The pyramidal mountains and megaliths of Alto Casertano (Italy)
In Campania, in the Volturno valley, there are dozens of testimonies of an astonishing past that has its roots in the most remote prehistory. A journey to discover these wonders hidden by official history.

Roccamonfina is a place that should be considered a world monument, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It's not every day that we find a location where our direct ancestors left traces significant enough to rewrite history books.
Roccamonfina is an extinct volcano that was notably active between 600,000 and 50,000 years ago. After an initial eruptive phase, it became dormant until around 385,000 years ago, when it reawakened with a series of explosive eruptions, depositing a large amount of ash.
Our story begins during this period: between 385,000 and 325,000 years ago, three adolescent humans of the species Homo heidelbergensis walked on the muddy volcanic ash on a steep slope, leaving three fossilized tracks with a total of 56 footprints. These footprints were made by individuals about 150 cm tall, with foot sizes equivalent to a modern shoe size 34. The warm volcanic mud preserved the exact shape of the arch, heel, and toes, revealing that these three youths walked upright with modern morphological features. Given the average height of Homo heidelbergensis was about 175 cm, it's inferred that the footprints were made by young individuals, likely exploring out of curiosity about the erupting Roccamonfina volcano.
This extraordinary discovery was made in 2003 in the Foresta hamlet of the municipalities of Tora and Piccilli by local history scholars Adolfo Panarello and Marco de Angelis, along with Professor Paolo Mietto of the University of Padua. This finding is sensational, especially since the only other known primitive human footprints were those of Australopithecus found in Tanzania, dating back 3 million years, and a single 300,000-year-old Homo heidelbergensis footprint discovered at Terra Amata near Nice.
Unlike those, these footprints are multiple and detailed. Several significant conclusions can be drawn from this discovery. First, Homo heidelbergensis, from whom both Neanderthals and our species descended, was an advanced and modern being, not a brutish, hairy cannibal as some outdated, racist historiography suggests. Second, humans inhabited Italy at least 325,000 years ago, and it's possible that Homo erectus, a sophisticated and civilized ancestor, populated Italy as far back as 900,000 years ago, provided the Ceprano Man is classified as such. Third, the presence of three youths suggests they were part of a tribe, indicating that it was not a coincidence this tribe lived near an erupting volcano.

The reason for this assertion lies in the most valuable and technological resource our ancestors had: fire. Before they mastered fire-making, a skill attributed to Neanderthals, our ancestors relied on natural sources like volcanic lava. This reinforces the concept of Mother Earth providing sustenance and warmth. The Earth, with its molten lava, supplied the raw material for fire—a sacred, precious element crucial for survival. This idea likely dates back to Homo erectus, the initial discoverer of fire in Ethiopia about a million years ago, and it gave rise to the worship of the Mother Goddess as the keeper of fire and light. This concept has persisted through esotericism, alchemy, and Freemasonry. Isis of Pharos, the Egyptian Mother Goddess who illuminated the path to knowledge and life with the light of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, can be seen as a modern, evolved version of the volcano that drew Paleolithic human tribes with its column of ash and lava.
In this context, the fourth consideration emerges: if modern humans, from a physical and biological standpoint, populated a volcanic area in Italy 300,000 years ago, could they have remained there? Could they have developed a culture, a territory-based cult, and knowledge of water sources, streams, and pastures for hunting megafauna?
It is highly likely that, barring any natural disasters that could have caused human extinction, the Heidelbergensis people stayed near Roccamonfina for tens of thousands of years until the arrival of the first Neanderthals and, later, around 35,000 years ago, the first representatives of our current species, the Cro-Magnons, who migrated from Africa.
There were two paths by which Cro-Magnons arrived in Italy: one from Spain, passing through the Alps and the north, and another from Sicily, moving up the Peninsula. It doesn't matter which path came first; what is important is that Neanderthal settlements overlap with those of the Heidelbergensis and that these, in turn, are occupied by Cro-Magnons, seemingly without violence, as if there was a fusion, a hybridization. Indeed, there is a cultural continuity among these three human types, to the point that it is difficult to officially determine whether the artificial structures characterizing Cro-Magnon sites were actually built by them or by their predecessors.

