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40Hex Issue 14 File 000

40Hex Number 14 Volume 5 Issue 1 File 000
Wow, another release of 40hex. Bet you thought we were dead. Wrong.
Lots of stuff has happened since the last issue of 40hex. The most
important thing to note is that my apartment burned down back in November.
I lost pretty much everything, but miraculously, my 386/33 and the 8 megs of
ram inside it survived a BIG fire, the water hose, then being thrown out of
a 3 story window. All of the information I had was destroyed however.
The next thing I would like to mention is the Wired Article that appeared
about PHALCON/SKISM. It sucked. Besides the fact that I was called the
"Official Archivist", it was filled with standard virus hype. But hey, at
least we get to see a picture of Hellraiser and Mark Ludwig.
** If you subscribed to the Hard Copy, I lost all subscriber information,
** please either E-Mail us or mail the P.O. Box.
Where to get 40hex:
Phalcon/Skism's Top 13 List of Things you Find in 40hex-14
40hex-14.000 Mrrrh, yer stepping in it.
40hex-14.001 Smeg Disassembly
40hex-14.002 Kill Smeg
40hex-14.003 Boot Sectors Explored
40hex-14.004 Assassin
40hex-14.005 And Now for something completely useless...
40hex-14.006 Junkie Dis
40hex-14.007 Virus Spotlight: 3APA3A
40hex-14.008 Corporate Life
40hex-14.009 Grace
40hex-14.010 Level 3
40hex-14.011 Jump
40hex-14.012 UMB Residency
40hex-14.013 Avalanche
40Hex is (C) 1995 Phalcon/Skism. All rights reserved. This magazine may not
be sold or modified without the written consent of Phalcon/Skism.
Greetings flyin' out to: Qark, Antigen, Lookout, Dark Slayer, Theora, cDc,
MHP, #virus, and all the members that have gotten back in touch with us.
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