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The colossal monoliths of Baalbek and the hypothesis of the Giants

Stones 20 meters long and weighing a thousand tons: who managed to lift such megaliths in the past? Perhaps a race of gigantic men from outer space?

The colossal temple of Venus at Baalbek, not even the largest of the complex: the Romans built on a
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The colossal temple of Venus at Baalbek, not even the largest of the complex: the Romans built on a pre-existing megalithic site of colossal proportions.

Stonehenge, Ollantaytambo, Palenque, Easter Island: we have often discussed ancient megalithic structures around the world. Mysterious places like the cyclopean stones of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the gigantic walls in France, Japan, Peru, Mexico, and so on.

These structures are architecturally similar despite being thousands of kilometers apart. It is highly likely that these enormous monuments were erected by a single race that inhabited the Earth in very ancient times, even before the ancient peoples we know of today. But who could this technologically advanced race have been, capable of building colossal monuments with stone blocks weighing hundreds of tons? The hypothesis of the Giants, mentioned in all ancient cultures, immediately comes to mind. They are also present in the Bible and known as the Nephilim. These were described as gigantic beings who fell from the sky and mated with the women of Palestine, giving rise to a hybrid race.

Of the temple of Jupiter only a few columns remain, but its dimensions are colossal, exceeding 40 me
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Of the temple of Jupiter only a few columns remain, but its dimensions are colossal, exceeding 40 metres. What is impressive is the base: the stones that compose it are tens of meters long and equally thick. How was it possible to move boulders weighing over a thousand tons with ancient technologies?

One of the most astonishing colossal temples in the world is that of Heliopolis in Baalbek, Lebanon. The immediate striking feature of this enormous and ancient complex is its size. Observing the main temple of Jupiter, it becomes clear that it is beyond human capability, especially regarding the building’s foundation, where the largest stones, each measuring over 21 meters in length and nearly 5 meters in width, weigh about 1000 tons.

According to official archaeology, the site, attributed to the Canaanites, dates back to the Bronze Age, around 2900-2300 BCE, and is dedicated to the triad Adad-Ishtar-Shamash.

The famous Russian researcher Zecharia Sitchin also discussed it, suggesting that the site was built by an alien race, the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru, around 10,500 BCE, as stated in ancient Sumerian texts. These are the same Nephilim giants described in the Bible.

During the Greek rule of the Ptolemies, the city was renamed Heliopolis, dedicated to the Greek sun god Helios and the Egyptian Ra. Later, during Roman rule, the divine triad was transformed into that of Jupiter-Venus-Mercury.

During the Neronian era, the temple of Jupiter was constructed in 60 BCE, along with the altar tower in front of the building. In subsequent eras, under various emperors like Trajan, Antoninus Pius, and Caracalla, the temples of Bacchus and Venus were built. Finally, Philip the Arab, born in Damascus, constructed the hexagonal courtyard.

A monolith is stuck in the ground a few steps from the temples, weighing 1150 tons it is one of the
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A monolith is stuck in the ground a few steps from the temples, weighing 1150 tons it is one of the heaviest stones ever carved by man. Only human beings of gigantic proportions could have thought of constructions of such dimensions.

However, it is evident that the foundations of this colossal site are much older and are neither of Greek nor Roman origin, given the use of megalithic blocks to construct the temples, a practice not typical of these two great cultures. Observing the size of the blocks, one is again reminded of the similarities with other famous monuments around the world, such as the stones of the Pyramid of Cheops, the cyclopean walls of Cuzco in Peru, the menhirs of Stonehenge, and many other megalithic monuments found in various places around the world, as we have already mentioned.

For years, there have been numerous hypotheses about how these cyclopean monuments were constructed. Our theory is that they were built by literal giants, the same beings who populated the Earth in a very remote, antediluvian era. It was likely a single global culture that built the monument beneath the Roman temples of Baalbek, the pyramids of Giza, the fortresses of Peru, the Moai of Easter Island, and so on.

These Nephilim, or as the Sumerians called them, the Anunnaki, according to Zecharia Sitchin's theory based on his translations of Sumerian tablets, came from the planet Nibiru to extract gold from Earth's mines. They created humans through a genetic experiment to use them as slaves for mining. The ancient triad of deities consisted of Adad (or Sin), an ancient divine king and son of Enlil, the Sumerian god of wind and rain; Ishtar, the goddess of love; and Shamash, the sun deity depicted on a winged disk, possibly the commander of these ancient astronauts. Presumably, these ancient archaeological monuments served as launch and landing bases for their ships.

Megalithic architecture of the Valley Temple at the Sphinx, Giza, Egypt. It shows smooth and interlo
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Megalithic architecture of the Valley Temple at the Sphinx, Giza, Egypt. It shows smooth and interlocking boulders as in Peruvian architecture. Note the size of the blocks.

Whether this is true or not, perhaps the only explanation is that these colossal structures were built by beings of truly gigantic proportions. After everything was wiped out by the Flood, civilizations settled in these places and found the monuments left by their predecessors. Even today, there are many hypotheses about how, for example, the Great Pyramid of Cheops was built; surely not by Egyptian farmers or slaves with copper tools, much less belonging to Pharaoh Cheops, if he even existed. And certainly, those who settled later, the Egyptians themselves, found the three pyramids and the Sphinx already there and remodeled the features of the immense statue. These giants who built the pyramids were probably the so-called Shemsu-Hor, divine beings and followers of the god Horus, who ruled Egypt before the human Pharaohs.