The fundamental issue is this: since the human species were similar, a mixing of their genes is not only possible but highly probable. Contrary to what the most reactionary scientists claim, there are numerous genetic proofs, supported by significant archaeological findings, indicating that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens sapiens underwent genetic fusion, with traits like red hair and fair skin inherited from Neanderthals. And what about culture? What happened to the sacred places, revered as gifts from Mother Earth for millennia?
If we examine the practices of the Cro-Magnons, they revered and respected the same things as their Heidelbergensis ancestors and Neanderthal kin. Particularly fire and the concept of a powerful Mother Goddess linked to knowledge and wisdom, a common attribute of many subsequent goddesses, such as Athena. Fire meant shelter, warmth, security, and also cooked food, easier to eat, thus providing greater variety and better nourishment, leading to more vitality, more children, more life. The goat, along with the flint spear, symbolizes this period. Even more so than the mammoth: the mammoth was a gigantic and dangerous pachyderm to hunt, whereas goats became easy prey, tamable, and a source of additional nutrients thanks to the "invention" of milk.
If we look at the entire area around Roccamonfina, particularly focusing on the mountains (goats live in the mountains, and our ancestors followed them onto the slopes), we notice two characteristic elements of this primeval people. Firstly, the place names: in areas populated by Cro-Magnons, there are many similar place names depending on the locality. This phenomenon is well-known and studied in the territory most heavily settled by Cro-Magnons, such as Liguria, Emilia, Tuscany, Piedmont, and parts of Lombardy and Veneto. In these regions, a pre-Indo-European linguistic root known to scholars as Nostratic has shaped the names of cities, rivers, and mountains. Curiously, but not surprisingly, similar place names are found in Campania, in the province of Caserta, between the Tyrrhenian Sea and Molise. It is strange, at least according to official history, which claims that the first inhabitants of the area were the Italic Osci-Opici of Mediterranean descent and later the Indo-European Samnites, without considering the settlement of prehistoric peoples.
Now, it's incredible that in the 21st century, we still consider these 19th-century visions, which led to genocides and calamities, to be credible and don't instead look at the primordial culture. That the Oscans are Mediterranean seems obvious—they came from Africa! And that the Samnites came from the Caucasus region of Asia seems even more evident, as it was the same Cro-Magnons who went on to colonize the world and then returned to their origins around 1200 BCE!
Essentially, we should strongly criticize the "Fascist-era" view of the Italic peoples, while historical, archaeological, and genetic evidence shows that it was the same Cro-Magnons, known elsewhere as Ligurians, who generated civilization in these lands. Instead, in a kind of reverse revanchism, people search for mythical Sea Peoples and talk about the joke of the Pelasgians, a pre-Greek people who, for the record, were ancestors of modern Albanians and never reached Italy. This misunderstanding arose from a linguistic error by the great Thucydides, which no one has critically analyzed until now.

By carefully analyzing the history of the territory, the irrefutable traces, and the incredible similarities with other places in Italy and the world, we can affirm with certainty that it was indeed the Ligurians who colonized the Upper Caserta region in a modern sense, bringing with them 300,000 years of love and knowledge of the land inherited from their predecessors. This can be easily demonstrated by comparing the falsely attributed Megalithic Walls to the Pelasgians, who lived tens of millennia later, with the monoliths typical of the areas inhabited by the Ligurians. If the latter had the habit of reproducing the sky on earth, according to a truly astonishing religious vision, the same message can be found between the Matese and Roccamonfina.
Indeed, the archaeological analysis of the area reveals exceptional features. We tried to mark, on the 3D virtual map of Google Earth, the locations affected by the traces of Oscans and Samnites, who, as we have said, we believe share a common Cro-Magnon Ligurian origin. The analyzed area stretches from Cassino to Caserta, covering about 65 km in length, while the longitude develops around the heights surrounding the Volturno River, extending to the Matese area, covering about 25 km: a total surface of 130 square kilometers. Today, this area is not densely populated but characterized by cultivated land alternating with wooded areas drying out along the elevations.
Our analysis begins at the border between the provinces of Caserta and Frosinone, in the territory of San Vittore del Lazio, with the megalithic fortified wall, 1.6 meters high, 2.5 meters thick, and 3 kilometers long, on the Marena-Falascosa hill, an extension of Mount Sambucaro overlooking the city. According to some local scholars, this wall circle, built on the mountain almost overlooking the valley, could be the remnants of Aquilonia, the legendary Samnite capital destroyed by the Romans in 293 BCE. But the real peculiarity of the area is a few kilometers south, in the Campanian territory, near the municipality of San Pietro Infine: at the base of Monte Sant'Eustachio, geographically connected to the one where Aquilonia stood, there are two similar walls that converge towards the summit, enclosing a large area surrounded by circular walls. The stones' size is always megalithic, exceeding two meters and weighing several tons. The area was likely sacred, as at the center, there is a large rock protrusion resembling a basin where the ancients mirrored the stars in the sky by pouring water. But the sacredness was also present in an inward sense, towards the earth: there is a large cave used for habitation, another typical feature of these populations (let's not forget that Cro-Magnons lived in caves).
Going 5 km east, in Molise territory, one can find other colossal Cyclopean walls: these are the walls of Venafro, made of basalt blocks, reaching heights of 4 to 5 meters in some places, although only two sections survive today.

