97 cm wide. The sarcophagus would not have fit through the entrance, making it even more unlikely that priests accompanying it could have crawled on their knees through such a narrow passage!
Power plant pyramids

So, why would the Egyptians build such small conduits for the passage of a funeral procession and a king's mortuary chamber without leaving any inscriptions or paintings on the walls? The answer is that these structures are not tombs at all but rather a complex of highly powerful energy plants. We are still uncertain about the type of energy they harnessed—perhaps atomic, electric, magnetic, or something else—but one thing is certain: this energy was utilized in this land even before the pharaohs and was subsequently passed down to the Egyptian people.
Remarkably, there is no trace of soot or torch supports in these sites. Neither the pyramids nor the tombs have paintings blackened by fire. This supports the hypothesis that the ancient Egyptians, along with their predecessors, used this unknown energy to illuminate their temples, operate electrical devices and mechanical systems, or perhaps other grandiose mechanisms still buried and hidden in the desert or within the pyramids and temples themselves.
However, the exact details remain unknown to us. The pyramids were likely the energy source of antiquity. It is probable that all three pyramids acted together as part of a single complex, interconnected by a series of tunnels beneath their bases.
The Pyramid of Cheops appears to be the primary one. Various representations of its internal structure show an entrance tunnel 97 cm wide, which after several meters, expands into a large tunnel more than 38 meters long with a sloping ceiling approximately 8.53 meters high and narrower at the top, resembling a trapezoid. But how did this power plant work? The answer lies in the Zed.
Depicted in numerous paintings, the Zed is one of the most sacred symbols of ancient Egypt. Known as the Dorsal Pillar of Osiris, it has the shape of a pillar with horizontal rungs at the top, sometimes three, four, or five. A Zed can be identified at the heart of the Pyramid of Cheops.
Egyptians electric current and bas-relief of the Dendera temple
In 1894, Joseph Norman Lockyer claimed that the Bas-relief of the Dendera temple were representations of incandescent electric lamps.
According to the Italian engineer Mario Pincherle, who first depicted it in the internal section of the pyramid, the enormous pillar was originally placed on top of the Ziggurat of Babylon in Mesopotamia. Pincherle suggested that, after a long journey through India and Persia, the pillar arrived in Egypt, where it was placed atop the stepped pyramid of Zoser. Later, the Zed was placed inside the Pyramid of Cheops, where it still resides today.
Probably, it is true that the Zed is located in the pyramid, but it could not have belonged to the Ziggurat of Babylon. As the engineer himself states, the origin of the pillar and the pyramid dates back to the antediluvian era, over 12,000 years ago, while Babylonian culture is much more recent, dating to around 2000 BC. Additionally, the Zed is an integral part of the pyramid's structure and was incorporated during its construction.
Above the King's Chamber, there are five enormous granite slabs placed horizontally, one on top of the other, separated by small chambers. This forms the upper part of the pillar.
Below is the King's Chamber, where the granite "sarcophagus" is located. This can be considered the heart of the Zed, while the rest of the pillar extends downward toward the base of the pyramid.
The structure is very similar to modern electrical capacitors, resembling a huge high voltage pylon. Examining the internal section of the pyramid, one can see that adjacent to the Zed, but lower down, is the "Queen's Chamber," which is only 6 by 5 meters in size. It is also devoid of paintings and inscriptions and lacks a sarcophagus, containing only a niche in the wall that resembles a trapezoid-shaped false door.
Egyptian fuel cell
Inside the temple, we find another enigmatic bas-relief depicting a strange device that could represent an early model of a fuel cell.
Interestingly, both the Zed and the sarcophagus basin are made of granite, a material that conducts electricity due to its high concentration of quartz crystals, which have piezoelectric properties. Indeed, many modern electronic devices contain quartz.
The dimensions of the sarcophagus basin, as previously mentioned, are 2.28 meters long by 98 centimeters wide externally, with an internal space of 68 centimeters by 1.98 meters. These dimensions are strikingly similar to those of the famous "Ark of the Covenant" mentioned in the Bible. This chest, which contained the Tablets of the Law of Moses and the Rod of Aaron, was made of acacia wood overlaid with gold and topped with two cherubim.
In Exodus, it is stated that anyone who touched the Ark would die by electrocution. The only safe way to transport it was with two wooden poles inserted into four rings on its sides. Recent studies have suggested that it was an electric generator, or another type of unknown energy source, capable of producing discharges of around 700 volts.
The golden Ark (generator) was placed in the granite sarcophagus basin, which, when activated, conducted energy to the entire granite Zed, amplifying the force. This was further aided by the gold pyramidion at the top of the pyramid, which likely attracted cosmic energy.
The entire setup was protected by the enormous internal and external limestone blocks of the pyramid, a material that acts as an insulator. The small ducts leading from the two chambers to the outside might have served as vents. The Zed not only transformed electrical impulses from low to high voltage but also acted as an antenna or loudspeaker. Some papyri from the Fourth Dynasty state,
"...if from the other world, someone wanted to communicate with earthly man, he would have to do so through the Zed..."
Additionally, ancient writings mention that Ulysses could hear his dead mother's words from Hades through the Zed.
Regarding the Ark of the Covenant, the Bible states that God communicated with the faithful through it. Combining these pieces of information, it seems that the Ark not only generated energy but also acted as a radio, with the Zed amplifying everything like a huge speaker. This might explain why the Egyptians pursued the Jews into the desert: someone had taken something so powerful and vital for the survival of a people that it was considered sacred.
Egyptian electricity as tesla generator
From the container on the left, two cords connect to the first two entrance doors of the device, represented by seven semicircular decorations, two of which depict an eight-petaled flower. To the right of the semicircle, two poles with exit doors at the top and their respective cords returning to the container are contained within a stylized boat with a central sphere engraved with a lightning bolt, symbolizing electricity.

One of the most compelling pieces of evidence regarding ancient Egyptian energy usage is found in the Temple of Hathor in Dendera. In a crypt (now closed to the public), the famous Dendera Lamps are carved on a wall. Skeptical archaeologists typically dismiss these as technological objects, instead attributing the scene to a sacred ritual.
The depiction is certainly sacred, given the importance of the objects shown. In the scene, you can clearly see two people holding large objects that closely resemble lamps, complete with an electric cable ending in a sort of box, possibly a generator similar to the Ark of the Covenant but on a smaller scale, like a small electricity generator. Supporting the tip of the lamp is a Zed, also in a smaller scale.
It appears that this pillar serves to amplify the energy for the lamps; the cable, before connecting to the "generator," first passes under the Zed. Inside the bulb, a kind of snake is clearly visible, likely representing the luminous filaments of the lamp, similar to today's light bulbs.
The Zed in the pyramid was probably the main power plant, while throughout the country, as seen from the bas-reliefs, there were other smaller ones powered by the main one or by other small independent generators, akin to today's power plants and pylons that distribute energy.
This likely explains why the Zed was considered the most sacred of all symbols, representing "power," like the power of the energy it emitted.