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40Hex Issue 11 File 000

40Hex Issue 11 Volume 3 Number 2 File 000
Welcome to 40Hex, the industry-standard virus information magazine,
brought to you by your friends at Phalcon/Skism, where our mottoes are
"We don't care" and "We write viruses until we're blue in the face and
green in the eyes." Once again, we continue to bring you only the best
in virus news, programming, and miscellaneous source code.
We welcome our newest member, Priest, who has written a number of
advanced viruses. The source code to one of his viruses, Predator, is
included in this issue.
Also in this issue is Dark Angel's Multiple Encryptor (DAME). This
is one of the more advanced polymorphic routines available. Since source
code is included, you'll probably see SPEW (Sweet Potato Encryption
Writer) coming soon to finer P0taT0 boards near you.
Well, enough ranting -- enjoy the magazine!
File Description
0000.................This file, of course.
0001.................Today's Phalcon/Skism Gripe
0002.................Advanced Polymorphism Primer, Part 1
0003.................Phalcon/Skism Trigger Virus & DAME Source Code
0004.................Virus Censorship (Gripe Part II)
0005.................Virus Spotlite: Leech
0006.................Fun with System File Tables
0007.................SVC 5.0 disassembly
0008.................Predator Source Code
Greets to: NuKE, The Attitude Adjuster, Kenny C., Al, Bob, and our little
potato friends.