Venafro, located in the province of Isernia, lies in the Volturno valley. Following this river, we return to the Campania region to another Oscan-Samnite (and Ligurian) city, Callifae, built on the slopes of Monte Cavuto in the territory of Pratella. At an altitude of 660 meters, amidst a birch forest, stands a southern-facing wall made of white limestone boulders. This wall has a typical pre-Columbian structure: a lower megalithic layer is followed by an upper layer of smaller stones (as if those who later inhabited the area could no longer move the cyclopean boulders).
Within the 6-meter-high and over 350-meter-long wall lies the city itself, elliptical in shape, similar to many other ancient Ligurian and non-Ligurian settlements, such as Catal Huyuk. Excavations reveal little of this town, destroyed by the Romans, who displayed their barbaric side by committing real genocides. However, part of the population survived, thanks to the omnipresent limestone caves.
Monte Cavuto means "hollow mountain" due to the incredible water-carved caves in the soluble rocks. The area thus offers natural shelters probably used by the Cro-Magnons and potential escape routes, possibly through still unexplored passages. The municipality of Pratella is famous for its effervescent natural sulfurous-ferruginous springs (unsurprisingly, the area is known for bottling famous brands of mineral water).

In this sacred and naturally significant territory, it is not surprising to find, just 6 km further east, another megalithic wall, this time in the municipality of Prata Sannita. The "Muro delle Fate" is situated halfway up a mountain at about 400 meters altitude, in direct visual connection with ancient Callifae. Behind this wall, which evidently hides another yet undefined Oscan city, are other remains on Monte San Silvestro in the municipality of Valle Agricola, near a "sinkhole," a true doline opening at 1100 meters on the Campo Rotondo plateau, probably the remnant of an ancient glacial lake.
The doline suggests that the entire territory is hollow and likely connected to the caves opening on the mountains' sides inhabited by Ligurian-Oscans. Seven kilometers southwest, we reach another fascinating site, the mound of Rupe Canina. On what appears to be an artificial mound between the towns of Sant'Angelo Alifae and Raviscanina stands a medieval complex built on a pre-existing Oscan fort, with a characteristic teardrop shape.
The cyclopean walls no longer exist, having been incorporated into the now-ruined Norman fortress. But the location, position, and shape all suggest an ancient site, repurposed in recent times. Nearby, to the south, lies Allifae, today known as Alife, a typical rectangular Roman city, signifying Latin domination and conquest. The Samnite fort of Rupe Canina was likely part of the city complex of Cluvia, which was also razed by Roman legions and stood exactly 8 km further east on the other side of the mountain massif overlooking the plain. Little remains of Cluvia in the territory of Castello del Matese, yet it was a flourishing city often mentioned in ancient documents.

