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40Hex Issue 10 File 000

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 · 6 months ago

40Hex Issue 10 Volume 3 Number 1                                      File 000 

Welcome back to yet another issue of 40Hex, Phalcon/Skism's magazine chock
full of virus writing techniques, news, source code, and related info.

First off, Phalcon/Skism welcomes its newest member, FirstStrike. We have
watched him grow from humble beginnings and are confident that he will
continue to produce quality viruses in the future.

We will, beginning with this issue, be phasing out the debug scripts in
40Hex. Although many people find them useful, we feel that source code is
more interesting and worthwhile. The disassemblies are almost always done
by Dark Angel, who advises those with difficulty understanding some parts
of the disassemblies to first skim the entire disassembly to learn how the
virus works. Some portions, he continues, are not commented because their
functions are self-evident and the label names reflect their respective

In the spirit of friendly competition, we have, in this issue, the Ontario
3 virus written by Death Angel of YAM. While on the topic of YAM, we find
it immensely amusing that they continue to adamantly state on FidoNet and
elsewhere that the IVP was not a mere hack of PS-MPC. Ok, it was a rewrite
in Pascal, but the only significant changes were in the labels; even the
comments were remarkably familiar. Please cease this farce; you are fooling

40Hex-10 Table of Contents
March 13, 1993

File Description
0000............................You are here
0001............................Virus creation aids
0002............................Phalcon/Skism Shiny Happy virus
0003............................RNA virus source code
0004............................ARCV Busted
0005............................Green Caterpillar Debug Script
0006............................Virus Spotlite: Bad Boy 2
0007............................A Case Against Encryption
0008............................Ontario 3 source code
0009............................40Hex Survey

Greets to: NuKE, The Attitude Adjuster, and all virus enthusiasts around
the world.

Goodbye & best wishes to : Apache Warrior, ICE-9, and the rest of the ARCV.


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