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40Hex Issue 08 File 000

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 7 months ago

40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                     File 000 

Welcome to 40 Hex issue 8. First off, this month is going to be
Boot Sector Appreciation Month at 40Hex. We will have a fully
disassembled Michelangelo, along with a Pakistani Brain variant called
Ashar. But as always, there is a lot of other news that I have to
discuss with all you, so on with the show.

For the last couple months, we have recieved quite a bad rap on
Fidonet. This has to do with the original SKISM Viruses (Like SKISM
1-14). Like everyone, we had to start somewhere. So what if our
original virii blew large goats. Judge us on some of our newer stuff.
Oh, what is this you say? You can't find our newer stuff? Well,
neither can McAfee. Everyone will become enlightened soon enough.
Other people on Fido who have been giving us a hard time, think it
bothers us? Think again, we love it! One of our personal favorites is
Gary Watson, who amuses us with each new post, and Tag Line (which are

Secondly, Hellraiser is back as an author for 40Hex! He currently
doesn't have a modem, but he can at least do some slave work. Great to
have you back HR.

Another way in which 40Hex is going to help support virus community
is by the brand new PHALCON/SKISM Macintosh Programming Team! The four
people involved in that are Renegade, Sixo, Trojan, and Wintermute!
They will be cranking out a lot of quality Macintosh utilities, trojans
and other interesting things very soon! Look for them on all of our

-=PHALCON/SKISM=- Net will be arriving to a BBS near you very soon.
If you are interested, leave mail to any one of our fine support

40Hex-8 Table of contents

40Hex-8.000......................You Are Here!
40Hex-8.001......................PS-MPC (MassProducedCode)
40Hex-8.002......................Putav, an expose!
40Hex-8.003......................Findav -P/S- Style
40Hex-8.004......................Checkav -P/S- Original
40Hex-8.005......................StarShip Virus Info
40Hex-8.006......................Virus Spotlite: Michelangelo
40Hex-8.007......................EXE Infectors and you
40Hex-8.008......................Disassembly of ASHAR
40Hex-8.009......................Ear-6 source en Espa$ol
40Hex-8.010......................Letter to the Editor

Greetings to: The new and improved [NuKE], FirstStrike, Apache
Warrior, all PHALCON/SKISM Members, Backstabbers and everyone else we
forgot to greet!



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