To the west, however, lie some of the most astonishing wonders of this region. In the territory of Vairano Patenora, atop Monte Sant'Angelo-Monte Tauro, stands another enormous complex. The Oscan city of Austicola is situated on a mountain with a remarkable shape, resembling a short-sided pyramid with a trapezoidal profile from the long side, a design seen in other sacred places like Monte San Martino near Piacenza or the natural pyramids of Piediluco. Directly behind this "elongated pyramid" of Monte Sant'Angelo rises a hill with a triangular cross-section, more typical in shape: Monte San Nicola. It has the characteristic 30° slope of its sides, earning it a place among the "prehistoric pyramids" along with the famous ones in Bosnia and many others around the world.
The significance of this 30° slope connection is discussed in an upcoming book, to which we refer for scientific hypotheses. Here, it is enough to note how this inclination was considered sacred by the ancients, symbolizing the link between heaven and earth. Whether natural or artificial matters little; in fact, a natural origin might have led the ancients to regard it as even more sacred, venerating a place that was geometrically and mathematically perfect, and thus in harmony with creation.
Certainly, excavations on the slopes would be necessary, as there may be traces of cladding, likely put in place to protect against erosion, as seen in Visoko.

Thirteen kilometers west, we find ourselves on the slopes of the Roccamonfina volcano. Here, not far away, are the Ciampate del Diavolo; more importantly, an incredible number of megalithic walls rise on the former volcanic cone. At the summit of Monte la Frascara, a few kilometers from the hamlet of Fontanafredda, at an altitude of 928 meters, there is an enclosure of megalithic blocks 2 meters thick and 6 meters high, encompassing an area of about 71 by 34 meters.
This area is known as the "Orto della Regina" and corresponds to the ancient city of Musona, also destroyed by the Romans. However, all of Roccamonfina is covered with megalithic remnants: on both Monte Frascara and Monte Santa Croce, remnants of the volcanic cap, numerous watchtowers stand, and stone snow pits, the ancient refrigerators, dot all the slopes. The peak of the surprise, however, is reached on the third summit, the most recent, formed by the collapse of the volcanic cone: Monte dei Lattani forms a semi-alignment with the other two, undoubtedly reminiscent of the stellar alignments of the Orion or Cygnus constellations.

This is no coincidence, as religious and symbolic connections intertwine with the presence of a statue of the Madonna and Child at the Santuario dei Lattani. This statue, now painted and re-sculpted in a Baroque style, was originally made of lava stone. The lava of Roccamonfina is dark, basaltic, but descriptions of this statue produced before 700 CE describe it as light gray in color… Be that as it may, the fact that it is made of lava and located in a place so tied to the Mother Goddess inevitably brings to mind the numerous Black Madonnas associated with the cult of Isis holding her son Horus. If Isis symbolizes light and fire, it is clear that this statue, a little over a meter high and weighing 300 kg, connects to the concept of Mother Earth, black like lava, nurturing and caring for her divine child, humanity.
A beautiful metaphor, and it is no coincidence that the Santuario dei Lattani, named logically from a calcium-rich mineral spring, was built around 1430 by San Bernardino da Siena, an esotericist and symbolism expert. Indeed, in the beautifully frescoed cloister of the sanctuary, an incredible Marian Monogram appears, the Meri-Amon so closely tied to Isis and the Black Madonna. Nearby, an IHS, Bernardino's true "trademark," is an extremely significant esoteric symbol. These late medieval and pre-Renaissance testimonies, linked to Kemetic and Neoplatonic concepts, bring us to the starting point of this research, the small town of Roccaromana, 20 km west of Roccamonfina.
This town lies at the foot of Colle Trebulano, which gives its name to the historically significant Trebulani Mountains, rich in megalithic remnants. Colle Trebulano has an impressive 30° pyramidal shape, making it a pyramid in "Visoko-style." Roccaromana lies west of the hill, which, at 240 meters high, would be the largest pyramid in the world if its artificial origin were confirmed.