The same thing happened in Peru, where it is clearly visible at Machu Picchu how the cyclopean stones are perfectly fitted together without cement, while the later constructions by the Incas were built on top of them. These are made of much smaller bricks with thatched roofs, typical constructions of agricultural peoples that have nothing to do with the technologies of the previous era, which was destroyed by an immense cataclysm.

In short, the world started anew.

The Great Pyramid is built of limestone blocks weighing 50 to 200 tons, with megalithic boulders in
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The Great Pyramid is built of limestone blocks weighing 50 to 200 tons, with megalithic boulders in the King's Chamber weighing as much as 500.

Besides the stories of the Nephilim or Anunnaki, other cultures and ancient traditions also speak of giants. Among these is the "Edda," an epic poem of Viking tradition. The text states that at the beginning, there were only two realms: in the north, the desolate and frozen Niflheim, and in the south, Muspellheim, a fiery kingdom inhabited by demons led by a giant named Sutr the Black. From the union of the two realms, with ice melted by fire, a gigantic being named Ymir was born. This character is also associated with Yama in Indian mythology. These giants were described as beings with enormous physical strength and great knowledge. Greek mythology also speaks of giant beings born from the union of sky and earth, such as the Cyclopes or Titans. However, these stories do not seem to be just mythology; there are many archaeological testimonies of giant beings found all over the world.

Another impossible object: the Luxor obelisk , 40 m high and weighing 1100 tons, remained in its qua
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Another impossible object: the Luxor obelisk , 40 m high and weighing 1100 tons, remained in its quarry.

In 1936, during the Fascist era, the "Notiziario" (an italian regime newspaper) reported the discovery in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, of giant skeletons ranging from 3 to 3.60 meters in height.

Gigantic femur on display at the Mount Blanco Fossil Museum in the United States.
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Gigantic femur on display at the Mount Blanco Fossil Museum in the United States.

The archaeologists of the time stated that these were definitely a race unknown and living in the antediluvian era, remains of a people who disappeared due to a cataclysm that submerged their continent. It is evident that they were referring to the mythical continent of Atlantis. Among other discoveries, there were skeletons of men 3.60 meters tall inside a cave, also in Mexico, with various objects beside them. But the most startling discovery was certainly that of Hernan Cortes, who, during the conquest of Mexico, took possession of enormous human bones, including a femur 180 cm long. The indigenous people who owned them said they belonged to an ancient extinct race: it is now displayed at the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum in the United States.

Another astounding femur, as tall as a man, was found in the 1800s in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq. In 1577, a human skeleton measuring 5.80 meters was found in Weillisau, Switzerland, and is now displayed in a reconstruction at the local museum. Then, in 1870, the Omaha Indians discovered a burial site with eight giants, whose skulls measured 60 cm. The Omaha knew of their origins through traditions and called them Mu-A-Luska, saying they came from the Pacific Ocean; they were likely from the lost continent of Mu located in that ocean.

In 1925, in Glozel, France, giant bones dating back to 7000 BCE were found, accompanied by giant craft objects. In 1924, in Texas, cave paintings depicting a Tyrannosaurus were found, and in the same state, there were even footprints of giant humans alongside those of dinosaurs; these were considered credible by scholars.

In 1943, in the Aleutian Islands, some military personnel found enormous giant bones, about 7 meters tall. Even in Italy, one can observe gigantic human bones preserved in Nuragic necropolises in Sardinia, and many others are still scattered around the world.

A man found a 1.5 m femur in his garden.
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A man found a 1.5 m femur in his garden.

According to a scientist named Horbiger, in the past, the Earth had multiple moons, which influenced the Earth's magnetic field and caused living beings to grow excessively. Later, one of these moons collided with our planet, causing a massive cataclysm that submerged lands and continents, along with these beings. Perhaps some of them still live today, maybe having taken refuge, as some Amazonian Indians testified at the beginning of the 20th century, in the legendary underground kingdom of Agharti.

These indigenous people claimed to have entered these caves and come into contact with their inhabitants, who were three to five meters tall, as we discussed in the article about the Hollow Earth. How things truly turned out is still unknown, but one thing is certain: the existence of these giants is a reality, and perhaps today, thanks to these findings, the history and origin of our megalithic monuments are a bit clearer.

Human skull compared to that of a gigantopithecus.
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Human skull compared to that of a gigantopithecus.
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For what unknown reason did our distant ancestors dot much of the surface of the then-known lands with those large stones? Why are such constructions often aligned along ley lines that stretch for miles and miles? Are they monuments dedicated to the Sun Cult, gigantic funerary markers, astronomical observatories, or—as many claim—receivers and amplifiers of the mysterious terrestrial currents that flow within the planet, or even actual "acupuncture needles" inserted into the ground to heal the ailing Earth? Whatever the case, the origin of these megalithic complexes remains a fascinating archaeological mystery that has yet to find a definitive answer.

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