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40Hex Issue 05 File 000

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 · 6 months ago

40Hex Number 5 Volume 2 Issue 1                                      File 000 

Welcome to Issue 5 of 40Hex, the monthy semi-annual magazine
published for all those interested in learning more about computer viruses.
Lots of new news:

1) Well, Hellraiser has lost computer and housing temporarily, so DecimatoR
had taken over the magazine. There has been so much new stuff, a lot got
changed since the time I received this issue. Special BIG ASS greets to
him for all of his work on this issue.
2) Digital Warfare is down, as Instigator got busted for phreaking. We will
let you know more when we know more. Before its demise, its virus
collection had grown incredibly, thus stocking 40Hex for life.
3) LandFill BBS went back up. I am back in the scene again. Give it a ring.
4) As of the release of this file, I have heard of more busts, specifically,
Gengis Kahn and Rain Man.... could be rumor.

BTW, for those of you who have the "Anti-FiRe" virus, SCAN 86 catches
it as "Infinity"... probably due to the text it contains. Course, it was
distributed on a VGA loader for the InFiniTy boards... heh heh heh...



40 Hex Mag Issue 5

File 000..............................You Are Here
File 001..............................BUSTED! Instigator's Story
File 002..............................Virus Spotlight: Ambulance Car
File 003..............................The 1963 Virus
File 004..............................Alliance w/McAfee and Dvorak
File 005..............................Virus Author's Constitution
File 006..............................The SKISM Vengeance Virus Hex
File 007..............................Finding Scan Strings II

Greets go out to: Hellraiser, Dark Angel, Demogorgon, Piff', Paragon Dude
Instigator, Night Crawler, Crow Meister, Lazarus Long,
Time Lord, Axiom Codex, and the rest of the Alliance crew.

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