We've seen that these structures are likely natural; however, east of Trebulano lies another fascinating town, Staticula, a small hamlet of Roccaromana, the ancient Saticula cited by Livy as the "wandering city" of the Samnites.
The peculiarity of Roccaromana and Statigliano is that in two churches, the Church of the SS. Annunziata and the Church of Santa Margherita d'Antiochia, one can read the phrase "Terribilis Est Locus Iste," an important phrase tied to the biblical (and also Egyptian and Ligurian) concept of Portae Coeli, the Gates of Heaven through which souls could ascend to the stars. Photos of the two churches reveal extremely significant details.
The Church of the Annunziata was built in 1156 as a chapel and expanded in the 15th century, around the same time as the construction of the Santuario dei Lattani. Inside, one can read, on a shield placed on the ceiling, the phrase from Genesis, while various laurel wreaths, similar to the form of the Ouroboros, are painted on the walls of the nave, and behind the altar, a truncated pyramid radiating with the All-Seeing Eye appears. Needless to say, this symbol has solar, Christ-like (understood as inner enlightenment), and Templar symbolism. The chapel's construction era is Templar, as could be the Drengot Normans who financed the work (for the record, the Drengot family, lords of those places, were related to the Altavilla family).
The Church of Santa Margherita in Statigliano displays similar yet even more intriguing symbolism: next to the inscription, on the arch above the altar, "Terribilis Locus Iste," surprising prehistoric signs appear. The altar, though possibly coincidental, has a modern M shape, making it resemble, with the table above, the Marian Monograms of the late Roman era, while on the reliquary in the apse, a beautiful square-plan Celtic cross can be seen, an exact depiction of how the ancients carved the five central stars of the Cygnus constellation. Coincidence?

In these esoteric contexts, Christianity always proves to be an incredible source of surprises. Thanks to the work of "awakening consciences" by figures like Bernardino da Siena, we can reconstruct the ancient history of an entire region. Indeed, the two "terribilis" indicate that Roccaromana is a place of connection between heaven and earth, a Porta Coeli, like those found in Bobbio, Barcelona, Loreto, and many other places frequented by the Ligurian Crô-Magnons. But why this place? Because of the pyramid of Colle Trebulano? There are no megalithic testimonies yet on its slopes, while the nearby and looming Monte Maggiore is different. South of Roccaromana, halfway to the town of Pietramelara (built like Rupe Canina on a mound of probable artificial origin), Monte Maggiore, rugged and steep though not very tall, shows incredible traces of squared megalithic blocks on its slopes, not very different in proportions from the Baalbek Stone.
Monte Maggiore also has a partially pyramidal shape and boasts, on its southern slope, the presence of a megalithic city. The ancient Trebula Balleniensis was indeed located in the territory of Treglia, its name referring to the ancient Ligurian name of Bobbio and the Trebbia River that cuts through the province of Piacenza. Trebula is a very large city, studied mainly on the southern slope where Punic-era baths have been discovered (the city logically allied with Hannibal, the Carthaginian of Ligurian origin). There are also traces of exceptional trapezoidal megalithic gates, which do not convey the city's vastness. According to the toponyms, Trebula might have been as extensive as the entire surface of Monte Maggiore, possibly reaching Roccaromana!

The key concept is always that of caves. The Crô-Magnons lived in caves until recent times, only building huts and houses during the Bronze Age. Here, too, there are immense underground areas: a vast complex of underground masonry galleries with cisterns, known as the "Grotte di Seiano," similar to the namesake caves in Naples. The walls evidently had defensive functions and were built in remote times when people could still move gigantic stones. The fact that the Oscan-Ligurians lived in caves inevitably leads us to another exceptional place, the Cave of San Michele on Monte Melito, in the municipality of Liberi, in the hamlet of Profeti. From the satellite, numerous monolithic remains can be seen on the mountain slopes. The entrance to this cave, dedicated to Saint Michael after the Lombard invasion but originally linked to the Warrior Goddess (the previously mentioned Greek Athena, Egyptian Neith, or Ligurian Brigit), is absolutely stunning, carved from a rock over 40 meters high. Inside, it looks very much like a Mithraeum, symbolizing the spiritual drive both towards the earth's depths and towards the sky, the stars, and the Gates to Heaven.
Three kilometers east, near present-day Alvignano (a typically pre-Indo-European Ligurian name meaning "grazing place with a river"), stood the ancient Cubulteria, another illustrious victim of the Romans. The connection between caves, mountains, and ancient cities is becoming increasingly dense. On one of the many sites dedicated to local history, one reads, "Inside, a tunnel, impassable, leads to the opposite ridge into a chasm called 'sciusciaturo' for the gusts of wind that blow out."
The question of whether ancient galleries connected the Cave of San Michele and the overlying fortification with Cubulteria cannot be answered, given the total disinterest of official Archaeology in analyzing these places, instead glorifying the work of the Roman raiders. But so be it.

Better to head south along the Trebulani Mountains, pass the interesting Marciano Freddo, rich in probable mounds, and reach the incredible fortified enclosures of the pyramidal Monte Caruso and Monte Santa Croce. These megalithic traces are known as "the settlements of the five mountains" because they involve, in addition to Santa Croce and Caruso, also Monte Verna, Monte Pizzòlo, and Monte Cognòlo (known as Peak 518). These are megalithic complexes with a characteristic drop or elliptical shape, several hundred meters long, not extensive in area, even though houses and dwellings have been found within the walls, indicating millennia-long habitation.
We are in the southernmost reaches of the Trebulani Mountains, where the Volturno River makes a 90° turn westward, creating an alluvial plain where the mountains hold a very high strategic value. And here, to our great surprise, we find an incredible pyramidal hill about which various theories can be proposed. Monte Carmignano is a 160-meter-high hill that rises, like an artificial pyramid, from the Volturno plain. It is covered in vegetation but also shows the fateful 30° inclination. Question: Is it possible that this spur could be entirely natural? The presence around it of two other small elevations, although not pyramid-shaped, fits the "Orion-Cygnus" scheme already seen in Giza.
The hill does not boast Oscan or Samnite remains but is sadly famous for an absurd and atrocious Nazi massacre, to the point that the place is remembered as the "Marzabotto of the South." On October 13, 1943, the third company of the 29th regiment of the Third Panzergrenadier Division, commanded by 20-year-old Lieutenant Wolfgang Lehnigk-Emden, shockingly massacred 22 people, including 11 children, residing in two farms on the slopes of Monte Carmignano. The pretext was alleged signaling to the Allies, as the front line was near. Lehnigk-Emden knocked on the farmers' doors at 8 PM, pretending to be an Englishman and asking for the location of the German lines. At the heads of the families' responses, the retaliation ensued, with unspeakable violence and even impalements of women and children.
As often happens, the perpetrator managed to escape justice and after some years returned to a serene and happy life in Germany. Only decades later, and thanks to the interest of an American soldier, was it possible to reopen the case, although Emden's death prevented further light from being shed on the episode. The reason for the doubts is simple: it was an unmotivated massacre, particularly in its method and brutality, occurring only in places, like Marzabotto, inhabited by Ligurian people and tied to ancestral civilization. The Nazis were expert esotericists and surely knew something about the world's hidden history… It's a matter of understanding the reason for the desecration, even though it is typical of the Forces of Evil to want to annihilate light, the sun, fire, life.

Across the Volturno, the Ligurian-Oscan traces continue with the very important cyclopean wall of Castel Morrone. This town is known to historians for the heroic resistance of Garibaldino Pilade Bronzetti during the Battle of the Volturno in 1860, a sign of the area's strategic importance. The megalithic wall is located on the Gagliola and Castellone hills, which are part of a mountain chain called the Tifatini, looming from the south over the Volturno's course.
The wall is 5 km long, extends at an altitude of about 350 meters, and covers an area of 200,000 square meters, truly imposing. According to some scholars, Plistica, another city destroyed by the Romans, stood here, although Roman traditions claim that, on the contrary, Plistica was destroyed by the Samnites themselves to punish a betrayal in 313 BCE. What stands out among the remains is an incredible "cistern," a kind of tank that obviously cannot be a rainwater cistern due to its location on the mountain ridge. This tank could undoubtedly have a sacred value, that of "mirroring" the sky in waters brought by humans.
Witnesses have reported seeing a stone on the basin floor used as a cover for a possible crypt, where many hypothesize a treasure exists. More likely, it contains statues of the Oscan-Ligurian deities, the Mother Goddess who might be called Kerres here (the Roman Ceres-Demeter), accompanied by her husband, the Father God, associated with the Sun and fertility. A landslide has recently buried the cistern, making it impossible to know what lies under that hatch for now. But just go to the top of Gagliola to discover the incredible: a stone circle, a perfect cromlech on the summit that points north to the 30° pyramid of Monte Caruso!

We have almost reached the end of our journey. Behind this incredible megalithic complex appears Caserta Vecchia, an exceptional town tied to the fairies and magic of ancient peoples, located in a karst terrain marked by gigantic sinkholes similar to the cenotes of Mexico. Nearby lies modern Caserta, and adjacent to it, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, the ancient Capua of Etruscan origins, the capital of Southern Italy before the Roman era. Further west, we reach another ancient capital, Cuma, located in the mysterious Phlegraean Fields. But here we are by the sea, a significant distance from the aerial cities of the Ligurian-Osci, although the traces of prehistoric symbolism find their apotheosis precisely here. Cuma, as we said, was inhabited by the Cimmerians, a people akin to the Maritime Ligurians, while the Osci are Mountain Ligurians… And somehow, as happened in Liguria, the two populations lived separately, some engaged with the sea, others in the forests.
One important detail remains: why the Terribilis, why those two Portae Coeli of Roccaromana. Analyzing all the studied megalithic locations, we notice how some are aligned according to precise lines, lines that suggest constellations. Indeed, the characteristic that allows us to affirm with certainty that the Osci are of Ligurian Crô-Magnon lineage is precisely the star cult, the biblical "as above, so below." If our theory is correct, we should find the forms of the constellations in the sky mirrored on Earth, those linked to the Mother Goddess or the Father God, following the ancient religious mental scheme. To do this, however, our surveys are not enough; we must rely on a more in-depth study, in this case, the excellent pages written by archaeologist Gioia Conta Haller in her "Ricerche su alcuni centri fortificati in opera poligonale in area campano-sannita," published in 1978 by the Accademia di Archeologia, Lettere e Belle Arti of Naples. In this work, Conta Haller analyzes 19 Oscan archaeological areas in the Volturno Valley, all characterized by megalithic walls and the constant visual connection between the settlements: the list includes areas we did not consider, such as Mondragone.
Well, by connecting the locations and mirroring them using an acetate sheet, we overlaid them on a star chart dated to the era of the stunning astronomical map of the Pyramid Monolith of Monte San Martino, which showed the sky as it appeared in 13,550 BCE. Astonishingly, the sky over the Alto Casertano perfectly reproduces the shapes of the inhabited nuclei, thus forming the Sagittarius constellation on Earth, linked to the Mother Goddess and loaded with important astronomical and religious meanings.

Moreover, other constellations are present among the 19 Oscan fortified centers: three stars of the Serpent (ο, ν, and ξ Serpentis) and one corresponding to Monte Carmignano, η Ophiuchis, in the Ophiuchus constellation. Some centers correspond to globular clusters, such as M19 represented by the Plistica settlement, while a possible association with the brilliantly bright Antares, the major star of Scorpius, could occur with Alvignano or Limatola, in the province of Benevento. And Roccaromana, with its two Portae Coeli? Well, Sagittarius is famous for one characteristic: having within it, in a zone rich in interstellar clouds and therefore appearing dark and starless, the galactic center, the immense black hole around which all the stars of the galaxy orbit, the true engine that gives energy to over a hundred billion suns. The galactic center is situated on the map precisely at the Colle Trebulano… Roccaromana represents the center of everything, the point of origin, the gateway through which to return to the Source, that black hole that gave us life and could be the gateway to other dimensions, other worlds, other realities…
At the end of this incredible journey, there are some considerations to make. The territory is dotted with pyramidal mountains at a 30° inclination, full of caves and tunnels, of cities built on mountains with megalithic stones that would be difficult, if not impossible, to move even with modern machinery. An ancient population, with traces that delve 300,000 years into the past and constantly inhabited by successive human species; finally, symbolism that remains clear in its message even after Roman, Byzantine, and Norman domination, absorbed by an esoteric Christianity that provides us with the key to understanding. The area between Caserta and Matese is thus sacred, consecrated to Mother Earth, who is also, however, the Celestial Mother, our galaxy that gives us life and energy. From the planet to the Milky Way, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. A beautiful, moving message that reaches us from hundreds of millennia in a territory too often neglected by archaeologists, major institutions, and tourists.